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Everything posted by Cepheus

  1. What if... Team Skull are actually the good guys? - and therefore Aether are the bad guys - like it's being speculated If Gladion is related to Lusamine (the similarities were talked about) ... like, he is her Son. Gladion would been raised with the Knowledge of Aether-Foundations evil intentions. Type: Null as the prototype of one of Aethers experiments gets stolen by Gladion - to SAVE IT from Aether and his mothers experiments! He seeks out help to stop Aether and his Mother - and the only people that would listen to him are Team Skull! Gladion dons the honorary Title of "Enforcer" of Team Skull. and all the 'bad' things Team Skull is doing (interupting the Island trials etc.) is to hinder Aether in their ambitions, who are still viewed as the good guys by all other islanders... Maybe this also has something to do with the Rivalry of Kukui and Guzma (was that his name?) - Maybe Kukui activeley supports Aether, and Guzma was always suspicious about them? and in the end, after we finished all Island trials, and defeated Team Skull numerous times, we get access to Aethers secret underground lab... where everything is revealed and we have a final showdown with an Artificially created Arceus or something like that, and Team Skull is all like "WE TOLD YOU THESE GUYS ARE BAD!" ...yeah... probably not... but it would be cool
  2. Plasma was never a good team! - only N had good intentions - Plasma were total hypocrites to their cause (that a grunt, who didn't know about their superior goals, never questioned them is beyon my understanding) - so no... we don't count Team Plasma but, well... we always got the Pokemon Rangers, who have yet to appear in a main-series game... if you don't count the Trainer-Class, that is...
  3. stealing the most obvious one: Ice Cream Sand Witch - the Ultimate Pun-Machine!
  4. well, according to that battle-log - and Anna saying that no one was riding Hydreigon... well... Anna sees into the 'heart and souls' of people. example, she sees Charlotte with all that burn-scars, where we don't. When Anna said she saw no one riding Hydreigon, and Lin saying (in that battle-log) that she is now only a shell of someone she used to "suffer on" maybe Anna just couldn't see Lin, because there was nothing for her to see... no Soul.. it was just an empty, heart- and soulless body. Lin being just this cruel person, without any emotion, only driven to reach her goal - whatever it might be.
  5. It is a part of a 'hidden path' later on, that leads to a 'secret area' with a surprise... you will need Strength to make it through his path. I'm not telling what lies there, because I for one still value the secrets of the game to newer players (but some other people actually might tell you...)
  6. I think it was EV / IV EV you gain by training - maximum is 25x (x = something 2-6 ... I'm no expert in this matter) IV is the potential of your Pokemon - the higher the better - maximum is 31 ideally you want 31 IVs in as many stats as possible (don't try to get it at all stats it would be [near] impossible) but this is all competetive aspect, and I don't know how well you know it... I'm not an expert
  7. That Alolan-Vulpix in mar_mar's Avatar-Picture looks like it screams for a hug... :'( I wanna hug and cuddle it now! damnit! why must Alolan-Vulpix cuteness, rival that of Eevee??

  8. As of now Mega Evolution is NOT available for the player. however we can find Megastones already in areas late in the current game. THE BEST Starters are arguably: Torchic with Speed boost -> as a Blaziken learning Bulk Up and having speed boost makes setting up relatively easy and then Sweeping with it becomes a cake walk, most of the time. Froakie with Protean -> great Speed and verstility because of Protean! -> facing of against Electric or Grass Pokemon? - switch your type to something that doesn't gethit supereffectively. Chimchar with Iron Fist -> Speed not as good as Greninja or Speedboost-Blaziken, but higher attack power, and with Iron Fist boosted Mach Punch and elemental Punches from Move Tutor (or breeding...) a very strong and versatile option. also very good is Contrary Snivy once it learns Leaf Storm it becomes a special-sweeping machine! later in the game, you can obtain selected starter-pokemon through in-game events (like Squirtle, Chsepin and Totodile) - a full list of Optainable Pokemon is here: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/game/obtainable.html
  9. Cepheus

