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Starlight Divide


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There is life after Reborn. In fact I'm making an entire other game after it.

I've talked a bit about Starlight here and there, but I haven't said anything about it 'publicly' because I had been planning to keep the project relatively hush-hush until its time came. Incidentally, I've since decided that that is a bad idea. One thing I believe about Reborn is that the only reason it's done half as well as it has is because since, well, not day one, but about week two instead, it's been out in the community receiving constant feedback and critique. I hold this as a design value, so it would be silly to not apply it to Starlight as well.

Accordingly, in the near and/or distant future I'll be putting up some concepts in the Nightclub for Ace Members to review and offer criticism on. Doing that happens to necessitate my announcing this project long before I had intended to, and here we are. However, despite this topic appearing now, I want to make it clear that I will not be actively developing Starlight until Pokemon Reborn is finished. Anything between now and then is just prep-work.

So, what is Starlight Divide?

Starlight Divide is a 2d turn-based tactical RPG about the eternal war between Heaven and Hell. It is not related to Pokemon, nor is it related to Pokemon Reborn, but we will be expanding this site to accommodate and feature the project. While fans of franchises like Fire Emblem, Luminous Arc and Disgaea should feel right at home with Starlight Divide, the project seeks to address some long-standing flaws of the tRPG genre by featuring more active and skillful gameplay in new mechanics.

At any rate, given that Reborn still has an additional five (and a half) episodes until its completion, it may be a long time yet before this game sees the starlight of day. I do hope that although it is not directly related to the Reborn you currently know that many of you will stick around and continue to support the community and this new project.

Feel free to ask any questions you have, but I may elect not to answer questions regarding the details of Starlight at this time.

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*is a fan of Disgaea*

I had been meaning to ask you what would be of this community after Reborn for a while now. Happy to see you had planned ahead. You can count on me for the "stick around and continue to support" part, in fact, I have always wanted to contribute to the development of Reborn's storyline, and the only reason why I never offered to do so is that I felt that I was late to the party, having joined when most aspects of the plot were already set in stone. This new game might be my occasion.

So yeah, looking forward to it!

EDIT: by the way, is this new project going to be another fangame akin to Reborn, in that it is a fanmade project based on an existing game, or is it going to be something entirely original? Asking because the title "Starlight Divide" is not familiar to me, but it might be due to my own ignorance...

EDIT EDIT: is the forum going to be renamed once Reborn is over and Starlight takes central stage?

Edited by Tomas Elliot
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I'll stick around after Reborn and give you any support you need. Heck, I'd be potentially interested in helping developing this new idea. It sounds pretty awesome what the excerpt you've provided us, and while I haven't played any of the noted games, it sounds exactly like my cup of tea.

If you need help, I'm here to do what I can.

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Considering that I complain about chronic boredom at least two or three times a day, it's a guarantee that I'll be there if I can. I've never played any of those games mentioned but I have no gripes with them either. Now to grind this Ace Membership.

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All i wanna say is that there better be a recurring joke character :I

In all seriousness,i can't wait for this and i hope you the best of luck with this!

I shall take this as a reference to Disgaea's own Mid-Boss and his expies in subsequent titles... Are you a fan of the series?

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There is life after Reborn. In fact I'm making an entire other game after it.

I've talked a bit about Starlight here and there, but I haven't said anything about it 'publicly' because I had been planning to keep the project relatively hush-hush until its time came. Incidentally, I've since decided that that is a bad idea. One thing I believe about Reborn is that the only reason it's done half as well as it has is because since, well, not day one, but about week two instead, it's been out in the community receiving constant feedback and critique. I hold this as a design value, so it would be silly to not apply it to Starlight as well.

Accordingly, in the near and/or distant future I'll be putting up some concepts in the Nightclub for Ace Members to review and offer criticism on. Doing that happens to necessitate my announcing this project long before I had intended to, and here we are. However, despite this topic appearing now, I want to make it clear that I will not be actively developing Starlight until Pokemon Reborn is finished. Anything between now and then is just prep-work.

So, what is Starlight Divide?

