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Trespassers V2: Tales of the Masks [IC]


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A loud, ominous buzzing fills the air, seeming to come from every direction at once.


"The Nui-Rama!  Oh no!"  Nuparu shouts, diving for his throwing disks and tossing the other sack to Hahli.


"Why would you do that?" The Ga-matoran asks Tsubasa in shock and dismay, "You just RANG THE DINNER BELL for every hungry predator within a kio!  I just hope a Muaka doesn't show up."  The two Matoran ready their weapons as the first enormous dragonfly enters the light cast by the campfire, rusted, pitted masks covering its eyes.




Cell:  12

Tsubasa:  11

Hikari:  10

Nui-Rama Swarm:  10 (lower dex)

Travis and Friends:  9

Gozer and Cap:  6

Cicivexa:  6 (Lower dexterity)

Hahli:  4

Edmond:  2

Nuparu:  2 (Lower dexterity)

???:  -




Cell:  13/128, cursed!

Gozer and Cap:  51/51, emotionally compromised

Cicivexa:  60/60 healthy

Edmond:  65/65, healthy

Hahli:  40/40, healthy

Nuparu:  50/50, healthy

Tsubasa:  90/90, healthy

Hikari:  65/65, healthy

Travis:  90/90, healthy

???:  ???/???, healthy

Nui-Rama Swarm:  ?/?, healthy


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With a lot of cursing and a beyond pissed look at Tsubasa, Travis is the last to enter the tank, the rest of his crew having been in better position to both enter and act. He gives the order to turn on the threat and Fire the Machine Guns, forcing the bugs to attack him.



Level: 5

Init: 9

Stats: 30
Constitution: 12 
Dexterity: 9
Intelligence: 0
Strength: 9

Synergy: 0

Perks: TANK!!: When attacking a target, Travis may choose to force them to attack him next.

Angled Armor: Ignore the first ranged attack that isn't fire based or armor piercing to hit Travis each round.

Tread Heavily: + lvl To initiative and Travis is immune to rough terrain effects.

Heavy Armor: Attacks that deal less than LvL damage instead deal 1.


Flaw: Live Ammo Storage: Travis takes double damage from fire.

FIRE MAIN CANNON:  Twice per combat, Deal 5d6+Dex to one enemy and 5d6 to 4 other enemies 3 turn cooldown. Starts on cooldown.
    Level 1: Once per combat, Deal 3d4+Dex to one enemy and 3d4 to 4 other enemies. Starts with three turns of cool down.
    Level 2: +1d4 damage
    Level 3: Increase uses to 2 per combat.
    Level 4: +1d4 damage.

    Level 5: Upgrade die to d6


Hit it with a wrench: Travis becomes immune to status ailments until the end of the round and all current status ailments are ended. The first use also heals HP by Con. Two turn cool down.
    Level 1: Travis becomes immune to status ailments until the end of the round and all current status ailments are ended. Two turn cool down.

    Level 2: The first use heals HP by Con.


Fire Machine Guns!:  2d6 attacks for [LVL] damage distributed starting at the bottom of the initiative order and going up. Hits lower damage by 2 for one round.
    Level 1: 1d4 attacks for [LVL] damage.
    Level 2: Shots are distributed among enemies going up the initiative order.
    Level 3:  Shots lower Enemy damage by 2 per hit for one round.
    Level 3: +1d4 Attacks.

    Level 4: Fires d6 attacks instead.


Drive me closer!: Travis wants to hit them with his sword. Deals CON damage to an enemy, (because they just got run over by a tank) increases Travis' Initiative by Dex next turn, and they take an extra STR damage on the next attack. 1 turn cooldown.
    Level 1: Deals Con damage to an enemy and they take an extra STR damage when attacked next. 1 turn cooldown.

    Level 2: Increases Travis' Initiative by Dex next turn. 


Tank it: Being large and made of armor, Travis’ tank is in an amazing place to act as cover. Travis gets in front of 2 allies for 3 turns, making attacks targeting them target him instead and increasing his DR by 2. Travis can end the action early as a free action. 
    Level 1: Travis takes attacks meant for two allies for a turn.
    Level 2: Slap a shield on the side: +2 DR for a turn.
    Level 3: +1 turn.

    Level 4: +1 turn


Equipment: 2 tokens


“Big Iron”: A 75mm main cannon, named by Wyonna of course. + 4 main target damage on FIRE MAIN CANNON.
    Level 1: +2 damage on FIRE MAIN CANNON
    Level 2: +2 Damage


Scrap Armor: Bits of fairly straight metallic debris welded to the tank… You’re pretty sure you can see body parts in there. +3 DR reduces initiative by 5-STR
    Level 1: +1 DR Weight 5
    Level 2: +1 DR
    Level 3: +1 DR


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Cell dashes over to a tent and retrieves Giant Killer and his own disk, before heading back to meet the group.  As he made his way back the smoking image of a laughing skull appeared over him and by the time he reached the group he was out of breath and visibly bleeding.  He sluggishly hefted his sword and moved it to try and block oncoming attackers.


Cell prepares to Parry the Nui-Rama's attack should they make one.  If an attack is Parried this way he'll follow up with a counter for (7d10+12)+15% and an additional +50% on Elite/Boss enemies.


Aura of Laceration activates!  Causing any enemies who target Cell with a melee attack will take 12 slashing damage.



Level: 7(5)

HP: 114

Initiative: 12

Tokens: 2/5



Strength: 8

Dexterity: 12

Intelligence: 12

Constitution: 12

Synergy: 0


Aura of Laceration: Talk about a paper cut.

For one round any time an enemy targets Cell with a melee attack that enemy takes [Int] Slashing damage, cooldown of one round.

Level 2: Increase duration by one.

Level 3: Increase duration by one.

Level 4: May activate as a free action on the first round of combat, goes on cooldown as normal.
Level 5: Increase duration by one(duration of four).


Parry: aaannndd riposte.

Choose a target to parry, if they attack before your next move cancel that attack.

Level 2: If successful the user can choose to make a weapon attack against the parried target as a free action, doing so puts Parry on cooldown for three rounds.
Level 3: Counterattacks are made at +15% damage.


Ceiling Turret: A large green glob of a snot-like substance that floats up to a nearby wall or ceiling and then rains pellets down on your enemies.

Creates a turret with 10 HP that attacks a random enemy at the end of each round for 1d4+[Int] damage, cooldown of two rounds(deployment).

Level 2: May place two turrets instead of one for an addition two cooldown.


Sack of Grenades: Talk about a bag of goodies.

Starts with one grenade type, additional types may be bought with levels, cannot use any type of grenade until all types are off cooldown.

Infantry Grenade: Deals [Str] damage to two targets.

Oil Grenade: Covers two targets in oil for two rounds, fire damage taken while covered in oil is increased by 20%, cooldown of two rounds.

Magnetic Grenade: Staggers two targets with magnetic fields for two rounds, targets gain 20% miss chance while staggered, cooldown of two rounds.

Flashbang: Two targets randomly hit friend or foe with their actions for two rounds, cooldown of two rounds.

Fire Grenade: Set two targets on fire, dealing 1d4+[Str]/2 fire damage each round for two rounds, cooldown of two rounds.

Ice Grenade: Reduce the Init of two targets by [Int/2] and freezes them, forcing them to act last next round or this round if the user acts before them, targets gain immunity to the freezing effect of this action after the first time it's used on them, but not the Init penalty, two round cooldown.

Ivy Grenade: Causes ivy to burst from the ground and entangle two targets, if they fail a Dex save vs the user’s Int they are prevented them from taking actions that require movement for two rounds, cooldown of two rounds.


Giant Killer: The bigger they are.

Attack one target for 7d10+[Dex] damage, Weight of 8.  Deals 50% more damage to Elite enemies and Bosses or 100% more damage if the user is below 50% HP.


Kanoka Disk 184: A special disk obtained from the world of Bionicle, once per encounter it may be used to randomly teleport a nearby target with moderate range and power, it also repels projectiles in its path with kinetic force.


Ice Bow: Thawing out hurts the most.

Fire an arrow at an enemy, dealing [Int] cold damage and freezing them solid(stun), arrows are not returned until a target dies or the end of combat, may be used as a free action, cooldown of one round, has no effect on targets with cold resistance.

Total arrows: 2,

Remaining arrows: 2.


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"Oh, seven hells!"

Just how many of us called to fight trespassers are either creatures of darkness, those who resemble creatures of darkness, and/or those sworn to kill all creatures of darkness?!

He cast the Doom Cloak from his still-open bag and towards the rest of the group. "Here, it bestows a small amount of power! Take it if you wish!" Then, with the Stardust Rod still in his hand, he commanded forth ice aether into a solid block in front of the swarm, shattering upon impact. With nary a moment to pause, he flicked the staff once more and a bright incinerating explosion manifested in the swarm!


Cicivexa activated the Mask of Vision as a free action (giving all of his attacks this round perfect accuracy), and took stock of how many enemies were approaching, as well as which ones he could target.

Cicivexa casts O5JhtLv.png Blizzard I, dealing (10d6+21)*3/8 ice damage (with a 28% chance to crit for 2x damage) to one of the Nui-Ruma. He gains Umbra for the next 3 turns!

Cicivexa uses 1SpKtNI.pngSwiftcast I to cast lBJux0A.pngFlare I, dealing (5d6+19)/2 fire damage (with a 28% chance to crit for 2x damage) to four of the Nui-Ruma. He gains Astra for the next 1 turn! Umbra's duration is lowered by 1 turn.


Effects & Cooldowns:


Temporary Perk Effects (already accounted for in above actions):

ZPEz20R.gif Umbra: The current turn + the next 2 turn(s)

MHy0dOh.png Astra: The current turn + the next 1 turn(s)

FYP7By3.png Enochian Dependency: Until Umbra and/or Astra was active during both of the two previous turns

Turn -1: none

Turn  0: none


Temporary Effects (already accounted for in above actions):



Mask of Vision: 3 turns until useable

Swiftcast: 3 turns until useable

Stats & Abilities:


Level: 5
HP: 60
Initiative: 6 (5-5+6)
Constitution: 6
Dexterity: 5
Intelligence: 14 (12+2)
Strength: 0
Synergy: 7



rjck6Oj.png Astral Cycle: Cicivexa can tap into the aetheric cycle that that defined the dynasties of his homeland. Whenever he casts a Fire Spell, he gains the Astra effect for one turn, boosting the damage of his next Fire Spell by 10%. This damage boost does not stack with itself. Whenever he casts a Blizzard Spell, he gains the Umbra effect for 3 turns, enabling the ability to cast certain spells, frequently Fire Spells.


LQ3xCXb.png Swiftcast: Grants the Swiftcast action.


L55nstA.png Firestarter: All attacks have a critical chance equal to INT*2%, dealing 2x damage on a critical hit. 


Rbf0jJR.png Magick and Mend: All attacks that scale off of some amount of INT scale off of the same amount of SYN. For example, if an attack deals INT/2 damage on its own, it now deals INT/2+SYN/2 damage. The -50% penalty to buffs on AOE spells still applies. Does not apply to non-damage effects. 



KqeM8R3.png Enochian Dependency: If neither Astra nor Umbra was active in the previous two turns, -50% damage dealt. 


Actions and Equipment: 7/7

O5JhtLv.png Blizzard I: Deals WD*0.75 ice damage, and also deals INT Initiative Reduction.  Is a Blizzard spell.


lBJux0A.png Flare III (Level 7): Deals WD+2d6 fire damage to 4 different targets. Is a Fire Spell. Can only be cast while under Umbra. Lowers the duration of Umbra by one turn.

lBJux0A.png Flare I (Level 5): Deals WD+2 fire damage.


FNsULJv.pngThunder I: Cooldown of 4 turns. Deals WD*0.5 lightning damage, and applies one stack of "Thundercloud" on the target for 3 turns. Can only be cast under Umbra.

