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Everything posted by Hypa

  1. there might be a bug on protect i had a burmy use it 5 times in a row successfully on me , and whats with the emolga event it flys away to an unreachable place...
  2. welcome to the insane asylum that is reborn :3
  3. just a quick question just started the game but could you incorperate a way to turn the music off i dont see it in the options menue
  4. gyarados :'( </3 why bring him up heart broken , welcome anyways gl and enjoy your time here
  5. thanks man that helped me get outta my hatred of christmas , although i wouldn't be brave enough to do it myself as i live in a family full of preuds i don't talk to my parents about girlfriends nor do i let them meet them because my mom would be at my throat and my dad would be ordaining the relationship because he is lets say highly christian. Anyways best of luck with the new gifts loving the christmas cup. GL on the wedding btw.
  6. tfw people close to you play headgames
  7. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=11192 check the spoilers it says that they would do the abilities in sequence can i ask why pikachu there are lots of better electric type pokemon ? ide take a stab in the dark at nostalgia
  8. Im not sure if the hidden abilities for the pokemon have been integrated yet and its not done by RNG anymore its apparently done in sequence according to the Ep 14 information , so this occurrence of getting the same thing twice doesnt happen
  9. Hypa


    one of my saves Pyroar (with moxie) basically was able to solo the game up to shade pretty easily still keep him on as a great party member in the team (in that save anyway) but yea if done well a moxie poke can help you out a tonne
  10. nice video! glitching that skunktank event tho (presuming you glitched it) (dawww u got me off a cute number of posts x.x)
  11. Hypa

    Exp. share

    it would make leveling a team really easy with no switching and concentrating on each poke and how to battle with it and defeats the purpose of having level caps , your still using one poke just your whole team levels up along with it ... or atleast thats how i feel it would become anyway it would make creating a team a lil bit too easy
  12. pidove because it evolves into a powerful staraptor
  13. Hypa


    download , episode 14.1 its supposidly fixed in that one , moxie raises attack by 1 stage when it kills an opponent in battle really usefull in reborn imo to notice the effects you need a move that requires an attack that depends on the attack stat and not the special attack stat
  14. Hypa

    Hype trainnnnn

    ducklet is catchable anyway what would be the point of having an egg
  15. i dont think if he is at corey he is at the point where he gets to route one i could be wrong its been a while since ive been at that stage of the game , when your ready
  16. hmm corey was never a guy i had much problem with cant for the life of me remember what i used i think it was a meowstic that meowstic was epic for the start of the game and helped me out tonnes also sorta usefull for shades gym later with shadow ball
  17. you know why it was well recieved ? because it wasn't wasn't the same old generic dance music, and yes there is thats why i refereed you to a hypothetical "skrillex radio" by which i meant a dance music radio channel. my point was this isnt a dance music radio channel this is supposed to be a reborn radio :3 last time i checked reborn didnt have the same definition as dance :3 Sorry for being so umm rude but it kinda needed to be said
  18. who ever was asking for the results of that personality test thiny INTJ pm me for further details

  19. basing that comment on what i said last night , you quoted my text and what i said here had nothing to do with what your text claimed try to be more specific. Okay ill be the first to admit i wasn't at all pleasant last night but in my defense it wasn't just me disliking the music every time there was 4-5 people disliking the tracks they just didnt state the fact they disliked the repetitive same genre music. And the chop suey cover was just a tester to see if a half neoclassical approach might be appreciated xD
  20. yeah but by skrillex radio i meant that genre sorry if i didnt make that clear but its not really a radio if there isn't variety , i didnt bash the music at all i requested something that isnt techno , at no point did i say the music was bad , i said it alienated some of the listeners and can you honestly say im wrong? you seem to have got the complete wrong idea from what i posted sorry if it offended you but at no point did i attack anything i asked for a variety is that too much to ask ?
  21. is it the first time reborn has been compared to a Californian hotel of ill repute ? xD
  22. Request for some non techno music because there is no variety a radio should have at least some degree of variety 99% of the songs played yesterday were electronic basically alienating a portion of the community. it may as well have been Skrillex radio
  23. pc deletion thing is that the poke deletion thingy ? because i would like my shiny charmander back :'( poor lil guy took me an age to hatch him
  24. Hypa


    ^ reminded me of the Terra line of having Ceil on her knee's covered in ketchup
  25. but its like a lion tiger dog thingy but yeah i like the team im yet to try it out should be some fun testing it
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