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[IC] TotMV:G2: Engineering Bay (Travel Phase)


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Mar, meanwhile, scanning over the materials, picks up the plastic bag.

"Perfect.  This should do admirably." He claims, strangely enough.

"Rather than try to protect the lensite, I shall instead grant this plastic the properties of Lensite, via transmutation."

Mar begins summoning an orb of energy from his chest, holding it between his palms.  The energy looks almost invisible, aside from making the air shimmer, as though it were a heat haze.

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Holding up the glowing, glassy sphere, Mar shrugs.

"Be at ease, Alexandria, this sphere is made of a foam which turns light to heat, and coated in a crystal which turns light into an energy which fuels any process."

"It is inefficient, but should sustain this living doll, who requires unique fuels normally, to survive."

"I would be happy to give you a sample of the Lightite, if you so requested it."
He says, producing a tiny piece of glass which turns light into a tiny, meagre amount of literally generic, literally indistinct, glowing energy.

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". . .Wait, the bag?" Edmond had asked, when Mar snatched it up. It was just a standard plastic grocery bag that he'd picked up back in Seattle, nothing special. But apparently he'd managed to do something with it.


"So since it's a foam, we shouldn't have to worry too much about it shattering any more, I suppose. So we can make the Servant solar-powered, it sounds like? I'm curious though, how do we want to actually. . . hook it up to her, for lack of a better word." He was still a little unclear on the details of how they'd gotten the plush servant, or whether it was still evil, but in this form it probably couldn't hurt anyone much, and Ritsu seemed a reasonably careful being.


"Oh, hello Alexandria, long time no see, we could have a whole engineering party here. How have things been going with you? Both missions and other stuff."

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"Hmm...though it's technically a stretch of my abilities in some respect, I could implant it into Lancer myself. Though given her origins and what she is now, I'm not entirely sure it will go as planned but...I'll manage somehow," Ritsu replies as she takes out equipment that would be more fitting in a surgery room than an engineering bay.  


"Also Mar, I'll wish to request some various samples from you once this is finished. But for now, we'll be implanting this sphere into Lancer? Or should we make further preparations?"

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"That sounds fair, though I must wonder whether or not Lancer feels pain in this form or how an anesthetic might work on her," she responds, looking at the plush Lancer with a curious gaze. "I can't say that Lancer doesn't have her own thoughts, but it's a bit of a shame that she can't voice them right now. Though realistically she would be screaming at us to not poke at her while she's like this. Regardless, once it is done, you'll have a new shot at existence, though I'm unsure if you'll get a normal body back. Either way, we'll make sure the substitute is suitable and to your needs," Ritsu mutters, speaking in a voice that only the plush Lancer could hear.

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"Ah, greetings, Edmond.  Wonderful to see you again, as you...  perform surgery on a doll?  I have been performing adequately, though I am somewhat disappointed that it took me so long to think of simply walking through the barrier that cut the castle off from the rest of the group.  It was resilient.  It was not resilient enough.  How are you?  It has been far too long."

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Mar, Meanwhile, his task complete, set to do more experiments.

After some coughing and dust, Mar manages to Transmute air into Pyrogel, a lightweight, hot material.

"No... this is not a Crystal made of air."  Mar says, frowning.

"It seems I have yet more to discover of Transmutation." He comments, mostly talking to himself aloud.


"I assume one of you might know of substances worthy of noting that do not contain silicon?"


"I can alter the properties of such substances."

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A low and steady droning sound reverberated throughout the room slightly as Atton and his crew arrived on the scene, his M9 Half track's...half tracks making a rather distinctive sound as the vehicle drove off to park itself in a corner of the room, only to run out of fuel halfway to it's eventual destination. It took a fair bit of time and a tiny bit of swearing before Atton and co slowly clambered out of his vehicle and said, "Well this is embarrassing, does anyone here have any gasoline to spare by any chance? The Half track's starting to run low of..just about everything really."

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"Oh, not too bad, not right now. The last mission before this though, could have used you there. It was a fiasco, which make sense given that it took place on Solomon's world . . .But I got this thing, and things have been going a bit better after that." Edmond nodded over at the surgery on the plush.


"I'm not really sure on the specifics here, but one of the servants that the enemies had got turned into a stuffed toy. They were corrupted or something, so I think the goal is to keep the toy alive and remove the corruption? Because the toy is alive, somehow. I don't think it's too dangerous, given that it can barely move and doesn't have much magical power yet though."


"Mar, there are so many substances that do not contain silicon that I'm sure you haven't explored yet."

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Mar Chuckles.


"That's fair.  When one comes from the Stonerist tribe, you grow familiar with the things that do."


"I suppose, to narrow my request, substances which are worthy of note to someone as learned as yourself in the modern era.  What is Kevlar?" Mar asks.


"If it is good enough for a vest, perhaps it could be made even better by granting it other properties?"

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"The vest I've got isn't actually Kevlar, but a variant on it. We tend to just call it a kevlar vest because of the first few forms of the material that were used and became common names. Kevlar is a fabric, made of long chain hydrocarbons. They're aligned so that they have great tensile strength, enough to be woven into vests to protect from stabbings and low caliber bullets. I don't know the specifics of its chemistry beyond the long chains and a few specific interactions that strengthen the bonds between chains. Oh, the chains are also very well organized I think, almost with a crystal structure. That's why long chain stuff like plastic isn't as strong, the chains are of varying lengths, and all tangled up and not aligned."


