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Everything posted by Exalted

  1. depends on what your team needs tbh or what you want personally i say galade and pick up a wevile later in the game but its entirely up to what you want both are great pokemon
  2. there there maybe we can convice him to add a few during development we have plenty of time probally
  3. i see interesting indeed well i cant determine each of thier competitve worth by looks alone but i hope it will be an interesting fight im gonna restart specifically with lifoam just to see how tough can this team really get and one last question can you post the stats of each starter and movepool even a pm would be ok would help me startegize what to do with the starters
  4. tom ive been meaning to ask the team for cath on your signature can that be considered the cannon team(in your own developed story) if so is effur her cannon starter in your opinion in turn making lifoam the cannon starter for the player is that so or just cause that guy looked cool
  5. i just remmbered todays mewtwos birthday

  6. the reason i choose to leave a food or give up on it for a while usually have to to do with health concerns for myself or something i want to try out before determining is it good or bad for me in general. I do eat meat vegetables dairy all of em my diet is open like that apparently. i agree with you life isnt that black and white thats why i only gave up on dairy for a short amount of time and not permanently cause i was trying to experiment with some diet changes a while back and quite literally found no point of it myself i could survive and tolerate a lack of dairy in my life but i had no disadvantages of consuming it so i said why not eat it in the term i was speaking of was that was that she can eat and not eat what ever she wants but she must be careful that the lack of such food dosent in term harm her when re reading my post i can see i kinda had hit and miss with that with some points landing and others not. And so if you will permit me a small evaluation of what i actully meant cause hell i know this post is confusing in its self: Eat What ever you want dont eat whatever you dont want to but make sure it dosent drastically effect your body for the worse if it does not or has no effect listen to no one else and nothing else about it meaning we survived for millions of years with the food we have so why do we need to change that and if you do its a personal choice. P.S:i agree completely with you in the seafood front.
  7. its easy step one extract ep 15 folder anywhere you like on the computer step 2 open the game step 3 you are done
  8. well there is nothing wrong with being dairy free nor is it a bad dissension but you will need to keep up with it for as long as you live though so better toughen up. im generally not dairy free i can cut down on or completely leave a type of food completely or for a little while if so i need to i once left dairy for a little while about 2 to 3 months and tbh did not miss it much and that all there is to it willpower or just a general substitution for it. So good luck but i would recommend first giving it a go for like a few weeks or months and then deciding as a human body can have drastic changes and cravings after leaving a certain food not all people but some do.
  9. ok so i dont get it we all know the infamous scene from dragon ball z its over 9000 dosnt it feel like vegeta was over reacting i know power levels are nonsense but his scouter didnt malfunction he destroyed it himself and later we find out his power lvl was 20000 during that time so why the overreacting as he was still stronger the gokus base power and he definetely wasnt scared for nappa any ideas

    1. Odybld


      Vegeta and Nappa relied too much on their scouters, which led them to miscalculate Goku's power at 5.000 instead of over 8.000. Vegeta destroyed it because of that unreliability and spent a huge part of the Namek arc lecturing his opponents about it and trying to sense ki instead of using scouters.

    2. Exalted


      humm thats an explanation i can agree with

  10. still would recommend metagross to be squeezed in there as it is a beast if used right and if you want you can pass me your safe and i could give it back to you saved in front of beldum and you can just battle and catch the little rascal then
  11. metagross i highly recommend cause it can act as a great tank and can work as a great switch in even on gym leaders specially seeing all of its weakness has been crossed and that we might just get hardy to challenge and it can both wall and put heavy damage on rock types also try getting dramanitan as titania is up and a seeing you have ninetales after sun its flare blitz would knock out almost any steel pokemon lucario and flygon are ther for same reason of having a advantage on titania
  12. actually rosa most people probably read the previous post. but i will still recommend planning the league instead of posting each rule update as it goes on making a league out of no where it will be mess like many said redemption took months to plan you should do the same as most people ignored it as it only gave a vague description of the rules structure like i said before get a few managers get a team and make it up but its still your league your choice but this will most likely be a better plan as a strategy for a long term stay Edit:yeah now i read my words after posting a bit confusing i agree let me rephrase quickly firstly it would be ideal if you decide up on all the rules get a proper structure up first then make an updated fully prepared thread so a layout can be made much easily then start recruiting leaders and after everything is done continue it will how we say it a much more clean setup.
  13. if any has or could breed me a spare Froakie and treeco i can offer plenty of charmanders ivs gender nature none maters
  14. Ok so as i see it nothing wrong with there being a new league nor when it happens or so on what i think needs a little fixing is the rules and definitely the timing no you cannot say this is a copy paste of redemption league rules and just have a league and timing and so on and that is an issue that needs to be fixed i get how dash feels and tbh i kinda cant blame the guy there was alot of work put in to the redemption league and anyone would be mad to say the least i haven't got a full chance to participate but i have seen it work and observed no mater a league come up the redemption league is here and its here to stay so everyone stay calm. As for ame rosa before posting of the league i recommend you start over and recruit some more people and instead of being exactly like redemption start small 8 gyms E4 champ a standard league now decide some managers and along side them decide new rules from scrap its fine to take some inspiration from redemption like the pokemon and stuff so on but dont just copy paste it as for timing you have to change that thats a must cause frankly this league wont survive long if you compete with and already developed league so for now start small and think this through it needs to be organized and doing it alone very hard if you want help on a timing schedule i say first collect all leaders see which time can they battle and host the league and even if its a time you cant be online that can also be manged so in easy words start over and put a few weeks just before a full on announcement and people will help just ask but work with patience and planning,
  15. well if you want a current list of very helpful pokemon until Kiki i suppose thats when you can get ralts after beating her so ill say technician kricketune hariama Pyroar Digersby magenton golurk manetric the police egg pokemon they change save to save but all of them are pretty usefull pokemon you cant get till late game or cant be gotten normally medicham Zoroark honchcrow Dramanitan and i know i missed a few but genrally these guys can carry you easy and if you have speed boost blaziken as a starter just half the game is sweeped
  16. now i will give a little evaluation of the chars in game that i understood and i have played with most of em so i know how they work and this is my opinion feel free to point out any mistake: also which character to do you hate the most i know tough choice i was gonna go lusung but the cinderland story made me slightly warm up to him then dodan but he is just outright blown out of the dislike scale by nasooyoo not gonna spoil why i hate her play through the end of viridian coast you will know i just find her personality then just vile
  17. Current mood:anoyed by all the current mood updates

  18. i play this game to pretty fun if you know what you are doing and a tip for all who are stating out start as an 3 and half star or below character as the game gets a hecka lot difficult once you cross jadestone
  19. welcome back to the forums and and enjoy the the insanity also so many people lose their save files and not having will to replay maybe i should just make them a new save file and play them till the point they lost it i do like 4 runs a week so whynot
  20. pretty solid except lose overheat and choose between flamethrower and fireblast for the item choice scarf or specs is better but lifeorb is workable
  21. a tip get a butterfree with compound eyes ability catch a caterpie with run away compound eyes signifigantly raises chance for a helld item if the pokemon is in the lead active or fainted dosnt matter
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