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Status Updates posted by zimvader42

  1. Daryl and Carol are the friggin' bosses of the zombie world hands down <3

    1. HolyKnight
    2. Cornerman


      thank you zim for your help and support with my profile pic. You're always here and you are a nice chap. also here is a nice triangular buddy for you: http://kellystilwell.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/Screen-Shot-2013-10-28-at-3.31.32-PM-837x1024.png

  2. Gardevoir got her very own know your meme entry, and she has a gallery all for herself now (and for male gardevoirs too). This will make the percentage of NSFW pics on the pokémon gallery drop down, like, 90% or so.

    1. HolyKnight


      thank that to rule 34. Ps: Never go there.

    2. zimvader42


      I had to enter today XD, I was too curious not to. And honestly, is not all rule 34 as I thought, there are also good innocent pics.. they just have to have gardevoir on them.

      Now we need entries for lopunny, latias, serperior, may, dawn, misty, flannery, mawile, weavile, glaceon and braixen, and the pokemon gallery will be cleaned up 100% of NSFW material.

    3. HolyKnight
  3. Soooooo.... a friend of mine told me to watch an anime called Gantz. I wanna, but first, has anyone here watched that anime? Without giving too much detail, how good would you say it is?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maelstrom


      People are divided as to how they feel about the anime. But everyone agrees that the manga is amazing. It stays true to the manga up to a certain point... then it tries to wrap everything up for some reason and then just ends.

    3. Maelstrom


      Gantz. Fight to kill, fight to survive. It has fights, it has death, it has feels. Embrace all of it.

    4. Poetic


      I read a lot of the manga, the blood and gore eventually got so bad I had to stop. Only read it if you are okay with extreme violence.

  4. Well, Over the Garden Wall is over. Ten episodes long. It made me cry. I don't know about anyone else, but to me, this was golden. Didn't expect such a good surprise all of the sudden, but damn it was good.

  5. Over the garden wall started two days ago and I already love it. Is like watching the eeriest, uncanniest and yet most lovely fairy tale.

    1. iowayshay


      is it a show?

    2. zimvader42


      Yep, a minishow on Cartoon network, it lasts 10 episodes and they are being broadcasted this week, two episodes a day. Is a wonderful thing, only 4 eps in and I'm already loving the uncanny everything.

  6. "~There is one question I'd really love to ask: Is there a place for the hopeless sinner, Who has hurt all mankind just to save his own beliefs?~"

  7. Yo, creative peple, what would you call the ghost, bug and dragon eeveelutions if you where chosen to (by gamefreak or me or whatever)?

    1. Show previous comments  22 more
    2. derekwst3


      phanteon (phantom),buzzeon (buzz, seireon (seiryu), Veneom (venom-poison)flapeon (flap flying), Diameon (diamond rock),

    3. zimvader42


      Lol flapeon, reminds me of a song. Anyway, amazing the fact that you have names for them even in japanese. Buzzeon is quite good and phanteon I thought of too but then there's this building of the same name XD

      And for rock, even tho diameon is good, I already decided for crusteon, as bad as it might sound to some. Thanks derekwst.

    4. derekwst3


      cruteon seems good too

  8. Yo Bfrog, wanna battle? I've only had one battle with this new team so far, I wanna see how it goes against your new team(s) as well.

    1. Bfroger6


      Ookie ~

      I was expecting you to pm me about it, and I wasn't really paying attention to statuses.

      I'll be in the Lobby

    2. Bfroger6


      Ookie ~

      I was expecting you to pm me about it, and I wasn't really paying attention to statuses.

      I'll be in the Lobby

    3. zimvader42


      Oh my bad, I'm not too used to PM people unless is something I consider important. Be right there on a couple seconds~

  9. Hey, people who knows about competitive stuff, would you consider a team composed of Excadrill, Espeon, Alakazam, Tyranitar, Greninja and Dragonite a good team for double battles? It is the team that better results has given me so far on doubles, but something about dragonite's utility and movepool, as well as espeon's, is ticking me, I want to know how to improve them...

  10. Holy bananas (dat bfroger impersonation XD), I just found out there was a parasyte anime. Watched 4 episodes today and the whole time I felt as if I was watching a mix of Carpenter's the thing and kyubey... I feel very much complete right now.

    1. TheRealSpark


      hey you have watched it too! It seems to be really good :D

    2. zimvader42


      Ikr? shame that only 4 episodes so far, wonder when 5th comes out

    3. TheRealSpark


      a new episode comes every wednesday

  11. Last week I learned that a "Fern" is the plant that on my language is commonly known as "Helecho". Huh. I should have guessed before, but I didn't.

    1. zimvader42


      Before that, I thought that Fern's name came from "Fernando".

    2. Arkhi


      Similar to how Cain's name comes from cocaine.

  12. For some reason two pokémon that I never paid attention before, Weavile and Wigglytuff, are becoming two of my new favourites design-wise. I yet don't understand what these two just triggered...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Etesian


      Vinny infected you

    3. Wendel


      " I think it makes him more interesting then just some duck lol." Hey now, ducks are awesome as fuck and don't you forget it >:c

    4. zimvader42


      @Etesian: could it possibly be vinny's influence? Huh. Well weaviles are his thing after all, so it makes sense so far.

      @Wendel: you got that damn right sir.

  13. I'm as bad as one can be on competitive playing, why the heck is people still forfeiting on showdown doubles?! Seriously I've had just 2-3 battles to the end. Everyone else? X has left -.-

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. zimvader42


      ok give me a sec. Will it be random doubles or team-made doubles?

    3. Chim


      random would be best until I make a doubles team I guess

    4. zimvader42
  14. Someday, someday I say, I will win a showdown double battle not because of the other player forfeiting. But until that day comes, I guess I'll just say I'm loving doubles.

