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Snap Crackle Pop

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Everything posted by Snap Crackle Pop

  1. Lix. Jk, no bestiality. And for the RoG pole thing, I'd prefer to skip ahead but I'm not opposed to the capture the flag either :3
  2. Is it me, or do Pokeblock look they would be really delicious..?

  3. Name: Katsumi Erdos Age: 20 Gender: Female Ethnicity: Japanese (American)/ Caucasian (Canadian) Class: Scout Support Skill: Tracking Personality: Katsumi is a very upbeat individual and is generally very cheery and optimistic. She's generally very good to be with, but may annoy some people due to her argumentative streak and she really loves to play the devil's advocate. Being pretty creative she thinks quickly on her feet but she can seem a bit arrogant. Loving efficiency and having a tendency to generalize, Katsumi may be a bit quick to judge a person. If she has to repeat herself, she can get a bit snippy, but she’s generally calm and doesn’t take many things personally. She also has some ADHD, so she notices a lot of things but she has difficulty focusing, particularly if she is not interested .She wears a spinner ring on her left ring finger that she uses quite often due to her inability to sit still for too long. She joined the ERC mainly because she’s very adventurous and has always been curious of the whole world of Esperanza. She also has a very deep desire to help people and would willingly give her life up for a good cause. Backstory: Katsumi has lived a generally plain life, her parents were both middle class and she had never really had much hardship. She was, from a young age, always fixated with joining the ERC, and she did just that as soon as she came of age to do so. With the outbreak of the virus, she lost her father and some of her good friends. Even without the virus hitting per personally, Katsumi was devastated by the death and destruction it brought forth; she became resolved do as much as she could to try to find the solution. And so she joined the expedition. Appearance: Kind of short and small, but also well-toned, seeing at how she had joined the Esperanza Ranger Core. She has a very distinctive face, being a mix of both Japanese and Caucasian features, distinctive, but in a good way, one could say. Her hair is raven black, cut short and barely jaw length with some shorter and some longer strands, it normally looks like it hasn’t been combed given the texture. Both of her eyes are brown, but one is a lighter hazel-y shade and the other is a dark reddish brown. Additional: She's fluent in both English and Japanese, but she has a preference for English.
    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tacos


      Around 39 minutes idk what the song was, but it just seems so familiar and I can't figure it out and its frustrating me everytime.

    3. Tacos


      oh wait it was sao season two ending theme

    4. Deleted User

      Deleted User

      As amazing as that is.... tl;dr or..... tl;dw? Yeah that

  4. "Where the devil are my slippers?"

  5. AHA! Finally got my hands on a Ali Project Discography!

  6. Already a drop out huh? That's interesting. And they have been watching us too? Even more interesting. She silently wished her bunkmates luck, but she had a feeling they wouldn't need it. As Aurelia was scanning the room for someone who looked relatively approachable to battle, she felt a tap on her shoulder. Turning around, she noticed another lady who was about ten years older than herself with short brown hair and light blue eyes. There was a very smug expression on her face that was broken for a moment with a good look at Lia face on. "Looking for a battle kid?" A slight micro-expression of disgust flickered through Lia's face before she busted into a smile, but the lady seemed not to notice. She had seen people like this before, she had seen them enough to know at a glance that she was being heavily underestimated due to her appearance. She was going to have fun with this one. "OOHH! My name is Lia," the blonde immediately took hold of her challenger's hand and shook it. So much fun. "I was looking for a person to battle, I guess I found one. Nice to meet you, what's your name?" "Clair," the older lady said, faintly surprised by the reaction she got, but the smirk had returned. Before she could say anything else, Lia already had a hand around Clair's wrist and she was dragging her out so that the two of them could be seen more clearly by the supervisors. "Hey! We need someone to overlook our battle," Lia said, waving at them.
  7. There was a sign on the lawn at a drug re-hab center that said 'Keep off the Grass'

  8. Nffffmmm. Too much sugar/ candy...

  9. Aurelia nodded, amused by the fact that he really did get some gloves for handling the fire type. Giving both Cirus and Trix a final pat on the head, she returned them to their balls and pocketed them, heading over to the doorway. "Should we take the stairs then?"
  10. Listen. If I wanted to hear an a$$ hole talk, I'd fart.

    1. Felicity


      Or we could have a regular chat. That sounds fun too.

