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Fire Emblem on the Forums: Sea of Crossroads [IC]


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Pegasus Knights were not dissimilar to the birds he and his uncle would hunt in the steppe, the primary prey and trophy of his tribe and the purpose for the bow in every Nayavu boy's hand from a young age. 


The difference here, of course, is that they are a much larger target, aware of his presence, and aggressive. But it would be good to test the skills he had honed in youth, and which he hopes he hasn't forgotten.


Move to V18, attack Peg 5, and Canto to V14.

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(Idei will deal effective damage)
(Helena is supporting Idei)


Attack: 24
Hit: 77%
Crit: 9%

Pegasus Knight 5:
Attack: -
Hit: -
Crit: -


Idei's Attack: 69, hit!
Idei defeats Pegasus Knight 5 with an effective 24 damage!


With a well aimed arrow, Idei manages to take the pegasus rider out of the sky, who quickly retreats due to their injuries.



(Selia is believing in the cards)


Attack: 12
Hit: 78%
Crit: 16%

Fencer 4:
Attack: -
Hit: -
Crit: -


Selia's Attack: 57, hit!
Fencer 4 takes 12 damage!


Selia focuses her magic and manages to blast the fencer, bringing him to his knees.


Cheat Sheet:



Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Fencer 1: (30/30) (O13) Steel Rapier (30/30)
Fencer 2: (0/30) (V6) Steel Rapier (29/30)
Fencer 3: (0/30) (V19) Steel Rapier (30/30)

Fencer 4: (6/30) (U10) Steel Rapier (28/30)
Fencer 5: (0/30) (S16) Steel Rapier (30/30)
Fencer 6: (30/30) (H10) Steel Rapier (30/30)
Fencer 7: (30/30) (H16) Steel Rapier (30/30)
Fencer 8: (30/30) (J13) Steel Rapier (30/30)
Knight 1: (37/37) (S5) Steel Sword (30/30)
Knight 2: (37/37) (S21) Steel Lance (30/30)
Knight 3: (37/37) (M5) Steel Axe (30/30)
Knight 4: (37/37) (M21) Steel Sword (30/30)
Knight 5: (37/37) (G5) Steel Lance (30/30)
Knight 6: (37/37) (G21) Steel Axe (30/30)
Knight 7: (37/37) (K11) Steel Sword (30/30)
Knight 8: (37/37) (K15) Steel Lance (30/30)
Knight 9: (37/37) (G13) Steel Axe (30/30)
Knight 10: (37/37) (C13) Steel Sword (30/30)
Knight 11: (37/37) (B12) Steel Lance (30/30)
Knight 12: (37/37) (B14) Steel Axe (30/30)
Mage 1: (31/31) (P3) Elfire (30/30)
Mage 2: (31/31) (P23) Elfire (30/30)
Mage 3: (31/31) (J3) Elfire (30/30)
Mage 4: (31/31) (J23) Elfire (30/30)
Monk 1: (28/28) (R13) Shine (30/30)
Monk 2: (28/28) (P7) Shine (30/30)
Monk 3: (28/28) (P19) Shine (30/30)
Monk 4: (28/28) (L9) Shine (30/30)
Monk 5: (28/28) (L17) Shine (30/30)
Monk 6: (28/28) (E8) Shine (30/30)
Monk 7: (28/28) (E18) Shine (30/30)
Monk 8: (28/28) (B11) Shine (30/30)
Monk 9: (28/28) (B15) Shine (30/30)
PegKnight 1: (19/26) (S12) Iron Javelin (43/45)
PegKnight 2: (26/26) (O11) Iron Lance (45/45)
PegKnight 3: (26/26) (O15) Iron Pilum (40/40)
PegKnight 4: (26/26) (V5) Iron Javelin (44/45)
PegKnight 5: (0/26) (W19) Iron Lance (44/45)
PegKnight 6: (26/26) (M13) Iron Lance (45/45)
PegKnight 7: (26/26) (J7) Iron Javelin (45/45)
PegKnight 8: (26/26) (J19) Iron Lance (45/45)
PegKnight 9: (26/26) (D4) Iron Pilum (40/40)
PegKnight 10: (26/26) (D22) Iron Javelin (45/45)
Prince: (33/33) (B13) Steel Yari (25/25), Iron Bow (45/45) 

Players: Health, Location, Weapons
Rayne: (24/24) (U14) Iron Javelin (11/45), Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Javelin (38/45)E, Slim Lance (32/35), Short Spear (16/25)

Belros: (15/23) (W6) Vulnerary (2/3), Switchblade (27/30)E, Cutlass (21/25), Parrying Knife (23/30),Poison Knife (38/40)  

Emilee: (28/28) (U10) Heal (13/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Soothe (14/15), Barrier (13/15), Sleep (20/20)

Darius: (20/27) (W18) Flux (37/40)E, Carrion (18/20), Vulnerary (1/3), Vulnerary (3/3), Nosferatu (19/20)
Idei: (25/26) (V14) Iron Bow (6/45)E, Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Longbow (26/30), Steel Bow (24/30), Steel Yari (25/25) 
Cass: (21/35) (V10) Vulnerary (2/3), Soldier's Drums (19/20), Ninis' Grace (14/15), Vagrant's Whistle (15/15) 

Myrdwyn: (33/34) (X7) Heavy Lance (18/20), Iron Pike (34/35), Axereaver (18/20), Iron Lance (41/45), Devil Lance (19/20)E 
Clarisse: (33/34) (T13) Poleaxe (18/20), Iron Axe (42/45), Hammer (14/20), Vulnerary (1/3), Poison Hand (15/20)
Selia: (30/31) (V9) Ellight (14/20)E, Ray (40/40), Vulnerary (3/3) 