Whenever someone under the Thundercloud effect uses an ability with a cooldown or charging time, the effect is consumed and Cicivexa can make a free action weapon attack next round (unless he is unable to act). He cannot gain more than one free action per turn via Thundercloud. This weapon attack deals lightning damage instead of the original element.


1SpKtNI.png Swiftcast I: Perk-backed, Free Action, Cooldown of 3 turns. Allows Cicivexa to use an additional Action (of minimum Action Level of 3), at -2 Action Levels.


mtIocJY.png Manaward I: Once per encounter. The next two attacks targeting Cicivexa do not deal damage to him.

Stardust Rod Zenith: Casts the Scathe spell, dealing 5d6+INT (+SYN due to Enhanced Black Magic) non-elemental damage. Lowers Initiative by 5-Strength.

Felt Sash: Increases Initiative by 6.

Toa Heartlight: +2 Damage Reduction, +2 INT, 5% MHP damage every turn without a Kanohi Mask equipped. Creates an additional action slot, exclusively useable for a Kanohi mask.

|-> Kanohi Akaku (Mask of Vision): Lets you see through anything less dense than solid lead, though you can still tell whether you’re looking through something. Has a telescopic zoom lens. Activate the mask as a free action to ignore dodge and miss chances/effects for 1 round. 3 round cooldown.

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"Well done!" Edmond pushed off the ground, lightly hovering on the scintillating magitek thrusters. Wait, what had just happened to Cell, nothing had attacked him! Edmond blasted off towards the mute one, blood rushing towards his legs rendering him slightly dizzy.



Use Quick Tune Up on Cell, healing 2d6+INT to a mechanical ally. Utilize Strenuous G-Force to act at initiative spot 20 (costs 18 HP, reduced by preemptory bracing to 13 HP). Heal back a total of 7 HP from Autoregeneration. 4 damage reduction against physical forms of damage, 8 damage reduction against bullets specifically.


Level: 5

HP: 65

Init: Equal to your DEX(2) score

Constitution: --7



Gambit: By sacrificing 25% MHP, Edmond gains another action during his turn.


Preemptory Bracing: Through being prepared for pain and injury, Edmond is able to lessen it. Thus, recoil damage from himself or allied effects on him is reduced by 30+Level/2% (Rounded down as usual)


Autoregeneration: Through a combination of genetic factors and automatic injectors in his power armor suit, Edmond can regenerate somewhat from damage. Heal 10% MHP every round.


Slots (7/7)

Name: The Iron Will

A made-in-America modern miracle. This weapon of destruction flies over enemies, laying down suppressive firepower when combined with "The Long Arm of the Law". Basically a set of highly patriotic power armor. 4 damage reduction against physical forms of damage, 8 damage reduction against bullets specifically.

Weight: 5

Base (Loot): Grants physical damage reduction of 3 points, modular system: Provides +1 to rolls attempting to modify this system or integrate it with other electronic systems.

Level 2 (Loot): Physical damage Reduction increased by 1

Level 3 (Loot): Flight Systems Online: Grants fluff flight

Level 4 (Loot): Bulletproof: Damage reduction against bullets: 2*Physical Damage reduct

Level 5 (Loot): Acrobatics: The user gets +INT/2 at attempts to perform aerial tricks.

Level 6 (Craft): The suit can now record up to three enemies or six objects in high detail, allowing them to be studied remotely, granting items of "Combat Data"


The Long Arm of the Law: A weapon meant to be used by someone wielding the Iron will's frame, it looks like an unholy combination of a high caliber sniper rifle and a belt fed machinegun.

Weight: 5
Base (Loot): Deals 2d6+INT damage, and when used by someone not utilizing the Iron Will armor system, the weight is treated as 7.
Level 2: APDS Rounds: This weapon can be used with your choice of INT or DEX as its base stats.
Level 3: Familiarity : Bumps the dice formula up to 2d8+Stat
Level 4: Dead Aim: If the Iron Will suit is equipped, consider enemies dodge to be reduced by 10% when utilizing this weapon.


Quick tune-up: Edmond performs a series of repairs on a mechanical ally. Heal 2d6+INT HP on an ally who can be considered mechanical.

Level 1: Heal a mechanical ally by 1d6+INT.

Level 2: Heal the mechanical entity by 2d6+INT

Level 3: Edmond counts as mechanical for this skill, due to personal knowledge of his power armor.


Stress testing: Edmond uses his engineering knowledge to strike stress points in enemy armor or bodies, causing damage that allies can capitalize on. Probably won't grant extra damage on stuff like blobs. Deal weapon damage and increase the damage of the next hit on the same enemy by 15%. 2 turn cooldown.

Level 1: Deal weapon damage and increase damage on next hit by 10%. 3 turn cooldown.

Level 2: Decrease cooldown to 2 turns

Level 3: Damage increase is now 15%.

Level 4: Damage increase is now 20%


Bird's Eye View: By calling out enemy attack patterns and apparent targets, Edmond may decrease incoming damage for two grounded allies by 20% for one turn. 1 turn cooldown.

Level 1: Decrease incoming damage for two grounded allies by 20% for one turn, 2 turn cooldown.

Level 2: 1 turn cooldown.

Level 3: Decrease incoming damage on two grounded allies by 30%.


Individual Air Support: Edmond chooses one ally, and makes note of incoming threats to them for one round. If an enemy would deal damage to the ally, even one cloaked or invisible, Edmond will first launch a burst of suppressive fire at them, dealing the base damage from a range weapon he is using, and stunning the enemy for one round. 5 turn cooldown.

Level 1: Choose an ally, if an enemy would target them, attack, deal basic damage, and stun. 5 turn cooldown.

Level 2: Advanced Sensor Array: Edmond will still be able to attack enemies who are cloaked, invisible, or speedy in such a way that would normally prevent them from being targetted while they make their move.


Strenuous G-force (free action): This action modifies other actions. Edmond may sacrifice an amount of HP, and move at a spot in the init equal to his original init plus or minus the amount of HP sacrificed. 1 turn cooldown.

Level 1: Sacrifice HP to move an amount around in the init equal to how much HP you sacrifice. 2 turn cooldown.

Level 2: 1 turn cooldown.

Level 3: No cooldown



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"Motherfu-!" Hikari yells as she spotted the bugs out of the corner of her eye.


Hikari's dispersal slash activates as she disappeared into the same blood red particles. She appeared behind one of bugs, bringing her hands down in a hard downward slashing motion. Her sword appeared just before contact dealing 9d6 slashing if it should hit. Her Promethus Blood code perk and Enhanced Reaction time perk activated and allow Hikari to do 30% more damage on the hit and gain an extra action. She activated Blood Barrier on herself as her extra action.


Level: 5
HP: 65
Init: 10

Constitution: 7
Dexterity: 10+2
Intelligence: 3
Strength: 7
Synergy: 3


Enhanced Reaction Time - Grants an additional action once every 3 turns
 Blood Dispersion - If hp reaches 0 Hikari can revive herself. This can happen once per battle. However, this immediately triggers bloodthirst and only restores 25% of her HP. It also places her at the bottom of the initiative list.
 Prometheus Blood Code - Increase damage dealt by 30%
 Bloodthirst - Gives 50% damage boost when activated. Must be activated by either taking damage 3 times or upon the activation of the Blood Dispersion Perk.
Bloodthirst - Activates upon the activation of the Bloodthirst Perk. Can only make attacking moves while this is active. Cannot be deactivated until a friendly or enemy dies in the battle or the Drain Action hits a target.


Dispersal Slash - Allows Hikari to teleport behind the enemy closest to her in initative and attack. Adds 4 additional damage dice. Can be used once every 2 turns.
Level 1: Allows Hikari to teleport behind the enemy closest to her in initative and attack. Adds 1 additional damage dice. Can be used once every 3 turns.
Level 2: Adds 2 additional damage dice
Level 3: Can be used once every 2 turns
Level 4: Adds 3 additional damage dice
Level 5: Adds 4 additional damage dice
Blood Barrier - Creates a barrier that blocks 2 attacks. Can be used once every 2 turns.
Level 1: Creates a barrier that blocks 1 attacks. Can be used once every 4 turns.
Level 2: Can be used once every 3 turns
Level 3: Can be used once every 2 turns
Level 4: Barrier blocks 2 attacks
Drain - A metal tail with a spear tip emerges from Hikari's body striking her target and draining their blood. Deals Dexterity in damage. Can be used once every 2 turns. Removes the effects of Bloodthirst.
Level 1: A metal tail with a spear tip emerges from Hikari's body striking her target and draining their blood. Deals Dexterity in damage. Can be used once every 4 turns.
Level 2: Removes effects of Bloodthirst
Level 3: Can be used once every 3 turns
Level 4: Can be used once every 2 turns


Health Transfusion - Removes a stated amount of HP from Hikari and heals a friendly target of her choice for that amount of HP. Can be used once every 4 turns.
Level 1: Removes 20 HP from Hikari and heals a friendly target closest to her in initiative for that amount of HP. Can be used once every 4 turns.
Level 2: Removes a stated amount of HP
Level 3: Can target a friendly directly above or below her in initiative
Level 4: Can target a friendly of her choice

Hanemukuro Sword - Weight 7. Deals 5d6 damage. Inflicts slashing and piercing damage.
Level 1: Weight 7. Deals 3d6 damage. Inflicts slashing and piercing damage.
Level 2: Deals 4d6 damage
Level 3: Deals 5d6 damage
Silver Garb Bloodveil - Weight 7. Resists 10% of Slashing and Piercing damage.
Level 1: Weight 7. Resists 2 attacks of Slashing and Piercing damage.
Level 2: Resists 5% of all Slashing and Piercing damage
Level 3: Resists 10%

Toa Heartlight

The ancient mechanisms of the Toa Canister have transformed you into a creature of Bionicle! But without a source of elemental power, only some of its features have been unlocked.

Grants +2 damage reduction and +2 to a stat chosen when equipped.
Cannot be unequipped at this time.
Deals 5% of your MHP in nonlethal pure damage to you each round until you pass out.
Self-damage can be negated if you wear a Kanohi Mask of Power.


Matoran Kanohi Mask

This artifact allows beings of Bionicle to properly control and contain their powers. Negates MHP loss from Heartlight.

Can be knocked off by a critical hit, requiring a round to recover and put back on.

Edited by EryaHistoria
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"I lured out the bloodsucking beasts." Tsubasa actually re-sheathed her sword as the monsters made their appearance, reassessing the situation once more. Judging by the lack of crazed bloodlust on the part of the group she'd just met, they likely weren't demons, which meant she could fall into the usual routine. She took up a ready stance, not unlike that of a sprinter. "Lightning Breathing: Third Form." For a moment, it almost seemed as if bluish arcs of lightning formed around her, before she suddenly leapt through the air, placing herself firmly between the monsters and the smaller people running for cover with a sound like cracking thunder. "Sky-Splitting Flash!" 


Sky Splitting Flash, targeting Halhi and Nuparu.

