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Pokemon in Space [IC Chapter #03]


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Radovan had spent quite a bit of time on top of old 'Suzie' as he scanned the area around him to look for anything particularly interesting to look for in perfect silence. He finally decided to step off of the solid snake with a wave of his hand and a curt "Goodbye". As he had realized that this place was a bit too cramped for three people to stand around on safely (And that it might not be too comfortable for the Onyx to have three people standing on its head no matter how hard it is). He thought about what he should do next as he paced around the place for a while, and eventually Radovan settled for walking up to Taylor after he started to talk to the mushrooms. He then decided to join in the fun by waving excitedly at the mushrooms with his right hand, while keeping his left hand free just in of case he wanted to throw an Aetherball at one of them. "Hey mushrooms! We sort of need you to get moving for the safety of everyone who is living here".

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Kalva yawned and rubbed sleep from his eyes, sliding off Suzie in a slight daze. He made sure to thank Suzie for her help - it would have been rather hard trying to lift 3 people on her head. Kalva looked back at the mushrooms, but had to look away when he felt his eyelids growing heavy. Some form of spore, perhaps? Kalva remembered the lesson he learned from the Academy. The morelull, who fed off of energy and gave off spore that made predators drowsy. In this instance, the energy they were feeding off of would be the crystals.

He could try to communicate them, but without a voice, he'd have to get closer, and he was drowsy even from this distance. Besides, though Taylor's communication was commendable, they really haven't found a 'more abundant' place yet. Maybe if they could show the morelull a better place, they would be more convinced to move. Kalva looked for other places where they could ask the morelull to move to. 

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A place that resist Crystalization? Sounds interesting. As he watch the group climb down from the Onix. He continue to watch them trying to communicate the mushrooms, he wanted to help the one who is trying to communicate with the shrooms but decide not to as Sena saw the girl ask her partner to dig up some tunnel.


"You know..."  he approach Cathode, "I think I'm the only one who hasn't introduce myself... call me Sena, Ryugami Sena."

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*NPCs at the scene: Betani, Employee*




The Crabrawler, panicked over its partner's defeat, doesn't have enough time or cool to properly react to Theodore and Ante's attacks.



Theodore's Tackle (72 - 30 = 42)

hit roll: /

crit roll: 43,6 no crit


Ante's Tackle (67 - 30 = 37)

hit roll: /

crit roll: 89,0 no crit



Both attacks hit and the Crabrawler is sent thumbling backwards. In one final attempt to fight back, it readies its fist and punches towards Theodore as the Pokemon colides with it.


Crabrawler 2 Action: Rock Smash at Theodore (100 power); super effective




Crabrawler 2's Rock Smash (100 + 20% (Iron Fist) = 120 - 30 = 90*2 = 180

hit roll: /

crit roll: 65,7 no crit



The attack would've surely knocked Theodore out cold, but thankfully, Betani was there to intervene.


[Betani activated Technician Lv1; Nee is acting with priority]

"Don't take this the wrong way."


Nee propelled herself forwards, her master commandeering her in just the right moment. She came from the Crabrawler's side, attempting to knock her foot straight into its abdomen.


Nee Action: Stomp (priority) at Crabrawler 2 (85 power)



Nee's Stomp (85 - 30 = 55)

hit roll: /

crit roll: 63,7 no crit

flinch roll: 70 no flinch



Nee's attack succesfully lands and knocks the second Crabrawler out before it could hurt Theodore. The Pokemon falls on a pile together with its partner in crime and the battle is over.




Wild Battle over.


Theodore and Ante both earned 30 Exp and 5 EP




Nee jumps back into Betani's arms and snuggles up to the girl. Betani herself appears displeased and glares intently at you. "You idiots! You just went barging in! Who taught you how to battle? How can you put your Pokemon at such risk? That Stufful of yours would've been done for had I not interfered. You need to weigh the situation better!!!" She screams at Frederick, but neither Kai is spared a hateful stare.


"I'm going now. This little joyride was a complete waste of time. You two are free to continue your little egg hunt. I'm sure my colleague here won't spare you any assistance." She pats the comfused Aether Employee on the shoulder and walks back up the hill.


[Betani has left the scene]


"So...uhm...I'll heal your Pokemon now..."


[Theodore and Ante's HP has been fully restored.]


"We should do something about the Exeggcute they were gonna eat. Maybe we should bring it back to the Exeggutor?" The man politely suggests, obviously wanting to get away from the battles.