  11. "Cute tails indeed," Lia nodded, bemused. "Actually, if you pull or touch the tail, the illusion wears off," she added. Yeah, they aren't so bad, the girl figured, looking briefly at Brian and Zeke in the face before looking back to the eevee and zorua as they checked each other out. She might even go as far as saying their presence was enjoyable- there were a lot of bad bad people here, it was comforting to know that not every one here was some thoroughly unpleasant lowlife. Well, as far as lowlifes went in this organization of lowlifes. "He's a bit of a show off, Trix," Lia said, motioning to the zorua as she introduced him. He was now poking and prodding the meek eevee playfully in greeting. Lia turned her attention to the ralts that was next to her, she didn't want to introduce it as just ralts and change his name later, but she hadn't thoroughly decided the name she was going to give it. "And this is.... Cirus," Lia decided, the ralts shifted it's gaze from Zoah to it's trainer suddenly, faintly surprised, but generally pleased at hearing it's new name.
  12. Did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut off? He's all right now.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Snap Crackle Pop

      Snap Crackle Pop

      Ufufufu.... New goal in life...

    3. Joker


      You're talking about a different type of mad, brother.

  13. Much amusement to be found on these forums~~

  14. For a brief moment the question surprised her, before it clicked, and she looked over at the pair of pokemon, both seemingly identical. Very casual eye contact was made between trainer and pokemon, Trix, who was poking at Lia not moments ago, stopped, a simultaneous smirk flickered on both their faces. Permission granted. The actualy ralts seemed to have an idea of what was coming and it watched with a faint smile. Aurelia opened her mouth to say something but Trix jumped the gun, lunging forward in a way that was very un-ralts like. It was within inches of Brian's face before it shifted to a pink ball and soon formed into a mirror image of him- aside from the black tail the copy had. As soon as Brian had time to register what had just happened, Trix then turned on his heels and shifted into a copy of Zeke, laughing as he did so. Trix did the same for the pokemon that accompanied them, shifting into an Eevee and a Bronzor before returning to the ground and to his actual appearance; a Zoura, who was laughing and looking very satisfied.
  15. Aurelia had to resist the urge to chuckle, seeing the two standing in awkward silence by the entrance- she found it quite amusing. She already had an idea why they were back again, judging from the influx of new arrivals and the emptiness of her room. As Brian stepped forward, both the Pokemon next to her woke up, the corners of Trix's mouth were twitching up and he was looking at Lia expectantly. The unnamed ralts took a few paces back on the bed, slightly behind it's new trainer, who remained sitting. "Eh, do you mind that the two of us stay with you here? There are no more rooms available, you see... Oh, for good manners, I'm Brian, and the kid's Eze... Zeke." "Aurelia Lennox- Lia, if you will," the girl said curtly, carefully looking the two. She had a suspicion that she really didn't have a choice, but she wasn't too eager to be sharing a room with two guys. Still... They weren't as sleazy looking as some of the other people that she had seen in her life, in fact, if she were to trust her instincts, she'd say that they didn't seem too bad at all; they were just genuinely caught off guard from her eyes earlier. "And... So long as you maintain those good manners, I don't think there will be a problem," Lia still spoke with a relatively curt voice. "Just remember that good manners do not include staring." These last words weren't quite as icy, her tone softening considerably and her expression was faintly mischievous.
  16. Aurelia had been staring off into space and thinking, she didn't have much to do right now and she was bored out of her mind. The pokemon that she received the other day, a ralts, was next to her, asleep along with her partner of many years, Trix. The zorua looked identical to his new friend, but Lia still knew who was who. The two got along better than she could have hoped for, so much so, in fact, that she was a little bit surprised, seeing at how selective the tricky fox pokemon was. She was also glad that the ralts, timid as it was, seemed to like Lia as well, it had been years since she obtained a new pokemon and she was glad that it felt at least comfortable around her. Aurelia might have continued on staring off into space like this for some time if she didn't feel the eyes on her just now, lingering. Her eyes came into focus and she looked to the door, meeting the eyes of Zeke and Brian with a raised eyebrow and a bit of impatience. The stares of strangers was not uncommon for someone like her, but it still wasn't something she got used to, from time to time it still annoyed her. "Yes?" She asked pointedly. Lia had held herself back from making a snarky comment, not wanting to make enemies on her second day. "Have you got a question?"
  17. All praise our new lord and saviour the magic toad!!

    1. Sutoratosu


      Niegh! he is not thou saviour... nor is that little shit I call Aaron. You are your own sa- *Shot*

    2. Sutoratosu


      though... he will make an interesting travel companion...just like Blackjack

    3. Chevaleresse


      what happens if the toad eats the guitar


  18. I'm not too good at reassurance, so the best thing I can find myself to say is that death is a part of life, and everyone has their time. We're here for you as are multiple buckets of icecream.
  19. And on the day school finally starts for me....

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      you too? Yeah, Career preparation while still in high school! high five!

    3. Cornerman


      School started for me 4 week ago.... FOUR WEEKS!!!

    4. Etesian


      Same here, first day of college today. Let's do our best!

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