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Starry Knight

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Everything posted by Starry Knight

  1. Nah I don't enjoy battling lol I prefer term of collector not far in game just started a themed run but I more enjoy breeding and collecting
  2. Try rainy night as well idk it changes after the initial encounter for weather requirements if u still can't candy or the breeder guild stock them for trades
  3. I have Natu if u want it, it's okay stats nothing amazing and draginite and Dratin swap colours through your game data through graphic/battlers u can see all shiny forms even mega ones
  4. Im headed to dads overnight won't be back till like 9om EST tomorrow at earliest should I send u the save with them both on it just in casse then? Your also welcome to grab any that u would want from it as well
  5. Xernash hasn't come on to trade ir message did u want me to pass them to u for Xernash? Im headed to bed soon I have a a headache and have to change all the bedsheets and stuff cuz cat just had surgery today
  6. A suggestion for your pokemon generator guy would be have us put in the dex number or a search function otherwise it takes a few minutes to find the pokemon you want if it's not near the top Also can you get the power items at all in the shops there or just the department store?
  7. I have both I know I also have a dragon scale let me see if I have the claw as well if u don't want to get them right now I have both items and both pokemon if you want me to do it
  8. Dear Journal In recent events the disasters around the Pokemon world have calmed down almost to nothing so it was decided by Palkia, Dialoga and Gardevoir that I would be returned to the Human world. I wanted to return and live a semi normal life, little did I know my tale was only starting again. Shortly before I was turn human again Grovyle my partner was pulled out from the dimensional rift by Darkrai however was reverted back to a treecko, not wanting to loose my partner in crime I had asked them to go with me they agreed to be my first two pokemon in the new region. After getting in contact with the reborn league I boarded the train while talking through my Pokegear with Ame to start anew which goes up in a big bang. I managed to survive with my two partners fully intact. Disoriented I heard someone yelling "Run!" I somehow managed to make it out however passed out near the train station. I woke to a blury silver haired figure I cleared my vision by rubbing my eyes and realized it's Ame. "Good to know your okay. The train exploded right as you pulled into the station. Your lucky to have gotten out of there in time. But who would've...." Ame started however a green haired girl shows up "Julia. Julia what did you do?" Ame asked her I figure silently this women must have a thing for explosions. I am starting to worry that my time here might be just as messy as it was in the pokemon world Julia interupted this thought with :Whaaaaat? I didn't do anything!" I heard the silent 'this time' "I was at the gym-gym and then suddenly BOOOM, so I came running! Cuz you know if things are exploding, I gotta be there to see it. It's so cool!!!" I nearly screamed at her 'Not when people are dying, not when I could of lost my partners again' but manage to hold off. "Uh huh." Ame said in a tone quite clearly not fully convinced however continues her thought line "In any case, based on the timing this must have been a deliberate attack." I bit back a sarcastic 'No shit, what gave you that Idea' "Somebody used the train to destroy Grandview Station." 'Or for fun just to kill people' "By the looks of it, they did a pretty good job!" the energetic menace known as Julia excitable cheered on. "Maybe, but this isn't the time to be admiring their work. I'll have the perimeter locked down. There's a chance we can catch the perpetrator before they get away." Ame I almost smile but my pixel face won't allow me to. "Sorry, Sky, but I have to go. Fortunately, I had already arrainged for someone to meet you here. She can help get you started. Go to the grand Halll and she'll be waiting for you there. It's just down the road." I thought 'Doesn't she have to go well hurry up in any case I want to kick some ass' "And, don't worry about all of this. We'll take care of it." She then hurried off. "So your're Sky? I'm Julia, captian of cheer and pep, and all things bubbly and bright! Oh, Pop Quiz! Are you going to take on the Reborn League?" I resist the urge to say 'What else would I be here for?' I dully answered "Yes" "Correct! Then I'll be seeing you very soon, because I'm also the electric gym leader!" I almost rolled my eyes at her and resisted the urge to to yell 'Shut the fuck up already' "I'll be looking forward to your challenge so go on, get down to the Grand Hall already!" finally she became quite and let me go. I went straight to Grand Hall talking with the people on the way to there to make sure they were okay and obtained a potion from a friendly girl and found a normal gem. At the top of the stairs I found a women with black hair and a ying-yang themed attire waiting for me "Hey are you Sky?" she asked me "I'm Victoria. Nice to meet you! Ame asked that I help you get signed up in the Reborn System. Don't worry, it doesn't take long!let's go inside." she rambled on. Victoria takes me to the administration desk where Ame tells Victoria of the bombing and how they caught the culprit and they are interrogating them but allows us upstairs with a simple "So you're both here to get signed up for the league right?" I nod as Victoria laminated "That's right! Kiki said that it would be good for my