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Everything posted by Govictory

  1. sacking your whole team to let a slaking with choice band retaliate spam is a silly yet somehow effective strategy in randoms http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/randombattle-390730376
  2. going off of what timber said somewhat don't be afraid to train up more than 6 pokemon Variety is the spice of life and variety is the stuff that makes Ciel's demonic mega altaria go burn in hell
  3. welcome to the reborn forums i hope you are ready to denounce Arceus and accept your lord and savior helix? also quick question if voltorb is a haunter inside of a pokeball does that make you a ghastly inside of an egg?
  4. 9/10 your avatar reminds me of one of my favorite games Okami
  5. i would put some of my other songs down but it is mostly a mix of rap and country (i like diversity with songs) so have some that are neither
  6. hawlucha is avalible in route 2 during the morning hours, he comes out even against samson due to the flying fighting typing that also lets you use the bigtop field effects for either of your hawlucha's typings and a majority of its moves also if you saved some heart scales you can slap roost on it along with aerial ace/wing attack and at level 60ish hawlucha gets swords dance and if you want hawlucha now you can temporarily adjust your computer's clock to like 6 AM go to route 2 catch a good natured hawlucha and train it up
  7. to catch the totidile it is all on luck you need to click it when it is in motion or click the square it came out of while you are in its path which requires once again rng to favor you
  8. Halucha is on route 2 in the morning and it learns ALOT of good moves to counter samson and since you will have that dual fighting typing you will fair well against him if you decide to EV train up abit a good attack ev spot is the seakings and goldeens you can find with the good rod by Amaria and Titania's house, not sure about a good speed ev spot, but hey if you have those ev braces from the mall you can just grind off of the seakings and goldeens for awhile regardless
  9. hmmm a top 10 pokemon thread welp i have no choice but to list mine
  10. http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/randombattle-390449660 porygon 2 eviolite and dexoys defense on the same random battle team lead to some crazy stuff and the clutch ice cream cone at the end saved me
  11. hasn't that what the fan base desired since like what hoenn/battle frontier? i mean they could have stopped Ashe's journey on that high note but nope
  12. inb4 ashe wins kalos league, Serena tells ashe her feelings for him and then the sun and moon anime star Ashe and Serena's kid who they give a pikachu because why not right? it is that or Ashe loses in the finals because charizard x too op and nothing happens with Serena and she gets Mistied by the writers
  13. shameless double post i got swept at fern because i had snivy and a budoof feelsbadman so rip already
  14. in honor of teemo and the coming Teleport spell nerfs that are on the PBE which means more shrooms while the enemy laner slowly comes back to lane, i will be doing what i call a Teemolocke! it is very similar to a team rocket challenge but it is also a nuzlocke so here are the rules
  15. ty for the info *awaits episode 16 for that edgy weavile master race*
  16. I heard it was obtainable in episode 13, where at? and also can someone throw me a download link for episode 13, if that is allowed if not ok i can live
  17. do me, i need a good laugh as i camp top in my next league game as teemo
  18. so what is your stance for event pokemon? i mean will they be fair game or no?
  19. if Radamus is the father of anyone it would most likely be Bennent here is my reasoning for this Bennent used to live with Gossip Gardivoir who is Radamus' Ace pokemon when she was with Serra and from the tv interview Gossip Gardivoir does with Radamus we know he is not married the next thing is we know Serra used to be a model but stopped that to take care of Bennent but she not once mentions who the father of Bennent is and if he is dead or alive, hell no one in the town mentions the father either So i theorize that Radamus flew the coop when he found out Serra was pregnant and Gossip Gardivoir checks in on Serra every once and a while to make sure she is ok for Radamus since he doesn't want to meet his own kid for an unknown reason i guess. That would explain why Radamus does not seem to know Bennent and vise versa. I mean why else would gossip Gardivoir be away from Radamus and also why would Serra talk about the house feeling so empty with gossip gardivoir gone? fyi we have not fought the leader of team meteor yet, Lin is the leader of team meteor Solarsis is the former leader now second in command of team meteor
  20. i have mixed feelings about the idea of pokemon for the player going over 100 i mean on one hand it does stop teams from getting bland for abit but then again it could make alot of post game content trivial because once the player beats all 18 gyms and possibly even the champion beaten all pokemon will listen to him/her/xyr (is this the right one for that or is it wrong or misspelt?) so to mash through post game one could just grind till they hit the cap whatever it could be after 100 IMO i think most of the players pokemon should have a cap at 100 and i stress "most" maybe post game if we are cleaning up the remains of team meteor from the bottom of our shoe we encounter Arceus and he has a level higher than 100. I feel only Arceus should get a boost beyond level 100 because lets be real here, he is the pokemon world god so why should Arceus be bound to a meager 100 level cap? but other than that no other pokemon should break the 100 cap for the player because they arplebs compared to Arceus Kappa NOW NPCs having pokemon over level 100 go for it, like lets go fight each of the gyms again and all of them have their pokemon ranging from 110-115 and their ace being 120. Let Fern catch up again with levels and have an actually decent team with EV spreads and all at about 130 for each pokemon? Because in the end we all love pokemon reborn not just for the story, but also for the fantastic puzzles like the rock hoping one on route ,2 and also because of how painful it can be at times due to it being a legitimate challenge and deep down we are all masochistic inside
  21. by the walking animation i would say yes which means WE CAN TAKE OFF HATS HOPEFULLY and if swim suits are buyable via shop in this game i am gonna get my character a purple speedo and name myself Cain if you catch my drift kappapride
  22. define "cheesing" the gym battle it can't be as bad as me where i spammed common candies on that free onyx till it had 20 hp and then bought like 150 potions and would just potion up every attack because sturdy is total cancer it is how i beat Ciel and how i beat the Garchomp, Mewtwo trainer battle, and the Arceus feelsbadman
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