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Reborn Development Blog

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Status Updates posted by ProjectIceman

  1. Welcome back!


    From one memer to another XD

  2. Welcome back! :]

    1. Caz


      Thanks man!

  3. Hey there! Sorry but I have an honest question:


    I made a club that focuses on Pokemon game videos on YouTube, Twitch, and other streaming/uploading platforms. Is that a form of advertisement?

    1. Dreamy


      Showcasing things are fine, Just don't have anything that's asking for subscriptions or whatever 😃

    2. ProjectIceman
  4. Hey there! Was wondering if you were up for a battle. Trying to get one before 2:00 EST.

    1. Okita Souji

      Okita Souji

      Whoops, the time you posted this is 1 AM for me. XDD


  5. Hey Leo! Just saw your Reborn videos in the Tourmaline Desert with Taka. Immediate fan, sub, and follower :]

  6. I am gonna call all of my Fennekins Revolver now. That would actually be a good nickname imo lol

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Wolfox


      also when it stands up it looks like a Y

    3. Anime


      True, it does indeed look lik a Y when it stands up

    4. ProjectIceman


      Wait a minute.


  7. Pokemon UltraSun & UltraMoon...I swear, Pokemon is looking at your Pokemon Reborn and saying, "We won't cease and desist you. But we will make your life hell. >:-)"



    1. Amethyst


      LOL you're not even the first one to say that


  8. Pokemon Chaos is probably one of the hardest games that I have ever played. Mostly due to the fact that the amount of experience you get is abysmal while the trainers you face have high leveled pokemon. 


    You have no idea how much I had to do to be on par with some of the trainers I had to face. Especially since I chose Treeko, not knowing that I would fight flying and bug type pokemon  as well as the evil team so quickly that uses Houndours.


    Don't even get me started on the rival battle where he uses a Mold Breaker, Dragon Raging Axew after the second gym...seriously?

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Anime


      No we don't disagree, i was just stating that Jan and Ame have experience with RPG X (whatever is the name) and the developer of chaos is prolly one boy with meh experience

    3. Tartar


      Uhm, okay. You just said "To each their own", which is typically said when two people can't agree on something, and agree to respect each other's opinion. 

    4. Anime


      Ah, i apologize, i didnt know it meant that

  9. Reliving my love for Undertale has filled me with DETERMINATION!


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. seki108


      @Another Retired Shipper  Each of the past humans in Undertale had a specific trait.  Your character (red heart) had/stood for Determination.  The other 6 hearts with different colors stood for different traits/attributes (the only two I remember were Kindness and Courage).

    3. Anime


      i dont really know undertalke so xD

    4. ProjectIceman


      I see what you did there lol

  10. Nice Profile Picture!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Hycrox


      Memes are clean


      therefore my soul is clean now

    3. Anime


      Okies, i will ^^ 

    4. ProjectIceman


      10-4 *Thumbs Up*


  11. It. Is. Complete. I have 120 Ralts eggs.

    1. Another Felix
    2. ProjectIceman


      Pokemon Reborn. I was planning on Wondertrading them out on a specific date (not sure when yet, but definitely on a Saturday or Sunday).

  12. While in the middle of hatching eggs for my future wondertrade party, I forgot that hatching the eggs would go quicker with a Pokemon in your party that has the ability Flame Body or Magma Armor. Now this is how I feel:


    Image result for smh anime gif

    1. Wolfox


      that deserves facepalms

    2. ProjectIceman


      It went by so fast with Flame Body that I overdid it and got 120 eggs lol XD

  13. I'm Sorry. I couldn't resist after seeing this XDDD

    Image result for zelda meme

    1. Wolfox


      Link seems to need soem Hamon to the gut. If Only Baron Zeppeli was there

  14. So I managed to hatch 20 Ralts eggs for my future Wondertrade (and some of them were shiny :) ). Just another 100 more to go lol.


  15. Don't mind me. Just looking at your profile picture. Why does it look like you are staring at my soul? Lol

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Amethyst


      your soul is a soft orange cream colour

    3. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      If she could see through peoples' shoes, she could stare into their soles.

    4. ProjectIceman
  16. What is your top 5 favorite pokemon?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. kirlial


      Leafeon, Exeggcutor, Diglett, Spheal, Cradily - not sure on an order

    3. Sharu


      1. Gardevoir 2.Garchomp




    4. ZEL


      1. Skarmory, 2. Klinklang, 3. Espeon, 4. Scolipede, 5. Staraptor

  17. What type of pokemon are you?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ice Cream Sand Witch

      Ice Cream Sand Witch

      /ice/ cream sand witch

    3. Jacobliterator


      Steel and Psychic. I like to think my battles out, but are not afraid to take em on headfirst!

    4. ProjectIceman


      Apparently despite the dragon im rocking right now, I'm water.

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