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Everything posted by Vinny

  1. ah yes I can't wait for all this work to be meaningless when Lin blows up the city again :] What is classified as a "non-event"?
  2. Guess I already introduced myself to you in a way, eh? But well, I should do it properly: Well met FeralGator. Welcome to Reborn! ...wait a second, Gator? **Flashbacks of the Gator wars** We gon' have problems round these parts - reloads shotgun Jokes aside, nice to see a fellow Gyarados fan here \o/ But my favorite poke is Weavile :] Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy your stay here. It is permanent, after all. Be seeing you o/ And if you have any questions, feel free to ask me or the rest of the staff o7
  3. Vinny


    tá tranquilo tá favorável
  4. Did that pass as sass? That was far from my intention, though. If you've been around Reborn for a while you'd know Gyarados reputation as an awesome sweeper and completely gamebreaking at the start of the game. But of course, I should assume not everyone knows that, so sorry if it looked like I was sassing you at any moment. I'd love to explain that I know how you feel about Gyara, but that would de-rail this topic. I'll save that for later. So, just to finish this: Gyarados isn't available anymore, but it will be one day.
  5. More weird since I don't remember ever playing FFVI. welp~ yesssssssssss and oh shit this is smooth
  6. ohshit, I've seen you around the server and you're pretty cool, ngl~ It does feel fitting that DJ should get a song, no? Or since you're the DJ, you should give us a song... Wait I got sidetracked. Happy birthday DJ!!!!
  7. Is your soul dark yet @Jeri? @Anyone
  8. If this was a game where updates were done automatically (Like all the the new games do), then Ame would do those changes retroactivly and the people that have/had a Gyarados, wouldn't have it anymore. Sadly, that's not how the game works, so anyone with an older episode can get whatever pokémon was available before it was axe'd. Welp... Sorry, the God-Janitor-Sweeper-OPAF Gyarados lord is not available anymore, and I'm not even sure if the event will be over in episode 16. Should you need help with a new strategy, or a pokémon that could fit in your team like Gyarados, you can always head to the Team Showcase section and ask for help there~
  9. Vinny


  10. This song reminds me of a game. I just wish I knew which one /me waits till' Feburary 8th
  11. Because... it's two good~ You know what sucks? The last song was the best one imo a.k.a OH WELL I STOPPED CARING can't warn me for the same song
  12. That looks KEEEEEEWL is good idk I've been using this since Zumi showed me the music
  13. 1 down, 11 to go?

    1. Arkhi
    2. Arkhi


      City SEVENTEEN to go

    3. Vinny


      omg you're terrible

  14. hahah hahahahahahahahahaha HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH hahah ha no The only thing I need available is a Super Rod so I can waste half of my life fishing. but wait city reformed. And if the water is clean... kyogre confirmed
  15. Vinny


  16. ayyyyyyy, I love Electro Swing collections I'm late
  17. I'd change this title, jeebus... Reading this kinda late, I think I'll just go with Hunter's suggestions on Hitmonchan. It is a pokémon that I wished it had more competition with it's fellow Hitmon-brothers. Maybe Hunter' suggestion is not perfect, but it's good for me. Though if I really could change something, I would probably change Weavile's useless Pressure ability to something like Tough Claws or Adaptability. I'd say +10 on Attack because I'm sure +10 HP doesn't make too much difference for Vile~ No moves that I can think of right now.
  18. I can't believe my internet going haywire yesterday made me miss this asdgdsgtdtafdtaftdasftdas I can't wait to get my ass kicked~
  19. who the fuck Do we know each other? You look familiar. Anyway check this -- http://atokniiro.tumblr.com/ That guy makes cool art. I'm not sure if you'll like it though, but I think you will. and cool user confirmed I'm not going to say anything. You taught me that last year. Be seeing you, Arkhidon~ btw do you like gazelles
  20. Vinny


  21. I'd send him a Pikachu plushie if I could, along with other Pikachu related products. Anyway, happy birthday Mael~ I'm pretty sure you're old enough to have witnessed the dinosaurs get erased. That meteor was nothing. But really, have a good one ;]
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