  15. Well since Ame found the last status update to be offensive by the use of the word, and since Nan and Io do so too, I'm deleting the status update. I preffer not to show on the main screen since it's that offensive. Anyway, here's this instead: OMG Mega Steelix is the personification of badassery. And mega Glalie is not part dark, huh. That's a let down.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I don't think it is all that worth your mega slot to be honest. Interesting mon, but I don't think it is that good a mega.

    3. Bfroger6



      :P That should be Mega Glalie's stat distribution

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      You would hope, but they have done weirder stuff.

  16. Used rpgmaker to play a double battle against Radomus and Luna with my team of 6. Never before was my team destroyed so hard so many times in a row, but I don't regret it. It was an interesting fight. Next step: Double against Charlotte&Serra.

    1. Jan


      That sounds like pain.

    2. Lost Lore

      Lost Lore

      Ssshhhhh, you'll give Ame ideas...

      Horrible, wonderful ideas.

    3. zimvader42


      It would be great actually, if there was some battle building or something to grind between episodes. I use this gym leader mix to grind cuz is funnier than having to harvest wild pokés. But for some reason, I still have my level cap at 70, even though I already got Charlotte's badge. When my Gourgeist gets to 71, it stops obeing and I don't know what to do, so that kind of holds me back from grinding.

  17. MegaBedrill looks like a hivemind drone of vespiqueen. I love this so much <3

  18. Mega Audino, brought to you by Kyubey Anti-entropy Enterprises

  19. Welp, this is becoming too common on my statuses. So the thing is, I have a Gilgamesh-inspired Fakemon. Steel/Dragon, evolves holding a king's rock. Also have an Enkidu-based one, name of which is Enkidra, Fight/Dragon. Well, any names for the Gilgamesh one?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. zimvader42


      Or maybe Gildramesh? Hmmm....

    3. Cepheus


      well if it would have 3 evolution states it could be:

      Dramesh -> Dragamesh -> Gildramesh

    4. zimvader42


      It's a good name progresion, so maybe I should consider a 3 stage evolution. Currently I have Enkid>Enkidra and Gligkid>Gilgdramesh. If I can pull the middle stage, it would work.

  20. Just lost four times in a rough on showdown. Failed all the focus blasts, flinched with all the air slashes, paralysis worked on the two only crucial turns I needed to land my attacks and was ultimately destroyed by a guy with a level 90 ninjask with substitute and baton pass. Today was a good day, but this annoys me. If you had any similar experience with PO/Showdown, tell me for the sake of whatever.

    1. Bfroger6


      See, this is why you shouldn't rely on Focus Blast :P

      But seriously, such stuff happens to everybody in Randoms. I usually start a streak of bad luck whenever I lose a battle, losing the next 10 battles before I finally decide to give up for the day :3

  21. Cheshire + Kitty = Cheshitty. That said, is obvious I can't call that a cheshire cat-inspired fakemon. I already have Chesheerie for the prevo, any ideas for the name of the final form? It's 3 in the morning so creativity around here must be at its max

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. zimvader42


      Draw huh? Tell me what it looks like (the three of 'em) and I will either amaze or disgust you with my not-so-ortodox sketches. That's your choice XP

    3. derekwst3


      everyone has there own idea, a masterpiece is a masterpiece

    4. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      "Cheshitty" made me lol

  22. Hey, what would you (yes you!) call a fakemon inspired in the day of the dead (celebration, not movie)? And a flamenco fakemon? I'm having trouble naming these...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. iowayshay


      I think the Muerte part is like, necessary. I'd be mad if a "Day of the Dead" pokemon didn't have Muerte in its name.

    3. iowayshay


      Plus if your trying to get as close to the legit pokemon "style" as possible, then the name should be some kind of clever play on words.

    4. zimvader42


      I'd be mad if a day of the dead pokémon didn't have "muerte" on the name, but that's more or less the problem XS, thinking of good puns in two languages at the same time is hard. And Flamenca....too literal XD but I think I already dediced on that one's name, it will be, Flamincla! like in, claps.... oh god.

  23. Hey, does anyone else around here think that (maybe) froslass white helmet is snorunt's dead body upside down? It kind of looks like it but just wanted to know if anyone got that feeling too.

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Nope, doesn't really scream that to me. It is the one Ghost type that doesn't remotely feel like a ghost to me.

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      well Jellicent too, but that is besides the point.

  24. Hey people persons, if you were to name a BDSM inspired fakemon (yeah you read right), what name would you come up with? Bondag-something? I need ideas

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. HolyKnight


      sorry bout the puns D:. due to the theme of the suicide Poke, death puns kinda fits it well on my opinion. Also when u finish the game tell me, i wanna play (also tell me how to make it, cuz i retake my choice of making my game xD. More silent hill themed, tough) I kinda have free time if you want more names.

    3. zimvader42


      Hmm actually I still have a lot to learn (mostly about spriting, I kinda suck). I can at least program pokés into essentials, but the spriting drives me nuts. But I'll succeed! MY original idea was just to put fakemon in every episode of reborn after downloading them, so I could walk around in the ground and find dead people, sex slaves, zombies, and such.

    4. HolyKnight



  25. What is people's favourite movie/novel monster around here? Mine's the thing from either Carpenter's movie or the original story.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. KnightZhroud


      hmm, I would said everything as a whole (mostly the world). That was the first fiction movie I ever saw.

      My mind was blown away seeing these people dodge bullets, super-strength etc.

      But the world and the idea of it was very appalling :3

    3. iowayshay


      All of the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park. The novel.

    4. HolyKnight


      Elvira. Nazgul.

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