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I just finished the Kokuyo arc of KHR and I have some questions. Firstly, how did Mukuro obtain his Six Paths skills? Also, does anyone know what happen with Mukuro's underlings and Lancia? (all I know is that Mukuro manages to escape as he possessed a boy's body in ep 26) It was a bit confusing as the plot was intense and detailed :P.

He explains it in the anime during the fight with Tsuna. He claims that people die and are reborn into different paths, and he has the Six Paths skill because he remembers living every single path.

His men are still alive, they were taken by Vindice. They make a return in later episodes.

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He explains it in the anime during the fight with Tsuna. He claims that people die and are reborn into different paths, and he has the Six Paths skill because he remembers living every single path.

His men are still alive, they were taken by Vindice. They make a return in later episodes.

I understand that part but does that mean he has died and been reborn 6 times?

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favourite characters?






and Jiraiya

Nah, I'm fucking with you. My actual favourite characters...

1: I'm going to have to tie this one with Kittan from Gurenn Lagann and Senji Kiyomasa from Deadman Wonderland. These guys are fucking awesome in so many ways it's hard to put into words (which infuriates me) but they each have incredibly powerful defining moments respectively that just sent shivers down my spine and made me want to yell, arguably a more impressive feat for the Deadman wonderland manga but regardless, these two are fucking awesome.

2: BOBBY from Binbougami ga (I'm struggling not to just say the entire fucking cast for this show, I'm not even lying). THIS MAN, THIS GLORIOUS MAN IS LITERALLY WHO I WISH I COULD BE, LEMME TELL YOU HOW DEDICATED THIS MAN IS, YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW

3: Yui from Angel beats. Happy and bouncy, all around lovable until you realise literally how perfectly her last scene is done and oml, most people I've spoken to cry at the very end of Angel beats but her last scene just ripped my heart out. Unless you want to cry, seriously don't marathon that show, it's so touching I can't do it justice.

4: Another tie, Hikigaya Hachiman and Yasuri Shichika from Yahari~~~~ and Katanagatari respectively. These characters are such a interesting departure from typical protagonists that I have to admire the writing behind their characters and also who they are. Hikigaya, as put down as he is, really hs a lot of redeeming qualities, one of which being his willingness to become a martyr. Selfless characters get to me, if a character gives something of themselves for a cause, with no plot armour, I'm bawling.

On the other hand Shichika is a very, well, inhuman character. He was isolated all his life with only his family for company and that is very clearly reflected in his character and how he develops until

Seriously, big spoilers

He literally goes and destroys the blades he worked for with his dead love in one of the greatest finales I've ever seen. Again, words can't do it justice but those who have seen it know the significance of the episodes events

and finally number 5, last and least, is the cast of Panty and Stocking with Gaterbelt, sans perhaps Stocking. Every one of thse characters are vibrant and fun and each stand out. Even Chuck (HE IS FUCKING AWESOME JUST BECAUSE OF THAT ONE THING HE DID, I DON'T EVEN CARE)

So yeah, favourite characters. I could list so many more and it probably shifts depending on ym mood but here we are.

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Favorite characters in no particular order

Yusuke - Yu Yu Hakusho

Hisoka - Hunter x Hunter

Griffith - Berserk

Wrath - Fullmetal Alchemist (2003)

Takamura - Hajime no Ippo

Akashi - Kuroko's Basketball

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Let's see ... anime I like currently its mainly slice of life and sports anime like Free!, Ano Hana, Usagi Drop, Tsuritama, Slam Dunk, and Haikyuu. I also really like Log Horizon, Madoka, Steins Gate, and Higurashi. Though I should probably rewatch Higurashi sometime in the future though some fansubs can be hard to find.

I'm not really the type of person that will watch seasons as they are airing, I prefer to watch them they've finished airing. However I'm currently in the process of watching Baby Steps, Space Brothers, and Unlimited Blade works.

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Fav anime characters you say?

1. Kotomine Kirei (Fate Series)
2. Hayama Akira (Shokugeki no Soma) (although..he hasn't exactly appeared in the anime as of the time of this post)
3. Aomine Daiki (Kuroko no Basket)
4. Kurama (Yuyu Hakusho)
5. Gintoki (Gintama)

Honorable Mentions : Akashi, Roy Mustang, Gon, Itachi, Rin Tohsaka.

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So, a friend and I decided to watch Gakkou Gurashi Episode 1 together after seeing the preview synopsis on AniChart. So, we came in expecting a zombie apocalypse to start at some point towards the end of the episode. Throughout the episode, we pointed to all of the weird signs and foreshadowing like the text on the classroom blackboard, the shadows of the broken windows (which at the time we thought were figures looking into the building), the barricade of tables (which we wondered why they were there), the cross-shaped tomb in the roof garden, and so forth. When the OP came, we were like: this is such a bait-and-switch. Needless to say, we were completely on-guard for anything…or so we thought until the actual twist came and damn. We were caught by surprise and pretty much everything made sense at that moment. But damn. That was insane.

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Someone should make a recommendations thread where people go to ask for new things to watch and say ones they liked to get an idea.

You give us freedom we know not what to do with, this has been home for many generations of weebs

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I need some good horror genre anime. Just provide a decently sized list and I'll sort out through things I may have watched already.