[Objective; return the first Exeggcute to the Exeggutor]

*note: that's also where Betani is*





*NPCs at the scene: Terry, Zeta*


Taylor's attempt to communicate with the mushrooms strangely actually yields results. One of the Pokemon raises its head towards Taylor and the others follow suit, all focusing on the young man aaaaaaaaaaaaaand Radovan who had sneaked up next to him. They eye Radovan suspiciously... 

There is an entire colony of them there and honestly, Taylor was right when he said there wasn't enough energy here and that they should move. Where, though? That was the question.


Suzie can't dig a hole in the hard ground no matter how much she tries, rendering Cathode's plans moot.



"Oh! You wanna get them to move?" Zeta chirps. "If they're feeding off the energy, I think I can lure them away. Watch this!" For the first time, Zeta grabs the little pouch dangling from her wrist and opens it, pushing a hand into it deeper than what its size would suggest. When she pulls it back out, there's a translucent, glowing small shard of crystal in her hand.


"Oh! So the rumors were true! All of these are actually Star Pieces!?" Terry looks at it in awe, comparing it to the rest of the crystals there. Zeta nods at him.


"Yeah! I collect the ones that fall at night before they can merge with the ones growing from the Tree of Life. Anyways, I'll just place them here and here..." The girl starts pulling more and more Star Pieces out of her pouch and arranging them in a line leading to the other side of the path. The Morelull, one by one, slowly start shying away from their used up habitat and following the line. The sight is strangely tantalizing to behold. A line of small mushrooms, glowing like the stars above them and the trees around them, migrating across the forest path. Zeta watches them with sparkles in her eyes and hands joined at her chest. Soon after, the crystal trees have cleared up from all the mushroom Pokemon that have relocated themselves where Zeta had led them. The path is now cleared for Suzie to crush the trees if she so wishes.


One of the Morelull, however, stayed, staring at Radovan.



[What will Radovan do?]


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Kai’s eyes stared straight towards Betani as she chastised the two Cadets. Her soft smile would make it seem as if she didn’t even realize the woman was giving a short lecture. Once she moved away, Kai moved towards the fainted Exeggcute, picking up two of the fallen eggs.

Kai put her best effort to keeping her balance, the large eggs rather heavy in her arms. “Thank you so much, mister.” She nodded her head towards the masked person, appreciative of the healing. “C’mon, help me and Frederick out. Two for each of us.”


Kai Action: Head back to Base with the Exeggcute

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Radovan had a smile on his face when he simply said "Well aren't you cute?". Before he threw an empty Aetherball at the remaining Morelull to try and catch it. Since he could always try and befriend it after he caught it.


Radovan's action: Try to catch the Morelull that was staring at him with an Aetherball.

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During this time, Shelly had remained at the drop site. Not through any real choice of her own, but simply because she had been distracted by the employees work. She had stepped over to watch a small group taking some samples, and by the time she had glanced up, everyone had departed. Resigning herself to remaining here for a while, she asked one of the employees who looked to be in charge if she could assist with some of the collection, and had begun taking crystal samples, Axew helping her to bash off smaller pieces of some of the more monolithic crystals.

When Betani arrived back, Shelly waved to her, saying, "Do you know where everyone else went off to?"

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*NPCs at the scene: Betani*


Shelly, doing her work assisting the Employees, sees a flustered, bushed and apparently angry Betani climb up the hill and towards their base. The girl is carrying her Steenee in her arms, the Pokemon happily chirping as it was carried. She stomps her way towards Shelly.


"Your stupid friends went down there to try and help this damn tree! If you want to find them, you can just go. They're useless in battle, almost got their Pokemon hurt." She basically yells it all out in a single breath, pointing in the way she came from. "The rest are actually doing something productive by looking for a way underground. They went the other way down."


Another girl would catch Shelly's attention...a young woman wearing a too large buttoned dress dragging behind her on the floor. Her hair is the azure shade of blue, and her stature looks frail. She seems to be working with the Aether Employees, but isn't of much help gathering samples. Her Pokemon seems to be a Chinchou following her every step. No wonder she can't help break the crystals around here with a Pokemon like that.





*NPCs at the scene: Employee*



The Employee nods to Kai and goes to pick up two of the other Eggs. "W-whoa...they're really heavy...miss how do you do that so easily?" He glances up at her.





*NPCs at the scene: Terry, Zeta*


Radovan's Aether Ball bounces against the Morelull's head and the Pokemon is sucked into it without a hitch. Except...only moments later...the Aether Ball breaks apart and the mushroom emerges, looking back at Radovan confusedly.