Starlight Divide is a 2d turn-based tactical RPG about the eternal war between Heaven and Hell. It is not related to Pokemon, nor is it related to Pokemon Reborn, but we will be expanding this site to accommodate and feature the project. While fans of franchises like Fire Emblem, Luminous Arc and Disgaea should feel right at home with Starlight Divide, the project seeks to address some long-standing flaws of the tRPG genre by featuring more active and skillful gameplay in new mechanics.

At any rate, given that Reborn still has an additional five (and a half) episodes until its completion, it may be a long time yet before this game sees the starlight of day. I do hope that although it is not directly related to the Reborn you currently know that many of you will stick around and continue to support the community and this new project.

Feel free to ask any questions you have, but I may elect not to answer questions regarding the details of Starlight at this time.

I wonder what you define with 'finished'. Is it when (almost) all the bugs are removed of the final episode, or when you add a little polish to for example graphics, or an animated intro, or...

Well, you know what I mean. (or so I hope)

Edited by laggless01
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I shall take this as a reference to Disgaea's own Mid-Boss and his expies in subsequent titles... Are you a fan of the series?

Not really,i have yet to play the games.Would you reccomend them?

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I wonder what you define with 'finished'. Is it when (almost) all the bugs are removed of the final episode, or when you add a little polish to for example graphics, or an animated intro, or...

Well, you know what I mean. (or so I hope)

I'd assume that she'll begin when the storyline is finished and all the bugs have been polished up (hopefully) before the final release. Bugs afterwards I would assume would be small fixes in comparison to the story and actual development of Starlight Divide.

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Not really,i have yet to play the games.Would you reccomend them?

You asked that to a guy who is possibly the biggest fan of the franchise (note my avatar/signature). I cannot possibly provide a non-biased answer lol

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a battle between Heaven and Hell, huh?

Reminds me of that South Park epsiode with the PSP-Release where Kenny constantly plays "Heaven vs Hell" and is recruited as the Angels Commander when he dies

The question would be - are you playing the forces of Heaven or the forces of Hell?

Are you a mortal that died, and you are able to choose?

We need big characters for each side! (except "God" and "Satan")

damn... so much hype, already :D

Don't bother answer any question, take all the time you need to finish Reborn first... and maybe a vacation to relax for a while (we all know you already earned that)

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Not much of a fan of fire emblem, never really played it a whole lot. I've run Tactics Ogre though, does that count? B)

You had me at the mention of the eternal warfare between the Divine and the Fallen. that right there is my jam, the concepts of religion and it's effects on history and culture and society, both beneficial and harmful. It's even a concept I tend to focus on in alot of what I write alongside Grey Morality and the question of what is right and what is wrong, how people perceive one another's actions regarding such, and who is responsible for deciding the difference between the two at the end of the day.

Of course I'll stick around,didn't intend on leaving anyway. might even help get the hype train up and running when the time finally comes.

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As a lover of Fire Emblem like so much that it hurts that they barely release their games in America, I'm looking forward to your next game. I'm sure the difficulty will be beyond heaven and hell and I can't wait to see the story too.

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EDIT: by the way, is this new project going to be another fangame akin to Reborn, in that it is a fanmade project based on an existing game, or is it going to be something entirely original? Asking because the title "Starlight Divide" is not familiar to me, but it might be due to my own ignorance...

EDIT EDIT: is the forum going to be renamed once Reborn is over and Starlight takes central stage?

It is entirely original.

The forum will adopt a -slightly- different name, but we will always be Reborn.

I wonder what you define with 'finished'. Is it when (almost) all the bugs are removed of the final episode, or when you add a little polish to for example graphics, or an animated intro, or...

Well, you know what I mean. (or so I hope)

Reborn will have my almost-full attention long enough for me to get the story and post-game finished and stable. After that I plan to continue occasional minor bug-fix updates, as well as open the floor up for user translations and mod downloads.

Oh, it's turn-based, huh?

You shut your whore mouth! D: We have had this discussion many times already!

Don't bother answer any question, take all the time you need to finish Reborn first... and maybe a vacation to relax for a while (we all know you already earned that)

Vacation's where I wanna be, party on the beach where the fun is free~

...Just kidding, I'm super impatient to start on this game, I don't wanna waste time!

Not much of a fan of fire emblem, never really played it a whole lot. I've run Tactics Ogre though, does that count? B)

Knight of Lodis is a very strong contender for my favorite GBA game. It hella counts.

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