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Ojama Yellow

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Status Updates posted by Ojama Yellow

  1. most horrifying things known to man



    1. Wolfox



      If nothing else you have an extremely cute Blue Eyes to look at

  2. I did hit her

    its true

    its not bullshit


    I cant b reathe

    1. Plok







    2. Hycrox




      what a story mark


  4. never has jaden been chazzed up harder.




    yes, this was actually hard to pull off.

    1. Wolfox


      He got hit by the


  5. sometimes I tell funny jokes


    like when I said id slip back into inactivity here


    yeah hahaha





    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      I dont KNOW and im panicking

    3. YinYang9705


      Its reborns curse, you can never leave.

      accept your fate.

    4. Nyaagisa The Maid

      Nyaagisa The Maid

      We had delved to deep in the Reborn fandom that we can no longer escape. I swear I saw death spiral machine somewhere

  6. what the fuck am I even running anymore in duel links



    1. Wolfox


      Bakura. still the best character from DM

    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      the destiny board skill isnt even good, my opponents in plat just continuously allow me to set up my backrow for the fuckening.

  7. 0wQmFVC.png


    wow nice garbage

    1. YinYang9705


      Still better than stealth union, I'll tell ya that.

    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      roids are fucking garbage and they didnt even give us the better roids yet. stuff like drillroid? YEAH TOUGH LUCK BUDDY TAKE RESCUEROID, AMBULANCEROID AND DOUBLE CYCROID


      hell, literally one of syrus's drops atm isnt roid or roid support, and it also happens to be his best drop. its like jesse all over again.

  8. jesus christ I never knew camulas theme was this sick in the original japanese yugioh gx why did I even watch the first three seasons dubbed



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Wolfox


      true, Zane would have had her had she not taken Cyrus (the one time he's useful and he's useful against the good guys. Now that's just ironic)

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      I just realized they never released zombie werewolf in the tcg.


      what the fuck, that was like the only good monster card in her deck.

    4. Wolfox


      never trust Konami to make interesting cards in the anime a thing. When they do they butcher it or they bring over cards nobody asked for (scramble egg much?)

  9. WCOdNvU.png


    playing eheroes with bonz is one of the strangest things ive done in this game so far

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      commonly used as well. partly because theyre so cheap to build (sea stealth attack or archfiend decks are overall more powerful but also much more expensive atm), and partly because multiple have made it to king of games already. theyre actually pretty neat, though I havent used them yet.

    3. Wolfox


      I know a bit about Alien (played them a bit on an older DS game) and I kinda like how they serve as a control and beat down based deck

    4. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      its basically all they do, but they do it damn well. alien counters are pretty strong atm and aliens can do all sorts of neat things with them. theyre also pretty much the only deck to be able to run only archetype-specific backrow. luckily nearly all their cards, barring like one of their quick-play spells, are really easy to get due to their low rarity.

  10. had to start writing the bibliography of a paper fifteen minutes before the deadline because some dude forgot




    only a few heart attacks np

    1. Zargerth


      teamwork at its finest

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Jess


      I really thought Baton Pass was banned... :o 

      Plus, don't mind me, but I'd take Mr.Mime over Gardevoir every day :P 

      Meme mime too stronk.


      Edit: Just saw it's anything goes O.O

    3. Wolfox


      Who said I was talking Garde? Tapu Lele in allowed in AG

    4. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      its anything goes because I can go wild there.



  11. and now for the meme that hasnt shown up in my status feed for like a week



  12. insert daily bitching about duel links ladder here


    ive tried to rank up to king of games today. after nine consecutive wins, my rank was raised from legend 2 to legend 3. I literally needed to win one more match to rank up to king of games.


    the next match was against sea stealth attack. I lost. the two matches after were too. I lost both times and got demoted back to legend 2.


    someone hold me tight because my salt is off the goddamn charts holy fucking shit why did they allow this literally every form of staple backrow that existed in duel links before gets fucked massively by sea stealth attack this isnt even funny anymore

  13. gather round kids, its storytime


    today we will learn why bibs is a fucking idiot



    1. Wolfox


      would happen to me as well

    2. Sayia


      Sometimes I forget where I put the thing that is exactly within my eyes..

  14. im so salty


    WHY it take months for duel links to semi-successfully nerf a deck that was insanely broken to the point where three very specific things countered it and everything else died super hard against it


    only to put cards in the new box that do the exact same goddamn thing


    im just



    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      *did it too I cant english

    2. FairFamily


      Because powercreep sells.

  15. jesus christ sea stealth attack decks are powerful

  16. I honestly cant imagine crowler as the bumbling idiot he was in gx anymore after all the asses hes been kicking since his release in duel links.

  17. seems like I was destined to play ancient gears.



    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Zarc


      Yeah geartown is one of the most powerfull field i ever seen. And it has been nerfed cause now you can't destroy your own field just by putting another one. Before you could , and well it was very broken.

    3. FairFamily


      I remember playing magical hats in ancient gear just because of geartown. Who doesn't want 2 3k beaters?

    4. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      especially so considering theyre 3k beaters with built-in anti-magic arrows. or as close as it gets, at the very least.

  18. to everyone remotely interested in duel links- I highly recommend checking out the game atm. crowlers event has returned, and a new box came out. both are pretty relevant in the current meta and can bring you to king of games at the moment.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Shamitako


      I was going to make a joke about being less interested than that but I failed ;n;

    3. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      you may have failed at getting the joke across, but the bamboozle was still a success.

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Partial success is definitely still a success lol


  19. am I a man, or am I a meme


    havin a real existential crisis here

  20. and now for the obligatory meme status



  21. at times, I really do wonder what my life currently would look like had I not come across this place when I did.

    1. Wolfox


      how many times does "meme on reddit" come up?

    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      I didnt even start memeing until some people here got me into it.

  22. god didnt create me to wake up early, send help


    and chocolate


    but mostly help.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Hycrox


      i know your pain buddy


      also, 666 oof

    3. Zargerth


      I'll send Link

    4. pyrromanis



      ~~now imagine to have to wake up at 6 am everyday :(~~ 

  23. hope everyone is having a


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