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Everything posted by Exalted

  1. ok i predict the next member to be a registered member of this fourm if this does not cut it the registered member of this four mde
  2. Ok im going to start over again even though i dont have a single badge you get my point right so here Use this sprite ill send the monies to galade immediately maybe in half and hour so if i forgot but he will get it Use the soul silver theme card and of course the team
  3. honestly it wouldve been better if you chose a different starter cause you actually can get chespin later on but no harm done as with future releases ame has promised to add all starters pre e4 so not a big issue.as for the team numel in reborn is a specially great pokemon and i would recommend getting meowstic(just evolve your espurr) as well as a makuhita(evolve both of them pre 2nd gym) and dropping klink as it would only be really usefull after it learns shif gear which your no where near at as well as drop gulpin and go for trubbish instead or even ekans as trubbish toxic spikes can be a game changer here and arbok is generally good early on as for wingull it does learn mist which can negate nearly all feild effects which is a helpfull tactic with the 3rd gym but for now box it and try going for emolga later on which you can get after second gym and is very helpful as for now qualdin hariyama numel and trubbish/ekans can handle the second gym if your feeling unsure soon you will gain access to some pidoves evolve it can be helpfull
  4. welcome to reborn you seem like a classy guy hope you enjoy and will love to see you around the forums and feel free to ask for help if you ever need any
  5. well i am terrible at choosing avatars so give it shot lets see what i find so anyone got anything
  6. my favourite why do one here is my top 10 1:Charizard:its a dragon i love its simple design dosent try to be to complex and was the very first starter i ever used when i envision a pokemon in general one of the top results in my mind and has fire tpe which is tied for my top 3 types with steel and dragon so ofcource its gonna be here. 2:Metagross:its just awesome i know without its mega it can be lacking competitively these days but its design the presence it gives and also has one of my favorite types steel also overall my type of pokemon also the mega is amazing in it self. 3:Lucario:ok recently he has fallen from my list from the second position why because of the lack of use ive been getting out of him my reason cool design awsome lore and one of my top types. 4:Greninja:its a ninja has one awesome shiny what more can i ask wait its good competitively bonus and also i bonded quite a bit with Hanzo my greninja from X so theres that also. 5:Garchomp:Ok this one is not as much as design but more of a nostalgic thing for me though the design has grown on me lets just put it the star of my platinum run he was so good that by the time i was against cynthia he was lvl 85(thank you vs seaker) and he pretty much grew on me through out the run and thats why he makes it here. 6:Lugia and ho-oh:ok these 2 guys exist on this list because the both the design and useability i found of these 2 and honestly i couldn't put one here without the other. 7:Gardevoir and galade:these 2 are here together cause they feel complete together instead of having only one one of em gardevoir feels like a beutigul and graceful design with strong mental ability and galade has the Honorable warrior like design with strong physical abilities for me these 2 go hand in hand with a perfect blend for me. 8:Tortera:Ok this guy the design is awesome as well as the concept of him the only reason he is not higher because of the lack of use ive been getting out of him also a nostalgic bond by being my main powerhouse in pokemon daimond. 9:Regigigas:ok this guy i love cause of design nostalgia and want to say competitively but who am i joking wonder i just transferred my regis from emerald and was just roaming around Sinnoh when i gain access to snow point temple i enter theres a weird pokemon statue it intrigues me i look around for weeks one day cariously have all 3 regis with me and a battle begins i catch it and because of the games dumb ai i sweep the champion and frow a wierd fantasy of how powerfull it is then to weep in appointment's years later but still cool poke deserves a buff. 10:Zoroark:Ok this guy has an awesome design just love its ability and concept behind it the only reason he is so low on here because i dont have as much of a bond as i have with some pokemon here but awsome poke and fits my battle style to a fast attacking pokemon. also theseguys deserve and honorable mention sceptile blastoise venasaur typhlosion reshiram zekrom yveltal xerneas dramantan slowpokeand its evolutions Tyranitar goomy and evs and beheyem
  7. welcome to reborn dont forget to check the community rules on the top left corner and hope to see you around the forums wish we can be friends one day also i myself quite enjoy normal monotypes.
  8. actually the reason most find yokai watch and pokemon a competetor that there are collectible monsters in it and its seem to have taken some inspiration from pokemon itself yeah that's about it. As for yokai watch itself its fun itself but i found it to be a bit to random with the captures and battles in it visually quite good but the story a bit childish and honestly them trying to make the yokai look child friendly takes the cool factor out of alot of yokai granted there are exceptions but usually monsters at A and S rank get away with it and even that up to a limit that have quite an interesting myth behind it and that kinda enrages me. So its something i can enjoy as a casual play for a while but the last point of the game i pointed out is a general downer for me personally even more than the story so anyone who wants to buy it go ahead it can be a unique experience but if you are someone who dosent like sub randomness or the battle mechanic and of course the overall child like and how to say it over comedy to put it also colecting some yokai will make you break your 3ds worst then trying to catch a arceus with a team of wurmples and all normal pokeballs so yeah make your choice then.
  9. Welcome back i havent personally met you before but hope to see you around the fourms yes soon sure sure
  10. well it does learn it at lvl 40 as a pocheyena and the common candys can do the rest tp balance the level as for training it to then he can always train by beating trainers at grand hall good exp and for dd on scrafty you have to breed either altaria or haxorus(the pokemon curently avalible) later of which being only avalible by chance so scrafty can be better but i choose mighteyena cause its less of an effort to breed and requires no setup and the priority makes it virtually faster aswell
  11. i dont know probably the time i almost impaled by the metal beam missing my chest but im such a disaster magnet i know there are a few hundred lucky breaks i got
  12. welcome my friend enjoy the fourms and feel free to ask for any help needed and well everyone covered everything it seems
  13. i actully agree with jericho in total its probably gonna be a new game in gen 6 not only there has to been any official build up for gen 7 but it wil not be the first time new pokemon and moves have been added in gen 6 between games granted they were forms instead of fully fledged pokemon but its likely and updated pokedex of kalos itself maybe a new pokedex area like kalos already has mountain costal and so on maybe a new one with undiscovered pokemon in it
  14. welcome my friend hope you enjoy reborn now im gonna go dance like lunatic good day
  15. can anyone tell me the odds of a save file of pokemon ble cartridge surviving 10 years is