"If you want to see what you can do with it, be my guest. It's rather a thin--and quite light--piece of armor, fit for wearing under jackets and such, so it could definitely benefit from more reinforcement in situations where keeping armor hidden is less important than not getting mutilated by swords."

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"One of the servants, Lancer, was changed into a plush by the efforts of Dackly. Right now, I'm attempting to implant a core that should stabilize her mana since the grail is no longer present," Ritsu briefly explains before making an incision in the now unconscious? plush Lancer. She quickly realizes however that she'll need to make space for said core after she makes the first incision. Noticing this, Mar provides extra fabric, which Ritsu used to make the space. If there was any side effect, it was that her plush chest would become a bit bigger, but that was a matter for another time. She manages to finish the operation just before Lancer regains consciousness, and does a quick scan to confirm that her condition is stable.


"Good, the operation was a success. Now Lancer should be able to maintain herself.  Now then...we don't have LOTUS around sadly, so simple questions will have to do. If you can hear me fine, nod if you feel ok, shake your head if you feel weird at all, and if you're anywhere in between...just stare at me while I try to figure out a better means of communication."

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Mar, meanwhile accidentally creates a small screaming pebble as he tries to help with giving Plancer better communication.

Crushing this pebble, he tries again, mixing the Screaming Rock creating magic with Glowing Red Magic.

The end result is a fragment of glass that emits soft whispers.

When he holds it to his ear, and tries to make it say "Ice Cream", or "Alchohol", all that comes out is a faint " t a s t y"

"Does anyone here know how to create a sound amplifier?" Mar asks, holding up the large fragment of pinkish glass.

"This glass might allow for crude communication, as it turns intentions into sound."

At the same time, Mar creates a largeish orb that emits a beam of light, which warps and twists whenever anyone thinks at it.

"And a hologram, controlled by intentions and willpower."

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"Yes! I can do that, and I've got just the supplies!" Edmond said a little too excitedly. He began to rummage around in the pile of circuit elements on the table, and began to pull out what he'd need. A number of resistors and capacitors, for the base system, those two inductors would work nicely for a simple band-pass filter. Solder for all the connections that needed it, and then the microphones and speakers. He'd actually remembered to pick these up? That was perfect. The variable resistor would work perfectly for gain control, and. . . five minutes later, it was done. He handed the greenboard over to Mar.


"Here, this should do the trick. This knob here should control how much the sound is amplified. It's not the prettiest, and it's not the most durable, but it should do the trick, and be pretty easy to protect. Sound goes in here, louder sound goes out here. If you want the specifics, I can explain, but. . . well, do you? It's not that important. The main point is, it'll do the job!"

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"Well, good news Lancer. Better means of communication are here," Ritsu mutters as she sees Mar and Edmond make up some useful means of communication. Thinking about the two, Ritsu feels that the holograms may be more beneficial at this time, though the audio setup should be useful for something later on.


"Mar, let's try out the hologram device first. That seems like it may give us the most direct interpretation of Lancer's thoughts."

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"Gasoline?  Do you have an antique vehicle?"  Alexandria asks Atton curiously, turning and striding toward him,  "No, most likely from an earlier time period than my own.  This would be much easier if I could simply plug in and recharge it, but I don't have any way to synthesize hydrocarbons on such a large scale.  Perhaps...  Mar!  Do you have a method of synthesizing large amounts of silicon?  I believe I could construct a solar panel and electric motor for your vehicle, allowing it to run off of a suitably intense light source.  Like the sun.  You would still be able to carry chemical fuels like gasoline for emergencies."

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"Not swiftly, but I am capable of it."  Alexandria takes the finished silicon bits and starts breaking them into flat panels with her bare hands.  "And as usual, size limitations apply.  It would be easier if I had a sufficient source of carbon."

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"Size is not an issue.  My magic relies on material samples to warp it's effects, so long as the sample is visible, I can make use of it."

"When I attune my Mana to a Diamond, Blue or White, it creates a prized type of healing mana.  I believe it might be prudent for me to obtain yet more colored samples of diamond.  I currently only have White, Blue, and Yellow."
  Mar explains.


"Admittedly, I lack lore relating to the chemical nature of diamonds, and am unaware of what colors there may yet be."


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Cell had been preoccupied watching the events of Ritsu and Mar's work on the stuffed...thing but tore himself away when he caught wind of Mar explaining his magic to the two peope who arrived after him.

He reached over and pulled one of a series of sacks off his belt and got Mar's attention.  He opened the sack up and poured its contents out on a table, bits of gold and rock, colorful gem fragments, a few golden teeth, and even a greenish key shaped to look like it was made of ivy and thorns.

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"That does sound rather useful, although I'm worried that it might be a little too advanced for Specialist Doherty, he's an engineer, not a miracle worker after all," Atton then took a couple of steps back as Alexandria casually tore into the silicon with her bare hands, at around the same time a slightly greasy looking scottish man took a step forward and asked, "Well I don't know nothing about no s o l a r panels sir, but I'm a bit of a dab hand with an electric motor if I do say so myself, I worked on trams before the war you know."

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Mar's eyes widen, and, pulling something hazy from their chest, they touch it to the objects.

The malachite makes inanimate objects sprout fuzzy hairs, the Gold tooth cures food poisoning, the Ruby detects counterfeit things, the Sapphire can mark objects with a white, star shaped mark, and the Amethyst...

Dear lord it creates Elemental Sobriety.

"These Mana types will be useful to me.  Producing fuzz, curing poison, detecting falsely made things, marking objects, and..."

"The last one will not be very useful, I don't think." he grimaces.

"It causes sobriety."

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