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Everything posted by Abyssreaper99

  1. Thanks Wolfy, same here my dude. And to anyone else who needs to vent about it, my PM box is open to y'all
  2. A lot was revealed in the poketuber community, I would check twitter for more details but only if you're prepared for it...
  3. I'm going to put a disclaimer here by saying I will be referencing a certain incident when talking here so if you don't to see then stop reading now. However, I will be somewhat vague in referencing to it and will have the rest of this post in a spoiler tag. Without further ado, let's begin the rant/essay...
  4. The death of this community is inevitable, as it is with all other communities. The Pokémon community has been shook to its core with everything that was revealed last week and is hopefully going to rebuild to be stronger and more accepting than it previously was. I'm not scared of the end but will enjoy the time that this community lasts and will hopefully remain in contact with friends I've made here once the inevitable happens.
  5. For anyone who still plays Pokemon Go, here's my trainer code if you wanna add: 5968 3945 7863

    1. AtheaOfAltea


      Adding you! I'm DawnMachineFren

    2. Abyssreaper99
  6. Imagine a competitive scene for Voltorb Flip? This needs to happen

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Abyssreaper99


      Haha, I was talking about irl Aqua. Stuff like people going against each other and seeing who can get the most coins from voltorb flip in one session or who can do a level 8 flip the quickest, etc.

    3. Lorisaur


      Woooooow we need it ahahahahahah!! However, the coolest competitive scene is the route 110 biking race

    4. Abyssreaper99


      That is also something we need

  7. I went to sleep 3.30am British time and woke up at 7am, was hungover and still managed to be quite productive in uni today. 

  8. I didn't expect so many birthday wishes considering I've only started talk on here more often again recently but thanks for those who sent bday wishes my way yesterday.


    And thank those in the community who have made this a positive place for the most part to be in. 


    Sorry I've been a downer for the past week or so but I'm finally getting back to a positive mindset. 😊

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Abyssreaper99


      Haha, no worries and thanks for the bday wishes! 😁

    3. Vinnie


      Have another belated happy birthday dude!

    4. Abyssreaper99


      Thanks Vinnie *clasps bday wish into hands* ☺️

  9. Currently playing through Pokémon solar light and lunar dark,pretty decent game so far

  10. Not sure if genuine or another April fools~ pixpixpix~ But if it is then great! pixpixpix~!
  11. I think my phase test went well, just coursework handins now (not until May)! pixpixpix~!

  12. I feel so hurt right now (have been cynce yesterday). pix~ Like I honestly don't know what's going on anymore. pix~ I haven't been on Twitter cynce yesterday to recover. pix~ 

  13. If you want to find out, check twitter but let's just say I'm gonna put a warning and say this tale isn't very pleasant. It basically is to do with a certain person who was once a part of the Primetime cast but has never featured on the penta-op. I'd say that Nick had a lot to say on the matter but dunno if tweets are still up anymore (Nick isn't the person who's done said thing but has spoken up the strongest bout it). Since then shit has hit the fan. I'm not gonna say exactly what happened though as it could lead to rule violation. Look at Nick or Jays twitter I would say. I also don't think that there will be a yokai watch 2 LP either. Edit: with the series defo ended, this mean the thread needs to be locked?
  14. Finished my coursework finally, now it's just revision for my stuff next week. I survived! 

  15. Absolutely tired, stayed up late to get a load of coursework done. Let's just say I'm remembering why I dislike SQL

  16. Like hardly anyone here has stressed about the 1 month since last episode. You're better off telling the yt lot this instead. Plus we got soul link now so people aren't speaking as much about Reborn anyways
  17. It's only taken me just over 3 hours but finally got my free copy of Morrowind: GotY edition. I will probs play tomorrow after uni as I'm tired af. Nightsies folks

    1. Wolfox


      night. also, if I can ask, what's your favorite race in the ES franchise?

  18. Bethesda: "Here's a code to get Morrowind for free on PC for today"


    *Servers go down due to lack of prep for traffic*


    Like I hope it's sorted because I want Morrowind for free

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Wolfox


      true, I guess. doesn't reduce the quality of the questline tho

    3. Abyssreaper99


      Ah, I can finally download it! Maybe it was just luck but it's time!

    4. Wolfox
  19. I wouldn't be so sure, I'd think the e19 stuff could potentially done by then but don't forget post-game stuff. We've still got a while yet but Ame is making good progress.
  20. So sorted car insurance out today (just for a short while for now until my dad's is up for renewal). 


    45 days - £174


    30days at a different company - £500+ 


    I think you guys know which one I took 😂

  21. Now we got the Pokémon league to go (maybe other e19 areas of there are any other left to map).
  22. I really don't get people from my country. They complain that more is done by our charities and government about problems in other countries and then complain when Comic relief finally focuses on problems in our own country.


    They call it propaganda and slag down the homeless then. Like comic relief did what you asked and then you're bitching about it, what the hell...

    1. Wolfox


      Ah, logic. It's not found there

  23. I'm sad there's no Reborn episode but at least soul link is back :3

    1. J-Awesome_One


      Twit is going back to school so I wonder how that's gonna work?

    2. Dreamy


      I'm hoping to be one of those recurring comments on each episode for this series, as after the Su/Mo one I created a program to calculate the available teams of maximum size they have (with the primary type restrictions) from all of their current pairs 

      So be on the lookout to help with visibility!

  24. Yeah because Luna says something along the lines of weakening the MC for her parents. It wouldn't make sense to be healed between these two battles.
  25. I ended up ordering Yokai Watch: Psychic Specters on eBay. I really enjoyed playing through Yokai Watch 1 (at Infinite Inferno now) with Evermore, Eternal, Shogunyan, Baddinyaan, frostinas Evo and the traffic Yokai on my team

    1. Wolfox


      The game may not be too deep, but it's damn fun. 

    2. Abyssreaper99


      The only thing I found annoying was that damn Kyubi quest. Only because it took ages to get golden tofu even with Cynake

    3. Wolfox


      Yeah, had the same with Tengu myself. But that asside the game is just great

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