The only good horror anime that's currently airing is Gakkougurashi!, but it's mainly about the mystery, the horror is pretty weak so far. In any case, it's worth checking out. Just read Hiss13's reply.

As for some good horror shows that have already aired, here:

- Higurashi/Umineko no naku koro ni

- Psycho-pass (usually not tagged as horror but this is way more violent than most horror shows ive watched)

- Shinsekai yori (it is horror, but it's more about the mystery/mindfuck)

- Deadman wonderland

- Danganronpa (honestly, the horror is pretty weak. but the mystery/murder cases were still great so you should still try it out)

- Jigoku shoujo

- Sankarea

- Tasogare otome x amnesia

- Monoke

- Monster

- Ergo proxy

- Texhnolyze

- Paprika

- Perfect blue

The last two are movies rather than tv series, but they're still horror in case you want to watch them. The two just before them aren't all that much horror and are mainly about the mystery/sci-fi, just like Shinsekai yori and Psycho-pass, but you should still check them out by all means.

Didn't include some really common ones such as Tokyo Ghoul, Shiki, Another, Elfen lied, Hellsing, Corpse party, Blood-C, Blood+, Mirai nikki, Parasyte, etc. I just figured you had already seen these, but if you haven't, you can check those out as well.

Also, there are two more which are scheduled to air on the fall season. Don't know if they're going to be any good, but in case you want to give them a try, here:

- Sakurako-san no ashimoto ni wa shitai ga umatteiru (translates to "A Corpse is Buried Under Sakurako's Feet")

- Kowabon



if that doesnt hype you, idk what does.

Edited by Gore
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So I watched the first five episodes of Fate/Zero the other day, partially because I've been meaning to see what the Fate hype is about for a long time, and partially because I needed some info for an RP. The first episode had me SUPER confused, mostly because I spent the majority of the episode thinking Kirei and Emiya were the same guy. :blink: Once that got cleared up, things made a lot more sense. What I find interesting about the series is that none of the participants are completely "good." There's no one character who you should 100% root for, and though I feel like it's supposed to be Emiya's side, I currently find Kariya's story and motive to be the most compelling. I have a few predictions, such as that Saber will lose trust in Emiya and side more with Irisviel, as Emiya seems pretty shady right now. Finally... Plz no spoilers. :(

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Doesn't matter if Saber loses faith or trust in Kiritsugu and leans more towards Irie. Kiritsugu is Saber's master and she has to follow his orders. Personally, I like Ryuunosuke because he doesn't really care about the Grail war. In terms of Servant either Iskander or Gilgamesh is my favourite.

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There's a lot of different media. You can either torrent the visual novel which has 3 storylines, Fate, Ultimate Bladeworks and Heavens Feel, or you can watch the anime. The first anime of Fate/stay night covers the Fate storyline and is the worst of all the shows. Then there's the anime Fate/Zero which is a prequel to the series and finally there's the recently aired Ultimate Bladeworks anime. Heavens Feel doesn't have an anime yet.

So what order should I watch them in? I am assuming first is Fate/SN, Fate/UB and then Zero? (I don't like reading visual novels so I'll wait for Heavens Feel's anime)

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So what order should I watch them in? I am assuming first is Fate/SN, Fate/UB and then Zero? (I don't like reading visual novels so I'll wait for Heavens Feel's anime)

Like I said, Zero is a prequel, so that first. Then UBW and, if you really want F/SN. Just be prepared for a quality drop with F/SN

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Well, I just finished Fate/Zero and that was some pretty good stuff. Final thoughts are that Emiya grew on me as I learned more about him, Kariya became less of a favorite, (Real spoilers incoming for those who don't want them. Not big spoilers, but spoilers nonetheless)

(Though I still feel super bad for him and wish he could've gotten his wish.)

Berserker is the coolest Servant appearance-wise, and Iskander/Rider is my favorite servant overall. Waver and Rider were an amazing pair.

I was somewhat correct about Saber and Irisviel, as Saber definitely liked Iri, and definitely did not agree with Emiya's methods. @DarkSpite I knew she could never completely break from Emiya due to the command seals, but the impression I got was that she definitely agreed with Iri more.

All in all, that was pretty good. I was planning on watching Fate/Stay Night next, but apparently UBW comes first? Is that true?

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All in all, that was pretty good. I was planning on watching Fate/Stay Night next, but apparently UBW comes first? Is that true?

UBW is better. F/SN is just a jarring drop in quality from Zero. You can watch them in either order, the stories are parallels to each other, but I'd say UBW first now. Then F/SN if you're curious

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By parallels, do you mean that they tell the same story, or happen at the same time? As in, is UBW basically HD remake SN or a different story entirely?

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The new EXTRA GAME chapter was pretty awesome. Not only did we see Kise show his full potential but those final few panels with Akashi hnnng. I feel like after maybe 3/4 chapters it'll be over. I hope they animate it into an OVA or something.

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By parallels, do you mean that they tell the same story, or happen at the same time? As in, is UBW basically HD remake SN or a different story entirely?

there two different routes from the visual novel. the story is slightly different between them. SN was made first by a different studio then zero and UBW. so the animation and acting is not as good.

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