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Everything posted by Abyssreaper99

  1. Things that I wish existed within certain games but don't:


    • Online multiplayer for Cel damage
    • Adjustable difficulty levels in Pokemon games similar to B2W2
    • A presto theme in main series ace attorney games
    • Lack of microtransactions in EA games


    There's probably more but still, this is it for now. People can add to it in comments

    1. LeoYT


      Not even the Super Dragon Balls could make that last one happen

    2. seki108


      I wish modern Super Robot Wars games (past 2011 basically) still included instrumental versions of the Jam Project song that is used in the last stage.  Actually having the vocal songs is amazing, but it feels incomplete without the instrumentals like they used to have








  2. It seems there's going to be a monarchy overthrow. But still, should be able to make it to at least some of the night and hope to interact with people more there.
  3. Pokémon direct June 5th at 6am PDT, they've confirmed new Sword and Shield news

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. J-Awesome_One


      I love you for this. 😍

    3. Abyssreaper99


      Forgot to mention there's a pokemon conference tommorow at 6pm PDT too but will probably focus on other pokemon related things.

    4. Maqqy


      The famine and drought is finally over we going to be blessed in June 5th.

  4. Well here's my likability list:
  5. I'm wondering about something to do with the void: as we'll probably encounter Terra in E19, do you think there will be some event variation on whether Samson or Ciel is in the void?
  6. I really enjoyed Dragon Age: Inquisition and its DLCs. Gonna have to have a playthrough where I side with the mages instead. 


    Loved pretty much all the companions: From Sera and Bull's crude humour to Vivienne just being a bitch and owning it. Shame there couldn't be a Dorian/Bull/M!Inquisitor option (this throuple is needed).

    I found the final boss a bit easy but that's probably be because I did the Jaws of Hakkon and the Titan DLCs prior to Corypheus fight. Plus some of the regions within the different areas were a pain to find. The Trespasser DLC was hard but bloody brilliant. I enjoyed how it explains [REDACTED]'s actions and why they disappeared. 

    On a final note, Cole must be protected at all costs.

  7. Because if post game is released on its own, many people wouldn't come back to just play that content. I mean people would play post game stuff if it was there with the end of the story but people won't wait. Plus the whole Nintendo fangame war but I'm not going into that here...
  8. I don't think it will be anywhere near the 2 year mark, probs a year tops and the development team has changed and expanded since then so...
  9. So everyone turns into a budew on the completion of E19? Looks like we never getting E19
  10. But ingame Ame died so there would be no use in putting that plan into motion
  11. As the post-game progress bar is soon to be unveiled and with people eager for E19, I thought I would do a poll about the wait itself. So below, vote for your favourite part(s) of waiting for new releases of Reborn.
  12. So I've been reading this series of Dragon Age: Inquisition fanfics recently and they're pretty decent tbf. 


    They're pretty long but the storytelling, humour and fluff makes it enjoyable 🙂

  13. For those without Sims 4, you can get the regular version for free from the origin store (PC/Mac only) until 28th May.

  14. MPs in the UK are seriously suggesting adding a 1p charge to self-checkouts to "ease Brexit divisions". 


    What a joke 😂

  15. I checked the item guide and the thing you said seems to be the only way to get corrosive mist. If you post your save file here, someone should be able to enable the field note in debug
  16. Have you talked to the chief of police elsewhere? Maybe you get the note that way
  17. Congrats to the Netherlands for winning! It is funny how the UK came last 😅

    1. Wolfox


      this makes me proud

  18. Gonna get some Maccies before settling down to watch Eurovision with my uni friends 🙂

  19. Az is making a response to my comment earlier in the thread. Not trying to justify things
  20. RIP Grumpy cat...

    1. LeoYT
    2. FeatherDuster


      Pour one out for the little homie.

  21. I love how people are complaining about how Crash Nitro Fuelled is £35 to preorder yet Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is around £37-39 despite having been out for a while

  22. Radomus never had the Emerald Key, Luna did. Radomus never had possession of any of the keys until he took the Amethyst Pendant off the play after the arc. You have a pretty lengthy talk with Solaris underneath the Grand Staircase where he talks about what each key means and tells you that Victoria can go. Solaris can have restraint with his Garchomp, he's not as powerthirsty as Lin after all...
  23. I'm pretty sure he puts Luna under some sorta ritual to "cleanse the darkness outta her" and to remove Radomus' influence or some schtick
  24. Pre-ordered Crash Nitro Fuelled today, just under 5 weeks to go now! 

  25. Happy b'day Wolfox, hope you have an awesome day! 🎉🎉

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