Roll: 65,3 no catch


"Do you even know how to catch Pokemon?" Terry asks the young man. "It's more difficult than it seems. And it won't always work. If you want to catch the Pokemon, you need to defeat it in battle for a best shot at catching it or befriend it so that it willingly accepts you catching it. There are other tricks, but that's the jist." The large man explains. "If you wish...you can challenge the Morelull now. Or we can let it be and see if it follows us? Maybe it'll come to trust you. It seems to be interested in you, at the very least."


[Radovan's choice: Battle?/Let it be?]

[Cathode and Suzie can start breaking the trees]

[Group 2 can opt to challenge the Morelull colony]

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“Are they that heavy?” Kai kept a good hold on the eggs with her left arm, taking out her A-Comm to look up data on Exeggcutes. “Huh, sure enough.” Five-and-a-half whole pounds to hold onto. The girl put her A-Comm back into its sleeve, putting her hold on the eggs back into both arms. “Sort of comes naturally for me. Mama did want me to grow up big and strong.” Kai gave the man a smile to finish her statement, hoping to clear any doubts he had on her. It wasn’t important, anyway. “C’mon, Frederick, we need some help here!”

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Radovan shrugged his shoulders before he replied to Terry's statement by simply saying "It didn't seem like I would be able to win in a stand up fight. And while the chances of catching it outright was low I decided to take it, but anyway.". He then decided that this was a great time to do something that is completely and utterly irresponsible and possibly dangerous. This is why he slowly and steadily approached the Morelull with both of his hands in full view as he tried to seem as non threatening as possible before he tried to pet it.

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"Suzie, it's okay... there are always some times that for some reason we fail at things in which we are naturally good. Now please, can you just start opening a path through the trees instead? I'm sure they will break just fine!" Felt like the fifth time Cathode said the same thing in different ways, trying to get through to an utterly embarrassed and frustrated Suzie.


After her initial failure to dig through the ground after it proved to be seemingly dense in some hard solid substance, she simply didn't give up, and kept practically pounding and drilling her head into the shallow hole that she had made before she met the solid part. She was simply adamant on creating the damn tunnel. Her already rough rocky face had some even rougher areas.


"If you keep doing that I'm just going to assume that you are afraid you won't break the trees either so you are trying to avoid trying..."  pseudo-sighed Cathode in a mock exasperation. 

Suzie apparently got triggered this time, and after throwing her trainer a "hold my beer" glare, crashed into the forest with more force than would be nessecary. 


"Ohh good good that's it! Keep going towards that rock that we saw before! ...Though I'm sure that even if you put half of that force, you can still break them..."

The onix didn't seem to like being praised for breaking some puny trees, so after a sidestare kept going towards the rock in a smoothier manner. 

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Oh. It seemed like Betani was annoyed. . .what was up with that? In any case, Shelly resolved to head over to the group that was searching for an entrance to the underground. As she meandered her way across the dig site, heading off in that direction, she was distracted by a frail woman without the Aether employee uniform. This piqued Shelly's curiosity, and was enough to divert her from her chosen course. Having approached the woman, Shelly stated, "Excuse me? I'm Shelly, and I don't think we've met?"

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Sena is now watching Cathode encouraging her frustrated gigantic snake rock to break through the forest... if this was an anime, you might see him watching the whole thing with a white blank eyes.


way to go on using a living pile of rock to destroy some of the forest...


Sena sighes before throwing Verna's Aether ball upward, it open up with the bat pokemon fly out of the it, flying around before finally fly closer to Sena's face, waiting for his command, "Verna is it okay if you could fly around carrying this?" Sena set his A-Comm to record mode, which he then hand it to Verna as she carefully bite it, "I need you to fly around the area, scout for everything that look useful." She nodded before flying away.


Sena's action: ask Verna to scout the area

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Kalva frowned at Radovan's initial attempts to capture the morelull. Clearly, the morelull was not hostile, and they had not actively asked Radovan to join his team. But his first reaction was to simply throw an Aether ball at it, without even asking. Such actions gave Radovan no merit, and inordinate demand for subjugation would not earn him any more virtues either. If it were up to Kalva, Kalva would sit and ask if they wanted to see more of the world. Perhaps they would want to join, perhaps not. But it was not up to Kalva to decide - that was his stout principle he had carried through even the most tenebrous places. Hopefully, Radovan would not disturb the other morelull who had peacefully relocated elsewhere.