Allies: Health, Location, Weapons

Madante: (14/30) (U12) Allegretto (-), Lancereaver (19/20), Steel Blade (30/30),Light Brand (14/20)E, Vulnerary (2/3)  
Helena: (34/34) (W17) Elfire (26/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Meteor (1/5), Elwind (27/30)E, Elthunder (27/30) 

Exp Tracker: 16/100



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(Emilee is supporting Myrdwyn)
(Myrdwyn is protected by dragon scales)
(Myrdwyn has air superiority)
(Myrdwyn is using a cursed weapon)
(Pegasus Knight 5 will attack twice)

Attack: 27
Hit: 60%
Crit: 1%

Pegasus Knight 4:
Attack: 5
Hit: 88%
Crit: 0%


Myrdwyn's Attack: 5, hit!
Myrdwyn's lance emits an eerie light (23!)
Myrdwyn's strike recoils at her for 18 damage!
Myrdwyn's scales are broken!


Pegasus Knight 4's Attack 1: 67, hit!
Myrdwyn takes 5 damage!


Pegasus Knight 4's Attack 2: 28, hit!
Myrdwyn takes 5 damage!


Myrdwyn brandishes her lance and prepares to strike, when the lance shifts by some malevolent force and strikes Myrdwyn herself with its might. Though confused with what had occurred, the knight wastes no time in capitalizing on it, tossing two javelins at the now weakened wyvern rider, nearly taking her out of the air.




(Pegasus Knight 4 has the advantage)

(Pegasus Knight 4 is protected by a feathery down)
(Emilee is supporting Belros)
(Belros is loyal)


Attack: 9
Hit: 60%
Crit: 10%


Pegasus Knight 4:
Attack: 12
Hit: 62%
Crit: 0%

Belros' Attack: 4, hit!
Pegasus Knight 4 takes 9 damage!
Pegasus Knight 4 is poisoned!


Pegasus Knight 4's Attack: 95, miss.


Though his target was in the air, Belros managed to land a strike onto the rider, poisoning them. Though they attempt to toss a javelin in retaliation, the poison throws off their aim.


((Cass Moves to U7 and bards Emilee and Belros))


Cheat Sheet:



Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Fencer 1: (30/30) (O13) Steel Rapier (30/30)
Fencer 2: (0/30) (V6) Steel Rapier (29/30)
Fencer 3: (0/30) (V19) Steel Rapier (30/30)

Fencer 4: (6/30) (U10) Steel Rapier (28/30)
Fencer 5: (0/30) (S16) Steel Rapier (30/30)
Fencer 6: (30/30) (H10) Steel Rapier (30/30)
Fencer 7: (30/30) (H16) Steel Rapier (30/30)
Fencer 8: (30/30) (J13) Steel Rapier (30/30)
Knight 1: (37/37) (S5) Steel Sword (30/30)
Knight 2: (37/37) (S21) Steel Lance (30/30)
Knight 3: (37/37) (M5) Steel Axe (30/30)
Knight 4: (37/37) (M21) Steel Sword (30/30)
Knight 5: (37/37) (G5) Steel Lance (30/30)
Knight 6: (37/37) (G21) Steel Axe (30/30)
Knight 7: (37/37) (K11) Steel Sword (30/30)
Knight 8: (37/37) (K15) Steel Lance (30/30)
Knight 9: (37/37) (G13) Steel Axe (30/30)
Knight 10: (37/37) (C13) Steel Sword (30/30)
Knight 11: (37/37) (B12) Steel Lance (30/30)
Knight 12: (37/37) (B14) Steel Axe (30/30)
Mage 1: (31/31) (P3) Elfire (30/30)
Mage 2: (31/31) (P23) Elfire (30/30)
Mage 3: (31/31) (J3) Elfire (30/30)
Mage 4: (31/31) (J23) Elfire (30/30)
Monk 1: (28/28) (R13) Shine (30/30)
Monk 2: (28/28) (P7) Shine (30/30)
Monk 3: (28/28) (P19) Shine (30/30)
Monk 4: (28/28) (L9) Shine (30/30)
Monk 5: (28/28) (L17) Shine (30/30)
Monk 6: (28/28) (E8) Shine (30/30)
Monk 7: (28/28) (E18) Shine (30/30)
Monk 8: (28/28) (B11) Shine (30/30)
Monk 9: (28/28) (B15) Shine (30/30)
PegKnight 1: (19/26) (S12) Iron Javelin (43/45)
PegKnight 2: (26/26) (O11) Iron Lance (45/45)
PegKnight 3: (26/26) (O15) Iron Pilum (40/40)
PegKnight 4: (15/26) (V5) Iron Javelin (42/45) Poisoned 2/2
PegKnight 5: (0/26) (W19) Iron Lance (44/45)
PegKnight 6: (26/26) (M13) Iron Lance (45/45)
PegKnight 7: (26/26) (J7) Iron Javelin (45/45)
PegKnight 8: (26/26) (J19) Iron Lance (45/45)
PegKnight 9: (26/26) (D4) Iron Pilum (40/40)
PegKnight 10: (26/26) (D22) Iron Javelin (45/45)
Prince: (33/33) (B13) Steel Yari (25/25), Iron Bow (45/45) 

Players: Health, Location, Weapons
Rayne: (24/24) (U14) Iron Javelin (11/45), Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Javelin (38/45)E, Slim Lance (32/35), Short Spear (16/25)

