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Everything posted by bepe

  1. bepe

    Sun stone

    There may be some laying around, but if it's not in the guide it's probably easier just to mine.
  2. That's what mine looks like too. Like antilegend said its pretty situational and I don't use it too much. It does have some solid 4x resistances so I like to keep it around for those times.
  3. bepe

    Sun stone

    I think you can get them by mining.
  4. You can always go back after you finish the story line in the sewer.
  5. I'll second changing the field, and also recommend using escavalier or gigalith to tank hits from his team.
  6. E16 won't be out for a while, you can track the progress here though: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=15347
  7. The reason it has acrobatics is because her field effect doubles the power of acrobatics whether or not you hold an item.
  8. That's an interesting idea, but there are far more x doors than pulses, and it seems pretty likely that you need all 4 keys to open those doors, so Team Meteor probably doesn't have access to them either.
  9. Golem maintains its usefulness for a while by guaranteeing stealth rocks for important battles
  10. And you have to trade a growlithe egg not a growlithe
  11. I don't think starmie learns shadow ball.
  12. There are 3 other mega stones out there, but they're just for us to collect for now.
  13. Have you tried the focus energy scope lens sniper combo? I have one of those trained up and while it's not the best thing in my box, it still hits reasonably hard.
  14. bepe


    I think it was changed so that you need to grab more crystal plugs in iolia valley before the rock changes, so you may need to go to the valley first.
  15. bepe


    You need the helix fossil in you bag, but can't have a dome fossil with you or they freak out.
  16. Toxic spikes are really effective, just watch out for her poison heal breloom.
  17. That was changed this episode. If you check the obtainable pokemon guide, you'll see that machop can't be caught in the wild anymore.
  18. Swoobat was really good at first, but started becoming to difficult to set up with so I dropped it.
  19. That'd be cool. Then we could battle corey again in the nightclub.
  20. I feel like they will be events just for completions sake. I feel like it would be a bit of a let down if we get 4 of his pokemon and the other 2 are just gone for good. They may not be significant pokemon, but would still be a nice side quest in my opinion.
  21. Wow that's some dedication! Nice job.
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