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Everything posted by DiLimiter

  1. So, I'll admit that I'm not as active as I'd like to be, but now with Alex being out for a little over a week now, I'd like to know everybody's thoughts on him! To some of the people who have played him in past versions of the game, do you think Capcom did a good job at bringing him back to the series? What do you think could have been done differently with him? I personally believe that they did a fantastic job with the character as a whole. I don't think that there's been a character reintroduced that has played so similarly but just felt so different. Alex, in my opinion, is the perfect example of rebooting a character for a more modern era of fighting games. My only complaint with his changes is that they didn't keep the ole crappy Spiral DDT. That move was close to garbage but man was it fun to land when it worked.
  2. So Ben Brode has said on twitter that "If Wild format isn't as awesome as we think it will be, we'll make changes until it is." So this is at least showing that they're going to show some love to the Wild format along with the Standard format for the time being, also maybe bringing up the possibility of the old cards that will no longer be useable/purchaseable for the Standard format being balanced so as to make Wild format a better feeling experience all around.
  3. I understand that mentality, but you have to admit that the deck is being gutted. Sure, it's braindead and Mysterious Challenger sure as heck didn't make things any harder for Secret Paladin players, but that doesn't mean that it should be left to die. Would I love to see it gone from the meta for a while? Of course, but the fact of the matter is that not every deck remains dead forever. Hell, people were saying the same thing about Patron Warrior when it was a huge problem and now because of the Warsong nerf people have been saying that you don't see it enough. I don't play the deck personally; if I ever play Warrior its for Control Warrior or Dragon Warrior, but that doesn't mean that I don't respect the fact that people have figured out how to play a neutered version of a once over-the-top deck. I may be kind of droning on here, but the point is that Secret Paladin will more than likely find a way to stay, although in a much more lackluster fashion.
  4. Actually I was watching Trump's stream earlier and he even went as far to say that with how much Secret Paladin is losing that they should at least get something to compensate for it, like another 1-cost secret.
  5. I cannot agree more. I'm not a very GOOD player when it comes to Hearthstone (I average about rank 15-12 most of the times) but most of what keeps me from trudging onwards is the lack of variety in decks and the amount of RNG that was in the game. Yes, you can argue that TCGs are pretty RNG-based to begin with depending on how good of hands you get or how good your draws are, but in Hearthstone it got to the point where there were metas dictated by RNG alone. With the removal of some of the biggest offenders to the cause, I'll be more than happy to play the game more even if I do think from time to time about how my opponent top-decked this or how they got the perfect hand or what have you. When I used to play MTG (casually, mind you) I never really thought about how I was getting screwed over because how much fun I was having. This will arguably make the game even more fun and bring back those feelings of having fun regardless of what I think is screwy or not.I personally can't wait for this to take place along with the release of the new expansion. And if I ever want to play with some BS RNG again, I can just go on over to the Wild format whenever I want. Well, arguably the only REALLY good legend was Dr. Boom. All the class legends were meh at best barring Mal'Ganis. Sneed's was ok but didn't see a whole lot of play. But if you don't want to spend money on the expansions and if you don't plan on playing Wild, then you can convert all those hard-earned legends into dust. ...y'know, I'm just here to make you feel worse about this.
  6. So, going to bring this back to life with the announcement by Blizzard today of the Standard and Wild game formats. Here's the full read. The TL;DR version of it is that basically they're doing what every other competitive TCG has done at some point and making different formats to open the way for newer players and to help the game evolve. With the new "Standard" format, the Naxrammas and Goblins vs Gnomes expansions are both banned from play and this format will be Blizzard's official competitive format. So, to put this into perspective: No more Dr. Boom. No Sludge Belchers. No Piloted Shredder. Not to mention other big names like Loatheb, Mad Scientist, and Zombie Chow. Every other expansion will be allowed in this format, but pro players are contemplating that expansions like Blackrock Mountain will not be allowed in Standard format from at least a year from now and, as expansions pile up and move on, more and more of the older expansions and adventures will not be allowed in competitive play. Also, to prevent confusion to new players who want to enter the Standard format, they will be taking the Naxrammas adventure and the GvG expansion off sale. They will no longer be available to purchase. Now the question that came up with this announcement is: what about all these cards from the expansions that people had earned/collected that they aren't allowed to use in the Standard format? Well, there's a few options: there is another format that is separate from Standard format and its play called "Wild" format. Basically you can use all past cards that you have collected from expansions and adventures that you are not allowed to use in the Standard format in decks and play against others doing the same. Currently there is no plans for them to implement a ranked play system for that format. The other option is that you can take your cards and turn them into dust if you don't ever really plan on ever playing the Wild format. This does include the Naxrammas cards; for the first time, you can take cards like Zombie Chow and such and convert them into dust. Also something to mention is that, to go along with all of these cards being taken away from competitive play, Blizzard will also be looking to rebalance the basic/original expansion cards (i.e. force of nature, Sylvanus, etc) to just make the experience of playing the game with now a good chunk of vanilla cards a bit more balanced. The estimated release for this system is sometime in the Spring and it will be rolling out along with a new expansion. People have been asking different competitive Hearthstone players their thoughts and ideas on what may happen in terms of the meta developing, what class/deck will suffer, what will gain, etc etc. A lot of pros have expressed their gratitude towards Blizzard for introducing this as the GvG expansion and the Naxrammas adventure introduced quite a bit of RNG that has decided the outcome of games more than once. What are your thoughts on this entire ordeal? What cards are you looking forward to possibly be seeing play again with the riddance of meta-defining cards such as Dr. Boom and Piloted Shredder? Do you HATE the introduction of these formats and, if so, why? Share you thoughts!
