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[D&D][IC] Valkyria: Scales of War


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Richard slowly starts to realize that there seemed to be no way down the corridor that wouldn't end up with a confrontation with the goblin ahead, and he quietly said "Can you help me deal with the goblin up ahead Maris?" Before attempting to quietly advance down the stairway, and hopefully with the bald faced monk going ahead of him. 

No matter what happens he would make sure that the moment a fight breaks out, he would be one of the first things the goblins would see.


Edit: ((OOC: If it is allowed can we just assume that Richard had sheathed his long sword at some point and taken out a javelin?))

((OOC: For stealth I rolled an 11 after disadvantage))


Richard is attempting to stealthily go down the stair way, and generally trying to be in the front lines if a battle happens.



Edited by Cronos5010
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Richard pulls out his javelin as the group continues to descend down the stairs.
As Maris and Richard approach the the landing they are able to see the room beyond.
The dank smelling T-Shaped room ahead is brightly lit by two burning braziers that flank the double door on the north wall.
Two goblins stand with crossbows at the ready guarding that door while another two are moving forward to investigate the ringing sound from earlier.
Maris, Richard and the Goblins all notice each other at the same time, causing them to let out a slight squeak of surprise.
Roll Initiative.



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Richard prepares to charge at the nearest goblin after throwing his javelin at them. (OOC: This won't happen until the absolute bottom of the Initiative order since I rolled a natural 1).

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Ragash takes the weapon from Richard and nods as he goes forward. Figureing that something was going to happen she grabs hold of her crystal in her other hand. 



17 for me 


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Althea moves in between the monk and Richard so that she can aim her crossbow at one of the goblins and shoots one of them.


Rolled a 18 for aim and a 9 for hit damage and all of that


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Maris dashes at the farther goblin, attempts to wall run safely past the closer goblin's reach with an acrobatics check (11) and punch it in the face, rolling a 20 to hit and 7 for damage on the first blow, and a 14 to hit with a 5 for damage on the second.

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Maris manages to evade the goblin's reach by gooing up the wall and with two swift strikes ruptures the far goblins heart, leaving it lying on the floor.
Yisan catches the goblin's attention letting Richard run forward and fell the foul creature with one swift strike.
This leaves you alone with the bodies in the entrance hall.
These bound iron doors have latches, but no locks. The west doors have a plaque on it that says "To Von Urstadt." The north doors say "To Rivenroar Family." The east doors say "To Von Jallach."



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Ragash scrunches her face has she reads the plaques on the doors. Turning to the grou[ she asks "Do any if you know what any of these mean well not the family one anyway?" looking at the east door again she speaks "this one sound like jail we should go there. The prisoners would most likely be held in a jail." She says with a nod.

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Richard muttered a quick prayer as he walked over to the goblin he had slain with a javelin, and he tried his best to see if the javelin was broken beyond repair.


After doing that he would check the goblin's crossbow to see if it has the same black arrow mark from before, and possibly putting it and a few bolts inside of his backpack if it looked at all usable.


Richard spent a bit of time staring at the three plaques before saying "I agree with Rei, the east seems like it would hold the kidnapped victims we are looking for".

Edited by Cronos5010
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Maris attempts to check the doors for traps, but only gets a 6 on his perception check.  "Life is the driver of self-actualization," He declares, "We are at a crossroads of understanding and yearning.  Where we go from here shall shape the lives of many.  Empathy requires exploration, or disaster is inevitable!"

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