training, also, if I started over completely. So she asked if I could get a new Pokemon too." "Normally we reserve them strictly for newcomers, but I suppose we can make an exception or Kiki's request." Ame complemented Victoria is Delighted "Oh, Thank you!" "However Sky will have the first choice." Ame said "That's okay, I don't mind at all." I figure because she was allowed at all. All the regional starters from generation six and earlier were accessible I think a bit on this since I already have my partner Treecko (Blade) and my partner Munchlax (Whiskers) I choose Froakie and decimated newcomer Pretty boy Cain and Victoria with Froakies Bubble cain took 3 bubbles and Victoria took 2 bubbles to defeat. After battling Victoria and Cain Victoria leads me back up to the desk where AMe has already completed the registration for us both and hands us a pokedex and a map of the region for our PokeGear and a radio for it with the added bonus of running shoes then heads off to check up on the interrogation Victoria takes her leave soon after that leaving me with 5 pokeballs and tells me to drop by sometime. I wonder outside after talking to most of the people inside to train my pokemon to level 10 across the board After doing the grinding I talk to this fisherman inside her seems to be selling some pokemon for 500$ then some goon takes off with it I then head back outside where a girl and her snubull are blocking my path the snubull runs off and she looks devastated and defeated she proceeds to chase after it anyways though with a warning about the level restrictions. I head to Peridot ward to check it out now that it’s safe to. I give some money to a homeless person to help him out and he goes for a nap, get into a battle with a lady and her igglybuff and ducklett, a man and his pansage, a women with a cleffa and a panpour, a man with a purrloin, a women with a pichu and a budew who also gave me a rose incense, fight a man with a hoppip and a bidoof while find a pansear ducking for cover under the bridge, Fight my way into the ally with the guard using skunky and poochyena where I fight a chick using togepie and buneary and find a potion/super potion. I find some pokesnaxs, potions, a hidden fishing spot where to get into I had to fight a man with a goldeen there’s also a sea incense by the pool, a kind man gave me his old rod, find a potion and an antidote a secret garden whose warden uses caterpie and wurmple, I find an old man who rates names and his husband. Sincerely Sky Dungeons
  9. I like your gif signature but am figured since most were on board with the mystery Dungeon run I will do that @Alphagar thanks for the correction Growlithe shall be Alpha after your name @RedAlert Would you prefer Froakie or Vulpix be named after you? Froakie would be Rouge and or Vulpix would be Red
  10. If you still need one I can get one for you if the event thing isn't working
  11. It used to be one that disappeared in earlier episodes
  12. you just have to up the latter then back to it again
  13. If you want I can trade you a qwilfish or some poison types in general if you don't have an issue with that
  14. I loved the original ones they generally have good story lines that are original and unique it's open world and you can pick and choose what missions you want to do or where to explore If you want I would call froakie Rouge which is French for Red if you want Froakie Idk if u wanted something spacific or not I was thinking Alpha.
  15. You can rebattle it as many times as u want there @Elanir
  16. Okay sorry he lets me use his game for breeding and has helped me with a lot of stuff. Hes the one to get me into pokemon reborn. What would u lile Growlithe named as if I go that route?
  17. Unfortunately if I run one of those hguys I think it will have to be after my BF he has an absolute love for the thing my trade name is Snorlax because it was going to be for him but he made one so that we both could trade each other but if you want to choose any other one I would name it after u. Thanks for the Idea I will consider it might put up a pole though with my favourite ideas
  18. Those are ones hw wants regardless of IVs I think
  19. Yep Idk I like the genderless run suggestion as well
  20. I thought it might be a cool theme especially cause a lot of them have specified natures to. many have just two natures to choose from some like Eevee only have 1
  21. Alright thanks Idk I was initially thinking flying Mono since I haven't seen anyone doing one like that or from the mystery series use the base starters as a limit @Jess, @EndearingCharacterTrait @Wolfox @Alphagar @RedAlert @Candy @Zarc @Paul25 all mystery dungeon starters from first to newest include bulbasaur, charmander, squirtle, pikachu, chikorita, cyndaquil, totodile, treecko, torchic, mudkip, turtwig, chimchar, piplup, riolu, snivy, tepig, oshawott, chespin, fenniken, froakie, axew, vulipx, meowth, eevee, phanphy, skitty, shinx, munchlax, cubone, machop, psyduck, growlithe, teddiursa, buneary, wooper, azurill, whynut, pichu, togepi, mareep, elekid, pachirisu So not a huge selection but a decent one what do you think of that?
  22. U were thinking gender unknown group then, I mistoke it for undiscovered. Might do a gender plus undiscovered then it adds nidoqueen and unown though might use baby pokemon and never evolve them as well @Jess any suggestions for my first themed run?
  23. Would that include ditto onlys and baby pokemon? Only nidoqueen and Nidorina and legendary mons don't have egg groups technically because baby mons evolve into ones that do and genferless can breed with ditto same with male only
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