  7. I don't think this game is truly free-to-play anymore. You want to be competitive in this game that has over 100+ characters in its roster? You better be willing to put some money into it to buy the champions because by the time that you earn enough IP to buy those all of those champions it will more than likely have been at LEAST a year and a half and by then more champions will have been released. Sure, from a casual stand-point, it is free-to-play excluding the cosmetic stuff, but if you want to be slightly competitive you better be willing to spend a bit of cash.
  8. People have been considering that it might be pointing towards the Shen rework or perhaps some Ionian event.
  9. Top Gangplank: Ever since his rework came out, he's been very fun for me all around. Gnar: His playstyle is fantastic and he's pretty damn adorable. Vladimir: One of my go-to top laners ever since I started playing League. Jungle Gragas: I prefer pre-rework Gragas, but the fat man is still very fun to play. Zac: I don't know, he's just always been a very appealing character to me. Vi: I pretend that she's Captain Falcon sometimes. Mid Ziggs: He's an insane furry creature that throws bombs. Need I say more? Twisted Fate: To me, he's incredibly fun. I also enjoy the whole magic card shtick. Jayce: A lot of people consider him a top-laner, but I think he's better (and more fun) mid. ADC Tristana: Was a tie between her and Lucian, but with the new dragon trainer skin she just leaped to number 1 in my heart. <3 Lucian: Always fun to play...unless it's Graves you're facing. Draven: I enjoy a difficult champion to play from time to time, and Draven maintains to be difficult while also fun. Support Braum: I always just feel so good playing him. Thresh: Something something I FEEL LIKE MADLIFE. Tahm Kench: Annoying to play against, but damn if he isn't fun to play.
  10. It's just some simple myth...like of this legendary mode called dominion.
  11. Yeah, I'm not entirely sure why Square has decided to drop the turn-based/atb systems almost entirely from the Final Fantasy franchise as of recent, but regardless of that I have high hopes. I never really got into Final Fantasy VII that much and hope to remain unspoiled for when the game drops. I guess it will tide me over until KH3 comes out (or KH3 will tide me over until FF7 comes out, idk).
  12. I remember this Jak & Daxter racing game from when I was younger. I believe it was called Jak X or something along those lines and people just automatically dismissed it just because "Oh, Naughty Dog is killing off another franchise with a kart racer." Now, while I would've LOVED to gotten a Jak 4 instead, the game itself wasn't actually that bad at all. It held up very well for a racing game and kept all the characters IN character. Other than Mario Kart I think I would consider it to be one of my favorite racers. Also, I think Luigi's Mansion for the GameCube was a tad underrated. Nobody really seemed to get why the game was made and it at least felt like nobody bought into it. I enjoyed the hell of that game when I was a kid and still play the originally copy I have for my GameCube from time to time. I don't know, I was like, six or seven at the time of me playing it for the first time so it's kind of a blur on what I got from peoples' opinions.
  13. I just remember talks of a WW rework release before the end of last year and...yeah. So, holding my breath.
  14. I'm not holding my breath on that anytime soon. I mean, I'm sure he's closer to done than I'm thinking, but I'm still going to say about anywhere between 4 to 8 months.
  15. So, here's my general opinion on the game thusfar as I'm only like 2 and a half hours in and that's all I've been willing to put forward into it. I'd consider myself a veteran when it comes to RPGs. I've played all types of RPGs and there are some that just never clicked while there are also those that I'm willing to play over and over again. I've played Earthbound, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Skyrim, and many others as well. I only just bought Undertale on Saturday or something like that. By this time, the game had been out for a while and people were having orgasms about how good it was. I heard it was kind of like Earthbound, so I decided "Eh, it's only $10, what the hell." I bought it, installed it, and put off playing it until the next day. I booted it up, played it for a couple of hours, and then shut it off to play Binding of Isaac. I am just absolutely bored to tears with Undertale. Right off the bat, I actually enjoyed it for a little while. I liked and enjoyed the little throwback to how games used to look during the retro era and thought it was a very fitting styling if it were trying to make something in the same vein as Earthbound. After the opening, I started to get annoyed with the game. I thought everything was just a tedious thing to keep the player occupied. The world opened up a bit, sure, but it felt so slow to progress anywhere. I actually enjoyed the battle system if that's any consolation that the game gave me. But honestly, it's just that (in my short time) everything felt so slow and I felt like nothing was getting accomplished. Eh, I'm not sure about it. Right now, I wouldn't recommend it because, honestly, I've seen this before. But I'll try and get myself to finish it sometime.