As Suzie attempted very violently to crack through the hard surface of the planet, he waved and tried to ask it to stop - including Quina who waved tiny hands from Kalva's hoodie. He nearly tripped from the force that Suzie crashed through the crystal trees, pieces of crystal flying everywhere, but regained his balance as Suzie toned down her impactful drilling a little. Quina could sense hurt pride in Suzie, and guiltily realised that perhaps their waving had only served to further fuel her embarrassment. Actions with the best of intentions sometimes had negative repercussions; and yet...what action should they have taken? Inaction otherwise could have nonetheless embarrassed Suzie. Looking away even more so. Such moments, Quina thought, will just have to be action upon with best interests of the person at heart.


As Kalva followed Suzie's path, he picked up some of the crystals that looked the most intact and searched for other curios he might find in the shattered crystal forest.

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*NPCs at the scene: Betani, ???*


The woman and Betani exchange a short sideways glance as they pass by each other, clear enough for Shelly to notice it. It sends shivers down her spine for some reason, but when she calls out to the azure woman, she points at herself confusedly and turns to face the girl.


"Good day, Shelly, my name is Unoppiae." The woman speaks in a soft voice. Now that Shelly is closer to her, she sees that the woman looks almost as thin as bone, but is quite a bit taller than Shelly herself. Her complexion is pale and her eyes barely open. Yet she smiles all the same as her Chinchou jumps into her hands happily.

"This is Lampy. You are one of the Cadets here. If you need anything from me, just ask. I'm here to look for something, but I'll help regardless."





*NPCs at the scene: Employee*


Kai, Frederick and the Employee make their way back up the hill and towards the Exeggutor. They can see Shelly there talking to a strange woman whose clothes don't match the uniforms of the Space Aether. The moment they walk closer to the Exeggutor, it shifts its head towards them. Looking up, they can see it intently staring down at the eggs in their arms.


What will the group do?





*NPCs at the scene: Terry, Zeta*


Radovan's attempt to approach the Morelull is met with the little mushroom shaking its head wildly. Radovan starts feeling drowsy and it becomes difficult for him to walk. Soon, he finds himself passed out on the ground, with the Morelull looking over to Taylor instead.



[Radovan is asleep]


Verna flies up under Sena's guidance. Terry approaches Sena and offers him his A-Comm.It's covered in stickers of various cute Pokemon. "You can use this to receive the video feed from your A-Comm." The large man says, pressing a couple of commands before the image of the above view of the forest appears on the screen. And it is simply marvelous to witness. The glowing trees form a translucent, multicolores sea, constantly shifting as if it's breathing. The trees are veins through which the blood of this world flows freely, feeding all life with the pure essence of the same. That is what this Nexus is-different from all the rest.


Music: Forgotten olds, beautiful news


Terry's eyes light up at the scene in the video. "It's quite marvelous." He mutters. Meanwhile, the video captures the still green area of forest surrounded by slowly crystallizing trees. The greenery has grown to form a wooden dome around the well. It looks thick and as hard as the rest of the environment, despite still being organic. One side of the rock they were going towards is also ensnared by the tree dome. When Verna turns toward the rampaging Suzie, though, she notices a large hole, round and dark within, the trees have grown around and the Onyx didn't notice. Suzie is going straight towards the hole, but it's already too late. As Suzie breaks through the trees, the ground close to the hole starts crumbling and the Onys plummets down into the darkness!


The sound of ground crumbling beneath Suzie's weight resounds through the Nexus.

Shuzie has, however, formed a path through the trees for the others to follow her, and in following her to the hole, the party sees that it is too deep for them to see the Onyx anymore. They can, however, hear Suzie and she doesn't sound hurt. Terry rushes over to Cathode and Verna flies down back to Sena. "Don't worry, she sounds fine. I know how a hurt Pokemon's cry rumbles." Terry says to Cathode. "We need to follow down, though. There's no telling what is there with her." He pulls an Escape Rope out of his A-Comm and ties it around one of the healthy looking crystal trees. "I'll go first to check out if anything dangerous is there." He says before throwing the other end of the rope inside and climbing down into the darkness.


After a minute or so, the party hears a splashing sound and Terry's dissatisfied groan. "It's wet here, but it's fine. I don't see anything wrong, and Suzie is fine. Come down, guys, I'll catch ya if you fall."


[Follow Terry?]

[btw, Radovan is still asleep]


The Morelull turns to Taylor, seemingly wanting to be carried down. Taylor can assume it won't let out its spores at him, since it's asking for help anyways.

