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Fire Emblem on the Forums: Sea of Crossroads [IC]


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Darius simply sits around in his cell, listening in on the conversations around him. His attention is brought to Cadence's talks about escape and he chimes in.


"Even if the guard that does that is all alone, I'd imagine they're not so stupid as to not have a weapon for self-defense at least, in case anyone tried to break free of the cell. Don't get me wrong, I'm all up for the prospect of a break-out from this place, but it's not as simple as just stepping out once the door is opened..." he muses before he hears the elder spirits practically laughing at him.

"Oh shut up you smug pests. If you had actually done your job and protected me from that sleep spell, we might have been able to break free." the Shaman says, looking up and to the left of him at spirits only he can really sense.

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The sound of a girl grunting and something going taut is all that answers Darius at first. The sound of feet kicking off the floor, of the clanging of metal as they hit the bars. Before long though, there was Cade's was again, clearly concentrating on... something.



"Oh trust me, them being armed is what I'm hoping for. it'll make the rest of the escape a bit easier" She was hanging from the bars of her cell door, with her full weight on the dancer ribbon that had once addorned her hair now, the band itself now wrapped through the bars with one end anchored to the wrist of her lame hand and the other gripped bone white in her functioning one, supporting her. She largely ignored the pain of her gimped wrist dislocating from the action- the Anima were just going to repair it soon enough anyway, so it didn't matter. She continued to hold the makeshift Garrote for a few moments longer before finally releasing, satisfied that yes, indeed it was sturdy enough for what she intended to do. The sound of her feet hitting the floor once again echoed as she continued.


"Having a weapon will mean jack shit if we never give them the chance to use it- those idiots left my ribbon on me... and from my test just now, I'm fairly certain this thing will suffice as a Garrote" She returned her attention to the previous conversation with the skeptic however "but again, I need information if any of this is going to work. If the food bearers come down in pairs or more, then things will of course be a bit more complicated, but likely still manageable with enough practice and preparation. Hence, I ask you once more: When and How often do they come, and in how many numbers? If you don't know the times, try asking the spirits under your command."

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Emilee nodded and smiled at Belros. "Just you watch, I'm going to get us out of here." She got up and went towards the front bars. "Guys I have an idea! Have you noticed? We aren't hurt, Belros was really wounded in the battle but he seems to be okay now. I think they have a healer taking care of us. So what if one of us got hurt? If one of us pretends to hurt the other, and I mean pretend don't actually hurt them please! They might come! They didn't answer the first time we made noise, but if all of us make ruckus they will have to come! If we plead them for healing they will have to come! They can't let us kill each other! So then when they open our jail cell we can fight back. If it's a healer then they shouldn't be armed, if they come with a staff I'll even be able to heal us in the following fights. What do you guys think?" 

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"Give a girl a chance to answer, geeze. They come in pairs. Every couple of hours, though they came early to toss you lot in. I don't know exact times." The comment about spirits got a strange look but no response. "Typically they're both armed, though one has food. That one puts the food into the cell through the bars while the other keeps a spear on the prisoner to keep you from trying anything crazy. And while Cupcake over there has a point that they might come check on us for that, no way would they send an unarmed and un-escorted healer in here. They're really not that stupid. Which, again, give they've caught you once already, you'd think you'd have realized."

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"Oh please, you give those wandroughts too much credit; they overwhelmed us through sheer force of numbers, not tactics..." Cade quipped back at the intelligence comment, very conveniently neglecting to mention how their own spy had decided to, for whatever reason, split off on his own after he'd talked to her about looting the place. Hmmmm still though, it seemed like the Garrote plan would prove quite complicated to pull off indeed. Luckily Emilee had apparently been thinking of something too. And much to Cade's surprise, it wasn't actually a half bad suggestion given the situation 


"Well even if they don't send a healer down here, it doesn't matter- someone's gonna get the short stick and have to come investigate. What matters is that we don't screw it up when the time comes. Plus from what you've said, my plan won't exactly be as smooth as I thought, so... Emilee's idea is the best thing we've got for now. Question is, who's gonna be acting out the fight?"

