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Sayia last won the day on September 14 2018

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About Sayia

  • Birthday December 20

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  1. Sometimes I really fucking hate myself. Right now is this moment.


    Don't even ask, please.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Josef


      Why would someone openly announce that they hate themselves and had a shitty day, if they dont want any help?

    3. Alistair


      Since you decided to write a status about it, that means you're at least open to receiving support.

      I don't know what leads you to hate yourself, nor what's the appropriate stance for us to have. Is it to leave you in peace, or to try and comfort you? If you don't believe that you need help, then I'm not going to force it upon you (assuming I could even help in any way at all).

      I'm merely going to say this: as far as I can tell, you're a good person, and I don't think you deserve anyone's hate. Not even your own. If and when you feel like talking about what's going on, my inbox's always open.

    4. Sayia


      I just have a terrible day.. Not to mention that I should be on the plane right now, flying to a friend who needs me very much. But unfortunately I can not go to him with a broken foot and fever. Idk, maybe I'm not thinking clearly at the moment..

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