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[OOC]Fate/Reborn [First War Underway, Signups for #2 Open]


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It's not like Ashnard is hiding his true identity anyway, he really doesn't care lol.

I will say though you're probably not going to find too much info on him though. He was a ))and is)) a Villain within the Graterrian Universe. Well-Known enough to be a Heroic Spirit but he wasn't celebrated. He was a vile creature driven only by madness and hatred ((hence why Berserker is the perfect class for him, it's pretty much how he acted in life.)) and was a slaughterer of people. There wasn't really any major battles he was in etc either since he was more of a errand boy of The Gentleman who is probably the one there'd be actual information on. The Death Angels were relatively unknown nobodies that The Gentleman knew were being ignored etc, unrightfully. They were much stronger than people believed and that's why he brought them up. Because 1. people wouldn't know them and 2. They were very powerful and had a vendeta towards humans in most cases. ((I could probably actually make a servant out of most of the Death Angels now that I think about lol.))

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:/ but...

Servants' power levels are directly related to how well-known their legends are. If Ashnard was relatively unknown... he probably wouldn't have stats like those, even under Mad Enhancement... this is the reason why Arturia, if summoned in England, would have a base increase across the board to her stats.

I mean, if he has stats like those, he has to be of some renown. Perhaps around Bedivere level at least, but probably closer to Gawain level.

Well, I guess if we're just tossing Fate canon aside for the sake of plot and story progression then all this is moot.

((Also I note you're watching Overlord.))

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Trust me, I realized that lol. He's definitely known... just not specifics exactly lol. There's more to him than being a crazy Werewolf and his Lightning Cage which might be all people know.

Like the fact I think Debronee assumed he was entirely brute strength. He's actually maddeningly intelligent and quite a bit of it still functions under Mad Enhancement. ((he's not good enough for it to be a skill of any level but he's not stupid either lol. If he was entirely stupid he wouldn't have used the Cage to stop his descent when he was ported out the window.))

I should be more clear in what I mean lol. They were relatively unknown enough that the entire truth isn;t very well known, it's not confused just hotly debated. A lot had no idea why he would have hated humans etc... or why he ended up becoming Ashnard, that would be missing, stuff like that context. You'd know the ends but not his motives... that kind of thing. Why one does something is as important as how or what they are doing. Basically I'm saying that part will be entirely missing.

((also... I'd hope I'm watching Overlord... otherwise my Avvie would be super weird.))

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Well, I definitely think Debronee could figure out Ashnards identity

Following a similar line, it's going to be super hard to figure out Nayru's identity thanks to the combination of Goddess Incarnate making her seem weaker and her fairly modest NPs. She would probably have to explicitly use one of their special properties (like say, slicing through Ashnard's cage with her Blade of Reason) for it to become obvious. Although anyone who's specifically studied the legends of ANKL (fun fact: There's actually four, the RP is based on the third, which Nayru mentioned earlier in the RP) could probably figure her out just be seeing her weapons

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I know Dust could definitely do it off that much alone. ((He doesn't have True Name discernment... but he could actually almost be a Ruler Class... probably actually could now that I think about it since he can determine and learn from any attack he sees.)) and the other Divine Knights could probably figure it out after a bit, but yea it definitely take them time. Though... the Divine Knights probably wouldn't try to hard since they don't need the Identity of an enemy to defeat them really.

On the inverse... it's super damn easy to discover who they are... pretty much looking at them would give them away. So, people keep that in mind anytime one of them shows up in one of these that it's suuuuper easy to get who they are. Like suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper easy. ((however knowing who they are... isn't much of an advantage.))

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Just to clarify, since I think there may be a misunderstanding: the Ruler class does not refer to Servants with the power of True Name Discernment. True Name Discernment is an ability gifted to Rulers by the grail itself. The only two conditions to be summoned as a Ruler are a) the status of being a saint, B) having no desire for the Grail.

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Oh no trust me I know that lol. I'm just saying that's why Dust didn't have that as an ability. ((he could technically have something or something very similar to it, but he wouldn't technically qualify. He's close... but he would have a desire for the grail.))

That and while it's basically true name discernment it doesn't actually give him their name, he just knows how their attack works exactly even only seeing it once, or what an item of great importance would do just seeing it. ((therefore technically leading him to their name but it' not truly being it anyway... just something similar.))

But that's why I wasn't sure what to put it as... cause it's kinda similarish... kinda. Perhaps just making a new skill called Noble Phantasm Discernment would be the way to go with it lol.

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It might be a little bit before I can get a good post up. My school load is heavy right now with english papers and calc assignments, so I just wanted to let you guys know what's up. I'll try to post when I get a decent amount of free time, though.

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Fluxey, stay strong and hang in there! D: I will forever be waiting for you, so do not worry! Keep your head cool and keep going forward unto the future no matter what!

Love ya and eagerly awaiting your post! (I'm really curious to see what Sylva's gonna pick for breakfast ^^: )

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  • 2 weeks later...

EDIT: I reckon this, you know his mood changed ((Siegfried could feel the hatred dissipate a little)) and that he senses something, however due to his... Mental Pollution and his Mad Enhancement it's near impossible to really figure out what he's thinking and what his mind is racing about. He doesn't think like a human would he thinks more or less like a beast so it's hard to understand his thoughts other than being bombarded by sensory information and raw emotional data. ((his Hatred being nearly overwhelming is a side effect of this.)) You wouldn't b able to make hide nor hair of it, other than that it's there. So you know he's sensing something but being as he is now there's not an easy way to communicate with him.

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S'all right Lexi! I figured you got caught in life (and realized that I should have made sure you knew I was still here way earlier). Hope you don't my perceived reason that Natalie hadn't answered and simultaneous progression of the plot

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ngl i have been thinking that a fight between Saber and Lancer would look fucking amazing if it was animated

I should mention that these are meant to run fairly quickly. Don't be afraid to start fights immediately; I think Fate/Zero lasted all of what, a week? less? after all.

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Kuna, I think you'll have to brief me on Ashnard's history since Ill probably be continuing our part which left off at going to the library, unless Acqui is already inclined to do that herself.

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Oh shoot... To be honest, I kinda forgot about Vance and Lily for a while here... I think it's about time for him to wake up. I'll probably do that in my next post. Sorry if you've been waiting on me Acqui!

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