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[Spoilers] E16 Status Discussion


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*not how it actually is in release, but i amused myself in the mean time.

My personal headcanon is that the train bombing at the start of the game threw the protaganist out of the train with quite some force, causing him to hit his/her/xers head damaging the part we use for speech. Luckily, our protaganist has actually mastered sign language and uses this to communicate with others. Of course, your animation budget cannot possibly cover for accurate signing sprites so to us it appears as if the protaganist is unable to communicate in any way.

Radomus merely says his joke to bring us off-track

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I'd hate to bring this topic back up, but if you add Iv changing, you don't have to make it easy to access. Make the Iv changing npc post game exclusive, make the item needed for them very rare, etc.

also mega evolution, whoot.

Edited by YinYang9705
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I am kind of curious on the whole "saying goodbye" meaning. As has been mentioned previously, it could mean a character steps out, a death, or even just the "rebirth" of a character...someone being Reborn, so to speak. There' a lot of ways to interpret it and not a lot of evidence to back any claim up. Will Radomus' scheming come to bite him in the ass? Will Taka's betrayal of Team Meteor be dealt with in typical Meteor fashion? Will one of our companions meet an untimely demise at the hands of....god knows what at this point? Who knows, really. For all we know, Solaris could just walk off a cliff and that's the character we say goodbye to.

On another note, I'm kind of curious if we'll be able to finish up the Corey Pokemon sidequest. What are we missing at this point, Skrelp, Grimer, and Crobat? I know we got Croagunk, Nidorina, and Skuntank. Unless I missed the Grimer, we should only have 3 left, so I'm kind of curious how that'll end and if there's a tangible reward besides some neat Poison types and extra story progression in the side.

As long as it isn't Cain! Am I the only one who cannot do anything with Coreys PKMN except looking at them? They only respond by not responding at all..

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best boy cain must survive

You're missing something. You need it before they respond. It has to do with Corey.

Well, I'll be damned, you got me curious. I will now go to Beryl ward. Like right now..

And probably use some of his pkmn eventually when facing Heather.

Edited by NingyouRyou
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Well, I'll be damned, you got me curious. I will now go to Beryl ward. Like right now..

And probably use some of his pkmn eventually when facing Heather.

Just look around in that gym, I think you can find a lot there ;P

Crobat is awesome btw, I love mine :D

Edited by rakky
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My first impression was that the mega ring is a troll and doesn't work at all. Why else would it go in the Items pocket? In canon games as well as fan games it always goes in Key Items! At least if this happens to be the case somehow I told you so!

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So you are against them not because you think it's ethically immoral but because you spent all this time breeding them. That's supporting the right cause for the wrong reasons there. When you breed and crossbreed for moves and IVs you are trying to manipulate their genes. When a scientist comes and does the same exact thing much faster and with much more precision, somehow he becomes the bad guy? It's one thing to protest against genetic manipulation by drawing an analogy with pets in the real world, and a completely different thing to dislike it because of the time lost indulging in the "traditional" methods.

Ethically immoral to selectively breed animals to make them stronger/better at something. . .Do you realize we have many dog breeds who have been selectively bred to have whichever traits they have? Also the pigs you're eating are more than likely new crossbreeds made by humans. There's other examples but I see no problem with stimulating desirable traits in animals (or even humans for that matter) but that's besides the point.

My first objection to IV altering systems is that when an animal/pokemon is born, it's genes are set. You can't just go back and change them in a living organism. If you made the mad scientist take an egg or something and make it have 31 IVs in a certain stat, that would be a different story. We already have items that do the same thing and if this only impacted 1 extra IV I'd have no problem with it.

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Ethically immoral to selectively breed animals to make them stronger/better at something. . .Do you realize we have many dog breeds who have been selectively bred to have whichever traits they have? Also the pigs you're eating are more than likely new crossbreeds made by humans. There's other examples but I see no problem with stimulating desirable traits in animals (or even humans for that matter) but that's besides the point.

My first objection to IV altering systems is that when an animal/pokemon is born, it's genes are set. You can't just go back and change them in a living organism. If you made the mad scientist take an egg or something and make it have 31 IVs in a certain stat, that would be a different story. We already have items that do the same thing and if this only impacted 1 extra IV I'd have no problem with it.

So you have a problem with cancer-preventing gene therapy?

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I just realized that while most Pokemon games make you feel like a hack / OP / bug, Reborn makes you feel like a true master. Even if your true TRUE skill lies in the ability to soft reset a couple hundred times (well actually, thousands) to beat the game.

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I just realized that while most Pokemon games make you feel like a hack / OP / bug, Reborn makes you feel like a true master. Even if your true TRUE skill lies in the ability to soft reset a couple hundred times (well actually, thousands) to beat the game.

I don't know... I pretty much felt like a hobo and thief throughout the majority of the game, breaking into people's houses, digging through dumpsters, trading drugs with shady people, and joining gangs... Hanging out with social outcasts and whatnot.