Total Concentration Breathing: The bread and butter of a Demon Slayer. This technique allows one to harness the strength of one's breath and fight on par with demons. Allows Tsubasa to use their Constitution as an attacking stat in place of Dexterity, Strength, or Synergy.
Yin & Yang (Level 2): Tsubasa's fighting style emphasizes moving with the flow of battle, attack moving into defense and defense into attack when the time is right. They have a Yin and Yang meter, that start at zero and progressively fill. Every attack increases Yin by one, and every supportive action increases Yang by one. Yang also increases on turns an attack was received. These can be used to perform more powerful techniques. Whenever they are spent, the opposite gauge increases by the same amount. Each gauge is capped at 8 points. Resets to 0 after each battle.
Action & Reaction: When Tsubasa is attacked, they gain a stack of "Reaction." If two or more stacks of Reaction are present, Tsubasa expends all stacks to take an extra action on their next turn.
Flaw: Breathless: Tsubasa has not mastered the art of using Total Concentration Breathing full-time, and thus suffers the ill effects of stopping the technique. They have an additional "Breath" gauge that starts equal to their CON. Whenever Tsubasa uses an ability with a cooldown or gauge requirement, they lose half of that requirement (rounded down, but minimum 1) from this gauge. They lose the ability to act when this gauge is empty. Debuff cleanses restore Breath equal to the number of debuffs they would normally remove. Resets to 0 after each battle.
Level: 5
HP: 90
Initiative: 11
Base Stats:
  • Strength: 3
  • Dexterity: 11
  • Intelligence: 2
  • Constitution: 12
  • Synergy: 2

: 18/18
First Form: Bolt from Blue Skies: A sword technique that emulates a sudden flash of lightning from a previously calm sky. Deals double damage, plus additional [DEX] damage, to a single target. Not usable if user has already attacked this encounter.
-Level 1: Double weapon damage. Only usable if user has not attacked yet.
-Level 2: Adds user DEX to the damage. If the attack is a DEX attack, add CON instead.
Second Form: Eye of the Storm: A breath technique that finds calm in chaos. Increases damage resistance by the user's Yin gauge for the remainder of the battle. Can be used again to double the resistance for a turn. Calculated off of user's Yin when they take damage, not when they use the move.
-Level 1: When activated, increases the user's damage resistance by their Yin gauge for 3 turns. If the gauge increases, so does the resistance.
-Level 2: Now permanent after use, but does not stack with itself.
-Level 3: Can be activated again to double the resistance for one turn.
Third Form: Sky-Splitting Flash: A technique that launches the user in a direction at high speed, allowing gaps to be closed quickly. Tsubasa uses this to interpose herself between allies and foes. Intercepts 2+[Yin spent] attacks on targeted allies, carries over between turns.
-Level 1: Intercepts the next attack on target ally. Can spend Yin to increase the number of attacks intercepted this turn.
-Level 2: Intercepts carry over between turns.
-Level 3: Intercepts can now target multiple allies.
-Level 4: Intercepts an additional attack.
Fifth Form: Chain Lightning: Channels a destructive flow of energy, jumping from victim to victim along the path of least resistance. Costs 5 Yang. Attacks 3 times, targeting the nearest enemy in initiative to the original target for followups. Can hit the same enemy twice.
-Level 1: Attacks an enemy for [weapon] damage, then attacks the enemy nearest them for the same until 3 attacks have been performed.
-Level 2: Can retarget the same enemy once, if there are no other valid targets.
Sixth Form: Sweeping Current Surge: A strenuous, rapid stream of slashes that baffle, buffet, and cripple, striking multiple enemies at once. Costs 5 Yin. Deals [CON] damage to an enemy and each one above and below it in initiative, then reduces their damage by the same amount for 2 turns.
-Level 1: Select a target. To it and each enemy above and below it in initiative, deal [CON] damage. The victims have their damage reduced by the damage they take from this for 2 turns.
Seventh Form: Perfect Flow: A difficult technique requiring perfect balance and clarity. The user evades incoming attacks with an absolute minimum of motion, then strikes home while the target is exposed. Requires both Yin and Yang gauges to be full. One round cooldown. Dodges an attack from an enemy, then deals the maximum possible damage of the incoming attack plus a normal attack.
-Level 1: Choose an enemy. Dodge the first attack from that enemy, then deal damage to that enemy equal to the maximum damage of that attack plus the maximum damage of a zero-requirement attack.

Equipment & Tricks:

Nichirin Sword: One of the few instruments capable of slaying a demon for good. Infused with sunlight, these weapons are infallible if wielded properly - but beware the incautious strike. They change colors based on the wielder. Tsubasa's blade takes on a vibrant blue scheme with a tendency to catch and reflect the light. Weight 3. Deals 4d6+DEX damage
-Level 1: Deals 1d6+DEX damage.
-Level 2: If an enemy takes extra damage from light or sun based attacks, they take extra damage from this weapon.
-Level 3: Enemies killed with this weapon cannot be revived. This effect may partially fail (based on GM discretion) on stronger enemies.
-Level 4: 2d6 damage.
-Level 5: 3d6 damage.
-Level 6: 4d6 damage.

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Gozer creates a pile of Caltrops, which Cap flings at the monsterous buzzing!



Spray (Gozer, Cap)

Cap throws a handful of Stone Caltrops at enemies

Lower Init for 3 enemies by 3 each, if init hits zero, they are stunned




Spray (Gozer, Cap)

Cap throws a handful of Stone Caltrops at enemies

Lower Init for 3 enemies by 3 each, if init hits zero, they are stunned


Celestial Spear (Cap, Blue Art)

Cramping Dackly's Signature Move, Cap throws a spear at an enemy made of Celestial Magic.

Deals 1d10+Int Damage, but the enemy's next attack on Cap will deal 1d10+Attacking Stat Damage to them.


Slingshot (Cap)

Cap learns how to slingshot himself gravitationally at a target, smashing into them to deal damage.

Deals Int+1d6 Damage to the target, and Int Damage to both the user and a target.


Emerald Font

A small emerald which glistens with some kind of condensation, and glows with an inner light, anyone holding it would feel better, but not much.

The user is healed for CON/4 + 1 HP per turn.


Emerald Font

A small emerald which glistens with some kind of condensation, and glows with an inner light, anyone holding it would feel better, but not much.

The user is healed for CON/4 + 1 HP per turn.


Toa Heartlight (Untyped)

The ancient mechanisms of the Toa Canister have transformed you into a creature of Bionicle! But without a source of elemental power, only some of its features have been unlocked.

Grants +2 damage reduction and +2 to a stat chosen when equipped.
Cannot be unequipped at this time.
Deals 5% of your MHP in nonlethal pure damage to you each round until you pass out.
Self-damage can be negated if you wear a Kanohi Mask of Power.


Matoran Kanohi Mask

This artifact allows beings of Bionicle to properly control and contain their powers. Without one, even the mightiest Toa can be humbled. Some masks can also grant special powers, but these do not. They are enough to keep you alive and healthy, though.

Can be knocked off by a critical hit, requiring a round to recover and put back on.







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Edmond uses Quick Tune Up, restoring 15 HP to Cell at lightning speed!  He pays 13 HP to do this, and then regenerates 7.


Cell activates his Aura of Laceration, and prepares to parry.


Tsubasa uses Sky Splitting Flash, and prepares to defend Hahli and Nuparu.


Hikari activates her Blood Barrier, and uses Dispersal Slash on a Nui-Rama, dealing 32 damage!  The Nui-Rama is not deterred!


The Nui-Rama Swarm attacks everyone twice with their stingers!  As she is bleeding and smells delicious, Tsubasa takes two additional attacks!  Each attack deals 8 damage!  Cell counters and strikes back, dealing 27 damage!  Cell's Aura of Laceration triggers!  The Nui-Rama are not deterred!  One of the Nui-Rama falls with a crunch of buckling chitin!  Tsubasa blocks one of the attacks aimed at each of the matoran!  Hikari's blood barrier blocks the stings!  Edmond, Travis, and Nuparu take reduced damage due to their armor!  Natural Armor reduces damage all around!


Travis fires his machine gun, hitting 4 Nui-Rama for 5 damage each!  They must attack him next turn!  One of the Nui-Rama spins out of control, its wings savaged by bullets and Cell's Aura, and slams face-first into a tree before collapsing to the ground in a heap.


A roar echoes across the jungle, sounding rather like Godzilla ate an air raid siren and it got stuck in his throat.  The Nui-Rama somehow look nervous upon hearing this...


Gozer and Cap fling caltrops!  This would ordinarily be of no use against flying enemies, but as the Nui-Rama come in to attack, three of them get spiked by the caltrops, reducing their initiative!


Cicivexa fires his blizzard, dealing 19 damage and reducing the Nui-Rama Swarm's initiative to 0!  Cicivexa gains Umbra for 3 rounds!  Using his Swiftcast, he then fires Flare, dealing 21 damage to 4 of them!  The Nui-Rama shy away from the flames, but one of them, slowed by the ice, is unable to escape and catches fire instead.  Its thin wings swiftly burn away, and it crashes to the ground, a smoldering corpse.


Hahli throws a war disk, dealing 8 damage!  One of the Nui-Rama scorched by Cicivexa is hit in the arm, causing it to go limp!  Buzzing in distress, the injured insectoid flies off into the night, clutching its disabled arm!  "What was that cry?" She wonders, "I've never heard or heard of a Rahi which sounded like that."


Nuparu loads a war disk into his launcher...  "Oh joy, a new species," He grumbles, "When I said I wanted to die for science, this wasn't exactly what I had in mind."


A light appears high in the sky, thin, cross-hatched lines glowing cherry red.  They aren't bright enough to illuminate whatever it is, or even reveal its shape, but they make it clear that something is up there.  Something big and flying.  And glowing.  That's probably not a good sign.




Cell:  12

Tsubasa:  11

Hikari:  10

Travis and Friends:  9

Gozer and Cap:  6

Cicivexa:  6 (Lower dexterity)

Halhi:  4

Edmond:  2

Nuparu:  2 (Lower dexterity)

Nui-Rama Swarm:  0

Glowy Boi:  Goes Last




Cell:  22/128, badly hurt, Aura of Laceration 1

Gozer and Cap:  43/51, emotionally compromised

Cicivexa:  48/60, wounded, Umbra 2, Astra 1

Edmond:  55/65, a bit winded

Halhi:  34/40, healthy, wounded

Nuparu:  46/50, healthy, wounded

Tsubasa:  66/90, healthy, wounded

Hikari:  65/65, healthy

Travis:  82/90, healthy, light damage

Glowy Boi:  ???/???, healthy, glowing

Nui-Rama Swarm: 16/20, light injuries spreading, intimidated


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"Yes, it is quite clear what you did, Sanada. Why you did it, however, remains a mystery." Cicivexa was about to unleash another Flare when the massive flying beast approached. Sadly, the Kanohi Akaku possessed no night vision, so he was just as unable to discern its features as the rest of the group, but it was clear that this would be the real fight compared to the Nui-Rama. It could render him a stain on the dirt the moment it turned its attention toward him, so he recognized that the best course of action would be self-protection.


Cicivexa cast mtIocJY.png Manaward, negating the damage of the next two attacks targeted at him!


Effects & Cooldowns:


Temporary Perk Effects (already accounted for in above actions):

Jp5v55M.gif Umbra: The current turn + the next 1 turn(s)

Hzj7h9s.gifAstra: The current turn

FYP7By3.png Enochian Dependency: Until Umbra and/or Astra was active during both of the two previous turns

Turn 0: none

Turn 1: Umbra, Astra


Temporary Effects (already accounted for in above actions):

Manaward: 2 shields left


Mask of Vision: 2 turn cooldown

Swiftcast: 2 turns until useable

Manaward: used this battle

Stats & Abilities:


Level: 5
HP: 60
Initiative: 6 (5-5+6)
Constitution: 6
Dexterity: 5
Intelligence: 14 (12+2)
Strength: 0
Synergy: 7



rjck6Oj.png Astral Cycle: Cicivexa can tap into the aetheric cycle that that defined the dynasties of his homeland. Whenever he casts a Fire Spell, he gains the Astra effect for one turn, boosting the damage of his next Fire Spell by 10%. This damage boost does not stack with itself. Whenever he casts a Blizzard Spell, he gains the Umbra effect for 3 turns, enabling the ability to cast certain spells, frequently Fire Spells.


LQ3xCXb.png Swiftcast: Grants the Swiftcast action.


L55nstA.png Firestarter: All attacks have a critical chance equal to INT*2%, dealing 2x damage on a critical hit. 


Rbf0jJR.png Magick and Mend: All attacks that scale off of some amount of INT scale off of the same amount of SYN. For example, if an attack deals INT/2 damage on its own, it now deals INT/2+SYN/2 damage. The -50% penalty to buffs on AOE spells still applies. Does not apply to non-damage effects. 



KqeM8R3.png Enochian Dependency: If neither Astra nor Umbra was active in the previous two turns, -50% damage dealt. 


