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[SPOILER] The future of the heroes

Dragon God Goomy

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Random thoughts

1) I think Crescent might be Psychic type Gym Leader or Elite 8.

2) I wonder if the Soul Stone has anything to do with the statues at Amethyst Grotto. Keta was easy because he was right there, but we might have to "gather" the others with the Soul Stone. Like maybe going back to the castle later for Nancy's soul, if she's one of the five.

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Random thoughts

1) I think Crescent might be Psychic type Gym Leader or Elite 8.

2) I wonder if the Soul Stone has anything to do with the statues at Amethyst Grotto. Keta was easy because he was right there, but we might have to "gather" the others with the Soul Stone. Like maybe going back to the castle later for Nancy's soul, if she's one of the five.

1. Elite 8 might not be far off.

2. Crescent said that everybody that was killed is "not dead". She maybe implying for something here.

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Has anyone been wondering who our character's real parents are? In the new V6 Team Xen, and Crescent, constantly mention that our "mother" is a puppet that can't feel emotions. That might mean that she was created to raise us. If this is the case, why would someone create her? Was it to raise us? Why does team Xen, and Crescent, both know that she is a puppet? Did they create her? If they did, why would they be okay with her raising us? Did they want her to raise us? And if she was created to raise us, why?? What would make us so important that someone would create a human puppet, just to raise us? Also, she isn't supposed to be able to feel emotions, and yet, she sacrificed herself for us. Is there more to her than team Xen, Crescent, or her possible creators even knew? THERE ARE SO MANY QUESTIONS!!!

Edit: Thought of something else. What if the "puppet" is our real mother? She got pregnant and had us. If that is also the case, then how could a puppet have kids? If she isn't supposed to feel emotions, how can we? If all this is the case, who is our father? THERE ARE STILL SO MANY QUESTIONS!!!

Edited by ZenXXShadow
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Here's a small theory, although it doesn't take into account the Marianette/Madame X things quite yet.

You and Melia are opposites, each created for a different purpose. Melia is supposed to be one of the four evil-doers and you are supposed to be one of the four good-doers. Each respective party realized that, and assigned a parent to raise each one of the kids. While Team Xen chose Jenner to raise Melia, the good people chose Nancy. Although a stretch that would contradict the "Crescent is Evil" theories, perhaps she assigned Nancy to raise you. If you were in the prophecy, that would explain why Crescent doesn't want you wasting time with the gym leaders; you should be training and only training to become one of the heroes of light. Going back to the Jenner/Melia thing, Jenner probably screwed up or something, resulting in the creation of Zetta to replace her. After that didn't work out as planned, Zetta had to capture Melia and re-convert her to the dark side. Since she escaped, that is why she cannot play the evil-doer role anymore (nor does she remotely want to) and so she is assisting the heroes, and also explains why Xen wants to capture/brainwash her so bad.

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I kinda think madameX might be future Melia but maybe I just wacth too much Fate. :P And something about Team Xen maybe thet're all dead and madameX somehow get them to live again becuase some of the grunt are saying "I just want to live" or some thing and at the secret tomb there a grave that says "rest in peace,Eli" too. I guess I kinda throw random theories all over the place didnt I.

Ooo. I like this. Marianette is the past, Melia is the present, and Madame X is the future. That'd be cool.

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Here's a small theory, although it doesn't take into account the Marianette/Madame X things quite yet.

You and Melia are opposites, each created for a different purpose. Melia is supposed to be one of the four evil-doers and you are supposed to be one of the four good-doers. Each respective party realized that, and assigned a parent to raise each one of the kids. While Team Xen chose Jenner to raise Melia, the good people chose Nancy. Although a stretch that would contradict the "Crescent is Evil" theories, perhaps she assigned Nancy to raise you. If you were in the prophecy, that would explain why Crescent doesn't want you wasting time with the gym leaders; you should be training and only training to become one of the heroes of light. Going back to the Jenner/Melia thing, Jenner probably screwed up or something, resulting in the creation of Zetta to replace her. After that didn't work out as planned, Zetta had to capture Melia and re-convert her to the dark side. Since she escaped, that is why she cannot play the evil-doer role anymore (nor does she remotely want to) and so she is assisting the heroes, and also explains why Xen wants to capture/brainwash her so bad.

That is possible, but if it is the case, then how would everyone know that melia and I were part of the prophecy as babies? They only guessed that Ren was part of the prophecy because he betrayed us, and that was late into his life. How would they know that Melia, and us (I?), would be part of the prophecy.

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A minor thing about the light prophesy: It mentions four lights not born of man (no man of woman born anyone), and that they will break the establishment into layers of sand and that the strongest light will rule the land.

In contrast, the four darknesses are specifically stated to be born of man and that they shall create a world in their likeness. Furthermore, it says that the balance between life and death shall be shattered... remind anyone of what happened this episode?

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A minor thing about the light prophesy: It mentions four lights not born of man (no man of woman born anyone), and that they will break the establishment into layers of sand and that the strongest light will rule the land.