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After picking up a few crystals along the way, he heard someone crumble near him - a cursory glance identified Radovan, fallen asleep after Morelull mistook Radovan's approach as an attack. Well, after Radovan's preemptive Aether Ball throw, there was good reason for it, too. Though Kalva's favor for Radovan waned in the last few moments, Kalva decided that it was best not to leave a fellow cadet behind. And - Kalva reasoned - Radovan was sure to learn from his mistakes! Perhaps Radovan would learn to respect Pokemon more.

Kalva handed the note and pen to Quina, then stepped over, slowly so that Morelull would not be startled, and then gingerly lifted Radovan up. Kalva was stronger, quite a bit stronger, than many of his age and stature. He simply assumed that it was from the times he spent in the dumps, and never considered otherwise. And his mellow nature never chanced his strength, especially in the Academy. Well, now was a good time to use Strength.

He winced as he put large strain on his right arm, and nearly dropped Radovan back down. The injury from his last visit to 02...No, really, it should have healed a long time since. It should be fine, after all. He took a deep breath and managed to haul Radovan out of the range of the Morelull. He looked around for Terry, who he trusted to know what to do. But with a crash and rumble, Suzie had fallen into some kind of hole in the ground, and Terry had run after her.

Oh - oh no, is Suzie alright? 

He wanted to run after her too, but didn't want to abandon Radovan either. With a muted groan, Kalva waved to others to notify them of the situation to see, perhaps, if they had some kind of way to awaken their sleeping party member. While he waited, Kalva and Quina slowly made their way across to the sinkhole, and lay Radovan a little ways away from the edge. He hadn't brought any berries, nor was there any vegetation at all to remedy his status. Kalva looked to Quina for help, but she shook her head solemnly. This was quite the puzzle...

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The woman was nearly a skeleton. That couldn't be healthy, Shelly found herself thinking. In combination with the extremely soft voice, and general paleness, it seemed her health might be seriously questionable. "Oh, nice to meet you Uno--can I just call you Uno? So what are you looking for? I'm not doing anything right now, so maybe I could help?" Perhaps she could figure out why someone had actually let this woman come out to a the field.

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"Would you like to travel with me?" Taylor asks the glowing mushroom Pokemon, "I can promise you new and interesting foods, adventure, and a say in the coarse of our future endeavors.  As an added bonus, once you are keyed to an Aether Ball, no one will be able to act so rudely towards you as my... associate did.  The unauthorized ball will just bounce off.  I promise that the process is harmless."  Taylor returns and sends out again Jet the Meditite to demonstrate that Aether Balls do not harm their occupants.

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Emmanuel was still focused on the Morelull. He recognized the move the Morelull had used as Sleep Powder. Before he was able to wake Radovan up, he saw Taylor approaching the little fungus. Morelull did not react as wildly as before, so he figured that it would be okay. Nevertheless, just to be safe, he had Solosis ready a Snatch, anticipating another Spore.

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“Hey hi, Mr. Exeggcutor!” Kai waved her hand towards the giant tree watching over the group of three, holding the Exeggcutes in her left arm. She ran over towards the tree, leaving behind the fainted eggs beside the Pokémon’s base. “Is there anything else you need?” Kai stood patiently by the tree, waiting for the others to bring back the other Exeggcute eggs.

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Sena watched the video of what Verna is broadcasting through his A-comm, "so this is the whole forest current situation... looks amazing but sad at the same time..." as she was flying, Verna showed them the dome tree thing that has become their current destination. so that's the place of our current destination huh... Sena think to himself.


Verna shifted her focus to Suzie who is now clearing the whole forest by running over them. This is too much... hmmm.


Sena watched Suzie going directly to the hole, "I didn't get your name but ehhh I think you need to stop your pokemon from--." too late, Suzie already fell down the hole. Sena rushed with Terry to the hole where Suzie fell and watched as Terry climb down the hole by using the escape rope. that looks pretty damn deep... Sena followed Terry climbing down the hole, and look around to see anything suspicious.


"can't see a thing... Mr. Terry right? should I ask Verna to use her supersonic as an echo location so that she could guide to an exit?" Verna fly down and landed on Sena's head, she seems to be waiting for an intstruction.

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"Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuziiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeeee are you okay?" Cathode went about for like the 5th time.  An obviously bored by this time growl was the answer. She knew asking and getting a reply once would suffice but she couldn't help but worry!


"I'm coming down there in a jiffy!" She said while grasping the rope and climbing down, paying no heed to the fact that she had not done anything like that before. 