Belros: (10/23) (V7) Vulnerary (2/3), Switchblade (27/30), Cutlass (21/25), Parrying Knife (23/30),Poison Knife (37/40)E  

Emilee: (28/28) (U6) Heal (13/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Soothe (14/15), Barrier (13/15), Sleep (20/20)

Darius: (20/27) (W18) Flux (37/40)E, Carrion (18/20), Vulnerary (1/3), Vulnerary (3/3), Nosferatu (19/20)
Idei: (25/26) (V14) Iron Bow (6/45)E, Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Longbow (26/30), Steel Bow (24/30), Steel Yari (25/25) 
Cass: (21/35) (U7) Vulnerary (2/3), Soldier's Drums (19/20), Ninis' Grace (14/15), Vagrant's Whistle (15/15) 

Myrdwyn: (25/32) (V6) Heavy Lance (18/20), Iron Pike (34/35), Axereaver (18/20), Iron Lance (41/45), Devil Lance (18/20)E 
Clarisse: (33/34) (T13) Poleaxe (18/20), Iron Axe (42/45), Hammer (14/20), Vulnerary (1/3), Poison Hand (15/20)
Selia: (30/31) (V9) Ellight (14/20)E, Ray (40/40), Vulnerary (3/3) 

Allies: Health, Location, Weapons

Madante: (14/30) (U12) Allegretto (-), Lancereaver (19/20), Steel Blade (30/30),Light Brand (14/20)E, Vulnerary (2/3)  
Helena: (34/34) (W17) Elfire (26/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Meteor (1/5), Elwind (27/30)E, Elthunder (27/30) 

Exp Tracker: 26/100



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(Emilee is supporting Belros)

(Belros will attack twice)

(Pegasus Knight 4 has the advantage)

(Pegasus Knight 4 is protected by a feathery down)

Attack: 9
Hit: 60%
Crit: 10%


Pegasus Knight 4:
Attack: 12
Hit: 58%
Crit: 0%

Belros' Attack 1: 70, miss.


Pegasus Knight 4's Attack: 63, miss.


Belros' Attack 2: 81, miss.


Now healed, Belros attempts to strike the pegasus knight with two quick blows. Unfortunately, the rider manages to dodge both strikes, though the poison still hinders their aim, causing their counterattack to miss.


Cheat Sheet:



Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Fencer 1: (30/30) (O13) Steel Rapier (30/30)
Fencer 2: (0/30) (V6) Steel Rapier (29/30)
Fencer 3: (0/30) (V19) Steel Rapier (30/30)

Fencer 4: (6/30) (U10) Steel Rapier (28/30)
Fencer 5: (0/30) (S16) Steel Rapier (30/30)
Fencer 6: (30/30) (H10) Steel Rapier (30/30)
Fencer 7: (30/30) (H16) Steel Rapier (30/30)
Fencer 8: (30/30) (J13) Steel Rapier (30/30)
Knight 1: (37/37) (S5) Steel Sword (30/30)
Knight 2: (37/37) (S21) Steel Lance (30/30)
Knight 3: (37/37) (M5) Steel Axe (30/30)
Knight 4: (37/37) (M21) Steel Sword (30/30)
Knight 5: (37/37) (G5) Steel Lance (30/30)
Knight 6: (37/37) (G21) Steel Axe (30/30)
Knight 7: (37/37) (K11) Steel Sword (30/30)
Knight 8: (37/37) (K15) Steel Lance (30/30)
Knight 9: (37/37) (G13) Steel Axe (30/30)
Knight 10: (37/37) (C13) Steel Sword (30/30)
Knight 11: (37/37) (B12) Steel Lance (30/30)
Knight 12: (37/37) (B14) Steel Axe (30/30)
Mage 1: (31/31) (P3) Elfire (30/30)
Mage 2: (31/31) (P23) Elfire (30/30)
Mage 3: (31/31) (J3) Elfire (30/30)
Mage 4: (31/31) (J23) Elfire (30/30)
Monk 1: (28/28) (R13) Shine (30/30)
Monk 2: (28/28) (P7) Shine (30/30)
Monk 3: (28/28) (P19) Shine (30/30)
Monk 4: (28/28) (L9) Shine (30/30)
Monk 5: (28/28) (L17) Shine (30/30)
Monk 6: (28/28) (E8) Shine (30/30)
Monk 7: (28/28) (E18) Shine (30/30)
Monk 8: (28/28) (B11) Shine (30/30)
Monk 9: (28/28) (B15) Shine (30/30)
PegKnight 1: (19/26) (S12) Iron Javelin (43/45)
PegKnight 2: (26/26) (O11) Iron Lance (45/45)
PegKnight 3: (26/26) (O15) Iron Pilum (40/40)
PegKnight 4: (15/26) (V5) Iron Javelin (42/45) Poisoned 2/2
PegKnight 5: (0/26) (W19) Iron Lance (44/45)
PegKnight 6: (26/26) (M13) Iron Lance (45/45)
PegKnight 7: (26/26) (J7) Iron Javelin (45/45)
PegKnight 8: (26/26) (J19) Iron Lance (45/45)
PegKnight 9: (26/26) (D4) Iron Pilum (40/40)
PegKnight 10: (26/26) (D22) Iron Javelin (45/45)
Prince: (33/33) (B13) Steel Yari (25/25), Iron Bow (45/45) 


Players: Health, Location, Weapons
Rayne: (24/24) (U14) Iron Javelin (11/45), Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Javelin (38/45)E, Slim Lance (32/35), Short Spear (16/25)