Actions and Equipment: 7/7

O5JhtLv.png Blizzard I: Deals WD*0.75 ice damage, and also deals INT Initiative Reduction.  Is a Blizzard spell.


lBJux0A.png Flare III (Level 7): Deals WD+2d6 fire damage to 4 different targets. Is a Fire Spell. Can only be cast while under Umbra. Lowers the duration of Umbra by one turn.

lBJux0A.png Flare I (Level 5): Deals WD+2 fire damage.


FNsULJv.pngThunder I: Cooldown of 4 turns. Deals WD*0.5 lightning damage, and applies one stack of "Thundercloud" on the target for 3 turns. Can only be cast under Umbra.

Whenever someone under the Thundercloud effect uses an ability with a cooldown or charging time, the effect is consumed and Cicivexa can make a free action weapon attack next round (unless he is unable to act). He cannot gain more than one free action per turn via Thundercloud. This weapon attack deals lightning damage instead of the original element.


1SpKtNI.png Swiftcast I: Perk-backed, Free Action, Cooldown of 3 turns. Allows Cicivexa to use an additional Action (of minimum Action Level of 3), at -2 Action Levels.


mtIocJY.png Manaward I: Once per encounter. The next two attacks targeting Cicivexa do not deal damage to him.

Stardust Rod Zenith: Casts the Scathe spell, dealing 5d6+INT (+SYN due to Enhanced Black Magic) non-elemental damage. Lowers Initiative by 5-Strength.

Felt Sash: Increases Initiative by 6.

Toa Heartlight: +2 Damage Reduction, +2 INT, 5% MHP damage every turn without a Kanohi Mask equipped. Creates an additional action slot, exclusively useable for a Kanohi mask.

|-> Kanohi Akaku (Mask of Vision): Lets you see through anything less dense than solid lead, though you can still tell whether you’re looking through something. Has a telescopic zoom lens. Activate the mask as a free action to ignore dodge and miss chances/effects for 1 round. 3 round cooldown.


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Despite it probably being karma for attracting the swarm, Travis uses Tank It on Tsubasa and Edmond.



Level: 5

Init: 9

Stats: 30
Constitution: 12 +2
Dexterity: 9
Intelligence: 0
Strength: 9

Synergy: 0

Perks: TANK!!: When attacking a target, Travis may choose to force them to attack him next.

Angled Armor: Ignore the first ranged attack that isn't fire based or armor piercing to hit Travis each round.

Tread Heavily: + lvl To initiative and Travis is immune to rough terrain effects.

Heavy Armor: Attacks that deal less than LvL damage instead deal 1.


Flaw: Live Ammo Storage: Travis takes double damage from fire.

FIRE MAIN CANNON:  Twice per combat, Deal 5d6+Dex to one enemy and 5d6 to 4 other enemies 3 turn cooldown. Starts on cooldown.
    Level 1: Once per combat, Deal 3d4+Dex to one enemy and 3d4 to 4 other enemies. Starts with three turns of cool down.
    Level 2: +1d4 damage
    Level 3: Increase uses to 2 per combat.
    Level 4: +1d4 damage.

    Level 5: Upgrade die to d6


Hit it with a wrench: Travis becomes immune to status ailments until the end of the round and all current status ailments are ended. The first use also heals HP by Con. Two turn cool down.
    Level 1: Travis becomes immune to status ailments until the end of the round and all current status ailments are ended. Two turn cool down.

    Level 2: The first use heals HP by Con.


Fire Machine Guns!:  2d6 attacks for [LVL] damage distributed starting at the bottom of the initiative order and going up. Hits lower damage by 2 for one round.
    Level 1: 1d4 attacks for [LVL] damage.
    Level 2: Shots are distributed among enemies going up the initiative order.
    Level 3:  Shots lower Enemy damage by 2 per hit for one round.
    Level 3: +1d4 Attacks.

    Level 4: Fires d6 attacks instead.


Drive me closer!: Travis wants to hit them with his sword. Deals CON damage to an enemy, (because they just got run over by a tank) increases Travis' Initiative by Dex next turn, and they take an extra STR damage on the next attack. 1 turn cooldown.
    Level 1: Deals Con damage to an enemy and they take an extra STR damage when attacked next. 1 turn cooldown.

    Level 2: Increases Travis' Initiative by Dex next turn. 


Tank it: Being large and made of armor, Travis’ tank is in an amazing place to act as cover. Travis gets in front of 2 allies for 3 turns, making attacks targeting them target him instead and increasing his DR by 2. Travis can end the action early as a free action. 
    Level 1: Travis takes attacks meant for two allies for a turn.
    Level 2: Slap a shield on the side: +2 DR for a turn.
    Level 3: +1 turn.

    Level 4: +1 turn


Equipment: 2 tokens


“Big Iron”: A 75mm main cannon, named by Wyonna of course. + 4 main target damage on FIRE MAIN CANNON.
    Level 1: +2 damage on FIRE MAIN CANNON
    Level 2: +2 Damage


Scrap Armor: Bits of fairly straight metallic debris welded to the tank… You’re pretty sure you can see body parts in there. +3 DR reduces initiative by 5-STR
    Level 1: +1 DR Weight 5
    Level 2: +1 DR
    Level 3: +1 DR


Toa Heartlight (Con) – The ancient mechanisms of the Toa Canister have transformed you into a creature of Bionicle!  But without a source of elemental power, only some of its features have been unlocked.  Grants +2 damage reduction and +2 to a stat chosen when equipped.  Cannot be unequipped at this time.  Deals 5% of your MHP in nonlethal pure damage to you each round until you pass out.  Self-damage can be negated if you wear a Kanohi Mask of Power.


Matoran Kanohi Mask – This artifact allows beings of Bionicle to properly control and contain their powers.  Without one, even the mightiest Toa can be humbled.  Some masks can also grant special powers, but these do not.  They are enough to keep you alive and healthy, though.  Can be knocked off by a critical hit, requiring a round to recover and put back on.


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Cell takes a breath as the giant stinging bug lunge and swipe around.  He reaches into the bag of grenades he lugs around and pull out a cylindrical one with a copper colored top and black base, not dissimilar to a fist size battery with a pin.  He pulls the ring pin and chucks it towards the greatest mass of Nui-Rama.

Cell uses Flashbang targeting(at least two) of the Nui-Rama making them choose random targets, friend or foe.


Level: 7(5)

HP: 128

Initiative: 12

Tokens: 2/5



Strength: 8

Dexterity: 12

Intelligence: 12

Constitution: 14

Synergy: 0


Aura of Laceration: Talk about a paper cut.

For one round any time an enemy targets Cell with a melee attack that enemy takes [Int] Slashing damage, cooldown of one round.

Level 2: Increase duration by one.

Level 3: Increase duration by one.

Level 4: May activate as a free action on the first round of combat, goes on cooldown as normal.
Level 5: Increase duration by one(duration of four).


Parry: aaannndd riposte.

Choose a target to parry, if they attack before your next move cancel that attack.

Level 2: If successful the user can choose to make a weapon attack against the parried target as a free action, doing so puts Parry on cooldown for three rounds.
Level 3: Counterattacks are made at +15% damage.


Ceiling Turret: A large green glob of a snot-like substance that floats up to a nearby wall or ceiling and then rains pellets down on your enemies.

Creates a turret with 10 HP that attacks a random enemy at the end of each round for 1d4+[Int] damage, cooldown of two rounds(deployment).

Level 2: May place two turrets instead of one for an addition two cooldown.


Sack of Grenades: Talk about a bag of goodies.

Starts with one grenade type, additional types may be bought with levels, cannot use any type of grenade until all types are off cooldown.

Infantry Grenade: Deals [Str] damage to two targets.

Oil Grenade: Covers two targets in oil for two rounds, fire damage taken while covered in oil is increased by 20%, cooldown of two rounds.

Magnetic Grenade: Staggers two targets with magnetic fields for two rounds, targets gain 20% miss chance while staggered, cooldown of two rounds.

Flashbang: Two targets randomly hit friend or foe with their actions for two rounds, cooldown of two rounds.

Fire Grenade: Set two targets on fire, dealing 1d4+[Str]/2 fire damage each round for two rounds, cooldown of two rounds.

Ice Grenade: Reduce the Init of two targets by [Int/2] and freezes them, forcing them to act last next round or this round if the user acts before them, targets gain immunity to the freezing effect of this action after the first time it's used on them, but not the Init penalty, two round cooldown.

Ivy Grenade: Causes ivy to burst from the ground and entangle two targets, if they fail a Dex save vs the user’s Int they are prevented them from taking actions that require movement for two rounds, cooldown of two rounds.


Giant Killer: The bigger they are.

Attack one target for 7d10+[Dex] damage, Weight of 8.  Deals 50% more damage to Elite enemies and Bosses or 100% more damage if the user is below 50% HP.


Toa Heartlight (Con) – The ancient mechanisms of the Toa Canister have transformed you into a creature of Bionicle!  But without a source of elemental power, only some of its features have been unlocked.  Grants +2 damage reduction and +2 to a stat chosen when equipped.  Cannot be unequipped at this time.  Deals 5% of your MHP in nonlethal pure damage to you each round until you pass out.  Self-damage can be negated if you wear a Kanohi Mask of Power.


Matoran Kanohi Mask – This artifact allows beings of Bionicle to properly control and contain their powers.  Without one, even the mightiest Toa can be humbled.  Some masks can also grant special powers, but these do not.  They are enough to keep you alive and healthy, though.  Can be knocked off by a critical hit, requiring a round to recover and put back on


Ice Bow: Thawing out hurts the most.

Fire an arrow at an enemy, dealing [Int] cold damage and freezing them solid(stun), arrows are not returned until a target dies or the end of combat, may be used as a free action, cooldown of one round, has no effect on targets with cold resistance.

Total arrows: 2,

Remaining arrows: 2


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Hikari glared at the swarm, "Tch..." She stepped back towards the fire while slashing at the swarm.


Hikari slashes at the swarm with her sword inflicting 5d6 slashing damage if it hits. Her blood code makes the hit do 30% more damage.

Level: 5
HP: 65
Init: 10

Constitution: 7
Dexterity: 10+2
Intelligence: 3
Strength: 7
Synergy: 3


Enhanced Reaction Time - Grants an additional action once every 3 turns
 Blood Dispersion - If hp reaches 0 Hikari can revive herself. This can happen once per battle. However, this immediately triggers bloodthirst and only restores 25% of her HP. It also places her at the bottom of the initiative list.
 Prometheus Blood Code - Increase damage dealt by 30%
 Bloodthirst - Gives 50% damage boost when activated. Must be activated by either taking damage 3 times or upon the activation of the Blood Dispersion Perk.
Bloodthirst - Activates upon the activation of the Bloodthirst Perk. Can only make attacking moves while this is active. Cannot be deactivated until a friendly or enemy dies in the battle or the Drain Action hits a target.


Dispersal Slash - Allows Hikari to teleport behind the enemy closest to her in initative and attack. Adds 4 additional damage dice. Can be used once every 2 turns.
Level 1: Allows Hikari to teleport behind the enemy closest to her in initative and attack. Adds 1 additional damage dice. Can be used once every 3 turns.
Level 2: Adds 2 additional damage dice
Level 3: Can be used once every 2 turns
Level 4: Adds 3 additional damage dice
Level 5: Adds 4 additional damage dice
Blood Barrier - Creates a barrier that blocks 2 attacks. Can be used once every 2 turns.
Level 1: Creates a barrier that blocks 1 attacks. Can be used once every 4 turns.
Level 2: Can be used once every 3 turns
Level 3: Can be used once every 2 turns
Level 4: Barrier blocks 2 attacks
Drain - A metal tail with a spear tip emerges from Hikari's body striking her target and draining their blood. Deals Dexterity in damage. Can be used once every 2 turns. Removes the effects of Bloodthirst.
Level 1: A metal tail with a spear tip emerges from Hikari's body striking her target and draining their blood. Deals Dexterity in damage. Can be used once every 4 turns.
Level 2: Removes effects of Bloodthirst
Level 3: Can be used once every 3 turns
Level 4: Can be used once every 2 turns


Health Transfusion - Removes a stated amount of HP from Hikari and heals a friendly target of her choice for that amount of HP. Can be used once every 4 turns.
Level 1: Removes 20 HP from Hikari and heals a friendly target closest to her in initiative for that amount of HP. Can be used once every 4 turns.
Level 2: Removes a stated amount of HP
Level 3: Can target a friendly directly above or below her in initiative
Level 4: Can target a friendly of her choice

Hanemukuro Sword - Weight 7. Deals 5d6 damage. Inflicts slashing and piercing damage.
Level 1: Weight 7. Deals 3d6 damage. Inflicts slashing and piercing damage.
Level 2: Deals 4d6 damage
Level 3: Deals 5d6 damage
Silver Garb Bloodveil - Weight 7. Resists 10% of Slashing and Piercing damage.
Level 1: Weight 7. Resists 2 attacks of Slashing and Piercing damage.
Level 2: Resists 5% of all Slashing and Piercing damage
Level 3: Resists 10%

Toa Heartlight

The ancient mechanisms of the Toa Canister have transformed you into a creature of Bionicle! But without a source of elemental power, only some of its features have been unlocked.

