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Everything posted by DiLimiter

  1. I really enjoyed whatever games I got this year (mostly). There were a few that were obvious "Why did I spend X amount of money on this crap?" but for the most part, it was all pretty damn fun. Breath of the Wild came out and it is honestly the first Zelda game I've ever enjoyed and completed. Not the perfect game people paint it out to be, but I enjoyed it nonetheless. Mario Odyssey scratched that 3D platforming itch that Yooka-Laylee failed to, despite its best efforts. Horizon: Zero Dawn was...alright, I guess. Tekken 7 came out and reminded me that good triple-A fighting games can be still be made. Battle Chef Brigade was surprisingly fun and I recommend anyone with a Switch and/or a PC to get it. And finally, Persona 5 was my first Persona game and I'm planning on going back to do a 2nd run through after I beat a few other things that have been on the back burner. My Game of the Year personally. Obviously those were not all of the games I've bought and played, just the more notable ones. And I'm actually really happy about all the controversy that revolved around the lootbox system and stuff like that. I'm glad that lootboxes are now associated with gambling in the public eye and, honestly, that's how they should be seen. I hate that garbage and I was one of those people of used to play games like Smite that had that type of system in place. Yeah, I bought into it. I'm not into it anymore and I'm ashamed that I even spent money on it in the first place. We need stuff like that to get rid of these kind of stupid systems. And I do realize that these systems will never truly go away until there's some serious legislation or something along those lines put into place, but this was a good start.
  2. Prefacing this by saying that I think we'll see SSB4 ported to Switch with Ice Climbers before we see SSB5. But, anywho, wishlist! 1. Chrom. For the love of God Nintendo, please. 2. Waluigi. I have some imagination that he'd be a trick character of some kind, not sure how. 3. Ryu. He's popular in SSB4, why not bring him back (I guess this applies to Cloud and Bayo too). 4. Shovel Knight. I just think it'd be interesting to see, honestly. 5. Bandana Dee. So SSF2 kinda inspired the thought. It was one of those things where you didn't realize how much you wanted him til you played him. 6. A protagonist from any of the Persona games would be interesting, but I realize that Atlus has stated that Persona is basically staying on PS no matter what, so... 7. Heihachi. Get some Tekken love in there. I'm sure there's more, but for the life of me I can't think of any off the top of my head.
  3. I remember vaguely skimming through them if I found the game interesting enough. Nowadays I hardly have the time to play video games at all so I don't even bother trying to read any manuals even if they have one, which seems to be becoming a rarity. Still! Sometimes the manuals had some neat stuff in them.
  4. For the most part I've been playing a lot of Mario Kart on my Switch. Oh, and I started playing a physical copy of I am Setsuna for the Switch that I had imported a while back but had never gotten around to playing. Too bad Super Mario Odyssey comes out tomorrow and that'll be the soul-sucker for a while.
  5. Games that actually have post-games (which, let's face it, it's almost exclusively RPGs most of the time) either get it right or get it wrong; there isn't really much of an in-between, unfortunately. The most recent example of post-game done right for me and that I actually participated in playing is Final Fantasy XV. Now I could definitely consider this a somewhat special case considering the massive scale that the world thrusts upon you with a LOT of extra content outside of the main quest which, to some, was an unfortunately short 15 to 20 hours. That's short for an RPG, you could say. But going back to post-game content, Final Fantasy XV did everything right for me in post-game. There was tons of additional things to do that weren't tied to the main story. And that was the beauty of it: post-game content shouldn't encourage the story. No, it should encourage exploration of the world around you and how you interact with other characters that do and don't have anything to do with the main quest. And with all of the side-quests and post-game content that Final Fantasy XV offered, that's exactly what it did. If you wanted more story content, there's the DLC that has and still is also coming out along with them patching in additional story content into main story quests (something that I think is crappy business practice, but that's another discussion entirely), but there isn't any reason why post-game content should do what is supposed to be the main quest's job. Now, keeping that in mind, I look at the Pokemon games. There isn't exactly a whole lot of post-game content that Gamefreak has ever really offered--bar the legendaries that you can go and catch--except with two select cases that I can think of off the top of my head, both of them doing what they set out to do fantastically. The first one is the Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire games where you go quasi-Bayonetta and fly into space riding a dragon to punch god-alien in his face. This has close to nothing to do with the main story and just expands on what the game had to offer. That's story content done right strictly because it has nothing to do with the main game. Then, on the flip side, there's Pokemon Gold, Silver, and Crystal that allowed you to go back and access the original Kanto region after defeating the Johto region. That was a nice surprise and a beautifully done one at that (if nostalgia isn't blinding me). Honestly, if you were to do post-game content, try not to focus too much on the story unless there was a way that it wouldn't trivialize something that had happened earlier. Focus on what additional and separate features you could offer to keep players interested.
