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Pokemon Se7en - Currently on hiatus

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Thanks for your feedback :)

We've already made a few changes to the line planned for chapter 2, such as giving the line Rollout at a very early level to use against bugs and Magpy, and we're also moving the next tier of offensive moves (Mega Drain and the like) a few levels down so they're easier to obtain.

Eufur will still be weak offensively, but that's intentional: Eufur is meant to be much better in the long run. But hey, Grass types have never had it easy.

I'm glad that Eufur is getting some early buffs, as it'll definitely help out! I guess I'll go ahead and remove some of those levels so I can pick up some of those moves in Episode 2, then. I look forward to seeing Se7en progress even further!

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Okay so then here's a short summary of my Eufur run:

I tried to take my time and obtain some more evolutions this run. I caught a Goshee and trained that, as well as finally worked up my Elftik to a certain point somewhere for a certain thing to happen. I think that it will be very useful later on, given that ability. I even found what I'll call a "diamond in the rough," hidden in a certain city/town. I won't say what it is, but it is pretty cool.

My main problem this run through, was, well, Eutur. The only thing it has going for it is that it is bulky.

and the only STAB move it has until XX level is Absorb, which is base 20 power!

Eutur just wasn't very good in Chapter 1 at all. Grass is a very weak type when most of the mons you face are Bugs or Poison. I expect it to get better as time goes on, but the hardest hitting move it had for a while was the fortune HP Rock, which was a godsend, although it still took several turns to take down mons on the same or lower level with SE damage. I can tell at it will be more of a support oriented mon, but for now, Eutur falls flat due to the lack of support oriented moves. BDE is nice for taking threats down a peg, but Eutur still can't do much in the way of retaliation.

See, this is the kind of post we want to see. Much like that one time when Pineapple complained about the lack of diversity, with this kind of detailed feedback we can pinpoint the issues our creations have, and make balance adjustments on the fly. Keep in mind, games like Reborn/Rejuv don't have to worry about balance (outside of "let's decide at which point this Pokemon will be caught"), but we are dealing with our creations... And well, even with my competitive experience, getting the balance of my own creations right on the first try is virtually impossible. Mainly for one reason: thanks to my competitive experience, I know what makes a Pokemon balanced in the competitive environment... Which means, at level 100 and with its full movepool available to it. But a game is not made of level 100 Pokemon, and while predicting how a Pokemon will play at level 100 is easy for me, predicting how it will play at level 1 through 99 is MUCH more difficult, because there are so many variables. I might think that, since a Pokemon is going to be so powerful at level 100 and with its full movepool available, it is a good idea to make it hard for it to access its full movepool, and/or make it level up slowly... And this could lead me to overdo it, giving it so many crippling weaknesses that people will not care about its power at level 100, simply because they will be discouraged from keeping it in the team for that long. On the other hand, I might be tempted to give early game tools to a Pokemon that is weak at level 100, and this could end up making it broken for the early game.

How do we avoid making such mistakes? Well, simply put, we don't: it is absolutely inevitable, we WILL make these mistakes. So the only solution is to fix them afterwards, based on the feedback of the players. Which is why detailed posts like this one, that really explain the how and the why of each consideration (as opposed to simply saying "this or that is broken"), are really a Godsend for us. I really wish more people would make posts like this.

With this being said, let me address Author's points:

1) I am curious about which ability your Elftik got upon evolving (there are two different possibilities, both of which are useful, I am curious as to which one you got), as well as what this "diamond in the rough" is. If you don't want to spoil for the others, please send me a PM.

2) As you may or may not know, I created the starters of this game. And Eufur's final evo is universally considered, among the lucky ones who already know the full Graterras Pokedex, my bestest creation, not just among the starters, but overall. However, I made with it the mistake I was talking about above: at level 100 this guy ends up being the absolute best at its job, in the history of the franchise, so I thought that a good way to keep its power in check would be to overspecialize it, I.E. cause it to be so great at its job, but crappy at more or less everything else. And to achieve this, I figured I would have it learn offensive moves very sparingly. The result is the situation you lamented, which really cripples the poor guy at low levels, making it that much worse than the other two starters. It was an obvious mistake on my part, but thanks to the detailed feedback we received on the subject, in Ep 2 we will fix such issues, making it easier for Eufur to make itself useful before it unlocks its tremendous Magikarp Power. Roobber and Lifoam will be retooled as well, to improve even more its offensive game and to give it more options to put its versatility to good use, respectively.