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Listening to the planning going on for how to escape, Helena decides to take the time between now and the plan to get a few answers.



"I'm all for the plan for getting out of here through a staged fight, and I may have a few suggestions. But before that..." Helena pauses, taking a long look at Belros. "You my friend have some questions to answer about all of this. I don't know much in the way of details, but the manor owner seemed to know of you. Care to explain?"

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"So that question finally pops up." Belros speaks reluctantly getting onto his feet. He stretches for a bit trying to delay the inevitable.  "Well, if you really want to know this was the location of my finale heist for the Silver Ravens. It was gonna be a simple mission, get in, steal valuables, and get out. As you can imagine, however, it wasn't that simple. We were betrayed by one of own, and his name was Rico or "The Viper" depending on who you ask. I'm sure you've heard me mention that name before. He set up an ambush much like this one and it ended almost as badly. I was the only one who was able to escape this hell hole alive but it came at a cost. I lost someone very important to me on that day and I learned about what Rico had planned for the guild. That man was working with an outside force trying to takeover the guild and destroy it from the inside out. I went back to try and explain what happened but Rico managed to get there first. He was able to forage an incriminating letter from the manor's owner framing me as the betrayer. On the other hand, I didn't have any evidence to defend myself with except my pleads so I was banished. Then I decided I'd find proof of his misdeeds and joined the royal guard. I'd hope going around as a guard would help lead me to the source and lead me to Rico so I could kill him myself." He chuckled while shrugging.  "I suppose it's been working pretty well so far. But that's the gist of what happened, I hope that's satisfactory for you."

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The talks of escape and plans laid upon plans had grown to a halt for Cade as she listened to the Rog-... belros' explanation of this mess. Oh the irony... this was just history repeating itself then, and it certainly explained what he'd told her earlier about having a history in this place. She could not lay eyes upon him, but even so...perhaps for all hist faults, he wasn't just some criminal given a second chance he didn't deserve. Maybe he wasn't so bad afterall...



"So that's the whole story, is it? Hmmm.... maybe I've misjudged you all this time."

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Cass glued his face and palms to the bars of the cells when Belros started talking about the truth over his earlier weird behaviour. The man had basically ran out of the back of the cell into the light and smashed himself against the bars, kneeling as he listened expectantly with raised brows. Soon, however, they furrowed under the weight of the story and a soft thud was heard as he sat backwards onto his behind.



"So that's why you were acting like an idiot up there."

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"Misjudged him?! He was just using us this whole time so he could tell all his criminal friends that he wasn't as much of a damned shitbag as they thought! And here I thought he was just an asshole." She paused to slam her shoulder against the door again. "Pardon me if I don't feel sorry for you for your thieving going wrong, but worming your way into the royal guard for that? So you can 'redeem' yourself amongst all your criminal buddies? What the hell was your plan after you did that?"

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"I don't think he was using us," Idei says quietly after having been silent up to this point. He had been barely listening to the conversations buzzing around him, but Belros' story had caught his attention. All of that struggle he'd shown in the last battle . . . and he'd ended up here again. Almost losing everyone -- in the same place, even. How futile he must feel.


Except -- no, it's not futile. He hadn't lost everyone this time. He'd come out of it alive. They all have, so far. Idei sits up straighter and finally stops picking at the callous on his finger, which has started to bleed.



"In a situation like that . . . there are things you just have to do." He looks over at Belros. "When you came out of that, the only one left. You couldn't just let that go and move on, right?"

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Belros stayed silent. To be honest once he got his proof he planned to just leave. He would provide his thieving services and he would get out with the proof he needed, but is the proof even worth it at this point? From the few moments he's had in contact with the guild it seems Rico already made great changes. Is the guild he knew even still alive at this point? What's the point of trying to save a guild who's too far down the gutter to be pulled out.



"Honestly, I don't even know what my plan was anymore. Fitting for a man like me right?" He paused for a moment, looking down at the filthy stone floor.



