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Cool Girl

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Everything posted by Cool Girl

  1. Phew....took a while, but I beat Charlotte. I put Rain Dance on Kabutops and Trick Room on Delphi and used a Revive. Was really hard and had to strategize really well, but it worked somehow....

    1. Cool Girl
    2. Wolfox


      gratz on beating her

  2. Althea moves in between the monk and Richard so that she can aim her crossbow at one of the goblins and shoots one of them.
  3. Sorry to bother guys, but what is my roll again for stealth check or whatever it is we have to do now.
  4. Althea holds back everyone once she heard everyone: "You guys hear that? We better get ready for battle. Nobody make a sound otherwise all hell breaks loose." Althea gets her crossbow ready to shoot some goblins quietly.
  5. Althea wasn't sure why Ricahrd smiled and winked at her, but nonetheless she smiles back while keeping her guard up in case of an incoming attack.
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