  6. Bought the game and I have to say that I've fallen deeply in love with it. It scratches an itch that League or Smite never did and I can't quite describe it. Constant battling and not a whole lot of factors other than pure skill dictating each match. There are exceptions where some characters just blatantly are better or beat other characters, but they're not considered hard counters by any means. Plus the game is in its early life so it'll more than likely be growing and growing much, much further on into the future (a new patch is actually coming out that introduces two new characters, so there's that). I know a lot of people are kind of hesitant about paying the $20 for this game, but I say its well worth it considering you'll be getting all current and future champions forever, even when it switches over to free-to-play. I'm just really enjoying my time with it. I hope more people get into it.
  7. So me and my friends each had a box to open up, which is 36(?) booster packs each. I opened up the most mythics at a total of 6, including 2 Plainswalkers. They include: Skysovereign, Consul Flagship Saheeli Rai Dovin Baan Cataclysmic Gearhulk Angel of Invention Metallurgic Summonings Overall, it was a pretty ok box. One of my other friends got a better box, pulling Chandra and Nissa as well as a couple Gearhulks. Nobody pulled an invention, sadly.
  8. Had to dig a little for this thread, but I figured it'd be worth bringing back to life with a recent-ish trailer debuting some of the characters including a special guest character. They've confirmed that the game will be getting a physical release alongside a digital release, so that's something to look forward to also.
  9. So I quit League for a few months to sort stuff out. I haven't been following the meta much, but Happy Tree Friends Maokai has me interested. I'm planning on coming back because you can't kick a bad addiction of this guy. I think I stopped around high silver/low gold, but that was basically playing every other day and I'm sure whatever I was good at in this game has changed drastically going that much time without playing. I know the jungle meta (for the most part, heard Gragas isn't really viable anymore), but I have no idea what the state of all the other roles are like as of now. If anyone would like to ease this along and just give me a general clue of what's what in each role, that'd be fantastic.
  10. While the visuals have kind of left me with an astounding level of disappointment (except for the leaders; they look pretty good), I have to say that I am still interested in this whenever it'll drop. I know the release date was announced but I can't recall what it is for the life of me. I'm just hoping that they'll be able to redeem themselves after the very underwhelming Civ: Beyond Earth title.
  11. Chandra the Mind Sculptor Jokes aside, I would like to have her as part of my collection, but I'm not willing to part $60 for her even if she sees a moderate amount of play. I'll just test my luck in packs (plus, it doesn't really effect me too much because I mostly just play Commander, so having just one copy of her would be fine for me). Speaking of Commander tho, I really would love to get my hands on even just one of those Masterpiece Series Grand Inventions or whatever they're calling them. There's a very low chance of getting them in packs, but they're just so damn beautiful to look at and some of that stuff is literally just made for Commander (Sol Ring, Crucible of Worlds, etc).
  12. Just got done mowing, that took 3 hours... Payed off the last of my small loan (woohoo), so that's off my chest Eh, I'm certainly procrastinating on the decision to go back to school or not. Planning on it in the winter/spring, but I actually have to sit down and figure out what I'm going to do. Don't wanna be working a fast food job for the rest of my life. Need to cook the pork in my freezer at some point. Not entirely sure what to do with it tho. Still deciding.
  13. I'm honestly glad I'm not the only one who hasn't finished all of the Reborn game. Anywho, as much as I would love to get the community involved in this, where do we even start? Magic isn't all that popular here to begin with (compared to Yugioh, for example), so I'm not really sure what to do in regards to community involvement.
  14. Well, after a few days of playing him, I really like him. Switching between Urien and Alex is kind of a weird transition, but not as much as I thought it'd be. His Aegis set-ups are some of the most fun I've ever had in this game's short lifespan.