Belros: (10/23) (W5) Vulnerary (2/3), Switchblade (27/30)E, Cutlass (21/25), Parrying Knife (23/30),Poison Knife (37/40) 

Emilee: (28/28) (W7) Heal (11/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Soothe (14/15), Barrier (13/15), Sleep (20/20)

Darius: (20/27) (W18) Flux (37/40)E, Carrion (18/20), Vulnerary (1/3), Vulnerary (3/3), Nosferatu (19/20)
Idei: (25/26) (V14) Iron Bow (6/45)E, Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Longbow (26/30), Steel Bow (24/30), Steel Yari (25/25) 
Cass: (21/35) (V10) Vulnerary (2/3), Soldier's Drums (19/20), Ninis' Grace (14/15), Vagrant's Whistle (15/15) 

Myrdwyn: (25/32) (V6) Heavy Lance (18/20), Iron Pike (34/35), Axereaver (18/20), Iron Lance (41/45), Devil Lance (18/20)E 
Clarisse: (33/34) (T13) Poleaxe (18/20), Iron Axe (42/45), Hammer (14/20), Vulnerary (1/3), Poison Hand (15/20)
Selia: (30/31) (V9) Ellight (14/20)E, Ray (40/40), Vulnerary (3/3) 

Allies: Health, Location, Weapons

Madante: (14/30) (U12) Allegretto (-), Lancereaver (19/20), Steel Blade (30/30),Light Brand (14/20)E, Vulnerary (2/3)  
Helena: (34/34) (W17) Elfire (26/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Meteor (1/5), Elwind (27/30)E, Elthunder (27/30) 

Exp Tracker: 29/100


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(Rayne has the advantage)
(Rayne is inspired)
(Clarisse is supporting Rayne)


Attack: 16
Hit: 91%
Crit: 8%

Fencer 4:
Attack: -
Hit: -
Crit: -


Rayne's Attack: 12, hit!
Rayne defeats Fencer 4 with 16 damage!


Seeing her target, Rayne throws a single javelin, which is enough to take the fencer out of the fight.




(Clarisse is feeling good)
(Clarisse has the advantage)
(Clarisse is inspired)
(Rayne is supporting Clarisse)
(Pegasus Knight 1 will attack twice)


Attack: 26
Hit: 83%
Crit: 7%

Pegasus Knight 1:
Attack: 2
Hit: 50%
Crit: 0%


Clarisse's Attack: 77, hit!
Clarisse defeats Pegasus Knight 1 with 26 damage!


With one heavy strike, Clarisse takes down the pegasus knight, forcing them to retreat from battle.


[Enemy Phase]


Pegasus Knight 4 takes 6 damage from poison


Pegasus Knight 4 Moves to U5, attacks Belros, and Cantos to Q5



(Pegasus Knight 4 has the advantage)
(Emilee is supporting Belros)


Pegasus Knight 4:
Attack: 12
Hit: 58%
Crit: 0%

Attack: -
Hit: -
Crit: -


Pegasus Knight 4's Attack: 27, hit!
Belros takes 12 damage!


Gaining some distance, the pegasus knight flies back to throw a javelin without retaliation, before retreating further back.


Knight 1 Moves to V5 and attacks Belros



(Belros will attack twice)
(Emilee is supporting Belros)


Knight 1:
Attack: 14
Hit: 31%
Crit: 0%

Attack: 0%
Hit: 95%
Crit: 19%


Knight 1's Attack: 16, hit!
Knight 1 defeats Belros with 14 damage!


Using the newly granted space, the knight moves into the fight, and with a well aimed blow, drops Belros to the ground.


Monk 2 Moves to S7 and attacks Cass



(Monk 2 will attack twice)
(Cass cant get the band back together)
(Emilee is supporting Cass)


Monk 2:
Attack: 8
Hit: 86%
Crit: 1%

Attack: -
Hit: -
Crit: -


Monk 2's Attack 1: 4, hit!
Cass takes 8 damage!


Monk 2's Attack 2: 82, hit!
Cass takes 8 damage!


One of the monks shoots two blasts of light at Cass. Both of them manage to hit their target, but Cass is still standing, if a bit beaten.


Monk 1 Moves to R12 and attacks Clarisse



(Monk 1 will attack twice)
(Clarisse is inspired)
(Rayne is supporting Clarisse)


Monk 1:
Attack: 17
Hit: 69%
Crit: 0%

Attack: -
Hit: -
Crit: -


Monk 1's Attack 1: 99, miss.


Monk 1's Attack 2: 56, hit!
Clarisse takes 17 damage!


The other monk, attempting to make up for their previous blunder, shoots two orbs of light at Clarisse. Though she dodges the first with ease, the second one hits true, dealing noticeable damage.


Pegasus Knight 2 Moves to S11 and attacks Rayne, and Cantos to P11



(Rayne is going into overdrive)
(Rayne is airheaded)
(Rayne is inspired)
(Clarisse is supporting Rayne)


Pegasus Knight 2:
Attack: 12
Hit: 70%
Crit: 0%

Attack: 12
Hit: 91%
Crit: 10%


Pegasus Knight 2's Attack: 37, hit!
Rayne takes 12 damage!


Rayne's Attack: 35, hit!
Pegasus Knight 2 takes 12 damage!
Rayne's eyes glimmer (16!)


Adept Attack: 86, hit!
Pegasus Knight 2 takes 12 damage!