In contrast, the four darknesses are specifically stated to be born of man and that they shall create a world in their likeness. Furthermore, it says that the balance between life and death shall be shattered... remind anyone of what happened this episode?

I forgot about that detail. Since our character's mother is supposed to be a puppet, that means that she's not technically human. So, if she did somehow get pregnant, and give birth to us, that means that our character was not born of man.

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I forgot about that detail. Since our character's mother is supposed to be a puppet, that means that she's not technically human. So, if she did somehow get pregnant, and give birth to us, that means that our character was not born of man.

That's.....actually creepy when I think about it.

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no idea what's up with the crescent hate, i find her one of the most interesting characters in the entire story. yes, at first you do want to hate her for some things she's done, but think about it more. is she really that bad?

speaking of crescent, if her team isnt a mono psychic, i have a feeling she has (or will have) a xerneas, unless an even more important character shows up. about the four shadows/lights thing, it goes without saying that this is related to how yveltal takes away life and xerneas does the opposite (at least if you've read those absol and gardevoir statues). madame x has an yveltal, so it would only make sense for a character with similar importance to have a xerneas.

also, moreover on the four shadows, i do agree with vince, i think ren is likely to be one of them. y'know, i didnt really like ren at the end of version 5, but after playing version 6 from the beginning, i find him a much more relate-able character. seriously, just try to put yourself in his position. i know he's done some foolish things, but imagine all of the pressure he must be under, especially after finding out about melia. plus, with reina being introduced, he's more likely than ever to develop in some way (likely in a similar way to how keta developed) and possibly even die.

but, that aside, the main reason why i think he's part of the four shadows is because madame x and her yveltal are likely related to them, thus it's extremely likely that the four shadows will be related in some way or another to team xen. much like keta, ren betrayed his friends thinking what he was doing was right, only to realize it really wasn't. he's not just going to keep serving team xen like that, he won't feel comfortable hurting melia. not just melia though, reina will probably act as a massive troublemaker and ren will have to risk something to save her at some point, something like his life (much like keta did).

as for the other two shadows, i dont know, they could be characters we havent even been introduced to yet, or they could even be characters that are extremely unlikely to become affiliated with team xen in any way. other than that, my guesses are mainly towards neved (we still haven't gotten proper backstory regarding who his daughter is) and geara (obviously related to narcissa in some way, id say he's her son due to the way they interact, so he could eventually turn out like keta or ren). madelis is easily the shittiest villain in the entire team xen, even eli/sharon are more deep than her. fucking version 6 and that moment with tesla, i cant take her seriously anymore after this. nastasia is a very important member, but i dont think she'll have a fate like this, though, i cant wait for the moment where we can finally punch her again, like we did in version 5.

as for the four lights, dunno, but nim (for being so mysterious) and melia (dont even need to explain why) are some good candidates. marianette is also a possible one, though she could also be the madame x counterpart i have referred to, who should possess xerneas.

also, speaking of madame x, i have a slight feeling that she will turn out to be a character that was among us at one point. i find no other reason to hide her behind a mask like that. i could be over-speculating, but man, am i thirsty for some more plot twists.

Edited by Gore
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Let's not forget that Crescent "re-tooled" Nim, cutting her hair and giving her a new name (I can't remember it, though). Crescent wanted to create Nim a new identity for whatever reason via hypnotism.

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Let's not forget that Crescent "re-tooled" Nim, cutting her hair and giving her a new name (I can't remember it, though). Crescent wanted to create Nim a new identity for whatever reason via hypnotism.

Lorna is her new name (screw Crescent. I will still call her Nim).

And her role is pretty obvious.

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...i think she "created" nim's initial identity to begin with. we really dont know anything about nim and her origins so yeah.

@origins: After the April sidequest, she mentioned wanting to give the Dial to her sister who has a Lunatone and Solrock. She mentioned something about her tribe too, but I forget. I assumed that Nim was her sister, because she has Lunatone and Solrock and they both have dark skin. It could be someone else, though.

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Didn't Geara talk about her husband in third person? She said "My husband would never" then he cut her off and said "Keep secrets from you?"

I always thought he was supposed to be a pre-teen trying to look/sound badass going by how he acts and every other thing he says being "Shut up!"

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Geara may or may not have been her husband, but he worked at Wispy Tower. "Here lies Gregory" is written on a tomb in the ruins, and so Geara probably worked with Narcy's husband (and probably hated him or something).

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is no one going to mention that kristiline side quest where the quiz guy was about to reveal who madame x was and, out of no where, a pink haired lady just showed up and took him with her.

what on the legitimate fuck was all of that?

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is no one going to mention that kristiline side quest where the quiz guy was about to reveal who madame x was and, out of no where, a pink haired lady just showed up and took him with her.

what on the legitimate fuck was all of that?

I loved that moment.

Edit: Also, he doesn't say that he'll tell us Madame X's identity. He says that he'll tell us her REAL identity. Do with that what you will.

Edited by ZenXXShadow
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