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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Cepheus

  1. Well... a German Games-News site i frequently visit just put up an Article "What the new Generation games of Pokemon can learn from a fan prioject - Reborn vs Sun&Moon" and I was like ... OH SHIT! :D

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Cobalt996


      ~~But the thing I hear complained about more oft than not is the fields, tbh~~

    3. Fezzdog
    4. SilverJakler


      That's actually pretty cool.

  2. I started my Nohr playthrough and startet at the proloque again... now I'm at the point of making the choice... and it just feels so wrong to chose the Nohr after all this hoshido reveal of the past stuff... I feel bad and evil just thinking about it...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Garnet.


      intsys: europe did everything wrong and u should feel bad for picking them bc being swayed by your feelings are bad!!!

    3. Garnet.


      intsys: meanwhile, japan did nothing wrong ever and is objectively the best country in the whole world!!! ryoma is cool nd ur siblings are all nice nd like u except takumi BUT it's not his fault he's brainwashed!!!!!

    4. Garnet.


      the yellow man is biased as all hell

    1. Bearadactyl


      I feel bad that transferring things is a major mechanic of the game.

      I think it goes against the series to transfer 90% of what you catch.

    2. ShadowStar
  3. oh boy... reading all that stuff gives me shivers, for when I start playing conquest in the next few days... ah who am I kidding, I'll go DLC grinding and playing on Normal difficulty xD So I finally beat Birthright after 110 hours of playtime... The last Two Chapters (27 + Endgame) - even on Normal, the difficulty spiked a lot... well... only in terms of Abilities, I still killed everything in one round. I was surprised to see that one Berserker in the middle of the Room with Counter and Swordbreaker and some other stuff, when there was like nothing on the enemies in Chapter 26. Speaking of Chapter 26... Kaze, Saizo and Kagero where cutting onions in the background... damn... the events unfolding, the background music for the battle... *sniff* anyway... I was a bit dissappointed by King Garon... he was... weak, even with his Dragonscales cutting all damage in half I totally obliterated him in one round... ok I had Luna on Azura who was teamed up with my Avatar - who in turn had the Nohrian ability, that allows to use the Ability of the Support Partner - so I got two attacks which both triggered Luna... aaaaaaand he was gone. Endgame - oh my god... 78HP, 56 Attack... what? jeezuz he one hits almost everyone... except when I couldn't figure out how his attack works... Can someone please explain it to me? His Weapon has 30 Might, he has 26 Magic = 30+26 = 56 Attack ... so it is a Magic weapon... or so I thought... He would one shot Hinoka, with 36 damage... however Hinoka had 36 Resistance! 56 - 36 = 20 ------ he should have only dealt 20 Damage... and against Ryoma, who only had 16 Resistence, he only dealt 17 damage??? Scarlet with 10 Resistance would take 20 Damage... WHAT??? HOW DOES HIS DAMAGE CALCULATION WORK? I even calculated from Defence and his strength, Strength and Reistance, Magic and Defence... nothing made sense! anyway... not considering this wonky damage calculation the Endgame chapter was so ridiculously easy, since he barely moved and never initiated an attack, despite being in range (he could have easily killed 3 or 4 of my units, if he would have attacked...) I cleared out the entire right side of the map... which was a lucky guess of me because there were less units. I gathered my troops in his range (since he wouldn't initiate an attack), use some debuff staffs on him which actually worked! -4 stats for one turn AND half HP for 1 battle both hit him! that was so hilarious! after that I ran in with Avatar/Azura (after Rallying ALL the stats I could) doubling him again with 2 Luna attacks, activating thorugh that Nohrian ability, totally overkilling him in one round ... he didn't even hit me one! (he had like 15 Damage 35% Hit against my Avatar - well and Azuara had Dual-Guard ready anways...) In the end, my team was average Level 14 - my avatar was 17 I guess... and most of the Child units stayed on level 10 (all promoted of course) and I had no problems what so ever in the 2 Final battles... now I kinda wished I would have played on hard.
  4. Anas worst Enemy is her own Team! *Tank is about to die* - *Aims at tank to heal* - *shoots* - *another Teammate walks into the line of fire* - *Tank dies* *Ana RAGES HARDCORE* *Aims Nanoboost on Reinhardt* - *Presses Q* - *Torbjörn walks into your line of fire* - *Torbjörn gets boosted* - *Team proceeds to die* *Ana RAGES HARDCORE* The fact that she lacks mobility like Widowmaker and Hanzo makes her so hard to play, because it is so hard to get into position and/or escape
  5. yay! I thought that would be the case but didn't want to risk it on claiming all the gifts and seals now, and then have nothing left for my serious Revelation run later on... once I finished Birthright and Conquest Currently I have 102 hrs in Birthright and just beat Chapter 26 - those feels *BibleThump* (we totally need the twitch BibleThump emote here on the forum) and I can see me grinding in Conquest through DLC... *sigh* at least I'm getting a huge load of Content/play time for my money
  6. argh! Fates why are you giving me the feels with Chapter 26 of Birthright??? :'(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. AuthorReborn


      The boss won't attack in Normal or Hard, but will charge at you in Lunatic.Any way you play it, his stats will be reduced from you previous encounter (Chapter 12).

