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Status Replies posted by Felicity

  1. Fie is best, I have decided this.

  2. I'm the best Felix. Anyone who says otherwise is wrong.

  3. Which is more preferable: Being actively stressed with so much to do or being extremely bored with nothing to do?

  4. Who is the better Felix?

  5. behold, the list of people who will be bewildered the next time they log on.

  6. Who is the better Felix?

  7. I just watched an Ayylmao horror movie at almost 2 am. We go hardcore over here

  8. Bibs burst the door open to McDonalds. This was the last straw of what he could handle from Marcello, and his fuccboi affairs. He rushed into their bathroom stalls, ignoring the surprised looks of people with fries hanging from their mouth. Marcello and Andrea had just entered the male bathroom stall when Bibs smashed that mf door open. ‘’YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD GET AWAY WITH THIS HUH!? GUILTY IN MY BOOK! WHAT THE FUKE’’ he yelled at Marcello as he pushed Andrea away. The poor girl hurrying out of the stall in fear of this Belgian monster. ‘’You’re not supposed to be here Bibs, this is the men’s stall’’ Marcello said in confusion, which aggravated Bibs even more. ‘’OH, OHHHH! YOU’RE GOING THERE HUH, YOU’RE GOING THERE. I’VE GOT MORE BALLS THAN YOU AND YOU KNOW IT NERD!’’ He screamed at him, straight up in his face.

    ‘’Who do you think you are!?’’ Marcello replied back becoming irritated at his wife’s PMS banter. ‘’I’M THE FUCKING SHERIFF, WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU!?’’ a loud scream was heard. This has now become a screaming fest between 2 memelords in the bathroom stalls at McDonalds.

    ‘’YOUR MEMES ARE SHIT’’ Marcello finally screamed, having finally said what he truly what went wrong in the beginning of the relationship. Bibs looked at Marcello in utter shock, feeling paralyzed at first but slowly feeling a rage boiling in him. ‘’you tAKE THAT BACK!’’ he /SCREEEeeeeeched and slapped him, all the while shaking with rage. His rage has been unleashed.


    ‘’YOU KNOW WHAT, THIS IS OVER! YOU’RE TOO NEEDY FOR ME. YOU DIDN’T EVEN GIVE ME A RIM JOB WHEN YOUR UNCLE GERARD PASSED AWAY! THE THINGS I HAVE TO PUT UP WITH!’’ Marcello screamed and stormed out of the stall, straight out the exit all the while people stared with burgers in their hands.

    This is the Grand finale of the love tragedy that was Bibs and Marcello. Bibs later began abusing memes on the internet, and Marcello… He met up with a girl named Jessica at Taco Bell shortly after

    Thank you all for reading <3

  9. @Marcello @The Caveman

    Bibs sat down at the couch in the living room, twiddling his thumbs after the phone call he had just received. His uncle had passed away which felt like his world had been turned upside down.
    Marcello walked out from the bathroom where he had originally passed out due to a prior heavy night out drinking.

    Bibs looked up from the ground at Marcello with tears in his eyes, feeling unable to mutter a word. As Marcello sat down, with his forehead in his palms as a poor attempt to ease his headache caused by the hangover, Bibs could finally force himself to speak. ‘’Uncle Gerald has passed away’’ he whispered just before he broke down crying, like he couldn’t help himself. Marcello looked at Bibs for a second before he straightened up and looked for his phone in his pockets.

    He dialled a number and not long after he greeted the person on the line with with his superior british accent ‘’Ey, what up Ashley! How about we do something classy this afternoon, yeah? Shag behind Asda, yeah?’'

  10. @Marcello @The Caveman

    Bibs sat down at the couch in the living room, twiddling his thumbs after the phone call he had just received. His uncle had passed away which felt like his world had been turned upside down.
    Marcello walked out from the bathroom where he had originally passed out due to a prior heavy night out drinking.

    Bibs looked up from the ground at Marcello with tears in his eyes, feeling unable to mutter a word. As Marcello sat down, with his forehead in his palms as a poor attempt to ease his headache caused by the hangover, Bibs could finally force himself to speak. ‘’Uncle Gerald has passed away’’ he whispered just before he broke down crying, like he couldn’t help himself. Marcello looked at Bibs for a second before he straightened up and looked for his phone in his pockets.

    He dialled a number and not long after he greeted the person on the line with with his superior british accent ‘’Ey, what up Ashley! How about we do something classy this afternoon, yeah? Shag behind Asda, yeah?’'

  11. The past few weeks I haven't been feeling like myself. I feel like, in real life and on the internet, people have been feeling a lot more negative towards me, and I don't know why. At school, I'm the kind of person who minds their own business, and keeps out of anything drama related, but as of late people have been giving me strange looks, and acting more negatively towards me. I haven't said/done anything to deserve it, because I actively choose to NOT do anything that could warrant that, so what's the deal?

  12. The past few weeks I haven't been feeling like myself. I feel like, in real life and on the internet, people have been feeling a lot more negative towards me, and I don't know why. At school, I'm the kind of person who minds their own business, and keeps out of anything drama related, but as of late people have been giving me strange looks, and acting more negatively towards me. I haven't said/done anything to deserve it, because I actively choose to NOT do anything that could warrant that, so what's the deal?

  13. What do you call a fly without wings?

  14. If you marry me, you not only marry me but my 4 cats Muffin, Mimi, Minnie and Carl

    1. Felicity


      well i'll bring the pickles n the fat cat ez

    2. (See 23 other replies to this status update)

  15. come to the profile of felix for top quality non content, 100% natural grown bullshit.

  16. So I managed to get no sleep, spill coffee over myself on the bus and download a tedious thing on my phone. But at least I remembered my glasses! 

  17. So I managed to get no sleep, spill coffee over myself on the bus and download a tedious thing on my phone. But at least I remembered my glasses! 

  18. So I managed to get no sleep, spill coffee over myself on the bus and download a tedious thing on my phone. But at least I remembered my glasses! 

  19. Aaaaand.. they broke Fire Emblem: Heroes. Wings of Mercy Takumi, here I come!

  20. I spy you in the user registry, hope you doin' ok o/

  21. I am now a free elf.

  22. I ordered way too much pizza


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