Joining into the fight, the pegasus knight attacks Rayne, who responds in kind as the two land their blows. As the pegasus knight attempts to retreat however, they are struck by a second, unexpected javelin, which leaves the retreating pegasus knight worse for wear.


Knight 2 Moves to R19


Monk 3 Moves to Q15

[Ally Phase]


Madante Moves to T13 and uses a Vulnerary


Helena Moves to U14


Turn 3

Cass heals for 16 HP


Cheat Sheet:



Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Fencer 1: (30/30) (O13) Steel Rapier (30/30)
Fencer 2: (0/30) (V6) Steel Rapier (29/30)
Fencer 3: (0/30) (V19) Steel Rapier (30/30)
Fencer 4: (0/30) (U10) Steel Rapier (28/30)
Fencer 5: (0/30) (S16) Steel Rapier (30/30)

Fencer 6: (30/30) (H10) Steel Rapier (30/30)
Fencer 7: (30/30) (H16) Steel Rapier (30/30)
Fencer 8: (30/30) (J13) Steel Rapier (30/30)
Knight 1: (37/37) (V5) Steel Sword (29/30)
Knight 2: (37/37) (R19) Steel Lance (30/30)
Knight 3: (37/37) (M5) Steel Axe (30/30)
Knight 4: (37/37) (M21) Steel Sword (30/30)
Knight 5: (37/37) (G5) Steel Lance (30/30)
Knight 6: (37/37) (G21) Steel Axe (30/30)
Knight 7: (37/37) (K11) Steel Sword (30/30)
Knight 8: (37/37) (K15) Steel Lance (30/30)
Knight 9: (37/37) (G13) Steel Axe (30/30)
Knight 10: (37/37) (C13) Steel Sword (30/30)
Knight 11: (37/37) (B12) Steel Lance (30/30)
Knight 12: (37/37) (B14) Steel Axe (30/30)
Mage 1: (31/31) (P7) Elfire (30/30)
Mage 2: (31/31) (P19) Elfire (30/30)
Mage 3: (31/31) (J3) Elfire (30/30)
Mage 4: (31/31) (J23) Elfire (30/30)
Monk 1: (28/28) (R12) Shine (29/30)
Monk 2: (28/28) (S7) Shine (28/30)
Monk 3: (28/28) (Q15) Shine (30/30)
Monk 4: (28/28) (L9) Shine (30/30)
Monk 5: (28/28) (L17) Shine (30/30)
Monk 6: (28/28) (E8) Shine (30/30)
Monk 7: (28/28) (E18) Shine (30/30)
Monk 8: (28/28) (B11) Shine (30/30)
Monk 9: (28/28) (B15) Shine (30/30)
PegKnight 1: (0/26) (S12) Iron Javelin (43/45)
PegKnight 2: (2/26) (P11) Iron Lance (44/45)
PegKnight 3: (26/26) (O15) Iron Pilum (40/40)
PegKnight 4: (9/26) (Q5) Iron Javelin (41/45) Poisoned 1/2
PegKnight 5: (0/26) (W19) Iron Lance (44/45)
PegKnight 6: (26/26) (M13) Iron Lance (45/45)
PegKnight 7: (26/26) (J7) Iron Javelin (45/45)
PegKnight 8: (26/26) (J19) Iron Lance (45/45)
PegKnight 9: (26/26) (D4) Iron Pilum (40/40)
PegKnight 10: (26/26) (D22) Iron Javelin (45/45)
Prince: (33/33) (B13) Steel Yari (25/25), Iron Bow (45/45) 

Players: Health, Location, Weapons
Rayne: (12/24) (T11) Iron Javelin (10/45)E, Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Javelin (38/45), Slim Lance (32/35), Short Spear (16/25)

Belros: (0/23) (W5) Vulnerary (2/3), Switchblade (27/30)E, Cutlass (21/25), Parrying Knife (23/30),Poison Knife (37/40) Downed 3/3
Emilee: (28/28) (W7) Heal (11/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Soothe (14/15), Barrier (13/15), Sleep (20/20)

Darius: (20/27) (W18) Flux (37/40)E, Carrion (18/20), Vulnerary (1/3), Vulnerary (3/3), Nosferatu (19/20)
Idei: (25/26) (V14) Iron Bow (6/45)E, Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Longbow (26/30), Steel Bow (24/30), Steel Yari (25/25) 
Cass: (21/35) (V10) Vulnerary (2/3), Soldier's Drums (19/20), Ninis' Grace (14/15), Vagrant's Whistle (15/15) 

Myrdwyn: (25/32) (V6) Heavy Lance (18/20), Iron Pike (34/35), Axereaver (18/20), Iron Lance (41/45), Devil Lance (18/20)E 
Clarisse: (16/34) (T12) Poleaxe (17/20)E, Iron Axe (42/45), Hammer (14/20), Vulnerary (1/3), Poison Hand (15/20)
Selia: (30/31) (V9) Ellight (14/20)E, Ray (40/40), Vulnerary (3/3) 

Allies: Health, Location, Weapons

Madante: (24/30) (U12) Allegretto (-), Lancereaver (19/20), Steel Blade (30/30),Light Brand (14/20)E, Vulnerary (1/3)  
Helena: (34/34) (U14) Elfire (26/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Meteor (1/5), Elwind (27/30)E, Elthunder (27/30) 

Exp Tracker: 45/100



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The nearest targets in flight are still somewhat far for him to safely pursue. He takes a sweep around the field before nudging Kite into an easy canter, rounding behind the axe-wielder and their commander, trading out his worn iron bow for the larger, heavier yari he had purchased some time ago.