    Mudkip quote

    "You stand not before Mudkip alone, but the legion I command!" - Prince Malchezaar (WoW/Hearthstone) "Mudkips! All of you!" - Edwin Van Cleef (WoW) "Mudkips! Servents! Soldiers of the cold dark! Obey the call of Kel'Thuzad!" - Kel'Thuzad (WoW) "I'm surrounded by Mudkips..." - Scar (The Lion King) "I am the Mudkip! Vengance shall be mine!" - Sarah Kerrigan, Queen of Blades (StarCraft 2)
  10. it was more like a joke, used as an analogy... but have you played Ladder recently? - AGGRO-SHAMAN EVERYWHERE!! (and, yeah I don't play it much - most of the time only up to something above 20 for the cardback - and I have so much other stuff to play) but this topic isn't about hearthstone - and don't take everything so seriously
  11. Strategy? My only Strategy is the same as in Hearthstone -> FACE IS THE PLACE! (Taunt is cheat, Healing is cheating!) so, with that - strong attacks with good accuracy (screw you, High-Jump-Kick!) and hit weaknesses ... most of my mons get 4 attacking moves for coverage... only a select few get to set up something (but Reborn and Rejuvenation made me love Sturdy Golem with Stealth Rock^^) most likely due to the fact that I don't play competetively
  12. 1062 you know what... I figured out why, there are mostly dog-people posting in here... The cat-people are just too lazy, and just plain don't give a damn about being the best... because they know they are the best anyway, no matter what some number says. They are cats incarnate! because Cats don't care, what anyone things about them, they live their life how they want! That's the only reason why you guys are winning :3
  13. yay for Reggie! :D

    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. Cepheus


      Pikmin 3DS launches somewher 2017

    3. Cepheus


      all in all there is some nice stuff coming for the 3DS... and everyone hoped it would be so much about Pokemon...

    4. CodeCass


      Can't wait for the SMT 4 sequel!

  14. also the fact that all you dog lovers need to rely on the increased strength (+2) of the Forums Staff-members... can't win when on even ground... GO CATS! 1045
  15. wall of pictures... Those dogs clearly have no idea what they are doing! - Don't trust a dog! While these cats are successfully running business! Hell one of them IS a well renowned doctor! @BlueMoonIceCream - so, yeah! I WOULD trust a cat to be a doctor! GO CATS! edit: also you forgot to rise it to 1042 BMIC sooo... I'm lowering it back to 1041
  16. SHIA? how... how could you betray those cats in your signature? :'( CAT HYPE! 1041
  17. NO! It does NOT correspond with your starter! Inside the save file is a randomly generated number-value, it is generated at the very start even before you get your starter. This random number determines what Pokemon you get from the egg. so even with two different saves where you chose Froakie, you are most likely getting 2 different pokemon from the egg
  18. Kitties are requesting serious reinforcements at the cats vs dogs thread! :3 come on guys! think about all those cute kitten videos you've seen! :3

  19. what the? I go to bed and suddenly this is page 3? WO ARE WE? - THE WILDCATS! WHO ARE WE GONNA BEAT? - THE WILDCATS! THAT'S RI... wait... GO KITTYS!!! 1039 (to any one who doesn't get it... it's an old simpsons-joke about football)
  20. hahahaha, that is awesome! Julia is the best Reborn-Girl!
  21. the funny thing about "eternal Day" or "eternal night" is - no atter which of those you are pursuing... you pursue BOTH! or rather... the world itself already HAS eternal day and eternal night! That's just how the world works, because the world is a SPHERE! Let's say we want eternal DAY! If Team Skull somehow succesfully accomplishes Eternal Day for Alola... well the other side of the world is in eternal Night, because the sun will always be over Alola! SUN --light--> (Alola) O (rest of the world) :::Darkness::: The essentially would 'just' stop the world from rotating... Which would bring total annihilation upon the world... and yeah, both scenarios would bring annihilation upon the world. or in case of Eternal night, the could just build a giant Sun-blocker like Mr.Burns in that episode of Simpsons... but now that I think about it... hmmmm... that giant Sun-Blocker is Lunalaa ... but it must get tired from time to time... constantly matching the world/sun orbit to completeley block the sun... and Solgaleo could be used as a second sun on the dark side of the moon... eh... world...
  22. well I hope we DON'T get to see anymore completeley new Pokemon! Why? Easy - In my opinion, we've seen enough... There needs to be a bit of a mystery regarding other pokemon - the thrill of the unknown! With each new Pokemon we get to see I always fear "What if that's it... the last new [basic] Pokemon..." Alolan-Forms would be fine for me, although I don't want to see all of them either They could show of more of the world, or more of Pokeride... other new or returning old features - like the return of the friendship-checker, - finally be able to see the Type Hidden Power will have on your Pokemon (oh god I want THIS so bad) - without having some NPC in LATE-game to tell you... so that you can forget its typing within 2 days without playing... (god that's why I despise Hidden Power) - hell, give us the Fangames EV/IV Screen if we already get the IV-Boost-Training thing!
  23. Edit: a certain someone just deleted his post, making this one obsolete... also - Egypt was just the first step, and the conquering was merely a setback! Do you truly believe, that cats would leave the world to those who are totally dependand on a dumb human?
  24. You are not alone! 1008!!! Wake up people! Cats already rule this planet! They started with ancient Egypt, and now they rule internet!
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