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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Status Replies posted by Aurorix

  1. I hate the heat. Can't even relax in my room when I have two fans on >.>

  2. Woke up this morning, and Roy was confirmed. Do you even know my hype right now? I demolished my bed sheets, they're everywhere x3

  3. Fair warning: I eat meat. You are made of meat.


  5. Vinny is the Weavile President! Kosher is V.P. and First Lady! Arkenciel is That Sneasel Boy! Yay to all of our candidates!

  6. ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ WOOT ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

  7. Thanks Chubb&Simon,bringin me to 6000 and Ace <3

  8. I'm really feeling it!

  9. One day, I'll fly away.

  10. Guess who's hyped for Lucas DLC in June?~ I am!~ <3

  11. "Screw it, I can't find a good avatar anyways, it doesn't matter WHAT I pick" Reason I am now a Brick.

  12. For some reason, I want to make a Phoenix Wright Reroll. It'd take a whole lot of planning though.

  13. There are only 12 badges so far in-game, right? And the level cap after getting that badge is still 75, correct? I've forgotten and would like answers to these, so thanks in advance.

  14. Got 999 rupees, close enough.

  15. which ones better gardevoir or gothitelle

  16. It's been a great birthday so far. :)

  17. Art thou really feeling it now, Mr. Shulk?

  18. I skipped the 2000 posts celebration and went straight to 2050 i guess :/

  19. Starting monday for the next 3 months i will be writing a series of final exams and entrance exams that more or less rule my life. I'm nervous af. Forgive me if i can't come on the server often or post much...

  20. Time for a new profile pic. Guess who this is to obtain a cookie~ <3

  21. Time for a new profile pic. Guess who this is to obtain a cookie~ <3

  22. Time for a new profile pic. Guess who this is to obtain a cookie~ <3

  23. Time for a new profile pic. Guess who this is to obtain a cookie~ <3

  24. Time for a new profile pic. Guess who this is to obtain a cookie~ <3

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