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Everything posted by Vinny

  1. Zero because my laptop exploded and I lost my save :[ It was around 230 hours, or something. Blame me for leaving the game open and not playing it.
  2. You know what, when I saw this name I thought Sinikuro changed his name for a few days. Well met Sinnamon. Welcome to Reborn! yes i'm vinny let's be best friends Not sure what can I say here other than the fact that you have amazing taste in everything ;], as I'm assuming Comet already told you everything that you should know. Well, my wololo batteries are low rn, so I'll just wish you a merry christmas too~ And I know Arkhi is usually the one handing out songs, but for you, I'll make an exception: I hope you'll enjoy your stay here! I'll be seeing you o/
  3. well that only took 700 years

    1. Arkhi


      too damn long

  4. Posting here cuz I already mentioned it on the server @Zumi
  5. Vinny


    "...Today, we are *canceling* the apocalypse!" - Stacker Pentecost (Pacific Rim)
  6. I'm with Etesian. Just give me a better computer than this trashieStorm one I have. But if you really want me to say a console though, then... idk, probably a PS4.
  7. stahp i can not deal with all this swing hey zumi
  8. #cometgotosleep 2k15

    1. star-kin


      no, mother >:c

    2. Simon


      Vinny confirmed to be a mother.

      You should get some rest though :D

    3. Vinny
  9. @Mael, I love your avatars but:
  10. same, but I just forget to close tabs :T tfw sound is kill :[ but then it works again :] EDIT: And then is kill again :[ and then it works again again :]
  11. Vinny


    [A link to a topic] Let's just leave it at that.
  12. Almost missed by an hour... Rose, you're a fantastic individual. If I could learn to be at least half as kind-hearted as you are, I'd be a 200% better person. I appreciate you more than I lead on, not going to lie. I'm just not good at saying good things to people :^) And also, in two weeks you showed to be a better mod than I am. That's a compliment btw, not self-deprecation~ Anyway, because I don't remember your timezone, I hope you had/have an excellent day today/tomorrow/yesterday/??? Because you deserve it :] And since Ark failed to deliver on the topic at least
  13. Vinny


    What do you do to alleviate stress in your life?
  14. I'll slap dash with a white glove tomorrow.
  15. Vinny


  16. Last questions for the last AMA - How was Reborn for you when I wasn't around a.k.a when you first joined? Like, your impression of it? - bro why last AMA though? - #fold? - What happened with Street? - When will you get a new PC to play Undertale? - Can a goat[REDACTED] - Did you actually play any of the Megaman X games or you just liked that one song? - If you did, which one was your favorite? - How many Raiden avatars do you have? - Tell me three things that can't be missing from your life.
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