Grants +2 damage reduction and +2 to a stat chosen when equipped.
Cannot be unequipped at this time.
Deals 5% of your MHP in nonlethal pure damage to you each round until you pass out.
Self-damage can be negated if you wear a Kanohi Mask of Power.


Matoran Kanohi Mask

This artifact allows beings of Bionicle to properly control and contain their powers. Negates MHP loss from Heartlight.

Can be knocked off by a critical hit, requiring a round to recover and put back on.

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Tsubasa breathes, assessing the area around her and clearing her mind further, then leaps outward again to guard her newfound allies(?), using the large armored vehicle as cover while she baffles the attacks of the incoming beasts.


Eye of the Storm (Currently 0 reduction), then Sky-Splitting Flash targeting Cicivexa and Cell

Yin: 0

Yang: 2 - > 4



Total Concentration Breathing: The bread and butter of a Demon Slayer. This technique allows one to harness the strength of one's breath and fight on par with demons. Allows Tsubasa to use their Constitution as an attacking stat in place of Dexterity, Strength, or Synergy.
Yin & Yang (Level 2): Tsubasa's fighting style emphasizes moving with the flow of battle, attack moving into defense and defense into attack when the time is right. They have a Yin and Yang meter, that start at zero and progressively fill. Every attack increases Yin by one, and every supportive action increases Yang by one. Yang also increases on turns an attack was received. These can be used to perform more powerful techniques. Whenever they are spent, the opposite gauge increases by the same amount. Each gauge is capped at 8 points. Resets to 0 after each battle.
Action & Reaction: When Tsubasa is attacked, they gain a stack of "Reaction." If two or more stacks of Reaction are present, Tsubasa expends all stacks to take an extra action on their next turn.
Flaw: Breathless: Tsubasa has not mastered the art of using Total Concentration Breathing full-time, and thus suffers the ill effects of stopping the technique. They have an additional "Breath" gauge that starts equal to their CON. Whenever Tsubasa uses an ability with a cooldown or gauge requirement, they lose half of that requirement (rounded down, but minimum 1) from this gauge. They lose the ability to act when this gauge is empty. Debuff cleanses restore Breath equal to the number of debuffs they would normally remove. Resets to 0 after each battle.
Level: 5
HP: 90
Initiative: 11
Base Stats:


  • Strength: 3
  • Dexterity: 11
  • Intelligence: 2
  • Constitution: 12+2
  • Synergy: 2

Actions: 18/18
First Form: Bolt from Blue Skies: A sword technique that emulates a sudden flash of lightning from a previously calm sky. Deals double damage, plus additional [DEX] damage, to a single target. Not usable if user has already attacked this encounter.
-Level 1: Double weapon damage. Only usable if user has not attacked yet.
-Level 2: Adds user DEX to the damage. If the attack is a DEX attack, add CON instead.
Second Form: Eye of the Storm: A breath technique that finds calm in chaos. Increases damage resistance by the user's Yin gauge for the remainder of the battle. Can be used again to double the resistance for a turn. Calculated off of user's Yin when they take damage, not when they use the move.
-Level 1: When activated, increases the user's damage resistance by their Yin gauge for 3 turns. If the gauge increases, so does the resistance.
-Level 2: Now permanent after use, but does not stack with itself.
-Level 3: Can be activated again to double the resistance for one turn.
Third Form: Sky-Splitting Flash: A technique that launches the user in a direction at high speed, allowing gaps to be closed quickly. Tsubasa uses this to interpose herself between allies and foes. Intercepts 2+[Yin spent] attacks on targeted allies, carries over between turns.
-Level 1: Intercepts the next attack on target ally. Can spend Yin to increase the number of attacks intercepted this turn.
-Level 2: Intercepts carry over between turns.
-Level 3: Intercepts can now target multiple allies.
-Level 4: Intercepts an additional attack.
Fifth Form: Chain Lightning: Channels a destructive flow of energy, jumping from victim to victim along the path of least resistance. Costs 5 Yang. Attacks 3 times, targeting the nearest enemy in initiative to the original target for followups. Can hit the same enemy twice.
-Level 1: Attacks an enemy for [weapon] damage, then attacks the enemy nearest them for the same until 3 attacks have been performed.
-Level 2: Can retarget the same enemy once, if there are no other valid targets.
Sixth Form: Sweeping Current Surge: A strenuous, rapid stream of slashes that baffle, buffet, and cripple, striking multiple enemies at once. Costs 5 Yin. Deals [CON] damage to an enemy and each one above and below it in initiative, then reduces their damage by the same amount for 2 turns.
-Level 1: Select a target. To it and each enemy above and below it in initiative, deal [CON] damage. The victims have their damage reduced by the damage they take from this for 2 turns.

Equipment & Tricks:

Nichirin Sword: One of the few instruments capable of slaying a demon for good. Infused with sunlight, these weapons are infallible if wielded properly - but beware the incautious strike. They change colors based on the wielder. Tsubasa's blade takes on a vibrant blue scheme with a tendency to catch and reflect the light. Weight 3. Deals 4d6+DEX damage
-Level 1: Deals 1d6+DEX damage.
-Level 2: If an enemy takes extra damage from light or sun based attacks, they take extra damage from this weapon.
-Level 3: Enemies killed with this weapon cannot be revived. This effect may partially fail (based on GM discretion) on stronger enemies.
-Level 4: 2d6 damage.
-Level 5: 3d6 damage.
-Level 6: 4d6 damage.


Toa Heartlight (Untyped): Grants +2 damage reduction and +2 to Constitution.  Cannot be unequipped at this time.  Deals 5% of your MHP in nonlethal pure damage to you each round until you pass out.  Self-damage can be negated if you wear a Kanohi Mask of Power.


Kanohi Faxon: This mask has wide eye holes, and a swept-back helm. When worn, it color-coordinates with its wearer’s outfit.  It lets you emulate the abilities of animals that share the environment you are in. While wearing this mask, you can train tricks that let you do things you otherwise couldn’t if an animal you know of that shares the environment you are in could.  Of course, you still have to figure out how to do the trick.

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Cap flings a mighty Celestial Spear at the glowing fellow!



Celestial Spear (Cap, Blue Art)

Cramping Dackly's Signature Move, Cap throws a spear at an enemy made of Celestial Magic.

Deals 1d10+Int Damage, but the enemy's next attack on Cap will deal 1d10+Attacking Stat Damage to them.



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Spray (Gozer, Cap)

Cap throws a handful of Stone Caltrops at enemies

Lower Init for 3 enemies by 3 each, if init hits zero, they are stunned


Celestial Spear (Cap, Blue Art)

Cramping Dackly's Signature Move, Cap throws a spear at an enemy made of Celestial Magic.

Deals 1d10+Int Damage, but the enemy's next attack on Cap will deal 1d10+Attacking Stat Damage to them.


Slingshot (Cap)

Cap learns how to slingshot himself gravitationally at a target, smashing into them to deal damage.

Deals Int+1d6 Damage to the target, and Int Damage to both the user and a target.


Emerald Font

A small emerald which glistens with some kind of condensation, and glows with an inner light, anyone holding it would feel better, but not much.

The user is healed for CON/4 + 1 HP per turn.


Emerald Font

A small emerald which glistens with some kind of condensation, and glows with an inner light, anyone holding it would feel better, but not much.

The user is healed for CON/4 + 1 HP per turn.


Toa Heartlight (Untyped)

The ancient mechanisms of the Toa Canister have transformed you into a creature of Bionicle! But without a source of elemental power, only some of its features have been unlocked.

Grants +2 damage reduction and +2 to a stat chosen when equipped.
Cannot be unequipped at this time.
Deals 5% of your MHP in nonlethal pure damage to you each round until you pass out.
Self-damage can be negated if you wear a Kanohi Mask of Power.


Matoran Kanohi Mask

This artifact allows beings of Bionicle to properly control and contain their powers. Without one, even the mightiest Toa can be humbled. Some masks can also grant special powers, but these do not. They are enough to keep you alive and healthy, though.

Can be knocked off by a critical hit, requiring a round to recover and put back on.


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"Not out of the woods yet are you Cell. . . " Edmond muttered. Almost like his recent handiwork had just been immediately nullified by the enemy. He'd have to work harder.


Quick Tune up on Cell healing 2d6+INT to a mechanical ally. Activate Gambit Perk to use Quick Tune up again healing Cell again for 2d6+INT, sacrificing 17 HP, reduced by preemptory bracing to 12 HP). Heal back a total of 7 HP from Autoregeneration. 4 damage reduction against physical forms of damage, 8 damage reduction against bullets specifically. +2 more from heartlight, and +2 to INT. I just remembered to equip that, and have swapped out one action to make room for it.


Level: 5

HP: 65

Init: Equal to your DEX(2) score

Constitution: --7



Gambit: By sacrificing 25% MHP, Edmond gains another action during his turn.


Preemptory Bracing: Through being prepared for pain and injury, Edmond is able to lessen it. Thus, recoil damage from himself or allied effects on him is reduced by 30+Level/2% (Rounded down as usual)


Autoregeneration: Through a combination of genetic factors and automatic injectors in his power armor suit, Edmond can regenerate somewhat from damage. Heal 10% MHP every round.


Slots (7/7)

Name: The Iron Will

A made-in-America modern miracle. This weapon of destruction flies over enemies, laying down suppressive firepower when combined with "The Long Arm of the Law". Basically a set of highly patriotic power armor. 4 damage reduction against physical forms of damage, 8 damage reduction against bullets specifically.

Weight: 5

Base (Loot): Grants physical damage reduction of 3 points, modular system: Provides +1 to rolls attempting to modify this system or integrate it with other electronic systems.

Level 2 (Loot): Physical damage Reduction increased by 1

Level 3 (Loot): Flight Systems Online: Grants fluff flight

Level 4 (Loot): Bulletproof: Damage reduction against bullets: 2*Physical Damage reduct

Level 5 (Loot): Acrobatics: The user gets +INT/2 at attempts to perform aerial tricks.

Level 6 (Craft): The suit can now record up to three enemies or six objects in high detail, allowing them to be studied remotely, granting items of "Combat Data"


The Long Arm of the Law: A weapon meant to be used by someone wielding the Iron will's frame, it looks like an unholy combination of a high caliber sniper rifle and a belt fed machinegun.

Weight: 5
Base (Loot): Deals 2d6+INT damage, and when used by someone not utilizing the Iron Will armor system, the weight is treated as 7.
Level 2: APDS Rounds: This weapon can be used with your choice of INT or DEX as its base stats.
Level 3: Familiarity : Bumps the dice formula up to 2d8+Stat
Level 4: Dead Aim: If the Iron Will suit is equipped, consider enemies dodge to be reduced by 10% when utilizing this weapon.


