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J-Awesome_One last won the day on May 31

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1693 Sage

About J-Awesome_One

  • Birthday 01/22/1993

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    Pokemon (Duh!), WWE, Dragonball

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  1. So as many of you know, my playthroughs of Pokemon Reborn have... well... I never finish them. They either get corrupted or I just run out of fun for them. Which sucks to say but I guess me and themed runs for this game just aren't meant to be... But then I thought about it. I keep going for dual types or everyone's favorite Pokemon or all the male ones. I need to go for something different. Something more... closer to my heart. So whenever Pokemon Reborn gets totally completed, I will be starting a new (AND MY FINAL! I PROMISE ON THAT! NO RESTARTING OR STOPPING!) playthrough of Pokemon Reborn. And you maybe wondering "Well gee J-Awesome_One. That's great to hear and all but it feels like you have some kind of gimmick in mind for this final playthrough. What could it possibly be?" Well... I'll give you all a hint. It's technically an abbreviation to my name on here & part of an anime. Very popular too. Been going on for 20 years. ;)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. J-Awesome_One


      No. Lol. I keep forgetting I know very little anime. Ok. Other hint is that “one” has nothing to do with this anime.

    3. SilverAngelus


      My answer was mostly a joke, OPM has been going for way less than 20 years xD


      That said, will it be a James run?

    4. J-Awesome_One


      We have a winner! Haha. Yes. James run. I might add in a sprinkle of Pokemon that I think he would catch (Pokemon types that he doesn't/hadn't have) though. I think there's only 4 types he hasn't caught.

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