"The wet environment around you must be very annoying, so I will recall you when i get down till we get to dry ground again, so tolerate it for a bit more!"


But seriously, a hole like this in the middle of the forest? It went straight down.  What could have created such a thing? Maybe there will be underground tunnels that will lead to various places. That zeta girl said she wanted star pieces, and an underground cavern seemed like the perfect place for such ores. Maybe she would find other useful stuff too in there, maybe even a large quantity of the mineral needed to make a metal coat to help evolve Suzie.


"There you go, relax for now." Cathode recalled Suzie and then turned to the almost giant that was Terry.

"Um, s-sir maybe we should check for any underground tunnels while we 're at it, after the others come down too? M-maybe it will be beneficial for this mission... and not only!"

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Frederick stared at the Exeggcutor. He was quite curious as to exactly how Exeggcutors lived and how Exeggcutes worked. Were Exeggcutes counted as one entity or was each egg technically an Exeggcute? What happened if an egg was separated from the cluster? Frederick was interested in having an Exeggcute, but he didn't want to separate it from its parent, so he chose to just observe and remain silent...

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*NPCs at the scene: Betani, Uno*



"O-oh?" Uno placed a hand over her mouth and Lampy's lanters lit up as he looked at Shelly intently. "You'll help me? Not the other way around? How...curious. But I should be thankful. Lampy and I are looking for the source of life in this Nexus. The fabled Tree of Life. I thought perhaps the people around here knew more, but I was wrong. Not many have even heard of the legend past the bedtime stories they were told. Do you know where the Tree resides?"





*NPCs at the scene: Employee*


The Exeggutor looks down at the Exeggcute the Cadets placed near its roots and nods with a slight ruffle of its leaves. It then looks into the distance where the party retrieved the first Exeggcute. Perhaps there were more? If you followed the tracks, you would surely stumble upon some more kidnapped Exeggcute. Will you do it?


[Betani is free to be interacted with. Shelly and Uno are free to be interacted with.]

-Ask for help?-





*NPCs at the scene: Terry, Zeta*


The Morellul shakes its head at Taylor and nudges his foot before pointing with its head towards the hole. Taylor would understand that the Morellul doesn't want to go into a ball just yet...first the Cadet would need to carry it down. The Pokemon's obviously urging for an adventure.


[Solosis's Snatch didn't do anything]


Zeta rushes over to Kalva's help, grabbing hold of Radovan's legs to at least somewhat ease the burden the boy was carrying. She gave him a reassuring smile and a thumbs up as she did so, and together they made their way over to the sinkhole. Zeta looks at Radovan confusedly, not sure what to do with the unconcious boy now. "Hey Kalva, Emmanuel? What should we do with him?" She looked up at the boys, asking the question. "We can't just leave him here alone and we gotta go down there."


[How will you wake Radovan up? A jab could do...but the crystals Kalva collected still radiate energy. If that energy can bring life and managed to make Meggie go berserk...then maybe?]


The hole itself was quite...oddly shaped looking at it. Sena would've had gotten the best view from Verna's video, so he was the one who best knew the shape. It looked like a huge, aquatic, almost whale-like Pokemon had falled from above and crushed the ground. This might've happened yesterday when the Nexus emerged and merged with the smaller Micro Grid. The trees around it grew and crystallized, intertwining their roots and branches to hide the hole beneath a sea of glow. Suzie couldn't have seen it while breaking through the trees. Thankfully, she was all right, and Cathode would see just that when she climbed down into the hole. Her Pokemon was unharmed, but wet. In fact, they were all standing ankle-deep in cold, sparkling water whose glow, along with the glow of the surrounding crystals protruding through the rocky walls, illuminated the cavern from within.



"Seems like we've found the underground caverns." Terry remarkes, ruffling his beard with a finger. "We'll have to be careful as we proceed, our A-Comm's can't scan this level completely because of the crytstal's energy's interference."



Red dot - party location

Red numbers - [CHOOSE A PATH TO FOLLOW (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5?)]


Music: Upwards Flow

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Shelly frowned in thought, and then remarked, "Tree of Life? I don't know myself, but based on some cryptic remarks, I might know someone who knows." Pulling out her A-comm, Shelly sent of a quick transmission. "Can someone put Zeta on the line? I want to ask if she knows anything about a Tree of Life."


Glancing over the stick thin woman, Shelly hesitated to ask, but decided to do so anyway. "So, what do you want with this Tree of Life? Does it do something, or is it more of an archaeological curiosity?"

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