Equipment Acquired:  Toa Heartlight (Untyped) – The ancient mechanisms of the Toa Canister have transformed you into a creature of Bionicle!  But without a source of elemental power, only some of its features have been unlocked.  Grants +2 damage reduction and +2 to a stat chosen when equipped.  Cannot be unequipped at this time.  Deals 5% of your MHP in nonlethal pure damage to you each round until you pass out.  Self-damage can be negated if you wear a Kanohi Mask of Power.


Equipment Acquired:  Matoran Kanohi Mask – This artifact allows beings of Bionicle to properly control and contain their powers.  Without one, even the mightiest Toa can be humbled.  Some masks can also grant special powers, but these do not.  They are enough to keep you alive and healthy, though.  Can be knocked off by a critical hit, requiring a round to recover and put back on.

Quick tune-up: Edmond performs a series of repairs on a mechanical ally. Heal 2d6+INT HP on an ally who can be considered mechanical.

Level 1: Heal a mechanical ally by 1d6+INT.

Level 2: Heal the mechanical entity by 2d6+INT

Level 3: Edmond counts as mechanical for this skill, due to personal knowledge of his power armor.



Bird's Eye View: By calling out enemy attack patterns and apparent targets, Edmond may decrease incoming damage for two grounded allies by 20% for one turn. 1 turn cooldown.

Level 1: Decrease incoming damage for two grounded allies by 20% for one turn, 2 turn cooldown.

Level 2: 1 turn cooldown.

Level 3: Decrease incoming damage on two grounded allies by 30%.


Individual Air Support: Edmond chooses one ally, and makes note of incoming threats to them for one round. If an enemy would deal damage to the ally, even one cloaked or invisible, Edmond will first launch a burst of suppressive fire at them, dealing the base damage from a range weapon he is using, and stunning the enemy for one round. 5 turn cooldown.

Level 1: Choose an ally, if an enemy would target them, attack, deal basic damage, and stun. 5 turn cooldown.

Level 2: Advanced Sensor Array: Edmond will still be able to attack enemies who are cloaked, invisible, or speedy in such a way that would normally prevent them from being targetted while they make their move.


Strenuous G-force (free action): This action modifies other actions. Edmond may sacrifice an amount of HP, and move at a spot in the init equal to his original init plus or minus the amount of HP sacrificed. 1 turn cooldown.

Level 1: Sacrifice HP to move an amount around in the init equal to how much HP you sacrifice. 2 turn cooldown.

Level 2: 1 turn cooldown.

Level 3: No cooldown


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Cell flashbangs two Nui-Rama, causing them to choose random targets for the next 2 rounds.


Tsubasa uses Eye of the Storm, which does nothing right now.  Then she uses Sky Splitting Flash to redirect an attack from Cicivexa and Cell each to herself this round.


Hikari throws a cut with her sword, dealing 26 damage


Travis uses Tank It, protecting Tsubasa and Edmond for 3 turns and giving himself +2 DR for the duration


Cap flings a celestial spear at the glowing creature, dealing 12 damage!  Its next attack on him will deal 1d10 + their attacking stat.


Cicivexa casts Manaward, protecting himself from the next two attacks to target him.


Hahli throws another disk at a Nui-Rama, dealing 14 damage!


Edmond uses Quick Tune Up, then activates Gambit and does it again!  This restores 40 HP to Cell, and 12 damage to Edmond.  He then regenerates 7 HP.


Nuparu fires a disk from his launcher, dealing 23 damage!  The disk lodges in a Nui-Rama's head, sending it crashing to the ground.


The Nui-Rama attack each prospective enemy once, and attack Tsubasa 3 times.  Hikari, Cicivexa, and Edmond each get a single extra attack.  The stings deal 10 damage.  One of Tsubasa's attackers and Hahli's attacker are confused by the flashbang, and sting each other instead!


The glowing creature come streaking down from the sky.





The glowing creature comes swooping down, passing through the canopy accompanied by snapping branches.  This close, the ruddy glow reveals heavy, armored scales covering a thick body, with a reptilian head and bat-like wings.  On the underside of its neck, tail, and the backs of its legs, dozens of ovular objects hang, glowing the brightest.  Without slowing down, the creature does a belly flop directly into the center of the Nui-Rama swarm, before sliding forward into Travis, Edmond, and Tsubasa (redirected to Travis).  Behind it, a glowing, smoldering trail is carved into the soil.  Which then explodes, sending Nui-Rama flying, as seven of them are blown out of the air to land in smoking heaps.


BAZELGEUSE stands up on a pair of clawed feet and her wingtips, and roars again, emitting that same distinctive air raid screech.  She shakes her neck, explosive scales rattling beneath, as she turns to squarely face Gozer and Cap.






Cell:  12

Tsubasa:  11

Hikari:  10

Travis and Friends:  9

Gozer and Cap:  6

Cicivexa:  6 (Lower dexterity)

Halhi:  4

Edmond:  2

Nuparu:  2 (Lower dexterity)

Nui-Rama Swarm 0 (Lower dexterity)





Cell:  62/128, badly hurt

Gozer and Cap:  35/51, emotionally compromised

Cicivexa:  48/60, wounded, Umbra 1, Manaward 1

Edmond:  20/65, a bit winded

Halhi:  34/40, healthy, wounded

Nuparu:  38/50, healthy, wounded

Tsubasa:  66/90, healthy, wounded, Eye of the Storm

Hikari:  58/65, healthy

Travis:  21/90, healthy, light damage, Tank It 3 (+2 DR, blocking for Tsubasa and Edmond)

BAZELGEUSE:  ???/???, healthy, glowing

Nui-Rama Swarm: 8/20, light injuries spreading, intimidated, Flashbang 1 (2x)


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Cap flings out a spray of caltrops, targeting BAZELGEUSE and the swarm!



Spray (Gozer, Cap)

Cap throws a handful of Stone Caltrops at enemies

Lower Init for 3 enemies by 3 each, if init hits zero, they are stunned



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Spray (Gozer, Cap)

Cap throws a handful of Stone Caltrops at enemies

Lower Init for 3 enemies by 3 each, if init hits zero, they are stunned


Celestial Spear (Cap, Blue Art)

Cramping Dackly's Signature Move, Cap throws a spear at an enemy made of Celestial Magic.

Deals 1d10+Int Damage, but the enemy's next attack on Cap will deal 1d10+Attacking Stat Damage to them.


Slingshot (Cap)

Cap learns how to slingshot himself gravitationally at a target, smashing into them to deal damage.

Deals Int+1d6 Damage to the target, and Int Damage to both the user and a target.


Emerald Font

A small emerald which glistens with some kind of condensation, and glows with an inner light, anyone holding it would feel better, but not much.

The user is healed for CON/4 + 1 HP per turn.


Emerald Font

A small emerald which glistens with some kind of condensation, and glows with an inner light, anyone holding it would feel better, but not much.

The user is healed for CON/4 + 1 HP per turn.


Toa Heartlight (Untyped)

The ancient mechanisms of the Toa Canister have transformed you into a creature of Bionicle! But without a source of elemental power, only some of its features have been unlocked.

Grants +2 damage reduction and +2 to a stat chosen when equipped.
Cannot be unequipped at this time.
Deals 5% of your MHP in nonlethal pure damage to you each round until you pass out.
Self-damage can be negated if you wear a Kanohi Mask of Power.


Matoran Kanohi Mask

This artifact allows beings of Bionicle to properly control and contain their powers. Without one, even the mightiest Toa can be humbled. Some masks can also grant special powers, but these do not. They are enough to keep you alive and healthy, though.

Can be knocked off by a critical hit, requiring a round to recover and put back on.


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Tsubasa blinked. That was unexpected, not that it would slow her down. It was time, and she had a perfect target. "Lightning Breathing: First Form: Bolt from Blue Skies!" Suddenly, seemingly near instantaneously, Tsubasa was midair just past the new threat, having slashed it at blistering speed with a now-unsheathed sword. She twisted about in midair, taking another deep breath through clenched teeth. "Fifth Form: Chain Lightning!" She darted back downward, slashing between the Bazelgeuse and the Nui-Rama haphazardly, but effectively nonetheless.


First Form on Bazelgeuse, dealing (4d6+CON+DEX)*2. Expend Reaction to target Bazelgeuse with Chain Lightning, hitting it, then the Nui-Rama, then it again for 4d6+CON damage.

Yin: 0->7

Yang: 5->0


Total Concentration Breathing: The bread and butter of a Demon Slayer. This technique allows one to harness the strength of one's breath and fight on par with demons. Allows Tsubasa to use their Constitution as an attacking stat in place of Dexterity, Strength, or Synergy.
Yin & Yang (Level 2): Tsubasa's fighting style emphasizes moving with the flow of battle, attack moving into defense and defense into attack when the time is right. They have a Yin and Yang meter, that start at zero and progressively fill. Every attack increases Yin by one, and every supportive action increases Yang by one. Yang also increases on turns an attack was received. These can be used to perform more powerful techniques. Whenever they are spent, the opposite gauge increases by the same amount. Each gauge is capped at 8 points. Resets to 0 after each battle.
Action & Reaction: When Tsubasa is attacked, they gain a stack of "Reaction." If two or more stacks of Reaction are present, Tsubasa expends all stacks to take an extra action on their next turn.
Flaw: Breathless: Tsubasa has not mastered the art of using Total Concentration Breathing full-time, and thus suffers the ill effects of stopping the technique. They have an additional "Breath" gauge that starts equal to their CON. Whenever Tsubasa uses an ability with a cooldown or gauge requirement, they lose half of that requirement (rounded down, but minimum 1) from this gauge. They lose the ability to act when this gauge is empty. Debuff cleanses restore Breath equal to the number of debuffs they would normally remove. Resets to 0 after each battle.
Level: 5
HP: 90
Initiative: 11
Base Stats:
  • Strength: 3
  • Dexterity: 11
  • Intelligence: 2
  • Constitution: 12+2
  • Synergy: 2

Actions: 18/18
First Form: Bolt from Blue Skies: A sword technique that emulates a sudden flash of lightning from a previously calm sky. Deals double damage, plus additional [DEX] damage, to a single target. Not usable if user has already attacked this encounter.
-Level 1: Double weapon damage. Only usable if user has not attacked yet.
-Level 2: Adds user DEX to the damage. If the attack is a DEX attack, add CON instead.
Second Form: Eye of the Storm: A breath technique that finds calm in chaos. Increases damage resistance by the user's Yin gauge for the remainder of the battle. Can be used again to double the resistance for a turn. Calculated off of user's Yin when they take damage, not when they use the move.
-Level 1: When activated, increases the user's damage resistance by their Yin gauge for 3 turns. If the gauge increases, so does the resistance.
-Level 2: Now permanent after use, but does not stack with itself.
-Level 3: Can be activated again to double the resistance for one turn.
Third Form: Sky-Splitting Flash: A technique that launches the user in a direction at high speed, allowing gaps to be closed quickly. Tsubasa uses this to interpose herself between allies and foes. Intercepts 2+[Yin spent] attacks on targeted allies, carries over between turns.
-Level 1: Intercepts the next attack on target ally. Can spend Yin to increase the number of attacks intercepted this turn.
-Level 2: Intercepts carry over between turns.
-Level 3: Intercepts can now target multiple allies.
-Level 4: Intercepts an additional attack.
Fifth Form: Chain Lightning: Channels a destructive flow of energy, jumping from victim to victim along the path of least resistance. Costs 5 Yang. Attacks 3 times, targeting the nearest enemy in initiative to the original target for followups. Can hit the same enemy twice.
-Level 1: Attacks an enemy for [weapon] damage, then attacks the enemy nearest them for the same until 3 attacks have been performed.
-Level 2: Can retarget the same enemy once, if there are no other valid targets.
Sixth Form: Sweeping Current Surge: A strenuous, rapid stream of slashes that baffle, buffet, and cripple, striking multiple enemies at once. Costs 5 Yin. Deals [CON] damage to an enemy and each one above and below it in initiative, then reduces their damage by the same amount for 2 turns.
-Level 1: Select a target. To it and each enemy above and below it in initiative, deal [CON] damage. The victims have their damage reduced by the damage they take from this for 2 turns.

