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Cool Girl

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. Well from everything I've been seeing, I guess I'm gonna say eliminate Nagisa. I'm still not clear of suspicion though
  2. Tired of my dad lecturing me and telling me that you have to be able to make a living off what you like and if you can't make a living out of it, then don't do it! Ugh I hate him.....Am I wrong?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Personthing


      Better to at least try what you love and fail than never take the shot in the first place.

    3. Shamitako


      Acting is an extremely risky profession. Unless you get lucky very early in your career you're going to be fighting an uphill battle the whole way. Until you catch a break it's well worth your while to have a more stable career to fund your acting endeavors


      Alternatively find someone with a solid income who's willing to support your dreams and marry them (yes, I am serious, it is entirely reasonable to build a relationship on means)

    4. Wolfox


      I'm actually going to question if CG meant she wanted to be an actor for a living. for all we know she just wants to do it as a hobby but her dad thinks she's wasting time with it. in that sense I'll agree with CG. yet I will say that if she does mean she wants to search out an acting career, I will wish on my own lucky starts (if I even have any) that it works out.

  3. Sorry I'm here. Yeah, I was busy the whole day and probably will be busy for the whole day tomorrow.
  4. Can someone pls make a sprite out of this picture? http://imgur.com/a/499C5

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      Wow thank you guys so much! :D 

    3. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      I'm using her for my redemption league run! :) 

    4. Wolfox


      if she's a sign of how strong your team is then it'll be a good season for you

  5. My prayers go to the victims of Hurricane Harvey and Irma. If you want to help out, I encourage you guys donate to organizations. For those of you who are victim to the hurricanes, just know that we're there for you and we're happy to help in any way we can!

  6. Just came back from a beach party. It was a lot of fun! Now, I'm completely sunburned haha.

    1. Wolfox


      hope it was worth it

  7. Hi, just wanted to let you guys know that I have a myanimelist account so if you want to add me, my name on myanimelist is Coolest_Girl. I'll be writing reviews so if you guys would like to give feedback once I finish writing a review, that'd be great.

  8. Started working out in the gym again after all those years. So sorry if I'm not as active as I used to be.

    1. Wolfox


      if it makes you feel good the inactivity isn't a big hit

  9. Ok, think I made a decision. I'll make a myanimelist account, just so I can keep track of the animes I've watched. Pretty sure it's better than writing your list on notes. And well, might write reviews of the animes I've watched, so yeah....

    1. seki108


      As someone who actually kept such a list until I made one a few months ago, I can confirm MAL is the better option

    2. Cool Girl

      Cool Girl

      Trying to create a myanimelist account. Wrote the username Cool Girl said it already existed was wondering any usernames ideas I can use for well my channel I guess XD 'cause well call me crazy but I might write some anime reviews. At least until I can do youtube hehehe :3. So yeah, any ideas guys?

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