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seki108 last won the day on July 24 2019

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1228 Sage

About seki108

  • Birthday February 7

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    Somewhere in the multiverse
  • Interests
    Besides Pokemon: Anime, especially in the Mecha; several video game franchise, mainly Super Robot Wars; back into Touhou after many years

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  1. Well, the studio behind Kemono Friends gave a completely bullshit excuse for firing the person that helped save the anime production from the soul-less failure it would have become otherwise (with the extremely understaffed and underfunded team noting it was a miracle it was even done by the deadline).  Maybe the extreme backlash will make them reconsider, but like with most corporations, they probably won't back down from their obvious mistake. 


    It seems people's comparisons yesterday of them being anime's newest Konami weren't unfounded............Hopefully the rest of their team will be able to keep the spirit and tone of season 2 the same as the first, without the studio turning it the merchandising throwaway they were initially aiming for.














    1. Wolfox


      Why like Metal Gear specifically tho? I mean it's not like Konami killed of an amazing franchise before Metal Gear... Oh WAIT:


    2. seki108


      (on the off chance you are kind of serious about the question):  Well, Konami's firing of Kojimi (the man behind Metal Gear as a whole) is still fresh in everyone's mind, especially since it keeps getting brought up by some party.  To further the potential comparison, most see the upcoming (eventually) Metal Gear: Survive as a soulless cash grab by Konami which will desecrate a beloved franchise; fans don't want to see season 2 of Kemono Friends go down this route.  Also so, there was already a fair amount of Kemono Friends/ Metal Gear crossover fanart, so fans are probably more likely to make that connection (and drawing more, hence the last two screenshots of tweets).


      I haven't really known any about Casalvania, aside from the original game or 2.  I know that a Netlix series about was released recently, but I haven't looked into fan responses to it.

    3. Wolfox


      the series was good so far, even if the 4 pilot episodes are all we have so far

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