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Status Replies posted by Felicity

  1. I've come to the conclusion that apologies aren't useful

  2. hey @Arkhi ive interacted with atok niiro do i squee now or what? idk how these things go down.

  3. hey @Arkhi ive interacted with atok niiro do i squee now or what? idk how these things go down.

  4. soooo... Twitch.tv is actually doing a Power Rangers marathon to promote the new movie... all 831 episodes are shown...

  5. i cant, i cant, fucking STOP NOBODY LIKES YOU FIR, OR YOU AZAMA

  6. @Felix- how far did you get into Gantz? You should really check out Gantz: 0 on netflix.

  7. i cant, i cant, fucking STOP NOBODY LIKES YOU FIR, OR YOU AZAMA

  8. i want a barbie game gone dark souls

  9. i want a barbie game gone dark souls

  10. fURIOUSLY Bibs picks up the phone and dials the cops. When an old cop picks up the phone with a half eaten donut in his hand all he can hear is ''yOU BETTER TAKE A SEAT FOR THIS SHIT, I'M BEING BULLIED ON THE INTERNET AND THIS IS THE FINAL STRAW I TELL YOU, tHIS IS THE FINAL STRAW''


    The old cop tries to collect himself, straightens up and puts the donut down all the while this person is yelling on the phone. ''Sir, pardon me?'' the old cop interrupts the iNFURIATED manchild on the line. ''bRUH, I NEED YOU TO GET INTERPOL ON THIS SHIT, I'M NOT GONNA STAND FOR THIS ANYMORE! IMMA 1V1 FIGHT THOSE FUCKERS, LIKE FUCK YOU GUYS, YOU KNOW WHAT I'M SAYIN'!?'' which baffles the old cop and he abruptly hangs up. He was not gonna spend his night shift dealing with this shit


    But this just makes Bibs all the more aNGERY so he calls the emergency line...

  11. Dobby, I will hunt you down!

  12. I never knew writing explicit fanfiction could be so sinful

  13. can one of the new trainers say

    "I love two things, star and bucks like omg"

    and then she has a staryu and a sawsbuck?

  14. i think i vaguely remember seeing you like a tweet from an asmr person once and that's all the reason i need to share this


  15. Does anybody else feel a little sorry when they kill an unarmed enemy healer in Fire Emblem? Sure, they're bags full of experience points for weaker units, but they don't even fight back unless they're promoted. (Or bash you with their staves in Radiant Dawn. Not like they do any damage.)

  16. this is the future that liberals want



  17. i set foot downstairs and the first thing my lil bro does is rush up to me w/ my mom and tells my mom to ask me if he can go and watch overwatch with me. this kid's even more addicted than i am, can i wake up for a second first oml


  19. K͙͇̤i̧̳t̶̖̭̗̭͔̫t̹͕͔̬̻y͕̥... Ḱ̟̹͈̠͍̳̪̹̻̺̰̥̩ ̀̕͏̺̟̲̩̱̀I̡̡̝̙̮̳ ̢̳̪͕̺̻̠̰̼̪͚͢͞T͠͏̖̞̮̳͈͚̬̯̺̜̱̤̺̤̣̬͈ ̖̟̣̪͉̠̝̗̙̪̳̰̤͞Ţ̤͇̩͞ ̴̲̞̼͇̲͟͟͜Y̶̵̢̳̠̥̫̥̥̭͡͞

  20. (Pokemon Sins) Clown cunt.png







  21. Cut my knife into Pizza, this is my plastic fork, supper's waitin', no eatin, don't have a duck if you're a darn vegan.

  22. Online server is back up! Sorry for the issues!

  23. looking for tips on how to stop feeling depressed randomly

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