"Look... I'm... Sorry. I should have never applied for the royal guard nor have dragged you all with me into the dirt. I don't expect anyone's forgiveness or pity... just... I want everyone to know I'm truly sorry. Not that my words mean much seeing as we're all caged now."

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"We all have our reasons for joining." She said to Myrdwyn "Yeh, the whole heist part isn't exactly the most... redeeming of confessions. But I think he's telling the truth. In the end he cared more about avenging his friends than he did about getting back into the good graces of his fellow rats. And that much at the very least, that bit of loyalty, is something I can respect.

      Up till now, I just thought he was some lowlife who'd been given a choice between using his skills to help the law or staying locked up to rot until he was executed or something- a felon only out for himself who was just taking the path with the most potential benefit in the long run. But I was wrong... even before this, there were a few times when he started to show he was more than that. In the poisoners shop, I told I'd kill him myself if he was up to something, that I'd make him pay if someone died because of any bullshit he caused. But his response was the complete opposite of what I'd been expecting from him. 

      Then when that asshole left us all here and sicced his goons on us. He did it again, defied my expectations, said this was his fault, that if anyone got hurt in this, it should be him... and even right now, he's doing it again. So yeh, I think I've misjudged the dude. I've been trying to push that possibility away so far, but not anymore. He's definitely far from a hero or white knight, but he's not quite vermin either. I'd say he's half-decent."

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"He's more than half-decent, he is our partner. Our colleague, our friend" Emilee added to Cade's speech. "Cass, you were accused of stealing when you joined us, and I defended you. So now I'm defending Belros, whatever he did in the past he is Belros now. And I like this Belros, so if you try to bully Belros you'll have to go through me first! And also we'll have to get out of here in the first place." 

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Darius listens in on Belros' confessions and the reactions from the others.


"That does answer quite a lot, actually, including everything that happened back in port some time ago. At least you're fighting for a decent cause..." he says before thinking to himself "unlike me..." before continuing: "...even if the way things ended...well..." he sighs, looking around himself at the cell walls.

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With Cadence doing most of the talking, Idei's content to sink back into quiet, to his own thoughts. He's always been aware that, as someone who comes from a vastly different set of traditions, he's not always fit in on the mainland where things move so much faster, where everyone is always in a rush and no one has time for anyone else. His hand moves in a slow, sweeping motion over one leg, as though there was a bow resting there, tracing an invisible curve.


He doesn't understand why the others bother complaining, or passing judgment on the former thief. Regardless of the reasons why they had joined the Guard, they're all here now, and have a responsibility to each other. If they didn't like that responsibility, they're always free to leave.



"I will fight with you so long as I am here, with no regrets," he says -- to himself, to Belros, to everyone within earshot. It applies equally. "It's my duty."

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"While this is all very sweet, it doesn't do much to convince me that you actually have any chance of breaking free. So unless you have something else, I'll stick with my plan of doing not much. Anyone care to have their fortune told? I'm sure it won't have any sort of death and destruction in it."

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Rayne wasn't really much good at fighting without her spear so she'd not be much of a boon to the current plan. She was also a bit lost on the conversation in general now. Who was the blue haired guy anyway? Everyone else seemed to know him so Rayne figured what jsut happened had some significance but it was lost on the pegasus rider. So she just turned back the fortuneteller. Still quite the gloomy one she was though.... Rayne had to at least admit she'd probably been locked up here a decent while. lt'd probably be more than a little spirit breaking. However Rayne figured she'd humor her request. She always wondered what getting one's fortune told was like.

"l suppose it wouldn't hurt. Maybe we'll learn something from it too." Rayne said smiling a little. She wasn't going to press before but... the fortuneteller might be liable to believe her fortunetelling. lf it went poorly she'd just act as she had been already. But, if it revealed something she'd been refusing to accept was possible... maybe just maybe she'd be less gloom and doom. lt wasn't really a gamble, because she'd continue on as she had been. There was only really gain or staying neutral. A good enough deal Rayne supposed.