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Combat


      I've had my red version for more than ten years now, and it still appears to work, even after my friend caught several Missing numbers on it.

    3. Exalted


      well found my old cartridge lets hope it still contains my original playthrough unfortunetly its like 11 pm here and i dont have batteries for my gb color

    4. Kiozo


      My Blue had worked long past it's ten year mark. I don't think there's an inherent 'odds' though lol.

  16. welcome my friend the adventure that is reborn and please remember to hand your sanity near the door
  17. ok lets try this guy Mega Noctowl Flying/Psychic Unaware hp 100 Attk 50 Def 90 spattk 97 Spdef 115 Spd 90 ok unlike most people this one not totally based on competitive prowess though now i look it at it can be used quite will in competitive but the reasoning behind my choices is that since its debut noctowl has always been the least popular of the regional birds now for its typing it always felt a psychic type as its hypnotic abilities and the vast array of psychic moves it learns. Originally i was gonna make insomnia its ability but then i remembered you can find them sleeping in gen 2 via headbutt trees and owls are merely nocturnal and sleep during day so unaware cause just look at it do you think it gives a damn about anything and the pilots noctowls from the anime i loved how he slept during the entire episode and woke up in the last 5 min.and the stat distribution i always found it to be kind of a strategic thinker instead of an all out atacker so a bulky all rounded pokemon with just terrible attack and a firly useable spattk and spd stats.
  18. I believe i can Fly

  19. i read science or history books find something super interesting then im good to go
  20. I am an OX and all of you beware of my afro break.
  21. just upload it to a image hosting site and put the link here between (img)here(/Img) and replace the brackets shown with these ones[ ] this one may help http://postimage.org/
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