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Everything posted by Vinny

  1. Gameshark? Pokémon Trainer "trainer"? Excessive amounts of PP Max bought in the 7th street? Or it's just a theory. A GAME THE-- shot TIL Today (Or tomorrow, if you live in the lamezone places) is the national Beetle day in Brazil. The car, not the ins-- whatever. Okay then.
  2. Plot Twist: Version 7 is Version 8 Y'all got juked by Jan Anyway, don't go rushing that Beta ya hear. I'd hate to have some 404/bugged/crash type pokémon or something~
  3. idk I'm pretty sure I already posted this here before but I found it again and it's good mrrrrrrrrr
  4. If you were going to write a book, what would you call it and what would it be about? - [1/18/2016] Title: How to not be an Idiot. What it would be about: An autobiography.
  5. Happy Birthday legendary beard man! You were born in January a.k.a the best month so ofc I'll wish you a good one~ Here's hoping Rose won't kill you \o/
  6. Well met Kat. Semi-late welcome to Reborn! We're good, girl. We're good. Another person from youtube hmm? Ye, I found Reborn like that too~ Anyway, if you like new things, I'll be surprised if you have not yet joined the Reborn Server on Showdown. Everybody there is silly so you should tots join. And if you already joined, crisis averted. And for last I think blue would look better on you WOLOLO \o/ now you're blue I hope you'll enjoy your permanent stay here in Reborn. I'll be seeing you o/
  7. Without going through some of the obvious ones (Where would you keep a Groudon?), I'm gonna agree with Aika and say "Rotom", just because it'd be an annoying little shit jumping everywhere. "Wanna finish this homework? I AM NOW YOUR LAPTOP!" *data erased* or "Everybody is sleeping. It'd be a shame if I turned EVERY SINGLE electronic on" or some shit like that. ...Also, Snorlax would be a bitch to move if it falls a sleep in front of the door.
  8. Oh, oh! I want to answer it too~ Thank you based Sheep, for the lesson on the other topic.
  9. I notice if they're alive. That's kinda important. I notice people's eyes to see if they are noticing something on me.
  10. what about the music of the higher floors of the Dept. Store :^) Pretty awesome song though, 10/10 would live in the Onyx Ward.
  11. But when you calculated that, did you consider the usual "After the 4th turn it's a 12.5% chance" or the sequence that doesn't make any sense in Gen 3? Because I was talking about Gen 3 :T
  12. idk I was looking through some stuff and said "man this is totally mael" @mael I'm not sure how often you uppercut the Sky though.
  13. "So Vinny, how does it feel to become an adult?" I think that's an excellent way to describe it.
  14. Vinny


  15. You can do what ShadowStar said cuz he's good and reliable source of info \o/ or click here, and look at "Ability Capsules" :]
  16. TIL Protect would have a 0% chance of activating only when used 77 times in a row, in Gen 3. Who the hell uses protect 77 times in a row other than ladder scrubs
  17. Well met Fishorse. Welcome to Reborn! I am, the leg horse but you can call me Vinny Anyway, you didn't say much on your intro, so I'll ask: How does a fishorse find a place like Reborn? I don't know how your kind works :] Fishes are blue not so they are already blessed by the power of wololo \o/ oops you're blue again I hope you'll enjoy your stay here in Reborn. It is permanent, after all~ I'll see you around o/
  18. title tho o.o and ofc it'd be a Royal Blood remix~
  19. I plan all the time to realize that my plans don't work :^) But really, most of the time I will plan out things instead of trying to be spontaneous.
  20. If this doesn't work at least I can have a sweet card :^) I want the basic purple theme (The one that has all the Outrages a.k.a the first purple) and this trainer sprite:
  21. Well met NovaKnight. Late-welcome to Reborn! I've seen you enough around these parts, so you know how everything works around here. With that knowledge in mind, you already know what to half-expect here. Anyway, even death can be a little blue so WOLOLO \o/ now you're blue I hope you'll continue to enjoy your stay here in Reborn~ I'll be seeing you o/
  22. Well met you goddamn filthy lurker DesSyn. Welcome to Reborn! You're still a filthy lurker because only filthy lurkers use private :T Anyway, you could probably write a different guide than Chubb's tbh. So, we'd have a full "Here's how you can do EVERYTHING in Reborn guide" (Chubb's one) and a "ffs just get through the game guide" (Yours). That could work. You have my axe. I'm gonna go ahead and guess you haven't been to the Reborn server yet? Everybody there is pretty silly so you should tots join us. And if you already joined, crisis averted~ To finish this off you'll need your very own conversion to blue so WOLOLO \o/ now you're blue I'll hope you enjoy your eternal stay here in Reborn. When you join, it's forever ;] I'll see you around o/ same
  23. If you want to be hokage, you must first dance like hokage idk
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