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Status Updates posted by SilverJakler

  1. Holy crap, Togedemaru just slapped that PULSE Muk.

  2. Looking to do a run of Reborn as Cynthia. Can someone edit my save file to have the team I'd need for it?

    1. Nebulazure


      I don't know how to edit your file, sorry. If you want, you can even make it so your in-game character is Cynthia. All you need is to replace some sprites. 

    2. Candy


      ^ the only issue (which for me is a deal breaker but dunno about others) is that Cynthia's sprites are gen 4 sprites and hence larger than all other sprites in Reborn (they're gen 3).

      I can't edit saves either but if no one volunteers to do it, I can breed you the Pokémon you need 😊

    3. SilverJakler


      Oh, I'm just using the light skin female sprite. It looks almost exactly like a younger version of her, so. Also I can't ask you to do that, it'd be a lot harder to do for the team I have in mind (hidden abilities, availability etc). But, thank you though. I appreciate it!

  3. When did the relationship mechanic start? Ep 17?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SilverJakler


      Alright, cool. Thanks!

    3. Swampellow


      Iirc it was 16, but don’t quote me on that. The earliest it could have been is 15.

    4. Ice Cream Sand Witch
  4. Who do I go to to have my save file edited?

    1. Sayia


      What you need? And which game? 

    2. SilverJakler


      I just want to edit a Dratini starter I have in a file. No way I'm getting anywhere with just Wrap lol. In Reborn.

    3. Sayia


      Umm.. I would rather prefer to not do that, sorry.

  5. Is it still not possible to change IVs?

  6. When does Meowstic F start falling off in Reborn?

    1. seki108


      I used it ok up until about the 7th or 8th gym.  I still used it occasionally from there, but mostly Gardevoir replaced it.  Now that Gardevoir's moved back, that's not an option though.

    2. Magus


      I used Meowstic F with competitive all the way to Aya, I think she is the 7th gym leader.

    3. SilverJakler
  7. Current Reborn Team (post Corey): Marshtomp, Meowstic (F), Growlithe, Ursaring, Charjabug, Roselia

  8. When does the weather change in Reborn?

    1. Alistair


      It can change when you enter a new region, or after several days have passed. If you're looking for a reliable way to control it, you can try this:

      It includes the option to set the weather you want via your pokégear, among many other QoL features.

    2. SilverJakler


      Thanks, dude. This'll be real helpful considering I'm trying to train a Growlithe and there's been nothing but thunderstorms and rain out lol

  9. So how does one change the overworld weather in Reborn? Changing the date doesn't seem to work anymore.

  10. Team after beating Taka + ZEL:

    Marshtomp, Teddiursa, Meowstic (F), Charjabug, Stufful, Roselia. Any suggestions for edits?

  11. That feel when I screwed myself by getting the Espurr with my Pokesnax instead of the Whismur. I didn't know there was only one before they disappeared q_q

  12. Is the protagonist's gender ever mentioned by the other characters in the story? I honestly can't remember.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dreamy


      In E17, can't you pick any sprite with any gender?

    3. Alistair


      Yeah sprites aren't locked into a specific gender anymore in E17 (which is great because I wanted to play as a male Decibel).

      Generally speaking NPCs refer to the protag as they/them, although in a couple situations they react differently depending on your gender (as explained by seki).

      I don't think playing as male or female grants you anything at all in the long term. Playing NB gives you 1 more rep point with Adrienn and that's about it.

    4. SilverJakler


      Oh wow, that's awesome! Thanks guys, I've been out of the game for a while so I didn't know. 

  13. Thinking of picking Mudkip for my run of Reborn. Would he be a good choice?

    1. GenEric



      i herd u liek mudkibs?

    2. Dreamy


      solid choice, as long as you don't need your starter for the second gym

    3. SilverJakler


      Kricketune, baby. It'll make short work of Florina.

  14. Thinking of going through Reborn again. Fresh start, no going back to previous episodes, no requesting mons, just a pure run.

    1. SilverJakler


      Question is: what Starter do I pick? lol

    2. GenEric
    3. Candy


      Pop in the popplio

  15. Can anyone please make the edit to my save file I suggested in Request-A-Mon?

  16. Hey so Victoria, where you at?

    1. enerotreintiuno


      Beryl Cementery!

    2. Combat


      She's visiting someone important to her...

    3. SilverJakler


      Thanks guys. The one place I didn't look.

  17. Hey, where are the Move Reminder and Deleter in Reborn? I forgot.

    1. Plok


      Reminder is in Onyx ward, deleter was removed if I recall correctly

    2. SilverJakler
  18. How far in the game do I have to be to find Jangmo-o?

    1. Azeria


      Poni Island.

    2. Alistair


      how come mentioning the new BP of a move is considered spoilers but this isn't

  19. I have 3 days to beat X. Time to go into... a regular playing session because I already have 6 badges and it's short as hell anyways.

  20. Well I jsut had the main plot twist and final boss of Sun/Moon spoiled for me. keel me

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lucky98


      Exactly why I'm trying to avoid youtube and twitter for a week.

    3. SilverJakler


      The YouTube recommendeds, man. They'll get you every time. If you're up for it erase your search history and watch history. Might stop it.

    4. WildRoad


      *CLIK* NOICE !

  21. Nickname for a beautiful female Rhyhorn? I'm stumped.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SilverJakler


      Wait a minute. Beautiful Irene? That makes it even better!

    3. Alistair


      Don't overdo it. If she truly is a thing of beauty, you won't need to reiterate it in her name ;)

    4. SilverJakler


      No I meant that I understood the reference.

  22. Almost finished with White 2 in my Around the World Tour. After that will be X, and I'll be all caught up in time for Sun/Moon! Will make a topic for the results if anyone is interested.

  23. Anyone got a good rom for Pokémon Emerald? All the ones I've been trying to use just boot up to a white screen

  24. Went with Pinsir. Named her Glenda. She is beautiful and she will break your face.

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