Move to U12, attack Monk 1 with Steel Yari.

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(Myrdwyn has the advantage)
(Emilee is supporting Myrdwyn)
(Myrdwyn will deal effective damage)


Attack: 26
Hit: 95%
Crit: 5%

Knight 1:
Attack: 7
Hit: 57%
Crit: 0%


Myrdwyn's Attack: 47, hit!
Knight 1 takes an effective 26 damage!


Knight 1's Attack: 13, hit!
Myrdwyn takes 7 damage!


Ready for battle, Myrdwyn uses her lance to heavily damage the knight and his armor. Though injured, he still manages to strike back, landing a clean hit.




(Idei is inspired)
(Helena is supporting Idei)


Attack: 21
Hit: 72%
Crit: 7%

Monk 1:
Attack: -
Hit: -
Crit: -


Idei's Attack: 23, hit!
Monk 1 takes 21 damage!


Taking aim behind his allies, Idei fires off a shot at the monk, who is unable to dodge or retaliate.


Cheat Sheet:



Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Fencer 1: (30/30) (O13) Steel Rapier (30/30)
Fencer 2: (0/30) (V6) Steel Rapier (29/30)
Fencer 3: (0/30) (V19) Steel Rapier (30/30)
Fencer 4: (0/30) (U10) Steel Rapier (28/30)
Fencer 5: (0/30) (S16) Steel Rapier (30/30)

Fencer 6: (30/30) (H10) Steel Rapier (30/30)
Fencer 7: (30/30) (H16) Steel Rapier (30/30)
Fencer 8: (30/30) (J13) Steel Rapier (30/30)
Knight 1: (11/37) (V5) Steel Sword (28/30)
Knight 2: (37/37) (R19) Steel Lance (30/30)
Knight 3: (37/37) (M5) Steel Axe (30/30)
Knight 4: (37/37) (M21) Steel Sword (30/30)
Knight 5: (37/37) (G5) Steel Lance (30/30)
Knight 6: (37/37) (G21) Steel Axe (30/30)
Knight 7: (37/37) (K11) Steel Sword (30/30)
Knight 8: (37/37) (K15) Steel Lance (30/30)
Knight 9: (37/37) (G13) Steel Axe (30/30)
Knight 10: (37/37) (C13) Steel Sword (30/30)
Knight 11: (37/37) (B12) Steel Lance (30/30)
Knight 12: (37/37) (B14) Steel Axe (30/30)
Mage 1: (31/31) (P7) Elfire (30/30)
Mage 2: (31/31) (P19) Elfire (30/30)
Mage 3: (31/31) (J3) Elfire (30/30)
Mage 4: (31/31) (J23) Elfire (30/30)
Monk 1: (7/28) (R12) Shine (29/30)
Monk 2: (28/28) (S7) Shine (28/30)
Monk 3: (28/28) (Q15) Shine (30/30)
Monk 4: (28/28) (L9) Shine (30/30)
Monk 5: (28/28) (L17) Shine (30/30)
Monk 6: (28/28) (E8) Shine (30/30)
Monk 7: (28/28) (E18) Shine (30/30)
Monk 8: (28/28) (B11) Shine (30/30)
Monk 9: (28/28) (B15) Shine (30/30)
PegKnight 1: (0/26) (S12) Iron Javelin (43/45)
PegKnight 2: (2/26) (P11) Iron Lance (44/45)
PegKnight 3: (26/26) (O15) Iron Pilum (40/40)
PegKnight 4: (9/26) (Q5) Iron Javelin (41/45) Poisoned 1/2
PegKnight 5: (0/26) (W19) Iron Lance (44/45)
PegKnight 6: (26/26) (M13) Iron Lance (45/45)
PegKnight 7: (26/26) (J7) Iron Javelin (45/45)
PegKnight 8: (26/26) (J19) Iron Lance (45/45)
PegKnight 9: (26/26) (D4) Iron Pilum (40/40)
PegKnight 10: (26/26) (D22) Iron Javelin (45/45)
Prince: (33/33) (B13) Steel Yari (25/25), Iron Bow (45/45) 

Players: Health, Location, Weapons
Rayne: (12/24) (T11) Iron Javelin (10/45)E, Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Javelin (38/45), Slim Lance (32/35), Short Spear (16/25)

Belros: (0/23) (W5) Vulnerary (2/3), Switchblade (27/30)E, Cutlass (21/25), Parrying Knife (23/30),Poison Knife (37/40) Downed 3/3
Emilee: (28/28) (W7) Heal (11/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Soothe (14/15), Barrier (13/15), Sleep (20/20)

Darius: (20/27) (W18) Flux (37/40)E, Carrion (18/20), Vulnerary (1/3), Vulnerary (3/3), Nosferatu (19/20)
Idei: (25/26) (U12) Iron Bow (6/45), Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Longbow (26/30), Steel Bow (24/30), Steel Yari (24/25)E 
Cass: (18/35) (V10) Vulnerary (2/3), Soldier's Drums (19/20), Ninis' Grace (14/15), Vagrant's Whistle (15/15) 

Myrdwyn: (25/32) (V6) Heavy Lance (17/20)E, Iron Pike (34/35), Axereaver (18/20), Iron Lance (41/45), Devil Lance (18/20) 
Clarisse: (16/34) (T12) Poleaxe (17/20)E, Iron Axe (42/45), Hammer (14/20), Vulnerary (1/3), Poison Hand (15/20)
Selia: (30/31) (V9) Ellight (14/20)E, Ray (40/40), Vulnerary (3/3) 

Allies: Health, Location, Weapons

Madante: (24/30) (U12) Allegretto (-), Lancereaver (19/20), Steel Blade (30/30),Light Brand (14/20)E, Vulnerary (1/3)  
Helena: (34/34) (U14) Elfire (26/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Meteor (1/5), Elwind (27/30)E, Elthunder (27/30) 

Exp Tracker: 51/100



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(Selia is believing in the cards)


Attack: 2
Hit: 78%
Crit: 16%

Monk 1:
Attack: 5
Hit: 77%
Crit: 5%


Selia's Attack: 7, hit!
Monk 1 takes 2 damage!


