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Status Replies posted by Aurorix

  1. Since I released it rather late last night, I'm going to reaffirm that I have in fact released Chapter 3 for Requiem. It would mean a lot to me if you stopped by and left your thoughts on the series and it's most recent chapter. Have a wodnerful day~ http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19366

  2. I got a 2DS for $99! .......but it's pink......

  3. You know, I want for once to be considered a person. I am one too you know. But, I feel like I never get to be. I just get to be that punching bag everyone needs to feel better about themselves. I try to consider everyone else, I try to see things from their point of view etc, but no one ever consdiers me, no one ever has time for me. I'm just not worth their time to even remember. That's makes me feel beyond worthless. If I'm not worth the time to consider... why should I even be...

  4. Wasp....in my house.....in November? gtfo wasps, u scare me ;_;

  5. *Attempts genocide run*.......thought I could do it....but I can't, I just.....can't ;_;

  6. Bow before the almighty Garbodor. http://prntscr.com/8txfd5

  7. Sini killed my internet, raid him. Streaming tomorrow.

  8. *Throws Quick Ball*

  9. SmoothMcgroove's stuff is still amazing lol. Makes me wish I played some of the games he does his covers on not going to lie lol.
  10. My life right now: Grinding in heartgold on my nuzlocke run.....just beating up a bunch of level 21 tentacruels ._.

  11. My life right now: Grinding in heartgold on my nuzlocke run.....just beating up a bunch of level 21 tentacruels ._.

  12. *Finds the carcass of a bird dragged out of the woods where he tossed it earlier* Fuck you, neighborhood cats...

  13. Got my first Prime Warframe and Weapons. It Took about 4-6 days to do, hope it's worth it.

  14. Dead birds keep showing up on my fucking lawn... damn stray cats.

  15. Typhlosion used Eruption! P.S.: Typhlosion is a field effect gawd :]

  16. Just glitched the Nebilim boss in Tales of the Abyss to stop attacking entirly. Thus letting me kill the hardest boss in the game by just wailing at it for 2 minuets x3

  17. You ever just listen to a song... and just know from the very bottom of something in yourself that it's just... something great? You then end up finding yourself listening to it everyday and thinking to yourself... maybe you just found your new favorite song lol.

  18. Patches ago, the 4 FE characters sat in low tier. Everything changed when t3h ph1r3 nation attacked

  19. TFW you get the shiny charm

  20. Why do we have to wait until 2016 for FE:Fates? Japan is getting third path DLC in July before we even get any paths.

  21. WTC time! Today's character comes from Pineapple. First to guess correctly chooses tomorrow's character. Who's that character? http://i.imgur.com/3sOsqk6.png

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