So yeah, I think it would be better, for people who have trained their starter past level 18, to start a new savefile when Ep 2 comes around, or they may miss out on some moves. Of course, none of the moves in question has early-game potential, so if you don't feel like restarting and you think you can fend for yourself regardless, that works too :P

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This problem can be easily remedied by switching the moves around a bit.

Right now, move A is at level 12 and move B is at level 17. why not switch them around?

I understand that recovery is helpful against Mary, but healing items are there and do the job much better at low levels.

This way we give Eufur more tools to work with early game, without changing it much. Then, as it levels up, it can work on its moveset with no problem.

Now, I only have info on Eufur and not the evolutions, but I believe this is a smart change, given it doesn't learn Rollout by level-up

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Yes, I mean that this change nullifies the need to give it Rollout if you didn't originally plan to. Rollout damage can become great very fast, but I won't complain :)


Eufur's physical attack is the second worst in the game. Unless it gets to Rollout 5, it ain't being OP unless you drop a metronome on it :/

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0 Atk Eufur Rollout (150BP) vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Roobber: 26-32 (81.2 - 100%) -- 6.3% chance to OHKO

These stats are from level 10. With max power Rollout, Eufur can't even OHKO its rival starter Roobber, despite it being a super-effective move, Roobber not being exceptionally defensive, and the fact that it takes 5 turns to even achieve this power on Rollout.

Of course, Rollout is better than, say, Absorb or Pound by a fair margin, but this just shows that Eufur has some troubles on the offensive side of things xD

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Soooo, no new mon announcement aye? Aye. Not many left to announce now, E2 comes closer and closer every day. There might be one or two more, who knows? But for now, here's some screenshots.




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it draws closer and closer, huh?

I swear to Arceus if you release it during my week of vacation between 18th and 25th...

I'll... I'LL ... I'll probably cry... :'(

and now I want to know what game Catherine ment with the "you thought I meant something dirty" xD

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Soooo, no new mon announcement aye? Aye. Not many left to announce now, E2 comes closer and closer every day. There might be one or two more, who knows? But for now, here's some screenshots.




Screen 2 are you playing as cook????

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it draws closer and closer, huh?

I swear to Arceus if you release it during my week of vacation between 18th and 25th...

I'll... I'LL ... I'll probably cry... :'(

and now I want to know what game Catherine ment with the "you thought I meant something dirty" xD

That would require me to not be the piece of trash disgusting perfectionist that I am and get things done with a reasonable margin. But... I hate like everything I write ever and it means I take awhile. I'll try extra hard jsut for you though Ceph~

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But really, you people are horrible. We give you juicy spoilers of Ep 2, and you make memes about it, instead of... I dunno, speculation or something. I'm so disappoint.

Well to be fair, those screenshots showed things we already knew would eventually happen, although now we have a much clearer image about it:

The first screenshot was showed to us earlier - the meeting with the second gym-leader - Duster.

The second screenshot showed us that we would meet again with Catherine - which shouldn't really suprise anybody since she is a Rival - and was hinted at several times.

(the only thing new here would be that she is sometimes ambiguous - leading to the "You thought I meant..." statement

the third screenshot shows the MCs facing off against the "Evil Team" - which, lets be honest, would be inevitable. - since you already introduced 3 of 4 of the "Evil Team"-Leaders.

Why would you have made this announcement if we wouldn't go up against them in EP.2 - Now we know for certain that we will at least battle Newton... if the mysterious "???" calling them 'Idiots' is Ewan Locke or Brigit Q is the only thing that is still a mystery...

also according to the setting "Desert", more or less barren fields - assume we will finally find something different than Bug, and Normal-Dual-Types ... more specifically Ground types (since this is Dusters territory and he was a ground leader if I recall correctly)

So you see - most of the things the screenshots sowed us, we already knew by deduction of previous announcements.

the only thing we now know for certain, is that we will actually BATLLE Evil Team + Newton...

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