Equipment & Tricks:

Nichirin Sword: One of the few instruments capable of slaying a demon for good. Infused with sunlight, these weapons are infallible if wielded properly - but beware the incautious strike. They change colors based on the wielder. Tsubasa's blade takes on a vibrant blue scheme with a tendency to catch and reflect the light. Weight 3. Deals 4d6+DEX damage
-Level 1: Deals 1d6+DEX damage.
-Level 2: If an enemy takes extra damage from light or sun based attacks, they take extra damage from this weapon.
-Level 3: Enemies killed with this weapon cannot be revived. This effect may partially fail (based on GM discretion) on stronger enemies.
-Level 4: 2d6 damage.
-Level 5: 3d6 damage.
-Level 6: 4d6 damage.

Toa Heartlight (Untyped): Grants +2 damage reduction and +2 to Constitution.  Cannot be unequipped at this time.  Deals 5% of your MHP in nonlethal pure damage to you each round until you pass out.  Self-damage can be negated if you wear a Kanohi Mask of Power.

Kanohi Faxon: This mask has wide eye holes, and a swept-back helm. When worn, it color-coordinates with its wearer’s outfit.  It lets you emulate the abilities of animals that share the environment you are in. While wearing this mask, you can train tricks that let you do things you otherwise couldn’t if an animal you know of that shares the environment you are in could.  Of course, you still have to figure out how to do the trick.

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Hikari looks at the new enemy that entered the battle. What in the actual FUCK is that!?!?!


Hikari stabs into the nearest Nui-Rama dealing 5d6 piercing damage. Her blood code makes the hit do 30% more damage.


Level: 5
HP: 65
Init: 10

Constitution: 7
Dexterity: 10+2
Intelligence: 3
Strength: 7
Synergy: 3


Enhanced Reaction Time - Grants an additional action once every 3 turns
 Blood Dispersion - If hp reaches 0 Hikari can revive herself. This can happen once per battle. However, this immediately triggers bloodthirst and only restores 25% of her HP. It also places her at the bottom of the initiative list.
 Prometheus Blood Code - Increase damage dealt by 30%
 Bloodthirst - Gives 50% damage boost when activated. Must be activated by either taking damage 3 times or upon the activation of the Blood Dispersion Perk.
Bloodthirst - Activates upon the activation of the Bloodthirst Perk. Can only make attacking moves while this is active. Cannot be deactivated until a friendly or enemy dies in the battle or the Drain Action hits a target.


Dispersal Slash - Allows Hikari to teleport behind the enemy closest to her in initative and attack. Adds 4 additional damage dice. Can be used once every 2 turns.
Level 1: Allows Hikari to teleport behind the enemy closest to her in initative and attack. Adds 1 additional damage dice. Can be used once every 3 turns.
Level 2: Adds 2 additional damage dice
Level 3: Can be used once every 2 turns
Level 4: Adds 3 additional damage dice
Level 5: Adds 4 additional damage dice
Blood Barrier - Creates a barrier that blocks 2 attacks. Can be used once every 2 turns.
Level 1: Creates a barrier that blocks 1 attacks. Can be used once every 4 turns.
Level 2: Can be used once every 3 turns
Level 3: Can be used once every 2 turns
Level 4: Barrier blocks 2 attacks
Drain - A metal tail with a spear tip emerges from Hikari's body striking her target and draining their blood. Deals Dexterity in damage. Can be used once every 2 turns. Removes the effects of Bloodthirst.
Level 1: A metal tail with a spear tip emerges from Hikari's body striking her target and draining their blood. Deals Dexterity in damage. Can be used once every 4 turns.
Level 2: Removes effects of Bloodthirst
Level 3: Can be used once every 3 turns
Level 4: Can be used once every 2 turns


Health Transfusion - Removes a stated amount of HP from Hikari and heals a friendly target of her choice for that amount of HP. Can be used once every 4 turns.
Level 1: Removes 20 HP from Hikari and heals a friendly target closest to her in initiative for that amount of HP. Can be used once every 4 turns.
Level 2: Removes a stated amount of HP
Level 3: Can target a friendly directly above or below her in initiative
Level 4: Can target a friendly of her choice

Hanemukuro Sword - Weight 7. Deals 5d6 damage. Inflicts slashing and piercing damage.
Level 1: Weight 7. Deals 3d6 damage. Inflicts slashing and piercing damage.
Level 2: Deals 4d6 damage
Level 3: Deals 5d6 damage
Silver Garb Bloodveil - Weight 7. Resists 10% of Slashing and Piercing damage.
Level 1: Weight 7. Resists 2 attacks of Slashing and Piercing damage.
Level 2: Resists 5% of all Slashing and Piercing damage
Level 3: Resists 10%

Toa Heartlight

The ancient mechanisms of the Toa Canister have transformed you into a creature of Bionicle! But without a source of elemental power, only some of its features have been unlocked.

Grants +2 damage reduction and +2 to a stat chosen when equipped.
Cannot be unequipped at this time.
Deals 5% of your MHP in nonlethal pure damage to you each round until you pass out.
Self-damage can be negated if you wear a Kanohi Mask of Power.


Matoran Kanohi Mask

This artifact allows beings of Bionicle to properly control and contain their powers. Negates MHP loss from Heartlight.

Can be knocked off by a critical hit, requiring a round to recover and put back on.

Edited by EryaHistoria
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Cell puts a hand on Edmond's shoulder and gives him a nod of thanks before drawing the Giant Killer, the energy from his few remaining wounds causing it to glow a brilliant orange and crackle with power.  Cell turns to charge the new beast, taking the opportunity of its fixation on Gozer and Cap to find a place less likely to explode to strike.




Cell uses Giant Killer on the Bazelgeuse, striking it once for (7d10+12)+100% damage.

Aura of Laceration is still active for [2] rounds.



Level: 7(5)

HP: 114

Initiative: 12

Tokens: 2/5



Strength: 8

Dexterity: 12

Intelligence: 12

Constitution: 12

Synergy: 0


Aura of Laceration: Talk about a paper cut.

For one round any time an enemy targets Cell with a melee attack that enemy takes [Int] Slashing damage, cooldown of one round.

Level 2: Increase duration by one.

Level 3: Increase duration by one.

Level 4: May activate as a free action on the first round of combat, goes on cooldown as normal.
Level 5: Increase duration by one(duration of four).


Parry: aaannndd riposte.

Choose a target to parry, if they attack before your next move cancel that attack.

Level 2: If successful the user can choose to make a weapon attack against the parried target as a free action, doing so puts Parry on cooldown for three rounds.
Level 3: Counterattacks are made at +15% damage.


Ceiling Turret: A large green glob of a snot-like substance that floats up to a nearby wall or ceiling and then rains pellets down on your enemies.

Creates a turret with 10 HP that attacks a random enemy at the end of each round for 1d4+[Int] damage, cooldown of two rounds(deployment).

Level 2: May place two turrets instead of one for an addition two cooldown.


Sack of Grenades: Talk about a bag of goodies.

Starts with one grenade type, additional types may be bought with levels, cannot use any type of grenade until all types are off cooldown.

Infantry Grenade: Deals [Str] damage to two targets.

Oil Grenade: Covers two targets in oil for two rounds, fire damage taken while covered in oil is increased by 20%, cooldown of two rounds.

Magnetic Grenade: Staggers two targets with magnetic fields for two rounds, targets gain 20% miss chance while staggered, cooldown of two rounds.

Flashbang: Two targets randomly hit friend or foe with their actions for two rounds, cooldown of two rounds.

Fire Grenade: Set two targets on fire, dealing 1d4+[Str]/2 fire damage each round for two rounds, cooldown of two rounds.

Ice Grenade: Reduce the Init of two targets by [Int/2] and freezes them, forcing them to act last next round or this round if the user acts before them, targets gain immunity to the freezing effect of this action after the first time it's used on them, but not the Init penalty, two round cooldown.

Ivy Grenade: Causes ivy to burst from the ground and entangle two targets, if they fail a Dex save vs the user’s Int they are prevented them from taking actions that require movement for two rounds, cooldown of two rounds.


Giant Killer: The bigger they are.

Attack one target for 7d10+[Dex] damage, Weight of 8.  Deals 50% more damage to Elite enemies and Bosses or 100% more damage if the user is below 50% HP.


Ice Bow: Thawing out hurts the most.

Fire an arrow at an enemy, dealing [Int] cold damage and freezing them solid(stun), arrows are not returned until a target dies or the end of combat, may be used as a free action, cooldown of one round, has no effect on targets with cold resistance.

Total arrows: 2,

Remaining arrows: 2


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It was immediately clear that this monster was not of this world. After the weeks since Cicivexa was first called to fight Trespassers, only now did he finally encounter one. The Black Mage's response to it? The same response as usual: summoning firestorms.

Cicivexa casts lBJux0A.png Flare III on the Bazelgeuse, as well as three of the Nui-Rama, dealing (7d6+17) fire damage, with a 28% chance to inflict a Critical Hit for 2x damage!


Effects & Cooldowns:


Temporary Perk Effects (already accounted for in above actions):

TFlBVCN.pngUmbra: Inactive

MHy0dOh.png Astra: The current turn + the next 1 turn(s)

FdkHZzV.png Enochian Dependency: Inactive

Turn 0: Umbra, Astra

Turn 1: Umbra


Temporary Effects (already accounted for in above actions):

Manaward: 1 shield left



Mask of Vision: 1 turn cooldown

Swiftcast: 1 turns until useable

Manaward: Used This Encounter

Stats & Abilities:


Level: 5
HP: 60
Initiative: 6 (5-5+6)
Constitution: 6
Dexterity: 5
Intelligence: 14 (12+2)
Strength: 0
Synergy: 7



rjck6Oj.png Astral Cycle: Cicivexa can tap into the aetheric cycle that that defined the dynasties of his homeland. Whenever he casts a Fire Spell, he gains the Astra effect for one turn, boosting the damage of his next Fire Spell by 10%. This damage boost does not stack with itself. Whenever he casts a Blizzard Spell, he gains the Umbra effect for 3 turns, enabling the ability to cast certain spells, frequently Fire Spells.


LQ3xCXb.png Swiftcast: Grants the Swiftcast action.


L55nstA.png Firestarter: All attacks have a critical chance equal to INT*2%, dealing 2x damage on a critical hit. 


Rbf0jJR.png Magick and Mend: All attacks that scale off of some amount of INT scale off of the same amount of SYN. For example, if an attack deals INT/2 damage on its own, it now deals INT/2+SYN/2 damage. The -50% penalty to buffs on AOE spells still applies. Does not apply to non-damage effects. 



KqeM8R3.png Enochian Dependency: If neither Astra nor Umbra was active in the previous two turns, -50% damage dealt. 


Actions and Equipment: 7/7

O5JhtLv.png Blizzard I: Deals WD*0.75 ice damage, and also deals INT Initiative Reduction.  Is a Blizzard spell.


lBJux0A.png Flare III (Level 7): Deals WD+2d6 fire damage to 4 different targets. Is a Fire Spell. Can only be cast while under Umbra. Lowers the duration of Umbra by one turn.

lBJux0A.png Flare I (Level 5): Deals WD+2 fire damage.


FNsULJv.pngThunder I: Cooldown of 4 turns. Deals WD*0.5 lightning damage, and applies one stack of "Thundercloud" on the target for 3 turns. Can only be cast under Umbra.

Whenever someone under the Thundercloud effect uses an ability with a cooldown or charging time, the effect is consumed and Cicivexa can make a free action weapon attack next round (unless he is unable to act). He cannot gain more than one free action per turn via Thundercloud. This weapon attack deals lightning damage instead of the original element.


1SpKtNI.png Swiftcast I: Perk-backed, Free Action, Cooldown of 3 turns. Allows Cicivexa to use an additional Action (of minimum Action Level of 3), at -2 Action Levels.


mtIocJY.png Manaward I: Once per encounter. The next two attacks targeting Cicivexa do not deal damage to him.