Monk 1's Attack: 63, hit!
Selia takes 5 damage!


The two light mages trade blows, with neither taking that much damage, but with the injured monk showing further signs of exhaustion.


Cheat Sheet:



Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Fencer 1: (30/30) (O13) Steel Rapier (30/30)
Fencer 2: (0/30) (V6) Steel Rapier (29/30)
Fencer 3: (0/30) (V19) Steel Rapier (30/30)
Fencer 4: (0/30) (U10) Steel Rapier (28/30)
Fencer 5: (0/30) (S16) Steel Rapier (30/30)

Fencer 6: (30/30) (H10) Steel Rapier (30/30)
Fencer 7: (30/30) (H16) Steel Rapier (30/30)
Fencer 8: (30/30) (J13) Steel Rapier (30/30)
Knight 1: (11/37) (V5) Steel Sword (28/30)
Knight 2: (37/37) (R19) Steel Lance (30/30)
Knight 3: (37/37) (M5) Steel Axe (30/30)
Knight 4: (37/37) (M21) Steel Sword (30/30)
Knight 5: (37/37) (G5) Steel Lance (30/30)
Knight 6: (37/37) (G21) Steel Axe (30/30)
Knight 7: (37/37) (K11) Steel Sword (30/30)
Knight 8: (37/37) (K15) Steel Lance (30/30)
Knight 9: (37/37) (G13) Steel Axe (30/30)
Knight 10: (37/37) (C13) Steel Sword (30/30)
Knight 11: (37/37) (B12) Steel Lance (30/30)
Knight 12: (37/37) (B14) Steel Axe (30/30)
Mage 1: (31/31) (P7) Elfire (30/30)
Mage 2: (31/31) (P19) Elfire (30/30)
Mage 3: (31/31) (J3) Elfire (30/30)
Mage 4: (31/31) (J23) Elfire (30/30)
Monk 1: (5/28) (R12) Shine (28/30)
Monk 2: (28/28) (S7) Shine (28/30)
Monk 3: (28/28) (Q15) Shine (30/30)
Monk 4: (28/28) (L9) Shine (30/30)
Monk 5: (28/28) (L17) Shine (30/30)
Monk 6: (28/28) (E8) Shine (30/30)
Monk 7: (28/28) (E18) Shine (30/30)
Monk 8: (28/28) (B11) Shine (30/30)
Monk 9: (28/28) (B15) Shine (30/30)

PegKnight 3: (26/26) (O15) Iron Pilum (40/40)
PegKnight 4: (9/26) (Q5) Iron Javelin (41/45) Poisoned 1/2
PegKnight 5: (0/26) (W19) Iron Lance (44/45)
PegKnight 6: (26/26) (M13) Iron Lance (45/45)
PegKnight 7: (26/26) (J7) Iron Javelin (45/45)
PegKnight 8: (26/26) (J19) Iron Lance (45/45)
PegKnight 9: (26/26) (D4) Iron Pilum (40/40)
PegKnight 10: (26/26) (D22) Iron Javelin (45/45)
Prince: (33/33) (B13) Steel Yari (25/25), Iron Bow (45/45) 

Players: Health, Location, Weapons
Rayne: (12/24) (T11) Iron Javelin (10/45)E, Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Javelin (38/45), Slim Lance (32/35), Short Spear (16/25)

Belros: (0/23) (W5) Vulnerary (2/3), Switchblade (27/30)E, Cutlass (21/25), Parrying Knife (23/30),Poison Knife (37/40) Downed 3/3
Emilee: (28/28) (W7) Heal (11/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Soothe (14/15), Barrier (13/15), Sleep (20/20)

Darius: (20/27) (W18) Flux (37/40)E, Carrion (18/20), Vulnerary (1/3), Vulnerary (3/3), Nosferatu (19/20)
Idei: (25/26) (U12) Iron Bow (6/45), Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Longbow (26/30), Steel Bow (24/30), Steel Yari (24/25)E 
Cass: (18/35) (V10) Vulnerary (2/3), Soldier's Drums (19/20), Ninis' Grace (14/15), Vagrant's Whistle (15/15) 

Myrdwyn: (25/32) (V6) Heavy Lance (17/20)E, Iron Pike (34/35), Axereaver (18/20), Iron Lance (41/45), Devil Lance (18/20) 
Clarisse: (16/34) (T12) Poleaxe (17/20)E, Iron Axe (42/45), Hammer (14/20), Vulnerary (1/3), Poison Hand (15/20)
Selia: (30/31) (R10) Ellight (13/20)E, Ray (40/40), Vulnerary (3/3) 

Allies: Health, Location, Weapons

Madante: (24/30) (U12) Allegretto (-), Lancereaver (19/20), Steel Blade (30/30),Light Brand (14/20)E, Vulnerary (1/3)  
Helena: (34/34) (U14) Elfire (26/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Meteor (1/5), Elwind (27/30)E, Elthunder (27/30) 

Exp Tracker: 54/100



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(Rayne is inspired)
(Rayne is protected by a feathery down)
(Clarisse is supporting Rayne)


Attack: 16
Hit: 76%
Crit: 8%

Monk 1:
Attack: 3
Hit: 54%
Crit: 0%


Rayne's Attack: 7, hit!
Rayne defeats Monk 1 with 16 damage!