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I don't know... I pretty much felt like a hobo and thief throughout the majority of the game, breaking into people's houses, digging through dumpsters, trading drugs with shady people, and joining gangs... Hanging out with social outcasts and whatnot.

Well one of the characters wears a chain.

What a thug.

Why do your comments get so much rep?!

Its the hair.

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Ethically immoral to selectively breed animals to make them stronger/better at something. . .Do you realize we have many dog breeds who have been selectively bred to have whichever traits they have? Also the pigs you're eating are more than likely new crossbreeds made by humans. There's other examples but I see no problem with stimulating desirable traits in animals (or even humans for that matter) but that's besides the point.

Re-read what I said and focus on the "scientist" and the "breeding and crossbreeding" parts.

That said, gene therapy is a process in progress without significant results, bar a couple of hereditary diseases like Cystic fibrosis. (for K_H)

And No. Genetically manipulating human genes is unacceptable. Human traits are not scaled from 0 to 31 and most characteristics appear after a combined effect from multiple genes, many of which we have absolutely no idea what they do, even after the genome project was completed. The only situation in which gene manipulation would be ethical is changing the fetus's gender in a case of a 100% (or close to that) chance of it getting a hereditary disease from its parents due to its gender, with the pathological allele residing either on the X or the Y chromosome.

That said, pixelated monsters are a different thing alltogether, and you can run battling simulations on showdown and pokemon online. For people who feel attachment to their digital pets, this could make a great difference, seeing as individuality is punished. Sure, many will soft-reset to get a mon with better IVs but that does not account for the general population who plays the game. The reason such arguments are heard more is due to the fact that people who tend to comment on the forums are more diehards (or addicted or competitively inclined) than the average user who is playing Reborn simply because he's sick of the simplicity and lack of challenge in the canon games (and many of the fangames). If anything, Ame implements it post-game. And that's it for the debate.

@Ame, what led you to implement the Mega Item so early in the game? Most people expected it to be available right before or after the E4. I know that you might want to encourage people to use less common megas, but you've already made the Heracross and Pinsir megas available, both of which are currently OU material. If it had been Banette, Abomasnow or even Audino I don't think anyone would even bat an eye. In my opinion, it's not cheap difficulty if the gym leaders have megas and you don't, since we have been facing this situation with the PULSE machines before.

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Re-read what I said and focus on the "scientist" and the "breeding and crossbreeding" parts.

That said, gene therapy is a process in progress without significant results, bar a couple of hereditary diseases like Cystic fibrosis. (for K_H)

And No. Genetically manipulating human genes is unacceptable. Human traits are not scaled from 0 to 31 and most characteristics appear after a combined effect from multiple genes, many of which we have absolutely no idea what they do, even after the genome project was completed. The only situation in which gene manipulation would be ethical is changing the fetus's gender in a case of a 100% (or close to that) chance of it getting a hereditary disease from its parents due to its gender, with the pathological allele residing either on the X or the Y chromosome.

That said, pixelated monsters are a different thing alltogether, and you can run battling simulations on showdown and pokemon online. For people who feel attachment to their digital pets, this could make a great difference, seeing as individuality is punished. Sure, many will soft-reset to get a mon with better IVs but that does not account for the general population who plays the game. The reason such arguments are heard more is due to the fact that people who tend to comment on the forums are more diehards (or addicted or competitively inclined) than the average user who is playing Reborn simply because he's sick of the simplicity and lack of challenge in the canon games (and many of the fangames). If anything, Ame implements it post-game. And that's it for the debate.

You said "It's one thing to protest against genetic manipulation by drawing an analogy with pets in the real world" and in the beginning you said it ethically immoral or at least could be argued as such. I'm saying we manipulate the genes of animals all the time especially when dealing with pets. Perhaps not always in a lab but breeding animals for specific traits has been around for thousands of years.

"And No. Genetically manipulating human genes is unacceptable."

Says you. Have you played Bioshock? I guarantee if gene modification becomes a thing normal people can do and afford we will have people flocking to it like birds, myself included.

We also have people against installing robotic arms or eyes on people but that's already being worked on. A few people calling it unacceptable won't stump scientific advancement (or at least I hope it won't).

We will also have people saying it's unethical NOT to give people gene modification to do stuff like treat genetic diseases. And while you're at it might as well make the baby smarter and stronger and have good teeth, good eyesight and whatever else you can afford. Keep in mind I am fully aware this is a long way away and that we can't do this yet, but I am talking in terms of whenever we can do this reliably.

As for the game and IV changing post encounter/hatching Ame said it's not planned so that's good enough for me. I'm more than happy with the 31 IV mons I have now and if I want more I'll breed them the old fashioned way. What I really need is a knock off TM or a move tutor or something for my Sneasel/soon to be Weavile. (And yes I bred icicle crash onto it)

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