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Everything posted by Exalted

  1. Tom we can handle it take your time if the games going to be better cause this gives you more time to make a greater effort isnt that a plus point overall though
  2. honestly the fighting build up was great specially the final cliffhanger a dark type sucker punch would've more or less disturbed that and still mewtwo X has the bulk and and takes neutral damge to take a sucker punch easy
  3. Exalted


    welcome astra hope you enjoy and to elaborate your curiosity above we are not a cult we are much worst than that. hope to see you around the forums remember to check the community rules and see the reborn showdown server to its a fun place we can battle and stuff and talk also feel free to ask for help by making a thread like this in an appropriate section of the forum we will try to help you to the best of our abilities.
  4. Ok people any music suggestions to go with anime themed games

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Arkhi
    3. Felicity


      I second anything nano

    4. Exalted


      ok t hats a good colection specially magenta and synapse

  5. Welcome my friend enjoy and hope to see you around
  6. Welcome Daze nice to meet you and who dosent love kittens and pupies tell me that first but still feel free to ask us for any help when wanted by making a thread like this in the appropriate section of the fourms also remember to read the community rules on the left hand side under member info and check out reborns showdown server why dont you hope to see you around and hope to see you around friend
  7. nope (insert the person to post below name here) will probably be next
  8. Congratz mde and wish you luck for the new job
  9. its still good maybe someone didnt want what you were or offering or if they did didnt have what you wanted in exchange and for a replay sometimes it can take a while and i mean a while for these things to go through
  10. it got changed in gen 5 with a decrease in base power to compensate now its a slightly weaker quick attack with perks
  11. Well i haven't ever met you before but you sound very nice i hope to see you in the future and happy 4 year aniversary
  12. Ok zelda time Which game should i play ocarina of time or oracle of ages

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chevaleresse


      Ocarina, definitely.

    3. Combat


      Have you beat either of them? I personally would say OoT, as the old hand help Zelda games were not in ym personal taste.

    4. Exalted


      well ive beaten both before and was in a ood for a replay so ocarina it is

  13. great bulid tbh and works quite well tested myself there is the fact that makes me cry thinking what game breaker would a lopunnynite Mega regigigas would be with drain punch Return Crush grip and a coverage move like ice punch earthquake in the last slot yeah i know thats why the banned regigigas from getting a mega but the game breaking power
  14. Well played but come on give us some cannon Shipping(you know which one im talking about)
  15. Oh wow well tom im counting this as click bait you promised me a canon ship im not seeing a canon there anywhere and its certainly not juicy gossip enough of a ship for me
  16. Ok im going to give you tip of a technique i use when i feel the same why you are doing right now put the thing you want to say to the person in your train of though start walking towards him or past him whatever you find more conferrable and think of something like pupies ice cream(not not a sandwhich version of it) whatever calms you down and makes you feel good then just blab out what you wanna say if you couldnt complete the sentence remember then the world will end as we know it do it zumi i know you have it in you your talented strong just be yourself like you on the forums talk to him like youre lecturing us for something or giving us advice DO IT ZUMI
  17. Happy birthday sparky hope yo have a great day *Does Birthday Dance*
  18. Surprising enough it is there are only 3 steps 4 if the scenario calls for it. and please read the whole post 1.walk up to your crush. 2.tell them you like them. 3.if they say no flip them off and walk away/if they say yes good you are in a relationship. 4.this one only if they say no ''GET OVER IT''. or if all else fails and you cant get over them become yandere the reason people dont marry each other right of the bat and date first is to see compatibility as the one you are going out with as some people you think are amazing before and get along with might be horrible or intolerable when you really get to know them really for who they are. So Zumi i know i may sound like a twat(and kinda am not gonna lie) but trust me on this getting it straight to the point if you dont say something to your crush now he will move on and thats a pain that truly lingers wondering how it would've been at least the pain of rejection passes with a satisfaction of knowing his feelings and vanishes soon allowing you to move on and finding someone you deserve heartbreaks are gonna come so why delay them be strong and take them and when the stormy seas are over you will be really happy trust me i know the feeling.
  19. well another lurker makes an appearance. Welll welcome my friend i hope you enjoy and beware of the risk of interaction that you so desire . Remember to check out the community rules and guidelines on the left side under your username and check out the showdown server for reborn why dont you. Enjoy the forums hope to see you around.
  20. and it was i who pulled the trigger for that horrid joke in all seriousness i cannot be bothered with valentines day we already have to many days dedicated to something i mean no socks day really people. And despair Right On the mark
  21. Happy birthday shelly you are one of the very few tolerable leaders reborns got so enjoy your special day weather you see us wish you or not
  22. And i am immediately impressed i will use that
  23. i really dont get the hate for volcanion really it can be worked quite well thanks to its bulk and unique typing it may be week to 3 common types but is blessed with having 3 x4 resistance to ice steel and fire as well as that immunity to water and dont forget the x2 resistance to bug and fairy which more than balance out its defenses specially given the 80 120 90 defenses which are not to be underestimated both pretty use able offensive stats of 110 and 130 respectively with the moveset to support them also steam eruption is a great move a more accurate hydro pump with a chance to burn yes please as for his design i actually quite like it though its speed is very lacking and combine that with lack of viable recovery outside of water absorb make him fall short of becoming a top tier threat but his positives save him just enough to stay relevant as well as one of the very few it not the only pokemon that can make use out of both Sun and Rain with enough coverage attacks to be a threat to both the pokemon that rely solely on weather. and one more positive the standard kyogre set cant to squat to him outside of thunder making him a great partner for primal groudon which will wall teams so good together
  24. K.F.C Kicking Fighting Chicken i refuse to believe that was not intentional design for blaziken

  25. So i just learned that noodles are called men in Japanese so if it ever rains noodles can we say its raining men ramen that is

    1. Code: PIRULUK

      Code: PIRULUK

      I feel like the likelihood of it raining ramen is only marginally higher than the likelihood of it raining actual male homo sapiens though...

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