Stardust Rod Zenith: Casts the Scathe spell, dealing 5d6+INT (+SYN due to Enhanced Black Magic) non-elemental damage. Lowers Initiative by 5-Strength.

Felt Sash: Increases Initiative by 6.

Toa Heartlight: +2 Damage Reduction, +2 INT, 5% MHP damage every turn without a Kanohi Mask equipped. Creates an additional action slot, exclusively useable for a Kanohi mask.

|-> Kanohi Akaku (Mask of Vision): Lets you see through anything less dense than solid lead, though you can still tell whether you’re looking through something. Has a telescopic zoom lens. Activate the mask as a free action to ignore dodge and miss chances/effects for 1 round. 3 round cooldown.


Edited by Unlurking Sentinel
corrected a math error
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"Well, that's a bit of a problem, now isn't it. . ." Edmond coughed out, winded by being slammed around by the falling dragon thing. For now, he focused on repairing himself, reaffixing and patching biofluid pumps, rewelding the scratched armor plates, and attempting to unjam some of the servos.


Quick Tune up on self healing 2d6+INT . Heal back a total of 7 HP from Autoregeneration. 4 damage reduction against physical forms of damage, 8 damage reduction against bullets specifically. +2 more from heartlight, and +2 to INT. I just remembered to equip that, and have swapped out one action to make room for it.


Level: 5

HP: 65

Init: Equal to your DEX(2) score

Constitution: --7



Gambit: By sacrificing 25% MHP, Edmond gains another action during his turn.


Preemptory Bracing: Through being prepared for pain and injury, Edmond is able to lessen it. Thus, recoil damage from himself or allied effects on him is reduced by 30+Level/2% (Rounded down as usual)


Autoregeneration: Through a combination of genetic factors and automatic injectors in his power armor suit, Edmond can regenerate somewhat from damage. Heal 10% MHP every round.


Slots (7/7)

Name: The Iron Will

A made-in-America modern miracle. This weapon of destruction flies over enemies, laying down suppressive firepower when combined with "The Long Arm of the Law". Basically a set of highly patriotic power armor. 4 damage reduction against physical forms of damage, 8 damage reduction against bullets specifically.

Weight: 5

Base (Loot): Grants physical damage reduction of 3 points, modular system: Provides +1 to rolls attempting to modify this system or integrate it with other electronic systems.

Level 2 (Loot): Physical damage Reduction increased by 1

Level 3 (Loot): Flight Systems Online: Grants fluff flight

Level 4 (Loot): Bulletproof: Damage reduction against bullets: 2*Physical Damage reduct

Level 5 (Loot): Acrobatics: The user gets +INT/2 at attempts to perform aerial tricks.

Level 6 (Craft): The suit can now record up to three enemies or six objects in high detail, allowing them to be studied remotely, granting items of "Combat Data"


The Long Arm of the Law: A weapon meant to be used by someone wielding the Iron will's frame, it looks like an unholy combination of a high caliber sniper rifle and a belt fed machinegun.

Weight: 5
Base (Loot): Deals 2d6+INT damage, and when used by someone not utilizing the Iron Will armor system, the weight is treated as 7.
Level 2: APDS Rounds: This weapon can be used with your choice of INT or DEX as its base stats.
Level 3: Familiarity : Bumps the dice formula up to 2d8+Stat
Level 4: Dead Aim: If the Iron Will suit is equipped, consider enemies dodge to be reduced by 10% when utilizing this weapon.


Equipment Acquired:  Toa Heartlight (Untyped) – The ancient mechanisms of the Toa Canister have transformed you into a creature of Bionicle!  But without a source of elemental power, only some of its features have been unlocked.  Grants +2 damage reduction and +2 to a stat chosen when equipped.  Cannot be unequipped at this time.  Deals 5% of your MHP in nonlethal pure damage to you each round until you pass out.  Self-damage can be negated if you wear a Kanohi Mask of Power.


Equipment Acquired:  Matoran Kanohi Mask – This artifact allows beings of Bionicle to properly control and contain their powers.  Without one, even the mightiest Toa can be humbled.  Some masks can also grant special powers, but these do not.  They are enough to keep you alive and healthy, though.  Can be knocked off by a critical hit, requiring a round to recover and put back on.

Quick tune-up: Edmond performs a series of repairs on a mechanical ally. Heal 2d6+INT HP on an ally who can be considered mechanical.

Level 1: Heal a mechanical ally by 1d6+INT.

Level 2: Heal the mechanical entity by 2d6+INT

Level 3: Edmond counts as mechanical for this skill, due to personal knowledge of his power armor.


Bird's Eye View: By calling out enemy attack patterns and apparent targets, Edmond may decrease incoming damage for two grounded allies by 20% for one turn. 1 turn cooldown.

Level 1: Decrease incoming damage for two grounded allies by 20% for one turn, 2 turn cooldown.

Level 2: 1 turn cooldown.

Level 3: Decrease incoming damage on two grounded allies by 30%.


Individual Air Support: Edmond chooses one ally, and makes note of incoming threats to them for one round. If an enemy would deal damage to the ally, even one cloaked or invisible, Edmond will first launch a burst of suppressive fire at them, dealing the base damage from a range weapon he is using, and stunning the enemy for one round. 5 turn cooldown.

Level 1: Choose an ally, if an enemy would target them, attack, deal basic damage, and stun. 5 turn cooldown.

Level 2: Advanced Sensor Array: Edmond will still be able to attack enemies who are cloaked, invisible, or speedy in such a way that would normally prevent them from being targetted while they make their move.


Strenuous G-force (free action): This action modifies other actions. Edmond may sacrifice an amount of HP, and move at a spot in the init equal to his original init plus or minus the amount of HP sacrificed. 1 turn cooldown.

Level 1: Sacrifice HP to move an amount around in the init equal to how much HP you sacrifice. 2 turn cooldown.

Level 2: 1 turn cooldown.

Level 3: No cooldown


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With an intimidating DAKADAKA The tank's machine guns fire off, suppressing the hostiles.



Level: 5

Init: 9

Stats: 30
Constitution: 12 +2
Dexterity: 9
Intelligence: 0
Strength: 9

Synergy: 0

Perks: TANK!!: When attacking a target, Travis may choose to force them to attack him next.

Angled Armor: Ignore the first ranged attack that isn't fire based or armor piercing to hit Travis each round.

Tread Heavily: + lvl To initiative and Travis is immune to rough terrain effects.

Heavy Armor: Attacks that deal less than LvL damage instead deal 1.


Flaw: Live Ammo Storage: Travis takes double damage from fire.

FIRE MAIN CANNON:  Twice per combat, Deal 5d6+Dex to one enemy and 5d6 to 4 other enemies 3 turn cooldown. Starts on cooldown.
    Level 1: Once per combat, Deal 3d4+Dex to one enemy and 3d4 to 4 other enemies. Starts with three turns of cool down.
    Level 2: +1d4 damage
    Level 3: Increase uses to 2 per combat.
    Level 4: +1d4 damage.

    Level 5: Upgrade die to d6


Hit it with a wrench: Travis becomes immune to status ailments until the end of the round and all current status ailments are ended. The first use also heals HP by Con. Two turn cool down.
    Level 1: Travis becomes immune to status ailments until the end of the round and all current status ailments are ended. Two turn cool down.

    Level 2: The first use heals HP by Con.


Fire Machine Guns!:  2d6 attacks for [LVL] damage distributed starting at the bottom of the initiative order and going up. Hits lower damage by 2 for one round.
    Level 1: 1d4 attacks for [LVL] damage.
    Level 2: Shots are distributed among enemies going up the initiative order.
    Level 3:  Shots lower Enemy damage by 2 per hit for one round.
    Level 3: +1d4 Attacks.

    Level 4: Fires d6 attacks instead.


Drive me closer!: Travis wants to hit them with his sword. Deals CON damage to an enemy, (because they just got run over by a tank) increases Travis' Initiative by Dex next turn, and they take an extra STR damage on the next attack. 1 turn cooldown.
    Level 1: Deals Con damage to an enemy and they take an extra STR damage when attacked next. 1 turn cooldown.

    Level 2: Increases Travis' Initiative by Dex next turn. 


Tank it: Being large and made of armor, Travis’ tank is in an amazing place to act as cover. Travis gets in front of 2 allies for 3 turns, making attacks targeting them target him instead and increasing his DR by 2. Travis can end the action early as a free action. 
    Level 1: Travis takes attacks meant for two allies for a turn.
    Level 2: Slap a shield on the side: +2 DR for a turn.
    Level 3: +1 turn.

    Level 4: +1 turn


Equipment: 2 tokens


“Big Iron”: A 75mm main cannon, named by Wyonna of course. + 4 main target damage on FIRE MAIN CANNON.
    Level 1: +2 damage on FIRE MAIN CANNON
    Level 2: +2 Damage


Scrap Armor: Bits of fairly straight metallic debris welded to the tank… You’re pretty sure you can see body parts in there. +3 DR reduces initiative by 5-STR
    Level 1: +1 DR Weight 5
    Level 2: +1 DR
    Level 3: +1 DR

Toa Heartlight (Con) – The ancient mechanisms of the Toa Canister have transformed you into a creature of Bionicle!  But without a source of elemental power, only some of its features have been unlocked.  Grants +2 damage reduction and +2 to a stat chosen when equipped.  Cannot be unequipped at this time.  Deals 5% of your MHP in nonlethal pure damage to you each round until you pass out.  Self-damage can be negated if you wear a Kanohi Mask of Power.


Matoran Kanohi Mask – This artifact allows beings of Bionicle to properly control and contain their powers.  Without one, even the mightiest Toa can be humbled.  Some masks can also grant special powers, but these do not.  They are enough to keep you alive and healthy, though.  Can be knocked off by a critical hit, requiring a round to recover and put back on.


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Cell uses Giant Killer on Bazelgeuse, dealing 104 damage!


Tsubasa uses First Form, dealing 88 damage to Bazelgeuse!  Then she uses Reaction to use Chain Lightning on Bazelgeuse, the Nui-Rama, and Bazelgeuse again, dealing 23, 25, and 30 damage!  Another Nui-Rama falls.


Hikari stabs a Nui-Rama for 26 damage!  It dies.


Travis machine guns every single Nui-Rama and Bazelgeuse.  Another Nui-Rama is dead.


Gozer and Cap throw caltrops at Bazelgeuse and the remaining Nui-Rama


Cicivexa uses Flare III, dealing 42 damage to Bazelgeuse and 3 of the Nui-Rama, killing the giant bugs.


Hahli throws another disk, dealing 14 damage and slaying another Nui-Rama.


Edmond heals himself with Quick Tune Up and his autoregen, recovering 31 HP


Nuparu takes some spare parts from the abundant Nui-Rama corpses and uses it to repair Travis' damaged tank, healing it for 9 HP.


The single surviving Nui-Rama flies away at full speed, having decided that Tsubasa's tasty, tasty blood is very much not worth this.


Bazelgeuse steps on the caltrops, and she stumbles, scattering explosive scales from her neck!  The scales go off in a ragged chorus, dealing 17 damage to everyone as the bombs turn into celestial spears just before impact!  Bazelgeuse turns toward Cicivexa and rears up, preparing to charge!




Cell:  12

Tsubasa:  11

Hikari:  10

Travis and Friends:  9

Gozer and Cap:  6

Cicivexa:  6 (Lower dexterity)

Halhi:  4

Edmond:  2

Nuparu:  2 (Lower dexterity)





Cell:  47/128, badly hurt, Aura of Laceration 1

Gozer and Cap:  24/51, emotionally compromised

Cicivexa:  48/60, wounded,

Edmond:  51/65, a bit winded

Halhi:  19/40, healthy, wounded

Nuparu:  25/50, healthy, wounded

Tsubasa:  66/90, healthy, wounded, Eye of the Storm

Hikari:  43/65, healthy

Travis:  6/90, healthy, heavy damage, Tank It 1 (+2 DR, blocking for Tsubasa and Edmond)

BAZELGEUSE:  ???/???, 245 damage taken


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