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Cool Girl

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Reborn Development Blog

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Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. @rustytengo "Alright, you said you had a crossbow or a archery kind of weapon, right? Now might be a good time to give that to me. My staff is gone from the fires." Althea said to the drow
  2. Happy Birthday Ame! Hope you have the best birthday ever! Thank you so much for making Pokémon Reborn! Pokémon Reborn has inspired me in so many ways! So thank you thank you and thank you for being the best creative person ever! I hope to get to work with you someday! Can't wait to see what else you do! :) 

    1. Amethyst


      hey thank you so much! i'm really glad to hear that about the game, and i'm looking forward to seeing what you do as well! thank you for finding a place here in reborn. <3

  3. Hey guys sorry I forgot that we had to do a stealth roll. What's my stealth roll?
  4. Happy birthday brother! You're an awesome friend and I hope we'll be able to talk again someday!
  5. Sorry I couldn't make it guys. Busy with college prep stuff.
  6. Yeah, he did. I don't know what the hell is going on or where we even start.
  7. Man! Someone also interested in acting! So good to hear! I'm also planning on studying acting or something like that not sure yet 'cause while I love acting, I also see myself creating my own stuff. Nice to meet you! I hope we get to know each other and maybe even help each other out!
  8. "Oh...thanks" Althea said with a smile. She then ate the dried piece of fruit.
  9. "Wait, so we camping here for the night or just resting?"


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maelstrom


      That was my first and still favorite skillet song ever. How you didn't see it before, idk. But I'm glad you've discovered it at last.

    3. Maelstrom


      My love is a burning, consuming fire....
      No, you'll never be alone~ When darkness come, I'll the light the night with stars... hear the whispers int he dark....
      No, you'll never be alone, when darkness comes you know I'll never fall!! ... hear the whispers in the dark...

    4. Alphagar
  11. "Oh sure Richard. I'd love for you to pick out some clothes for me. I'm sure I'll love them! As for my favorite color, hmmm, I'm not sure. I've always loved cleric clothes, but I'd love for you to pick me paladin clothes. You've always said I might need armor, so yeah why not" she said as she winked. "Maybe I'll get back to you if I got an idea, but I can tell you I really like the colors on my clothes: red, blue, and white" she said. She then blushed at Richard. "Alright. Also, if we have to stop for a reason, you know 'cause it's getting late and all of that. Let us know, okay?"
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