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[D&D][IC] Valkyria: Scales of War


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Maris, using the large chunks of rubble as cover, stealthy closes the distance between himself and the goblins. After he has gotten as close as possible he rushes the goblin on the left, causing it to squeak in surprise.
His first blow misses, causing him to punch the wall behind the goblin, the second hits the goblin under the chin dazing it, but not putting it down.

Just when the goblins are about to call out for help, two javelins come rocketing in and hit their marks, causing the two guards to slump against the ground, silenced.
The set of double iron doors stand in front of you.

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Ragash watched as the paladin and barbarian just launch the javelins at the goblins.


"Well that works" She says as she looks over to the cleric"Here you go." She hands over the crossbow and bolts."Its easy to shot you just do this." Ragash says as she shows the cleric how to shoot the crossbow.


"Well i guess its time to go in who wants to go first?" She asks as she moves towards the door.

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"Oh i'm fine with him going ahead. i was just pointing out even with him ahead i will see things before he will so we shouldn't get surprised unless i happen to not be paying attention." Ragash said with a sigh 



((OOC: Ragash has 120 feet of darkvison so she will see things before anyone in the dark even so even with him being 15 feet ahead ragash will see more as long as its dark.))

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Richard pulled out the javelin he had threw earlier and he took another moment to examine the goblin's weapon while saying "Can we count on your aid with scouting ahead of us Maris?" To well...the only person named Maris in this clearing.

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The weapon is well made, but not pretty, built for function with no decorative markings except the makers mark in the shape of a black arrow. It is a bit small for you as it was built for someone of a goblin's size.
The weapon is also quite new.

Edited by lifesapity
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Richard makes a mental note to get this weapon examined further when he gets back to the town, as it might be a good idea to try and find out who exactly is supplying the goblins with such well made weaponry, and he put it away inside of his backpack for safe keeping.

He then waits patiently for Maris to lead the party inside of the presumably goblin filled ruins with his shield in one hand, and a stout sword in the other. He did find the time to wink and smile warmly at Althea though.


((OOC: Can I get a stat sheet for the weaponry? Or am I actually unable to use it, also I forgot to track the amount of Gold coins I have spent up to this point, I think I gave one to Yuatjua and spent a bit of cash buying like two torches.))

Edited by Cronos5010
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3 hours ago, Cronos5010 said:

Richard makes a mental note to get this weapon examined further when he gets back to the town, as it might be a good idea to try and find out who exactly is supplying the goblins with such well made weaponry, and he put it away inside of his backpack for safe keeping.

He then waits patiently for Maris to lead the party inside of the presumably goblin filled ruins with his shield in one hand, and a stout sword in the other. He did find the time to wink and smile warmly at Althea though.

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((OOC: Can I get a stat sheet for the weaponry? Or am I actually unable to use it, also I forgot to track the amount of Gold coins I have spent up to this point, I think I gave one to Yuatjua and spent a bit of cash buying like two torches.))

Althea wasn't sure why Ricahrd smiled and winked at her, but nonetheless she smiles back while keeping her guard up in case of an incoming attack.

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Ragash ha been taping her foot impatiently for a bit now waiting for someone to open the door seeing that no one had moved to do so she gives a huuf and walks over to it.


"Well if you lot are to scared then i will open the door. " she says as she does her best to slowly and quietly open the door.



i rolled stealth using tides of chose to give me advantage got 20


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Richard picked up the other goblin's weapon and handed it to Ragash before she or anyone else entered the building "You're going to need this if you want to stay in the front".


After Maris entered the building, Richard would do his best to stand beside Ragash in an attempt to keep up with the monk, as he needed to be close to someone who could see in the dark, and he didn't want to endanger Althea by having her stand next to him.


Rolled a 5 for stealth after disadvantage

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Ragash opens the door slowly and silently and the party starts to move in, however as Richard enters the tip of the metal on his shoulder clips against the metal door frame, letting out a quiet ringing noise.
Ahead is a corridor with a set of stairs that leads 40ft down before leveling out and opening into a brightly lit room.
However the roof is cutting off most visibility of that room until you get to the bottom of the stairs.
Up ahead you hear low mutterings in goblin.


On Roll20 you can see the map, what I will try to keep updated. You will have to scroll out to find your starting position since most of the map is unexplored.


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9 hours ago, lifesapity said:

Ragash opens the door slowly and silently and the party starts to move in, however as Richard enters the tip of the metal on his shoulder clips against the metal door frame, letting out a quiet ringing noise.
Ahead is a corridor with a set of stairs that leads 40ft down before leveling out and opening into a brightly lit room.
However the roof is cutting off most visibility of that room until you get to the bottom of the stairs.
Up ahead you hear low mutterings in goblin.

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On Roll20 you can see the map, what I will try to keep updated. You will have to scroll out to find your starting position since most of the map is unexplored.


Althea holds back everyone once she heard everyone: "You guys hear that? We better get ready for battle. Nobody make a sound otherwise all hell breaks loose." Althea gets her crossbow ready to shoot some goblins quietly.

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