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About Hawky

  • Birthday 03/31/1995

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    Tiny things

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  1. Happy Birthday 😄, i hope that you will have a great day 🙂🍰

  2. I don't know how many fnaf fans we have here on this lovely site, but I thought I'd make a post for those of you who are! I love fnaf theories. I like hearing everyone's different say on what the back story is. After the release of the fourth game, Scott, the creator, made a statement about how in every other game, everyone jumped on the main point and hidden backstory immediately, but as of yesterday, when I checked, no one had gotten it for this last game, that he's seen at least. In a recent livestream with MattPatt, and many other fnaf theorists, scott messaged them with the words "Four games, one story" and also brought up how in the fourth game, a little girl can be seen playing with toys of the toy animatronics, and that chica's beak was missing and on the ground. Seems pretty insignificant, right? The theorists tossed around the idea that the 2nd game, with the toy animatronics, never actually happened, and was all happening from the mind of the main character in the fourth game as he was dying. Which I can see a few points for making sense. The toy animatronics have always been called just that, toys. What if they're entirely made up in his head from seeing those action figures? Chica's beak was broken on the little girl's toy so she didn't have it all the time in the game. The cut scene like middle sections also show what looks to be you looking out from the freddy animatronic. Could this be the child's soul waking up and seeing his surroundings for the first time? Let me know your theories! I love reading them!
  3. The first one I ever got was ocarina of time, which, for my age, was extremely difficult. As in, didn't ever get past inside the deku tree as a kid difficult.
  4. Weavile is one of my favorite pokemon as well!
  5. I'm a fan personally of Girahim from Legend of Zelda, Skyward sword. I'm not sure why, he just seemed like an amusing character to me.
  6. I totally forgot Pokken was coming out! I saw that trailer and loved it! It looks very well done, and I hope I get a chance to play it!
  7. Minish cap is great! I've only played it once but I liked it when I did play it for sure. I actually just got my husband to start playing it!
  8. I was so bummed. 13 year old me definitely learned my lesson. And that lesson was hey. Don't do that thing you want to do. Easier doesn't mean better. Because you might screw up your entire game. And even when you try to go through the long process of getting said shinies from diamond to alpha sapphire, only a small amount will go through because your game won't recognize them as real pokemon. So your husband, who has black, will be stuck with all these magnificent glitched pokemon and you will have only a few.
  9. This is just a health food related pet peeve, but I don't like that so much importance is placed on eating healthy (As it should, your health is important) but healthy foods are always so much more expensive than less expensive food! Ugh, I hate it!
  10. I always thought that adults were naturally mature. That was an incorrect assumption. Because now, as an adult, many adults are less mature than their own children. I know adults that if you posted that it was sunny outside, they'd argue with you on facebook till they were blue in the face. I know adults that did something wrong, and when the other person resolved the situation, said everything was fine, and the issue ended, came back again because they NEEDED to have the last word.
  11. Oh that sounds like a very frustrating job. But I wished you worked at our school because we could use talented financial aid people. My husband had to turn in an appeal to be able to receive the financial aid we were given, which he did. He got emailed by the people who accepted the appeal, just asking a few more questions, which he answered. A week later, we hadn't heard anything, so he wanted to check on the status of the appeal. Called the office, and they said they'd never seen it. He said "Yes you did, you emailed me about it" They searched and apparently someone lost it. Whoo! /._./
  12. I like peace and quiet. I have a Tibetan singing bowl that helps a lot. I enjoy like...meditative music? Soft Celtic music and flutes.
  13. This is my husband and I on our honeymoon to Disneyland http://oi57.tinypic.com/2cgo8ia.jpg
  14. Uma Thurman by FOB I believe. I mean song wise, that's it.The world around me is a fencing class that I'm spectating.
  15. We've discussed features that are no longer with us that we miss and wish were back, but what are some features that you wish pokemon had, yet have never been in any of their games? I'd love for the sprites for flying/surfing and such to actually look like the pokemon that are surfing or flying on. Everything is a wailmer or a pidgeot in most games. Soaring through the air on a Ho-oh and want everyone to see? Surfing with the mighty kyogre and want to impress your friends instead of having them only think it's a wailmer? What are things you'd like to see in a pokemon game?
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