    3. Chase


      Chapter 12......God, here come some 'Nam flashbacks.

    4. Cepheus


      yeah I realized that... he started attacking on Turn 8 or 9... only the 2 Stragists were left alive when he started charging in...

      and I one-rounded him xD

      yeah chapter 12... I considered grinding the hell out of it so I could try and beat Xander and Garon right there... but after realizing that I would need to grind up to promotion and then even more levels with only getting 1 XP per enemy, I decided against it and killed everything except those two^^

  7. yeah, Hana is build for all those dodges and Magic Resistance (20+ Resistence) but is very fragile with just barely above 10 Defence (Katanas reducing Def and Res isn't really helping...) I got Counter on her because I haven't found anything better yet, and with the thought "If she gets hit REALLY hard, but survives, she deals this damage right back with Counter" but I'm searching for Lifetaker/Renewal right now but even though my Hana is pretty strong damage wise, 27 Strength (currently) with +2 Sunriise katana which has 7 strength = 36 Attack and with a speed of 36 (35 base +1 Katana bonus) she doubles almost everything - the only ones with more speed are Kaze with 37 (with shuriken +2 bonus) and Selkie with 39 (holding Beaststone+) respectiveley and when I'm scrolling through my units... a lot have a speed of 30-35 my Felicia is capped at 35 as a Basara currently (god I need to grind her some Support levels to get her a defensive class... to boost her poor defence) and a few quick Questions regarding DLC: 1) If I buy the Map-packs now, I will have them for the other routes aswell, right? (multiple buying of the same DLC would be a total dick-move after all - I mean it's extra data that is compatible with all 3 versions...) 2) DLC Gift-Items from Anna (Ballistician or Witch promotion-seal and Stat boosters) which were free for download - can I access them in all versions or just once entirely? - I'm assuming I can get them in each version, since it's just data on my DS that get's unlocked in the game...
  8. woah... Hana being bad? - granted she is very fragile in the beginning... but: she is a nigh indestructible Tank as a swordmaster in my playthrough... maybe because of some skills I bought from other Castles: Duelist Blow, Astra, Vantage, Sol, Counter equipped with a Sunrise-Katana +2, she currently has a natural evade of 92. (and I hope to get a few more Sunrise Katanas from random events so I can power it up even more xD) she evades everything, and even when hit (if it's not fatal... she still has poor defense) - she heals right back up with sol, or wrecks things with Astra and/or Crits. Axe users permanently have 0-10% chance to hit her. I just wish I could swap her personal Skill for something else... like Swordfaire, Lancebreaker or Hoshidan Unity just to make her a total monster... and I'm currently thinking about swapping Sol for Lifetaker or Renewal... it's so hard to create a Monster with only 5 skills xD
  9. well my castel just got visited by someone with a level 99 Avatar... level 70 Saizo, level 40 Azura, Ike and Jakob... what the hell?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. ShadowStar


      Grinding for PvP shenanigans

    3. Cepheus


      yeah... I wanted to grab a skill for Sakura and and saw that well... everything fortified and that lvl 99 Avatar sitting on that throne... just no chance :/

    4. Cobalt996


      If you want to grind for shenanigans, do it on Lunatic :3

      (Don't actually, unless you already cleared Lunatic)

  10. Currently on my watch list: - One Piece (since forever^^) - Dragon Ball Super - Sousei no Onmyouji - Boku no Hero Academia (re-watching just because it's that awesome - and impatiently waiting for Season 2) - Pheonix Wright - Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V - Digimon Adventure Tri. (whenever they release the next batch...) I want to like the new Berserk... but I just can't... I can't stand this weird 3D effect... waiting for: Attack on Titan Season 2 One Punch Man Season 2
  11. that moment when you spend the last few days hunting castles in FE Fates and spend all your gold on skill...

  12. I FINALLY 100% Pokemon Picross (Normal mode) without paying anything :D JEEZUZ - it wasn't really hard or anything... it just takes so long to get enough currency to unlock all the areas...

