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J-Awesome_One last won the day on May 31

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About J-Awesome_One

  • Birthday 01/22/1993

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    Pokemon (Duh!), WWE, Dragonball

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  1. So I have a question for you all. I'm nearly done playing the part of Episode 18 (if you need an explanation of what that means, just ask me. :D ) and I need a favor from everyone. You know how I did that whole Team Fabulous motto with James & Cain? Well, I feel like James would do a different motto with this specific person as well. I feel like James would actually have a couple of different mottos with different people but Idk if I should do it more than with just 1 person. So I just need you all to tell me if I should make a motto with this other fellow and possibly other people (And I don't mean to tell me who) or not. Thank you all and it's much appreciated!

    1. Q-Jei


      Cain is still the most appropriate character to do the motto. I would have say Terra perhaps, but she's quite unpredictible and there's nothing better than a true, purple, poisonous pair of friends. In my opinion, Cain & James duo wins hands down :P

    2. J-Awesome_One


      I think I'm only going to do it if I feel like James and the other character are really close or hit it off really well. So far, no one has given me that same vibe EXCEPT for Shelly and Heather but I feel like Shelly would be too nervous and Heather is quiet throughout most of the game.

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