  16. Can confirm that Reno is pretty silly. Built a Renolock deck, top-decked my 2nd knife juggler at 1 health against a hunter with a damn good board, immediately played Reno and forgot to play knife juggler first in all of my excitement (rank 16 plays), proceeded from there forward to win game. Even had Youthful Brewmaster to reel him back in after that. Added the guy after the game, we talked for a little bit and he and I both agreed Reno's a pretty damn good card. Looked at my friend's list later to see that he climbed to rank 8 or something like that. Yeah, I shouldn't have won that game.
  17. Well, up until I was about 15 or 16 or something along those lines, I would probably fit the mold of a hardcore gamer. I definitely spent most of my times playing games, although it was all single player campaigns and the sort. As I didn't have the funds to purchase games endlessly at that point (I mean, I still don't, but you get the gist), I would often times play through the campaigns of games I already had a few times in a row, sometimes ramping up the difficulty every now and then. Then I discovered the wonderful world of e-sports and competitive gaming. League of Legends was my first attempt at that, but I ended up giving up on it and am now just playing it casually with friends every now and then. Hearthstone was up next, but I didn't have the patience at the time for it. I then discovered that fighting games had a competitive scene and started to get more and more into those and I'm definitely more into fighting games than MOBAs nowadays. That being said, I also have tried to recently get back into Hearthstone and am doing a better job at it; I just need to get a better grasp on what cards I could expect to be played from different classes on different turns and all of that noise. So, as of now, I'm definitely more of a casual/competitive gamer. I don't have as much time as I used to to play games, but when I do I try to practice fighting games and such. I play the occasional single-player game every now and then and don't get me wrong, I still love all of my other games to death, but I'd love to be competent enough at, say, Street Fighter to play people on a competitive level, so I naturally focus more of my free time towards that.
  18. Hey, to each their own. I've tried Blazblue before and never really enjoyed it on the numerous times I've tried it. I actually haven't ever played Guilty Gear before, but I'm interested in trying out Xrd whenever I get the chance. I forgot to mention that I've played a TINY bit of KoF XIII. Didn't really do much with it, but I'm sure it would be fun if I gave it more time. I never actually tried out SFxTK, but I heard that it was a meh game ruined by the system they tried to implement through microtransactions, I believe. Really interested in TKxSF whenever that comes out tho, which might be a while, might be never. Who knows?
  19. Eh, wish I cared more about rankings and all of that. Like, the Victorious skin this year gives me no desire to try and grind my way for Gold. I'm currently sitting at Silver II and not budging while I dick around in normals.
  20. Name: Jake, DiLimiter Age:18 Birthday:July 2nd Location:Ohio Height:5'9" Hair Color: Dirty Blonde. I think it's just brown, but people keep telling me otherwise... Eye Color: Greenish-Grey Live With: Parents Pets?: 4 dipshit dogs, 1 of them a puppy Relationships?: 1 for like a week, then she cheated on me with her ex, so that was nice. Crushes lately?: Nope, still getting over my last one. Dream Job: Not sure, exactly. I like programming and would love to work on a game, but would be perfectly content to work on just about anything else. Currently Playing: Fire Emblem: Awakening, Ori and the Blind Forest, and Ultra Street Fighter IV. Favourite Food: Italian, Turkish Favourite Drink: Arnold Palmer (half tea (usually flavored), half lemonade) Favourite Color: Purple Favourite kind of Music: I like any type of music, but I guess I prefer Rock. Favourite Band: Queen, Muse Favourite Album: News of the World by Queen Favourite Game: Banjo Kazooie, Street Fighter III: Third Strike, Final Fantasy VIII Favourite Genre of Game: Platformers, Fighters, and RPGs Favourite Hobbies: Music, Video Games...yikes, I don't do much. Favourite Movies: Good Will Hunting, Hercules, Argo Favourite Shows: Attack on Titan...it just occurred to me I don't want much TV.
  21. That actually looks like it would be a cool design for Mega Girafarig.
  22. Eh, I can't stand doing charge inputs, so Necalli is probably going to be a big nope for me. I've tried several times throughout different fighting games and I can't really do charge characters that well EXCEPT for Hulk in UMVC3.
  23. Shit looks adorable, but I'm probably not going to get it lol. Also, in other news, PowerOfEvil, formerly of Unicorns of Love, has apparently now taken xPeke's spot in midlane for Origen. I mean, I'm not surprised about xPeke moving out of the midlane as that was the original intention when creating the team anyways, but I never really expected PoE to be the replacement. UOL looked pretty solid and I thought they were going to do more to keep their players.
  24. Ok, I hate to piggyback on this post, but is DDD worth getting? I mean, I've heard that it actually expands the main storyline but I'm not sure if I'd wanted to spend money on it or not.
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