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Maqqy last won the day on February 12 2020

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About Maqqy

  • Birthday May 10

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  1. Cyrus did exceptionally well and can now take a break with his studies for now.


    His story was the most fun to do since it was really engaging with all the minor q & a’s. 

    Therese also had her redemption. Sis did good on chap 3.


    One more char to go.... feeling nervous

    1. Autumn Zephyr

      Autumn Zephyr

      And so end the single greatest case of "well, that escalated quickly!" in the entire game! Dude just wanted to return a library book, not get caught up in some murderous steroid cult! At least there's one fewer murderous steroid cult branch in the world now, right?

    2. Maqqy


      Lmao I didn't realized but that was how it exactly went 😂 


      I also really find it funny on how he's so oblivious (which I really like about him) and that he's "handsomeness" got him into trouble 😂 I mean is it his fault he's good-looking? Lol.



    3. Autumn Zephyr

      Autumn Zephyr

      I personally think that he's ace, and never bothered learning the associated social cues as a result. The game itself never bothers with anything more than "he's just as dense as most of the tomes he reads", though, so who can really tell at this point?

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