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Selia grinned and sat down cross legged, shuffling the cards before spreading them out face side out towards Rayne. Thankfully the girl's cell was directly across from hers, allowing an easy view of the cards.




"Please, sit down and listen to my words. As you can see, these cards are blank. Nothing on the fronts, only a repeating pattern on the back. She held out the cards to Rayne with a grin. Inspect them if you want. You can see that they are just simple cards, no trickery or anything like that. Once the other girl had had a chance to inspect them, she drew them back and fanned them out.




"And yet, I promise you, these will show your future. Now, think long and hard about a question that is dear to you." She placed the deck down in Rayne's reach, the only difference is that there was now a subtle glow to the cards, almost as if they were imbued with magic. "There is no need to tell me the question you are searching for an answer for just yet. The final step is easy. Pick any three cards you want from the deck and place them face down in front of you in any order. Then the answer to your question will be revealed as it relates to your past, your present, and your future."




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Rayne closed her eyes, thinking for a moment, however... she didn't really require thinking long. There was only one question on her mind. One she'd really been wondering the whole time she was in here. Ever seen they ended up captured. "Will l ever find Beau again?" However, there was something more even pressing on her mind. Something that'd more or less been following her since this journey's start. Ever since she joined the Royal Guard honestly.

"Will l ever be reunited with my family? Will l ever see them again?" Maybe not the most... interesting question, but one she wanted an answer to. After coming up with it in her head, she did as instructed by the fortuneteller.

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"By the way, theif boy-" Cadence called out a few moments after the groups touching-but-not-so-touching moment of acknowledging that the spy was no great boon, but at the very least not an absolute peice of human trash either. For the time being, she began to work the dancer's ribbon back into her hair


"There's something I've been wondering- what the actual fuck were you thinking when you just ran off in the opposite direction after we talked? Hm? You may have mentioned you intended to loot a couple things as we fought our way out, but I recall nothing of you ever suggesting a plan to split up.

     We were supposed to stick together, with the stronger ones pushing forward while the rest watched our back, so what the hell happened in between the time the rest of us started moving, and you ended up getting stuck so far behind and swarmed in the first room? Was your lust for whatever gilded shite that asshole nobleman keeps here so strong that you just forgot the plan?"

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Clarisse had been quiet up to around this point, mostly because she'd been unconscious. She'd been one of the ones on her feet at the time, and she'd fought quite hard until they finally knocked her out - they needed to hire some replacement heavy armor troops now. And replace that asshole with that magic that messed with her mind. She sat up with a loud groan, rubbing her head.

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After hearing everyone's words he could feel some sort of weight lifted off his chest, even if some of them weren't the most heartwarming. Then Cadenece asked a question he did not expect to hear. He thought about it for a moment before giving his answer.



"I guess I zoned out there for a bit. I might've used the allure of treasure as an excuse to do something... cowardly." He paused for a moment remembering back to the first time he was caught in this trap.  "I mean that plan worked last time, granted I was on the other side of it. I thought maybe if I could distract them for long enough you all would have an easier time escaping. I promised myself I wouldn't let anyone else I cared for die because of me and my weaknesses. So, in order to fulfill that promise I went with whatever had worked before..."

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"So you basically intended to martyr yourself to buy some time..." 


She sighed, not entirely sure whether to condemn the idea for the disastrous outcome or at least give the thief credit that at least there was something other than greed driving him. So in the end, she did neither.


"I don't know whether your idea was foolhardy, noble, or both... but in all honesty it doesn't even matter any more, looking at where we are. What's done is done, unfortunately. But.... at least your answer hasn't given me cause to rescind how I defended you just a moment ago. Your methods have been weighed, measured, and found lacking... but perhaps your heart might tip the scales true still."


"Next question: That arse who sprung this trap on us in the first place. This is his mansion, you've been here before and apparently met him, so who the fuck is he? I want to at least have a name to condemn as I'm gutting him like the feral pig he is."

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