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Reborn Development Blog

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Starlight Divide Devblog

Desolation Dev Blog

Status Replies posted by Felicity

  1. I did not expect Gantz to have so many tits

  2. I just want you guys to know that I love you all




  3. I just want you guys to know that I love you all




  4. I have to admit i much prefer Persona 4s soundtrack over P3.

  5. I have to admit i much prefer Persona 4s soundtrack over P3.

  6. I have to admit i much prefer Persona 4s soundtrack over P3.

  7. I am a status 

  8. Thanks Ojama has now been immortalised  <3

  9. I swear one of these days I'm just going to say "fuck it" and go on a full shitposting rampage and nobody will be able to stop me.

  10. Did I mention that I hate time manipulation as a plot device? It always leads to BS happening.

  11. Did I mention that I hate time manipulation as a plot device? It always leads to BS happening.

  12. Moons and stars are pretty and so are you

  13. Am I the only one who would move heaven and earth to see DuncanKneeDeep do a let's play of Reborn?

  14. 5* Sheena makes me happy and sad, looks like 2 teams, one with Camilla and one with her.

  15. that moment when you almost chug a whole carton of OJ

  16. that moment when you almost chug a whole carton of OJ

  17. No one else could make happier! I know this is cheesy but I just have to show everyone the picture my girl and I took this morning after she woke me up in bed. Happy Valentine's Day everyone! wFSpAUd.png

  18. I'm gonna date myself today

  19. behold, vajayjay graaaaph!


  20. behold, vajayjay graaaaph!


  21. They taped over your mouth
    Scribbled out the truth with their lies
    Your little spies
    They taped over your mouth
    Scribbled out the truth with their lies
    Your little spies
    Crush, crush, crush, crush, crush (one, two, three, four)
    Nothing compares to a quiet evening alone
    Just the one two of us is counting on
    That never happens, I guess I'm dreaming again
    Let's be more than, this
  22. I have a thing for sleeping

  23. I have a thing for sleeping

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