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Reborn Development Blog

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Status Updates posted by Commander

  1. (Gets a 5 Star Jaffar, 4 Star Tharja, and 4 Star Camilla)


    Well I wanted a better Axe user so...I'll take it.

    1. AuthorReborn


      Even if you don't use Jaffar, you can give someone else his nasty Life or Death, so he is quite helpful too. 

  2. https://gyazo.com/68c80d83a0e5c64b993afc0a379280ad

    Excuse me while I cry in a corner as Hardcore has over 5,000

  3. Well I got everything up until Blake done in HC so...progress has been made (even though the bulk of it is Episode 16 areas).

  4. If it will make you feel better. I will lip sing and dance to "Single Ladies" in the background any time someone asks who your Valentine is.

  5. >Has all red summons and hasn't had a 5 star summon in the last 3 sessions.

    Me: Please let me get marth or lucina

    (Gets Tiki)

    Me: GDI Game!

    1. Wolfox


      I mean, it's no Luci(my favorite Fire Emblem Character overall btw) but it's still Tiki-wiki

  6. I just realized...how does Sharpedo even give birth to offspring?

    1. Felicity
    2. Sheep


      How does any pokemon? The only one's I've seen reproductive organs on are the plants.

  7. I finally finished LoH: Cold Steel II. That was a ride.

    1. Felicity


      if it took you this long im never finishing it. I only just got to legram for the first time.

  8. Finally got the mid-release up. It's available on the Hardcore topic.

  9. You know how the AI won't use AoE attacks even if they are super effective well...



    1. Wolfox


      Let aya have her trouble, she's still new

  10. Magnetons....that is all.

    1. Sarun


      How do they work?!

    2. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Viri approves of this status.

  11. And I never make a bet I cannot win.

    1. Commander


      Here you go:
      Ohhhhhhhh Maaaaagnezone~
      Thou art the one~
      Oh Magnezone~
      Thou standeth alone~
      Magnezone, thou floateth~
      Magnezone, thou gloateth~
      As thine foes are trapped~
      And with thunder, are zapped~


    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      holy fucking shit it literally came down to mY OWN REPLY IN THE END MY SALT IS OFF THE SCALES

  12. C'mon guys. I know you can make the Gen 3 shiny thread hit 100 posts by the end of the day. Don't fail me now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skullkin


      My first shiny was a gen four psyduck. :3 good times.

    3. Dreamy


      I need Jan to come back so he can reply then I can reply to his reply, then I can claim another thing, then post about the thing.... etc.

    4. Ojama Yellow
  13. (Sees Bidoofman in Birthday tab) I didn't know Bibs had a brother.

    1. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      its pretty funny because I remember this persons intro thread and I think ark said something similar in there

  14. So if any of you were trying to download 16.1, I took it down due to some errors before reuploading it. The links should work now.

  15. It isn't 100% what I wanted, but Nintendo Switch delivered everything I asked for. FE Remake, FE Console Game, Mario Adventure, A new Zelda, and a New Xenoblade Game

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Commander


      I think the price is a slight problem, but Nintendo at least did one thing right with this system. They actually listened to their fans and brought stuff that people have been waiting even decades for. Many of their announcements they made were for stuff people asked for 5+ years on. Wii U's biggest problem was that there weren't that many great games. And the library was very, very shallow.

    3. Farnsworth


      Imo the Wii U had some great games, but the library was shallow and didn't offer much variety. The problem is that none of these great games did anything new or exciting, to entice consumers (other than Splatoon). The best example of this is Super Mario 3D World, it was an excellent game, but it didn't have the same impact as Super Mario Galaxy or even Super Mario Odyssey. The games really only appealed to hardcore Nintendo fans and did little to pull in other types of consumers.


      Though by far the Wii U's biggest problem was its marketing. Even years after the console launched there were tons of people who still thought it was an accessory for the Wii. That was really pitiful, I can't fathom how a company can market their new console so poorly. Hopefully Nintendo learned its lesson from the Wii U.

    4. Azeria


      Marketing aside from the ehh presentation has been on point honestly. Shows the products intended purpose well.

  16. Today I learned that you can have more than 15 pages for a single event.

  17. For those of you who thought Hardcore Julia was too easy. Here's a teaser to her Alternate fight:



  18. Well I finally got everything up through episode 2 done. The banter between these two is pretty fun to write though: https://gyazo.com/d1d8cab6f0ee66ce5a2f4e8230058b92

  19. I just got Pokemon Sun for 25 dollars so now I'm on the Gen VII train to see what the big deal is.


    1. pbood2


      25 dollars? Nice buy then. Hope you find it awesome like a lot of others have. 

  20. Should I be afraid as Ame just killed the Magnezone?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Felicity
    3. Ironbound


      It's still Magnezone for me...

      Did it change or what?

    4. dead account

      dead account

      It did change, but It changed back to the magnet abomination after a bit. Because the banner being changed in the first place was unintentional.

  21. Haven't had time to say this yesterday (well more like in the morning), but Hardcore E16 is up and ready to download. Anyways it's back to working on schooling for me.

    1. pbood2


      Schooling? What are you taking in college/university?


      Anyways, good luck with your schooling and hope it goes well. 

  22. I wish I could gain a dollar for every time I've said Hardcore.

    1. Commander


      Thinking on it, I wonder how much money I'd gain.

    2. InnocentSerenity


      When do we get Reborn SoftExterior Version?

    3. mde2001


      Giving you that much money would make anyone go broke. 

  23. Wait a minute, we can upvote statuses. What is this sorcery?

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Commander


      Give her some money and she might change her mind

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Well your 4 rep a day are MINE!!! Na... do as you will. Just remember, I'm cute.~

    4. pbood2


      Probably was implemented to help people get experience over time? That's what I think at least. Can anyone confirm?

  24. Hey, when will Episode 16 be released?

    1. Imperial


      You're joking, but I'm sure we'll soon have the same for episode 17 x)

    2. Godot


      Tomorrow!  Ame said so!


      **was sniped from a distance**

    3. pbood2


      Hahaha good one Commander. I think I saw mention of it coming out soon so the wait is almost out. ;)

  25. Instead of saying it's delayed a month, we should just post cat pics when someone asks when the next episode is out.

    1. Guzam


      or we could plan out a very long and elaborate forum quest that will lead them to the E16 download, only for it to be 5 GB worth of cat pictures.

    2. Dypatome


      I really like this idea ^

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