  13. since everyone is adding quotes and such - I'll be adding quotes and such to mine now, too! (character in the spoiler tag above for reference) Description: A wandering swordsman, who fights for justice where ever it is needed! He might not be the strongest or toughest, but his swiftness makes up for it! Quotes: Support: > Justice ain't gonna dispense itself! > My Blade is yours. > Justice smiles upon us. > They won't see us coming. Dual Guarding: > Not today! > Look out! (to Partner) > Why are you even trying? > YOU cannot judge us! Dual Attacking: > Not enough? > For Justice! > I'm not done yet! > In the name of justice! Assisted victory: > Nicely done! > He, you're not half bad. > Swift like the wind. > Hmmm... Critical / Skill Activation: > You're finished! > Ha! Game Over, pal! > Justice will be done! > Through my Blade Justice is served! Victory: > Justice is served. > Gone with the wind... > Verdict: Guilty! > Hmpf... Defeat: > (Casual) Damn it! - Justice has to wait another day... > (Classic) Is it... over? There is only... darkness before... me... > (Voice Clip) I have been... judged? Level-Up: Low: Injustice! Normal: As expected. High: For Great Justice! Capped: Guess that's my limit... Promotion: With this I can serve justice a lot better.
  14. hmmmmm... interesting... Ceph Personals: Bushido (Ryoma), Noble Cause (Shiro), In Extremis (Scarlet) Class: Myrmidon - promotes to Swordmaster / Weapon Master (screw Samurai, I'll be the cooler counterpart of all the other games! ... seriously, why doesn't Nohr have a Myrmidon class?) Skills: > Personal Skill: Bushido (When own level higher or equal to support partners -> Critical Rate +10, Damage dealt +2, Damage recieved -2) > Sol (Restores HP equal to half the amount of damage done to the enemy - Activation Chance: Skill/2 in %) > Death Blow (When user triggers the battle, Critical rate +20 - Passive) > Leathality (Chance to instantly kill the enemy - Activation Chance: Skill/4 in %) > Astra (Chance to strike the enemy 5 times with 1/2 of the normal damage [every single hit has a chance to be a critical hit] - Activation Chance: Skill/2 in %) > Lancebreaker (Hit/Evade +50, when enemy equipped with a Lance) [GOD it was so painful to choose... you know... if there was a reveres Duelist Blow (gain Evade when the ENEMY attacks), I would have chose that instead of Sol] Growths: HP: 40%, Strength: 50%, Magic 0%, Skill 60%, Speed 60%, Luck 40%, Defense 25%, Resistance 30% Modifiers: 0 Strength, - 3 Magic, + 3 Skill, + 2 Speed, +1 Luck, 0 Defense, +1 Resistance Weapons: > Killing Edge (A highly potent and Lethal Sword. High Crit rate and increased Critical damage, -10 evade) > Sunrise Katana (A Blade suitable for defensive Combat. low damage, high Evade) [> Practice Katana (Light as a feather, and used in training. Additional bonus on speed)] - yeah I know only one side-arm... but I like my Practice Katana +2 in game
  15. GAAAAAHHHH!!!! SCREW YOU MOBILE PHONE INDUSTRY!!! I never needed any updates, and now when I want them becauese some app is not compatible with the version I have You tell me my phone isn't compatible with the latest version??? BY ARCEUS AND THE ALMIGHTY HELIX!!!

    1. Cepheus


      I need to punch somethings...

      GAH! I'm so pissed right now!

    2. Cepheus





    3. Neo


      you're gonna have to wait for your carrier's phone specific version on android before you get to update :^)

  16. "There is a new OS Version available for this device" *klick download* "You already have the latest Version" WHAT? Oh hell no I don't!

  17. ugh... I just want to download Pokemon Go... but I haven'T done System-Updates in like... ever... *sigh* now I'm stuck updating my Android Version...

  18. YAY! Pokemon GO finally released in Germany - can't wait to get home to download and start my journey to become the very best! :P

  19. the on crucial information I got from the new trailer: we get WILD Eevees again! YAY!!!! \o/ and hell yeah - wwe are going Hat-less guys!! but what the hell is it with those Power Rangers / Super Sentai poses???
  20. Shuffle!!!! *shakes fist* why are you giving us a THIRD Pikachu? and in a Safari which we already had?? argh!!!

  21. only 4 Episodes? what about "Second Breakfast", "Brunch" and "Midnight Snack" or even "I'm bored snack"?
  22. I don't have Pokemon GO yet (they delayed it in Germany because of all the Server Problems...) but this is triggering all my gamer/anime senses right now:
  23. oh wow... well... I was never the min/max-ing kind of guy so... I kinda had a hope that I somehow missed something or I could use it in my Nohr-run (whenever I will get to it... I have so much stuff play) and I feeeeeeel really dumb now... because I just now realized that Rhajat is Tharja - just scrambled up... jeeeeeez I'm dumb xD also I would have prefered if Rhajat would have started as a DARK MAGE instead of a Cleric... I mean they tell you everywhere that she uses DARK Magic... and also, when I talked about the Retainers of Nohr being copy-paste characters... and someone said I would hate Hoshido children because of it... I somehow expected a whole bunch of copy-paste but... well, I did every child-quest now (except Jakob because he came too late to get a wife...) and there only 2 copy-pastes... namely Rhajat being Tharja and Asugi being Gaius (whos names are also just scrambled up... jeeeez) edit: welp, I somehow forgot about Caeldori - who is actually Cordelia... What is with me and always forgetting about red-head Pegasus-Knights (Mother s Hinoka)?? damn... (as a matter of fact, I recognized her looks... but I totally forgot the name and had to fire up Awakening again for confirmation)
  24. soo... I finally had a visitor to my castle, and in return I visited and I looked at their team... HOW THE HELL did that guy manage to have half his team end up with apptitude? - I thought only Villager classes (in this case Mozu) and their child can get it (he was Nohrian... I guess... he has played at least 2 versions since he had a Dark-Warrior... or what ever that class is called in english)
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