A small poke from a javelin was all that was needed to force the injured monk to withdraw from battle.


Cheat Sheet:



Enemies: Health, Location, Weapon
Fencer 1: (30/30) (O13) Steel Rapier (30/30)
Fencer 2: (0/30) (V6) Steel Rapier (29/30)
Fencer 3: (0/30) (V19) Steel Rapier (30/30)
Fencer 4: (0/30) (U10) Steel Rapier (28/30)
Fencer 5: (0/30) (S16) Steel Rapier (30/30)

Fencer 6: (30/30) (H10) Steel Rapier (30/30)
Fencer 7: (30/30) (H16) Steel Rapier (30/30)
Fencer 8: (30/30) (J13) Steel Rapier (30/30)
Knight 1: (11/37) (V5) Steel Sword (28/30)
Knight 2: (37/37) (R19) Steel Lance (30/30)
Knight 3: (37/37) (M5) Steel Axe (30/30)
Knight 4: (37/37) (M21) Steel Sword (30/30)
Knight 5: (37/37) (G5) Steel Lance (30/30)
Knight 6: (37/37) (G21) Steel Axe (30/30)
Knight 7: (37/37) (K11) Steel Sword (30/30)
Knight 8: (37/37) (K15) Steel Lance (30/30)
Knight 9: (37/37) (G13) Steel Axe (30/30)
Knight 10: (37/37) (C13) Steel Sword (30/30)
Knight 11: (37/37) (B12) Steel Lance (30/30)
Knight 12: (37/37) (B14) Steel Axe (30/30)
Mage 1: (31/31) (P7) Elfire (30/30)
Mage 2: (31/31) (P19) Elfire (30/30)
Mage 3: (31/31) (J3) Elfire (30/30)
Mage 4: (31/31) (J23) Elfire (30/30)
Monk 1: (0/28) (R12) Shine (28/30)
Monk 2: (28/28) (S7) Shine (28/30)
Monk 3: (28/28) (Q15) Shine (30/30)
Monk 4: (28/28) (L9) Shine (30/30)
Monk 5: (28/28) (L17) Shine (30/30)
Monk 6: (28/28) (E8) Shine (30/30)
Monk 7: (28/28) (E18) Shine (30/30)
Monk 8: (28/28) (B11) Shine (30/30)
Monk 9: (28/28) (B15) Shine (30/30)
PegKnight 1: (0/26) (S12) Iron Javelin (43/45)
PegKnight 2: (2/26) (P11) Iron Lance (44/45)
PegKnight 3: (26/26) (O15) Iron Pilum (40/40)
PegKnight 4: (9/26) (Q5) Iron Javelin (41/45) Poisoned 1/2
PegKnight 5: (0/26) (W19) Iron Lance (44/45)
PegKnight 6: (26/26) (M13) Iron Lance (45/45)
PegKnight 7: (26/26) (J7) Iron Javelin (45/45)
PegKnight 8: (26/26) (J19) Iron Lance (45/45)
PegKnight 9: (26/26) (D4) Iron Pilum (40/40)
PegKnight 10: (26/26) (D22) Iron Javelin (45/45)
Prince: (33/33) (B13) Steel Yari (25/25), Iron Bow (45/45) 

Players: Health, Location, Weapons
Rayne: (12/24) (T11) Iron Javelin (10/45)E, Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Javelin (38/45), Slim Lance (32/35), Short Spear (16/25)

Belros: (0/23) (W5) Vulnerary (2/3), Switchblade (27/30)E, Cutlass (21/25), Parrying Knife (23/30),Poison Knife (37/40) Downed 3/3
Emilee: (28/28) (W7) Heal (11/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Soothe (14/15), Barrier (13/15), Sleep (20/20)

Darius: (20/27) (W18) Flux (37/40)E, Carrion (18/20), Vulnerary (1/3), Vulnerary (3/3), Nosferatu (19/20)
Idei: (25/26) (U12) Iron Bow (6/45), Vulnerary (3/3), Iron Longbow (26/30), Steel Bow (24/30), Steel Yari (24/25)E 
Cass: (18/35) (V10) Vulnerary (2/3), Soldier's Drums (19/20), Ninis' Grace (14/15), Vagrant's Whistle (15/15) 

Myrdwyn: (25/32) (V6) Heavy Lance (17/20)E, Iron Pike (34/35), Axereaver (18/20), Iron Lance (41/45), Devil Lance (18/20) 
Clarisse: (16/34) (T12) Poleaxe (17/20)E, Iron Axe (42/45), Hammer (14/20), Vulnerary (1/3), Poison Hand (15/20)
Selia: (30/31) (R10) Ellight (13/20)E, Ray (40/40), Vulnerary (3/3) 

Allies: Health, Location, Weapons

Madante: (24/30) (U12) Allegretto (-), Lancereaver (19/20), Steel Blade (30/30),Light Brand (14/20)E, Vulnerary (1/3)  
Helena: (34/34) (U14) Elfire (26/30), Vulnerary (2/3), Meteor (1/5), Elwind (27/30)E, Elthunder (27/30) 

Exp Tracker: 59/100



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