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Johto Adventures! (OOC and Sign-Up)


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Having my team seemed out of character so I'll move it here instead.

280.gif Tenshi (Ralts) (M)

Trait: Telepathy

Adamant Nature

- Growl

- Confusion

- Double Team

- Shadow Sneak

406.gif Budew (M)

Trait: Poison Point

Modest Nature

- Growth

- Absorb

- Water Sport

- Stun Spore

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Joining as Fauna Telmaris.

The catch is that she is a wild, shiny Zigzagoon. :3 (Can still talk like a human, though.)


I think we are just RPing as trainers, you know the typical trainers going around catching Pokemon and trying to complete the Johto league.

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What's the point of an RP where nobody posts? If no one else posts by tomorrow, I'm just gonna go ahead and assume everyone's done for the first day and double-post starting from day 2.

I wouldn't call 10 replies nobody posting. And as you said, "Let Amaterasu deciding they made the RP". So it's up to the mto decide when day two goes up. Also realise RP is still fairly new to Reborn so don't expect a new day every, well day. Amaterasu may be waiting for it to gain popularity before making day two. There's a lot of factors so don't get antsy over it just because it's still fairly new.asua

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I'm not posting again just because I don't want to throw the timeline out of whack. Not everyone has finished Day One. We're not referring to Act Two (post-Cherrygrove?), but to the actual time of day in the RP.

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Sorry for the slight misunderstanding. When I said "nobody posts", I meant "nobody presents a continuation", or something along those lines. But yeah, I see your point. I just had a somewhat bad series of experience involving scenarios where, after slowing down to somebody posting only every other day, the RP just dies off completely. I just don't want that to happen to newly formed RPs is all. Sorry for my impatience. Also, about the Day 2 thing- I'm not so impatient that I'll jump the gun and go into Act 2. I just want to get to some character interaction. Which, since my character went to sleep at the end of Day 1, means waking up in the morning of Day 2. I've learned the hard way the consequences of jumping the gun on plot development; I don't intend to make the same mistake a fourth time.

EDIT: @Jory: Maybe we should all make a unified timeline so as to clear up confusion for the time being? No need for graphs or anything, just a brief summation of events and what time and day they happened for now. I doubt it'll have much use down the road, but at least it could help clear things up in the beginning so as to prevent continuity conflicts from arising in the first place.

Edited by NeoDarklight
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