  15. All very valid points, and it has me rethinking the value of the move. That being said, his MK shoulder tackle is -3 on hit, so keep that in mind. His wake-up options being weak aren't going to be a huge issue for me; I play Alex already and have gotten used to lack of wake-up options. Oh, also worth to mention his EX headbutt functions the same as any DP, in that it gives your opponent a crush counter option on landing (I'm not sure about the regular versions of his headbutt, I haven't gotten to test that yet). Worth mentioning that I messed around with the mod that let Urien be playable in training a few months ago and I know I shouldn't have ever been gauging a character before he/she is released, but I'm disappointed that cr.mk isn't cancelable anymore. And for anyone that plays on PC and missed the news, the new update installed a Rootkit under the name of capcom.sys or something along those lines. They've done a rollback on the update so it doesn't install the Rootkit anymore, but make sure that you, if you're playing on Windows, go to your System32 folder and delete that as it is a absolutely huge security risk.
  16. Urien finally came out, and people are mixed about him. Generally, and keep in mind this is day 1 so take it with a grain of salt, people are calling him around low-mid/high-low tier. Apparently some pro player has gone as far as calling him the worst character in the game. Honestly we need time with the character to make those kind of judgments, but to each their own. I like him a lot. He's transitioned pretty well from 3rd Strike. The biggest thing is that people, including myself, are being thrown off-guard by a few things, including how his shoulder tackle seems so much weaker than his headbutt.
  17. Got a decklist for it? I'm interested in creating more decks beyond my Riku EDH one. I'm already slowly working on a Mimeoplasm deck, but that's going to take quite a bit of time. I don't want to just blow my money all at once, but I'd like to have future ideas in mind. I'd be interested in giving it a try. I'm not entirely great when it comes to card balance or anything, but I'm not sure if that's even on your radar when it comes to stuff to worry about for it.
  18. Yeah, it was confirmed that there'd be only 11 episodes for the Despair Arc, unfortunately. I guess there just wasn't much to tell other than a few new things we didn't know and quite a few old things that we already knew. It's been pretty great, but we all knew what the outcome would more than likely be when it came to the end.
  19. A few of my friends have gotten me back into this unforgiving, heartless, money drain of a game wonderful game. They pretty much play exclusively EDH and have actual refined decks and such (they still budget where they can; they get foreign language versions of cards where they believe some English versions to be too expensive, for example). So, since I didn't want to stay stuck using their decks forever, I decided to set out on building my own deck. We also try to avoid building decks that one of us have already made when we can (for example, one of my friends has a Gitrog deck, so we try to avoid that for familiarity reasons). Surprisingly, none of my friends had made a Riku of Two Reflections deck yet, so I did! So far it's done pretty well. I'm by no means competitive with this game, but whenever we play 1v1 we do play seriously and I've managed to take a couple of games off my friends' competition decks --including my friend's Kaalia deck, which is arguably the most refined out of any of our group's decks. For once I've made a poor financial decision that has actually made me happy instead of making me laugh at my being considered an adult.
  20. Ha, you poor thing. If only you knew... Blizzard is terrible and stubborn at getting their ducks in a row. They do not nerf or buff things until it has reached the point of the community asking "why even bother?" And when they go to nerf something, it is often to an unplayable status, never to be touched nor heard from ever again. Only recently did they decide it was a good idea to nerf a few overbearing classic cards, and only one of them really sees play anymore. They introduced standard format, which is great and all as it actually has rotating sets, but now it has ushered in a very stale meta in which Blizzard refuses to ever really shake up. Despite having access to all copies of a card through a digital platform, they are stubbornly standing adamant with their decision to not tamper with anything until it has reached critical levels of backlash from the fan-base.
  21. Dragonforce - Fury of the Storm Hammerfall - Last Man Standing Muse - Assassin Cage the Elephant - Back Against the Wall
  22. Honestly it's all kind of a grey area when it comes to knowing what a good player is. Most top tier players who are going to play online have played online and are in their proper rankings. Honestly, to consider yourself average, you're going to be at least gold. If you want to be considered above average to actually being really good at the game, then you're platinum and above. This does have an exception to rage-quitters and bots and such.
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